How To Become Rich 💰The 7 Best Ways To Make Money Online

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what's up guys this is Stephanie and I'm right outside Dan locks new apartments a 15 million dollar apartment that he just moved into and I know many of you guys would have seen the previous interview interview that we did and tour of his last home when he just moved into this brand-new one and Chris Hemsworth actually used to live here too so I'm pretty excited this is the last time I'm going to see Dan in a while because I'm actually leaving Canada I'm moving to a brand new country so I'm excited to go in pick his brain a little bit we're gonna have a discussion about seven ways to make money online and I look forward to sharing with you guys so let's not can see if Dan's home so good to see you see you build you the first one who actually a friend who come visit oh wow if you'll honored come on wow this is beautiful I love I love what you have that's the branding right right there absolutely yes I call this my you know demo headquarters you know my primary residence which yes is it right my home this is the penthouse downtown Vancouver downtown Vancouver just take a peek here I know you're gonna show me around it but this amazing view of Vancouver I don't know man you're moving out away from Vancouver but you'll be back you don't even I'll be back you'll be back I know you'll be back let me give you a quick to just gonna live the laptop flight like lifestyle for a while I know you want to try I know you want to travel so this is this is my office so I work from here sometime I just just all this light in this view the all natural light celebration but this here is actually July 1st they are the firework that's right yeah yeah that's Canada in Canada yeah that's that's beautiful that's the kind of the place yeah the barbecue you check out the balcony you be awesome in seeing so you just moved in here yeah literally a couple months ago mother why did he decide to well first of all my I my place is good but I need a place where I can do filming yeah I can also need a place where it's bigger and also my team works from here yeah so we have the meetings because my team is expanding a lot as you know sure you can see how beautiful yeah that's the Pacific Rim right short our that's a convention center yeah you know one of my goals to be I want to have and my next even I'm doing a big event al Tolbert yeah probably a thousand people yeah it's the biggest place I could find it is hired that it can add five thousand yeah you can provide that's perfect right there and they got the plane taking off in a lot of fruits under your name yeah in Cooper's just one of the most beautiful cities but you know la is good too yeah he's awesome moving la moving to Panama Panama a little while but kind of much good love Panama yeah this is this is this is game of throne oh yeah I got a youtube welcome to the club yeah well the club this is kind of cool but if you small I want to get the gold one oh yeah I'll get the gold when you hit that next moment everything this grows skills so much faster you can see this is actually from one of my mentees so this is the Vancouver see that yes the gothicassle yeah from a Dan Pena that's pretty cool I mean keep showing you around this is interesting when you see this I love this piece this is all it's not painting this is like a map yeah yeah it's really awesome singing with this piece that's cool I love it actually I bought this it was so big before I got this place yeah I just love the piece I got it wouldn't have to mice I didn't have a place one yet I just bought it and its really well it just happens and then they have these ones it's like a whole five of them right and this is my bedroom and this is where my team works from so I'll show you this place I turned out this was a bedroom before I just turn into office usually you're like multiple guys but today what filming so that's all good is where they work from yeah you mentioned Chris Hemsworth useful if you only know Gibson yeah Liam Nielsen the off stay in the same unit so when I first moved in it was like literally before me a couple days ago Chris Hemsworth just moved out that's awesome but it was filming here right yeah in Vancouver so I saw in my shower this big massive hand yeah that is Chris Kaman it's kind of interesting I know you're being on environment as well yeah what did you notice now living in a building like this because obviously everyone here is financially oh yeah you have somebody you have their networking you're just around other successful people hmm well first of all first of all conveniens it's easy very easy to have meetings yeah right and also definitely expand my contacts right yes I'm almost night but this is like yeah way way nicer and you upped your game oh yeah you explained your mind and every day you you wake up in that view you're very motivated to do more and be more right for this my my team works from usually they're working hard and doing stuff so usually they're looking right I caught you man what is this oh my god oh as you can see the game oh my god this is so fun I gotta be Ryu I gotta go out there we gotta be in a play this play super I do know what I do super yes yes oh okay probably lay out while you write oh yeah other can get a kill now this is how serious business is done exactly yeah yeah all the deals with yes oh nice oh okay oh there you go so I got this machine it's got like ten thousand games oh really yeah that's like the ultimate tiny new machine it's got so many I can see I'll show you