How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them - Boss In The Bentley

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- I'm gonna share with you how do you actually set goals and actually achieve them. (upbeat music) When it comes to goal setting, I have probably read every damn book on the subject. I spend the last 15 years of my life studying achievement, personal development, especially goal-setting. Any audio program you can think of, any books, any courses, I've probably taken those. So today what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna share with you what took me kind of 15 years to learn. I'm gonna distill that, the key lessons, the three secrets about goal-setting. I'm gonna share that with you in 15 minutes. So 15 years of experience distilled out to 15 minutes. So you could still go read all those books but this is what I found that works for me. So when it comes to goal-setting, number one, you have to be very specific and you cannot be vague. So making money, that's a wish, that's a dream. A goal is I want to make a hundred thousand dollars in income by the end of the year or in the next 12 months. Right, that's a goal. It has to be very specific and very precise. So let's take money because it's the easiest. Let's say your goal is to make a hundred thousand dollars in the next 12 months. What you want to do is, the very first secret, what I always do is I would reverse engineer. So whatever goal that I have, I say that's my goal, I want to reverse engineer and break that down into what do I need to do, what do I need to focus on, what skills do I need to upgrade? 'Cause usually, when you have a goal, you need to learn and upgrade your skills or upgrade your your mental capacity. Because chances are whatever that you're capable of right now, your skill, your mentality, gives you this kind of result but if you want to get to the next step, the next level, chances are you're gonna have to be better, to learn more, to become more. So once I reverse engineer, I'll break that down into 12 months or on a monthly basis, what do I need to do. So let's say you take, you know, I want to make hundred thousand dollars. You divide it by 12 months then you divide it by okay, every week what do I need to do? So I would break it down into monthly income. I would divide it up into weekly income then I would break down into your daily goal. Your D-I-G, what I call you D-I-G. DIG, it's called daily income goal. I talk about in my book F. U. Money. By the way, if you have not read my book F. U. Money, you can get on Amazon for 20 bucks, or you can just go to You can download that book for free, it's a free book. I talk about DIG, so your daily income goal. So what happens is this. You don't need to wait till the end of the year, you know how people in January they always have that new year resolution, right? I want to lose weight, I want to be more successful, I want to do this, I want to write that book, I want to do whatever, and then they have this new year resolution and then by February, they're losing momentum. By March, they're like oh my god this is not happening. Then they wait till December like Christmas-time, year-end, and say oh my god, I'm a loser. I didn't accomplish my goal. I didn't set out what I was gonna do. You don't need to do that. With this mentality you know. Guess what, if you're not hitting your daily income goal, you're not hitting your weekly income goal. You're not hitting your weekly income goal, you're not hitting your monthly income goal. You're not hitting your monthly income goal, you are not hitting your goal. You don't need to wait 12 months to find out. So every single day once, you're that clear, okay so then just focus on what am I doing today. You reverse engineer. What am i doing today to hit that DIG, daily income goal. That's it. So do I need to reach out to somebody, do I need to send out the email, do I need to do that marketing initiative, do I need to learn new skills? I need to read that book. Every single day you ask yourself what am I doing today to move even more closer to that goal? So you reverse engineer. I'll give you a perfect example. So when I was, haven't been practicing martial in a long time. I was getting back into it. When I joined a class, I sucked. Man, I was rusty. My skill, my reflexes, my speed, it just wasn't like I when I was younger. It wasn't like what it used to be. So I joined the class and of course, I have my training buddies and brothers and all that training, my Sifu, my instructor. I join a class, I set a goal. I say in 12 months I want to be the top student, the number one student in the class out of all the students. At that time I was at the bottom of the class, right? So I started to say in 12 months I want to be like that. So okay, that's my goal. I want to be very clear in terms of skill, speed, everything, my skill. So that's what I wanted to do. So I break it down okay, what does that look like on a monthly basis? What do I need to do? So on a monthly basis okay, I will need to have master certain techniques and certain skills in terms of the art. Okay, so I'll break it down every month on each. And I broke it down to on a weekly basis, on a monthly basis, and then monthly basis, weekly basis, and the daily basis. So every day I need to practice 200 punches. I need to do certain exercises and every week I should vary my routine to make sure I sharpened those skills. So I know if I do that, I cannot help but improve. You with me? Once I do that on a monthly basis, I know okay, suddenly I feel like every month, from the bottom the worst of the class, now I slowly start to inch up. And oh, now I can, people with two, three, five years more experience than me, when we touch hands, okay now I can feel like we're equal. Or I'm slightly better, I'm faster, I'm stronger, I'm more powerful. I do that and to a point where I'm happy to say last week, last week my Sifu say you know what, you're pretty damn good, your kung fu is getting pretty damn good. And my Sifu never says that to anybody so that's a big compliment. And he was talking about my senior in the class and he's like you know what, certain stuff he's good but certain stuff that you're way better. That's what coming from my Sifu, that's what he