some cool I'm getting rid of everything right now because I'm living out of my suitcase trying to you gotta have this I've been I'm moving out of my apartment selling everything so right all the like all the components yeah that's games that's fun well we work hard we play yeah right I love it it's really cool I thought you man I caught you I thought you're working on a way to computer but it's good that you like style stuff like all right now let's see the UH the living area the living area so and it's good cuz then when we have our the team meetings and stuff then we just have it in here because now the team is quite quite big now yeah like all the chairs all tickets so that's that is the deal yeah it's love love all the light the natural light that you get and you see nowadays they don't they don't build buildings like that yeah with that high ceiling anymore yeah right yeah just not yeah and there's also they could not build anything in front of it right it's unnecessary yeah so either yeah so those buildings they're wrong yeah over here we got Stanley Park I've got Stan yes Danny Park I got the lion's gate bridge of lions gate bridge yeah and it's nice sometimes you know after half work Jinna we will walk down yeah yeah go to a restaurant and then walk back yeah it's nice I wasn't thinking about I didn't think of it always a downtown person but now I live in downtown it's actually pretty good yeah I know I'm not gonna see why you like downtown yeah it's good yeah it's good yeah for me I love just being able to walk everywhere everything if you'd energy the energy it's more fast-paced in everybody definitely it actually reminds me believe or not this looks a lot like Hong Kong really it does like the Victoria Harbour that we have in Hong Kong you have the the buildings it's it has that feeling to it yeah yeah what's out left here so yeah right okay guys I'm here with Dan Locke and we're gonna share with you guys seven amazing ways for you to make money online so the first way that we're going to talk about is information products information products is creating ebooks courses membership sites it could be audio programs I know you've got a lot of experience selling info products online one of the first ways and I've even you know he's got the fu money book if you guys haven't checked it out yet one of my favorite books that was one of your input products that I went through and then also you actually created a DVD program back in the day with out some DVDs you guys remember me the easy that's not blu-ray DVDs that's what the input products were back in the day and you had a few money as the system that I went through that helped me build my first online business yeah so what's been your experience with the info products what are some of the pros and cons I think info products definitely one of one of my favorite it's it's it's a one who ever knew stream that maybe like tens of millions of dollars I would say info product I like it because the profit margin yeah because as an info product I'm not selling the CD or DVD or the book I'm selling what the information would do for people yeah so the the the product itself it's like I say a piece of paper a piece of paper is worth nothing but the menu print something as a hundred dollar bill it's just paper and ink it's what's on it what's in the program so and also info product as far as I'm concerned I mean I've done many different business model ecommerce selling products and doing a lot of different things but I find that I get most satisfaction for meaningful products yeah because it's through that you are creating change in people's lives and the feedback that you get yeah when you sell something when you sell a supplement when you sell a product or send something online they buy the product and they use it yeah but they're not selling you those stories right yeah they're not sending you those like life-changing moments yeah I find that info product I maybe because I'm a teacher yeah as a mentor I loved that model but has changed a lot back down we're not even talking about the video I'm talking about like cassette tapes remember those cassette tapes yeah remember the first few info info products I bought Tony Robbins yeah personal power yes right you know those cassette tape yeah get the edge yeah we have Brian Tracy the psychology of achievement Jim Rohn are all the great like motivational speakers and that's how a lot of us got started yeah well I think that's also why now we have a passion for it because we do we know how those products change our lives that's right right and now we want to do what if I have my own products they can also impact people's lives in that kind of way yeah right yeah and that's how I changed my life right it was it was finding Tony Robbins and all these incredible teachers that had the courage to put themselves out there to share their expertise what they had learned and that made such an impact in my life and I think also often times whatever the struggles that we've had in our lives whether it's trying to make money whether it's with their health relationship or whatever it is we first solve that problem for ourselves yeah and in the process of solving that problem you have to learn you have to go through the ups and downs you know all these things and there's often because there's so much emotion attached to the pain that you win yes that you become very passionate and you want to make sure that other people don't have to go through what you went through because you're on the other side of IDIA you've benefited from all this stuff and you want to naturally share I think it's a natural progression that people have hundred-person where once you've maybe mastered an area of your life you feel it's it's your duty it's your gift permission yeah to share and help other people and I I remember even for myself at one time I had a binge eating disorder that was one of the most painful things I went through and I found the coaches I went through the books all this to overcome it and I always said to myself when I do overcome it I'm gonna help other people with that just because there's so much emotion there mmm so I I love input products too and I think there's different ways to sell them right because some people like a classic input product is just a book yeah a book usually might have lower profit margins it's more maybe a front-end thing because it can actually allow you to maybe upsell a higher ticket info product there's a few people that easiest for people to understand it's a book it's a low perceived value but it's the most popular yes right people understand I know what that is yeah versus if it's a membership site maybe maybe not but a book everybody understands yeah for sure yeah and I know for you when you first created a few money in and some of the books that you've written yeah was it primarily to make money because I know now also you're those books now they also become legions for you yeah and I kind of teach this with publishing on Amazon you can make money selling books you know and the Kindle it might be a 10 you know less than $10 book or a paperback it might be up to $20 book and you can make great money with that but really the big money is gonna be on the back end right because that book you can use it to build a relationship generate leads but then from there maybe you have a video product and that's I think what you did because you had draft few money book but any of the everybody system video well at first my first book that I roll use in my early 20s right so at the time I was a copywriter and I just found that I thought what if I put together a book I wanted to create a ultimate business card yeah right I think a book is the ultimate business card instead of giving someone a business card I gave them a copy of my book I remember what's traveling from I think was from to Chicago and I was sitting you know in the airplane I was talking with a gentleman sitting next to me and we were just talking away what do you do what pieces is a business owner and talk about what idea I'm a copywriter and we talk and then I kind of found a little bit about what is going through his modeling challenges just helping him out well he said oh then it's great conversation every business card I don't have a business card but I happened which in my briefcase I have a copy my book yeah and he's like that's perfect oh my god people don't throw away but his jaw dropped to the ground you got a freaking Baca my god right and it's fascinating and see his reaction and they're like he's such a young guy and they was look looking through the book he's the thing he was flipping through it he wasn't even reading it yeah by the time their plane landed he wrote me a check for $10,000 Wow well copper 80 project now would that have happened if I just gave him a business card yeah I don't think so and the thing is he didn't even read the book yeah he just liked the fact that I have the authority I have a book I'll say it built your perceived value as an author correct correct so I think from doubt weights are very powerful but obviously you have now audio program membership side you have online courses all these things you can sell at a high multiple like very high profit margin because two people not buying the information that buy what's what the information could do for them however I do think the market has shifted quite a bit yeah in the last few years back then you have people selling these different courses home study programs and even certain companies like 19 go Conant struggling because they're not adapting to the new model yeah right the old model selling a a 6 CD set or a cassette tapes right for 200 bucks when that model did basically right yeah what's your take well I know one thing I think I've seen that's change also is that information is more freely available yeah to on YouTube I mean there is just blogs there's no video or anything like that so it's changed in that way and I think it's it's key to how you position your product and and it's more than the information that III see because I actually find there's a lot of information out there there's almost too much information people get overwhelmed then I think when you have an info product that's more step-by-step and actually is aimed to help get someone a certain result I think that's the key and I think that a lot of that the free stuff out there it's not really a piece here yeah it's not really geared towards helping someone achieve a specific result yeah so when I look at info products now it's more I think there's got to be video it's gonna be multimedia it's gonna be video maybe some PDFs sometimes even a live component your question and answer a community amusing a group yeah because at the end of the day that's that's what people need in order to achieve a result but it takes a lot of people they just you know kind of Google random he's a bunch of videos yeah download and I think the other piece that gives people is this confidence that they've invested in something it gives them confidence they're more likely to actually do something with it because the information has no value unless you actually