said. So that's how I became top of my class. So that's the very first secret. You reverse engineer. You break it down into your daily goal, daily task, what do you have to do and you focus on those. You do your daily tasks, you get those done every single day, you will get there. Secret number two. You want to set goals in major areas of your life. So in my case I recommend four different areas, The very first area is your health because without health, you have nothing. Doesn't matter how successful you are, doesn't matter how much money you have, without health, you're done. So health goal. Second is what I call personal goal. So a personal goal could be relational goal. Could be spending time with friends, could be spending time with family, could be going on vacation or the hobby that you have. I happen to like martial art. Whatever it is that you enjoy. You want to play golf, that's perfectly fine. So personal goals. What is it that you you want to accomplish? The third category is finance and business also falls under finance. So what are the finance goal? How much money you want to make, how much one money you want to save? If you're doing investments, what kind of return you want? That's your finance goals. And the fourth, which I think it's extremely important, which in many first 10 years of my life I didn't have, is contribution. Contribution and growth goals. So contribution, who are you impacting, who are you helping? So in my case if I reach a certain amount of subscribers. If I reach certain, if I help my students, my mentees, and to hit whatever income goals that they have. Helping them get the new car, helping them achieve that level of success. I count that as contribution goals. So those four areas that you need to have. Now, here's what happens. When you are building your business, when you're trying to create success, out of these four goals, so you have your health, you have your finance, you have your personal, and then you have your contribution. At first, if you try to do all these four goals with like 25%, 25%, 25%, 25%. I can almost guarantee you, you will fail. You will not get to any one of them because you're trying to do a whole balance thing and human beings are like, it's not balance. You're trying to do all four equally, you notice people try to do oh, I want to have all, I want to have time with my kids, and so I want to take a vacation. I want to be able to to like pursue some of my passions and I want to make a lot of money and then I want to have a six-pack abs, and then I can tell you it's almost impossible to do that. I'm not saying some people cannot do that, just for majority of people that's virtually impossible. I think human beings, we need to focus on one thing at a time. So what I do is I ask the question. Out of these four areas, what is the one goal that if you accomplish that goal in the next four months or in the next 18 months? If you accomplish that one thing, you accomplish almost everything else. What is that one goal, you accomplish that one thing, it'll help you accomplish everything else. Now in my case, in my early 20s, my goal was very focused on money because I cannot have, to pursue my personal passions, I cannot have contribution, I cannot support my mom, I cannot pay the bills, I cannot do any of that if I don't take care of my finance. If I don't make enough money. So out of these four you have to know, depends on where you are in your career. if you're already successful, obviously you want to focus more on other areas of your life, leave it more balanced, a little bit more balanced. But in the beginning, I would say you want to pick kind of one area where you put 80/20, right? 80% effort in that one area. Once you get that taken care of then you can kind of spread out your effort a little bit. So those are the four areas, I recommend that you would focus on. So assuming now, you're very clear about your goal, you reverse engineer, you break down all your tasks, you can all of that. And then you set goals in the four major areas and you know which area to focus on. Okay, the third secret is this. And I'm going to give you a four step formula. A very simple four step formula to achieve your goals automagically. Not automatically, automagically. As if they would come true like magic. Okay and I know it sounds oh Dan, this sounds too good to be true. Try it. Very, very simple. I've used this again and again and again. And that's what makes me when I said that, was the secret of my achievement, that I write down, go and actually achieve them. So four steps. First, you need a set it. You need to set the goals. It means not in your head, not in your fucking phone, write it out with a pen or pencil. You actually write it out. Be very, very specific in the four areas. So set it, first step. Second step is you need to see it. So after you set it, don't just put it away, don't just say we visit, put in it a journal, and then you never see the whole year, no. I put it in front of me in my office, I look at that every single day. When I wake up in the morning that's the very first thing I look at because where ever your attention goes, energy flows, and results show. I'll say it again. Where ever your energy goes, the attention goes, energy flows, and results shows. So I would put it, so set it and then you see it every fucking day. Sometimes multiple times a day. You look at it, you see it, you read out loud. You look at it, that's what you focus on, that's what you focus on, that's what you focus on. Then the step three is now you live it. You live it. What does that mean? It means you don't just see it intellectually, you need to experience it. Let's say and I know a lot of my students, even from high tech OSA program, I teach them to, we call the concept smell the leather. You have a dream car that you want, go test-drive the car. Live it, see yourself driving that car. Touch it, what it feels like. You want to have a dream house, go look at a open house. Walk into the kitchen. Walk and sit in the living room. Feel it. What is that live, you live it. You live that life. You have to see yourself living that life before you ever have that life. This is deep, I'll say it again. You have to see yourself live that life before you have that life. And you do