apply it do something with it so that's what I see it as I I think that you're right infoproducts I see that as one of the best income generators because you can also get affiliates to promote your products for you right so the module is there yeah there's a margin there especially digital products is that you don't have to ship anything you don't have to deliver anything so it's available model yeah it's very scalable and I guess when the downsides that I don't really look merely the only one is just a lot of work like I don't know about you but for me to create an input product usually takes a few months there's a lot of planning involved you need a team of creating the membership site editing the videos you get a no copywriting be able to sell it if there's certain skills you need to be able to to sell down ticularly the value and just that's all you need to be an expert of some sort that's right for people to invest in that kind of money because if you're like nobody then nobody knows what's expertise what's your background then no one would pay that kind of money yeah so you need to have usually not absolutely mandatory but some kind of track record of success right exactly yeah it's easier like if you're gonna sell a weight-loss product you have to have lost the weight you have had the story to tell and notice how the product right yeah I know for me and when I first created my K money mastery course for Kindle publishers like one is creating an info product has it there's a lot involved is it's nearly risky you don't know whether it's gonna sell or not yeah years ago when I first created this one dating ebook yeah I spent a year writing the book nobody bought I was like I spent a year writing this but the difference when I whenever I do create and pull product now I make sure first I have an audience I have a list and I survey them and I asked them hey I'm thinking about creating this course or this product what do you want from me what do you think it should include what's your biggest problem or challenge what's the goal you want to accomplish you want video do you want audio do you want PDFs how much would you pay for it you know like I get all that information and then I go create it and that allows me then is when when people are contributing to it in that way it's planting a seed that there's something coming but people are contributing in the process of it what I've also done too which has been great as I share people the journey of creating it like when I created my affiliate marketing mastery course I did a 99 designs contest he said hey guys vote on which logo that you like the best so I'm getting people involved and it's it's almost like you know if there's a new movie coming out they have a trailer and they're building up the anticipation for that so you know or Apple launches a new product I go they don't just come out launch it they're building anticipation and that's why you have all these people that line up outside the Apple store to buy it so I think there's a lot of a lot you can do on that side with it and I think for a lot of people sometimes I recommend doing affiliate marketing first because that at least allows you to kind of test to learn it is to see is there a demand in your audience are they actually willing to pay money for a type of product like this and then you can then go once you've proven that to create your own info product because now you know that it's gonna sell it's gonna do well yeah and then you're engaging with your audience and I think also another thing I see what you talk about I think most people nowadays they are drowning the information yes and yet they're stopping your wisdom yeah right there's so much information so many steps so many so much just so many things out there so many choices and I find that if you can provide them with that shortcut yeah how you didn't get point A to point B with the least amount of assistance in the shortest amount of time they would pay for that because they're not part they're not so much pain for the information they're paying for the speed yes instead of trying to figure it all this style stuff out on my own for one year they teach me four in five weeks and eight weeks you know it's a short learning curve yes honey per se they'd people that would like yeah and I think the industry now at least what for not what I experienced is from information now I much prefer what I call kind of a transformation type product an experiential type product where there's a process there's a community there's the offline component there's a lot of different things they're buying these sighs just the Dawid information information it's maybe part of it I think those would sell much much better yeah also those would would get them the result faster and more efficiently right so info product is great I think it's a great starting point pros and cons we've talked about you got to be an expert you got to know you have more skill set in terms of marketing themselves right yeah in order to sell this yeah so let's move on to the second one which is services services yes so services love could be coaching consulting it could be done for you type of service that you might provide whether it's providing marketing services or whatever it might be it can even be events and seminars and experiences like the money lost and things like that as well yeah so maybe share with people what's been your experience I think service is a great place to start yeah I think out of like all these business models if for example if you are already a service provider but maybe your coach or consultant your insurance agent your your staging whatever service you're providing you're already doing it or you have a skill set you're just simply using the internet to to kind of get the name out there right to market your service you're already doing it and chances are most people in your industry providing this similar service they suck in telemarketing yeah now if I have to bet most of them this suck in inter marketing then they're not on social media they've got lousy fakes a page or profile they're not doing a whole lot so even if you do a little bit more you'll dominate yeah right one of my mentees Gary he is the estate agent in Vancouver they've got a pretty good YouTube channel the YouTube channel brings him a lot of lead in business but only has like a couple of thousand like subscribers I compare it's not like us yep I got hundreds of thousands of drivers but he's in the local market you know he's a big fish in a small market we are competing in a global scale there's a different story but those type of things I think a service and also he's so easy to get into it because all you have to do is just you sell get Ally online and you may be closed on telephone or face-to-face and you in business yeah yeah now I think there's a lot of opportunity where a lot of people that have a job even though a low-paying job you know that they can transition and have an online job yes as a freelancer the free Benzer model yeah maybe maybe it's doing customer support or first whatever it may be it's doing social media marketing for someone else maybe it's it's doing writing for a blog and it's a great way that you know it's not maybe the ideal thing but at least you don't have to have your it's a great transition you're having the laptop lifestyle because now you can do your work from anywhere that you want but then also you know from that is you're learning a lot you're gaining all these valuable skills that you're getting paid for right you can then use to start one of these other models that we're sharing with you guys too so I think service is great for that reason as well is you know if you develop these skills you can offer that as a service online especially if your service is some kind of a weaker in kind of service right so they say if you're providing a digital model people manage to Facebook or or manage to Instagram well you can easily let's say charge a thousand bucks a month or whatever right a couple thousand a month have a handful clients while you only need a handful clients to make $10 a month yeah and you don't and with the $10 a month maybe you could develop you can get into e-commerce maybe and here's the thing if you are let's say providing digital marketing service for somebody they say you're you are an Instagram wizard you're making 10,000 10,000 a month working with these clients you're learning a new skill you know what's working on Instagram now if you want to launch an e-commerce product you plan to use Instagram to promote it now your chance of success is so much higher oh yeah because you have your skill you have the care flow yeah you cannot invest in this in a separate business an e-commerce business using the skills that you have developed to promote that yeah and the demand is there look at all the business all there a lot of these businesses even the big one it sucks they have no idea how do I mean of this they have no idea about search engine optimization they have no idea how to build their social media they have no idea how to do YouTube and so there's a huge demand for them to find people that can provide that as a service and do that for them exactly you can charge high ticket for it oh definitely that's the great thing is as you build yourself you can charge really really high taking work with some really high-end clients especially when it comes to digital marketing maybe like if you are being a consultant maybe a little bit more difficult because they will look at ok your age but I mean I have my like guys working on my Instagram like they're like 21 22 23 18 like these guys are working on my social media and I'm okay paying with them with that kind of money if it's not social media maybe not but social media you know what they understand the marketplace yeah they understand the Millennials they bring very creative ideas to what I do and they can get paid very very well same thing with you so H becomes actually now an abandoned depends on what you provide you're not thinking about you're 19 years old what what the hell do you know yeah well I do know a lot about Instagram I do know a lot about like no twitch yeah right yeah all these new platforms Misco musically all these platform on snapchat example exaggerated cetera yeah that's you can make money doing it and to leverage off what we shared about the info products I think if you're doing info products or you have that expertise transitioning to also do the events and consulting because info products you can charge a certain amount for but there's always gonna be a percentage of those customers they want to pay for that one-on-one yeah are they gonna pay for the in-person experience and they'll pay a premium below exactly and so I I see like that's the more high-end high ticket type stuff that you can do once they may be gone through a book of yours or your info product or whatever it is you can provide that higher level person you have done one of it like a lot of those like one day even yeah I got like a mastermind with just students yeah what's been your experience meeting them face to face being I I love it I love it it's it's