that, and you live it vividly in your mind many, many, many, many times. Many years ago, I had a dream. One of my dream car at that time, I was driving a Mazda 3 And my dream car was the Mazda RX-8 RX-8. In red. And I set the goal. I see it, not only I see it, I actually cut out the magazine like with the car looks like. I put it in my home office at a time. I see it every day. Then I also then, I live it. I live it. And I can see myself driving the car, I can hear myself turning on the engine, and what this sounds like. I live it many, many times. And the fourth step. Fourth step is to share it. You share it. You share with the people you know. Oh but Dan, I don't want to share with other people. What if I don't accomplish the goals then I would look stupid. See, that's the problem. That's why you don't fucking accomplish your goals. You don't even believe you can accomplish your goals. You gotta share it with people. Let the world hold you accountable. Me, I even take it on like a higher, next step. Actually not just share with people, I shared with the whole fucking world. I share it with you. I post on YouTube, I tell people, I'm gonna hit a million subscribers. Watch my video. Many, many, many, couple years ago. Many videos, hundreds of videos before, I said I'm gonna hit a hundred thousand subscribers. We're here and I'm telling you right now we're gonna hit a million subscribers. We are here, right. All these goals are shared with the world so I have the world hold me accountable. Say hey Dan, you said you promise you're gonna do that. I'm gonna fucking do it. So I share it, goes back to my master story. So I live it, I would go there, I would go test drive. I would go to different dealership and I would try like test, of course you have to go to different dealership because you go to one, you test drive, and you can't go back the same dealership and test drive two, three times because the salesman's like what the fuck is this guy coming, you're not buying anything. So I gotta go to one and I go to another one, I go to another one. Anyway, I test drove the car multiple times. I live it, I see it, I can taste it, I know what it feels to drive that car. I can hear the rotary engine. I can sense when I turn the key, I can know the door. I know the car inside. I know exactly what I want. I know I want a sunroof, I know the features that I want. I want all the upgrades I want. I know exactly how much it costs. Reverse engineer, I know exactly how much I need to pay to get that car. And I shared with it all my friends. I remember back then, we'd be walking down the street, and I would see a Mazda RX-8 drove by in red. I would tell my friends hey, that's my car. And they're like what are you talking about? No, that's my car. No, that's not your car. You're driving just like Mazda 3, that's not your car. You don't understand, that's my car. That's sharing it. I set it, I see it, I live it, and I share it. And let me tell you, when I make enough money, when I made enough money I went to the dealership. And I walked into the dealership and I told the salesman, I want that car in red RX-8. Then salesman go would you like to test-drive it? No, I said I don't need to test-drive it. Oh, let me show you all the features Dan. Let me show you all the upgrades. No, I don't need to see that. Seen that many times. I want to buy it. He said well, you sure you don't want to? No. Just do the paperwork. I'm ready to go. He said, he told me in person, in private, he has never closed a sale that fast in his entire freaking life. Entire freaking life, that was it. So I walked out, I got the key, and I turned on the engine. I drove the car off the the parking lot. Now you might think, isn't it awesome Dan? At the time, it was your lifelong dream. Finally, you work hard enough and you got the car. How do you feel? Let me tell you. There was no excitement. There was no jumping up and down. Yeah, finally got my car! There was none of that. You know the only feeling that I felt when I drove the car off the parking lot, is this is my car. I have driven this car hundreds of times in my mind. I've seen it hundreds of times. Now it's just like I'm taking this car home. There was, I didn't feel anything. It's like deja vu. It's mine. What's so special about it, it's mine. That's what I'm talking about. That you set it, you see it, and you live it, and then you share it. That's how you actually set goals and that's how you accomplish them. I'm gonna leave you with one thought. You want to live your life as if all your dreams have come true and then you challenge your reality to catch up. Live your life as if all your dreams have come true and then you challenge your reality to catch up. Ponder on that. Comment below how these techniques works for you. That's how you actually set goals and accomplish them. That's 15 years of what I've learned in 15, 20 minutes for you. If you're getting value from my video, make sure you subscribe below. Hit the subscribe button, turn on the bell, turn on the notification, and also check out my Instagram. Go to @danlok, follow me on Instagram. I post a daily post on Instagram. Also story as well, if you want to connect with me, you'll see kind of what's going on with Dan. It's like more personal. Much of the business side, my more personal side of what happens day-to-day in my life. You can check that out as well. And if your question is good, I'm gonna answer them on my way home, on my way to work I'm gonna answer them just like this. Just like this. And check out my other Boss In The Bentley videos right here on my playlist. Until next time, I'll see you in my Bentley.
Channel: Dan Lok
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Keywords: How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them | Boss In The Bentley, How To Set Goals And Actually Achieve Them, dan lok, Boss In The Bentley, Achieve, Achieve Goals, How to Achieve Goals, Bentley, goal setting technique, How To Set Goals, Business Goals, business objectives, Goal Setting, Set Goals, How to be productive, How to stick to goals, High Ticket Sales, High Ticket Closer, Fu Money, Dan, Lok, Boss, In, The, Set, Goals, Money, Entrepreneur
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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