a very different experience for me because I I I'm usually behind the camera you know I get talking to the camera actually with people it's becomes more real and there's a connection there's a bond not just with myself and the students but also everybody together right and I think I know from myself when I first went to masterminds and seminars everything became more real for me like before I was just kind of like looking online okay this guy in this video or this person someone like but out but when I was observing I was like okay is that really true is that people really making money online but I was until I actually went to events and masterminds and I met people and that's how I met you I came to the Canada marketing summit dan was a speaker there but when you're seeing that person in person but you're also meeting the other people you're like wow this is real these are people that get it they're on the same path they're also trying to build great there's a lot of people and you know your day to day life maybe your family and friends all think you might be crazy trying to make money online I think that's all a scam right and so when you when you're around the environment I find that to be key and often you know it's it's it's powerful there's people that will pay for it and that's a great service that you can provide 100 percent agree so you can see that these models you can integrate them yes there are many ways you can you can interview you can't do all so you can do an event for example and then film it and that could be an info products you can leverage in different ways - yeah all you can have - an info product and then boom boom is in an event yes and then afterwards you can offer them up sell them to your service your one-on-one or your higher-end coaching program like there are many ways you can do this ideally you want to integrate them obviously yeah what about let's talk about next way to make money yes so soft one is software software oh my that could be that could be apps that could be you know web-based soft kind of software as a service model yeah would you look at her right you look at a B&B it's all software yeah I think it's a huge opportunity which is what I'm actually currently I'm building right now a huge platform I think with the software you're talking about building up bake up is Alexa do you have done these some of these things you're gonna feel like a bigger business I'm talking about igniting figure business software it's definitely a very very powerful model yeah there's there's always anything that can save people time or make them more efficient or easier and especially because software and these tools that are available they allow you to I mean there's so many software's that allow you to grow your business but allows you also to eliminate having to have some employees no sourcing because if you can instead have a software do it for you like even just kind of think about email marketing like I remember when that was really becoming popular and before that you'd have to like manually email people but now when it was there software's available that you can send an email broadcast one-click it goes to your entire list yes it's powerful right so well even certain software now even more sophisticated where you have a sequence depends on the behavior if someone quantico opt-in to your list if they you know watch a webinar you follow up with them differently if they don't watch a webinar you follow up with them definitely so it's an automation type software and that's so many I mean how many apps a PP we have on our phone efficiency productivity team management marketing the sky's the limit yeah and then also these platforms like Facebook or Amazon they give access they give out their API and certain things like that that can actually allow developers to create complimentary softwares they integrate with them so a number of years ago my brother and I we created a software for Amazon publishers and it would help them be able to we created it first for ourselves because we had all these books that were selling on Amazon so we wanted to create a software that can allow us to track things and automate it and and you know submit press releases and just a lot of things that we were manually doing before or were hiring virtual assistants to do for us which made it a lot easier and for all the people that are publishers it's a no brainer to buy it because it's not there either you beiong either you're gonna do all this work manually yourself or pay someone to do it or the software can do it for life right so it was a it's amazing how you can position that as a great solution for things the only downsides that I've seen mainly have been one is you need developers could be fairly expensive it could be very coupled into I don't know anything about developing software so we had to hire people and there's a lot of there's a lot of bugs you have to do beta testing first and there's a lot of bugs and things you always have to kind of fix and then also you're kind of at the mercy if it's based on Amazon or Facebook like Facebook change some things recently with what they would allow for their developers and so that can if your whole business is based on an API from Facebook or Amazon then all of a sudden Icahn factor business I think the software model is the out of all the model myself I think it's the one that requires the most amount of capital yeah it requires the most amount of skills because now you're not just doing marketing you're working with developers you may be even raising capital you are building this and then you got to market it like it requires very well-rounded skills as entrepreneur do you go to pull this off yeah and even then your success rate is not may not may not be on the upside huge if you can make it go you it's great yeah but you got to know that it's I think it's weak wise you to be a very high level yeah and I there's different models with that too because I also see apps like store so I mean I know people that have kind of started with this small whatever build it up too so I think there's there's a lot of different models that you can fit in there yeah but let's like what the next one the last one that we have here for you guys which is closing and you're talking it right here I can do that being of high ticket sales and closing yeah so you might share with people a little bit more about the closing I think to me people ask me to question like what transformed my life right what told me from a like my with my mom poor immigrant boy went from there one bedroom apartment in one of the worst neighborhoods in Vancouver to like a penthouse here that I would say everything that I do all all my success wealth fulfillment comes my come my ability to close if you think about it everything is closing okay sometimes when I say closing people might think of always that like wolf of Wall Street is like you know what is that they associate yeah like your hot closing people and all that but the metaphor I have is this just imagine they say you are knocking door-to-door and you're selling a fire distinguisher to people and you're knocking don't do it hey you know do you want to buy my fire distinguisher you know know people are busy they're watching TV they're cooking dinner they are like teen care of their baby they'd have to put down the baby wake up neighborhood it's not a pleasant experience right that's traditional cells that's cold calling that's not closing closing is this closing thing about is same scenario you're walking down the street someone is telling you hey you know my god my house is on fire can you help me you happen to have a fire distinguisher with you and then you look and you saw there's actually a fire you help put out the fire and the car depressants thank you so much you saved my life you saved my house to save my family he's all the money in my pocket they won't let me repay ya that's closing yes right it's a very different thing I know you have your experience as well to me everything is closing yeah oh yeah I mean if you want to have a relationship you got it you got it close I mean you have your life you have to sell yourself in some way this is closing it's funny because one of the first ways that I my first business - when I was 21 years old but 11 years ago and I wanted to be a life coach and a dating coach - that was an area of my life that I dating especially I struggled with a lot and I mean I was able to transform myself and and become a totally different types of type of person there was a demand where people would come to me asking to provide some coaching or some events around that so my first business what I did was I would put on these little meetup groups being Coover dude twice a month they're called the dating mastery seminars tonight he put up a meetup comm Craigslist and and that's how I learned a lot of these marketing stuff because I had to figure out how to get people locally to come out to these free events that is putting on but I provide content and provide great value but then I would close so I had this you know an event that I put on a bootcamp with you were to actually take guys though did go bald only yeah and so that was a high ticket sale that was a thousand to two thousand dollars ram is more intimate group but I did that and I was able to just support myself primarily just doing that while I was building my online business and the great thing about that it I didn't have to have a nine-to-five job I could I can learn business I could learn how to sell I can learn how to communicate how to speak how did all these great skills even though all these marketing skills that I learned I learned all that and then that made it so much easier when I did decide to start some of these other business models and everything I mean it's so much easier because I had that skill and the money that I can make selling high ticket programs like that was a great way for me to be able to or my income as well and it build your foundation exactly yeah even now to me when we're creating content doesn't matter if it's in writing a blog it could be a in an Instagram post it could also be a video like this it's closing yeah I think if I were to like do everything all over again having like doing closing or maybe a service is what I would have done while I was also building you know these other models because some of these other models there's gonna take more time versus a service or closing this money right yeah its money you could be making right away and I see a lot of people that they want to build an online business let's say but they're just doing it a few hours a week that they have in the evening or the weekend and that's fine you can do that but it's just gonna take you a long time to do this so instead if you can actually replace your job okay you're a nine-to-five job that's sucking up 40 hours a week of your of your life and replace that with instead a closing job or a service job or you're making money online your look is still active income yeah there might be trading time for money but you can that money you don't have to have that job you can learn and develop these skills while you're supporting yourself but also while you're building your business hundred percent agree and you can take that skill and then apply to all areas of your business all areas your life the sad thing I see sometimes people they they've got a good service they've got a good product they've got a good intention all do you want to help the world they have this passion and mission but they came close and this always say there's no relationship between being good at what you're doing getting paid yeah my guess is if you've actually got a good product and service is you cannot close yeah you don't know how to communicate your value and if you you can call it closing you could call it helping people to get what they want you can call that serving people I'm helping them give them a solution in exchange of money whatever you call it I call it money right whatever you call it it's it's okay but that ability I think it's the number one skill that you need in business in life so what do you say to people then that say well I I can't close I'm not a salesperson I'm not you know they have those mental blocks and barriers around that and also I think a lot of people don't see the opportunity because there's tons of businesses out there they're all looking for closers you know you help people and you've got a training program you help people with but you also help them pursue some of these opportunities because even for my business I need closers you need closers yeah so do you mind showing us the mental block and then just the opportunity for closers it's the mega block is actually simple you are selling every single day yeah regardless so let's say imagine a child goes to his dad say daddy daddy tonight I don't want to eat vegetables I want you can you okay the daddy's like no no no no no you you want to be healthy I want you to grow up right I want to be healthy even though you want to candy to you but no no you got to eat your vegetables but Dad vegetables don't taste as good as candy hey you know son I know that but you have to you know what because you want to be healthy you have to individual bones you know they grow up and anyone to be healthy then after dinner after they had healthy vegetables you can have a cup of candy we can still enjoy that for dessert oh okay that makes sense daddy what guess what that is selling yeah that is selling so in life you're selling all the time everything that comes out of your mouth is selling so there are only two kinds of salespeople either you're good at it or you suck at it there's no in-between so it's not like oh I'm not a salespeople case people think of salespeople what comes to mind can't you see ourselves you know the ones you see in the mall right yeah or door the door you know they think of those type of salespeople your teacher your salespeople you're selling your students your influencer your salespeople parents you're selling your kids right and it's not like that and here's what I believe in if you truly believe in what you do you truly believe what you do helps people then I believe you're morally obligated to sell it and close it in a market place because of you and I know if you don't close the person you can't help them if you don't sell this right now if someone comes to say hey hey Stefan I want to change my life I want to be an online business and you say you know invest in my affiliate marketing mastery course oh I don't have the money yeah well you say you wanna change your life ya know but IIIi don't I don't have the money I'm not resourceful enough if we don't close that person yeah nothing he's gonna know again take the horse to water but you can't flow the DiGiorno right so III think nothing in this world changes until someone's influenced or sold yes in some way yeah that's that's what produces change in the world in the world's lives in the world yeah so I know you've got a great training program we did an awesome webinar together if you guys go to fu money with Stefan calm and by the way you can actually get Dan's book fev1 which is the book that made a huge impact in my life when I first got started as well you get that for free okay so make sure you at least get the book join the webinar that Dan Dan and I put on to share with you guys more about that business model but we actually have three more that we're gonna share with you guys okay three more amazing ways you can make money online and they're really really good ones that I want to make sure you guys don't miss it because they could change your life and could actually allow you to build a business that you want and create that financial abundance in your life so that video is gonna be on Dan Locke's YouTube channel okay I'm gonna have a link below this video or you can click the video that's right here should be right where my hand is right here click on there watch the other part of this video and we'll see you again soon take care
Channel: Project Life Mastery
Views: 89,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, ways to make money online, become rich, rich, earn money online, how to make money, make money online 2018, FU Money, passive income, how to be rich, start a business, how to get rich, online business, be rich, 7 ways, get rich, Dan Lok, info products, information products, services, software, closing, high ticket sales, make passive income, millionaire mindset, sales, entrepreneur, financial freedom, become rich motivation, wealth, wealth triangle
Id: 9ERmrwFzR5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 13 2018
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