How to make THE BEST CREAMY Chicken Enchiladas (Encremadas) Recipe | Views on the road Enchiladas

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hello and welcome today I'm gonna be showing you how I make white and she got us friends I know you guys love your sour cream but this recipe does not have sour cream unless you want to add it on the top so now that we're hungry let's get to this recipe you need a hot hot pan with some hot hot oil you put your Tobia in your pan and you dip if you did careful with your hands friends views club junior anybody that's not used to cooking do not do this method that I'm doing okay I'll do my babies you need your fingers I just need a little bit of spice in my kitchen sometimes and I'm a daredevil snack doesn't need your fingers anymore yes we do I do need my fingers to eat some tacos all right you're gonna dip your thumb yes quickly and then you're gonna let them drip a little bit drip some of that oil put it on your plate this is gonna make them pliable for us to roll you guys have seen me make enchiladas a lot of times here on the channel you guys are welcome to use your own method but we don't use a microwave in our family so mind you have some tips and tricks for the microwave but we will not be using it you guys notice I really don't encourage you guys to ever use a microwave because I care about you guys yeah but if you have your own methods okay I have a microwave it's a built-in microwave here but I just choose not to use it I used to use it for my Punky's popcorn and now we we did a really good transition about a year and a half or two ago with this little popper thing that I got at one of the stores and he enjoyed that one better but all right enough dippin see you on the next step we're dippy now I should say the next step hey hey well in order to get a super creamy and light sauce I know I get excited anytime I use heavy whipping cream but you're gonna have to add half of your heavy whipping cream I'm sure you can make it with a half in half but for that thickness that we're looking for and just that you know good fat use heavy whipping cream spoil yourself yeah you know I think the more fats that you have in your food like if you're making these kind of dishes the more satiated you are yeah you know you keep you keep yourself fool so then you're gonna add your chicken broth are you laughing it excuse me I'm in a good mood oh okay I'm like what oh what did I do because yesterday apparently Alyssa Peter Brady oh yes so you're gonna add your khofifah or your gesso fresco it's gonna be up to you they both work well with this recipe I know you guys get excited over sour cream with these white Mexican dishes but in here no you need that for the top like if you want to pair it and like eat it with it you should in your just don't don't do it don't do it alright let's go ahead and blend it's getting less out of subside by waiting yeah cool wait don't press it down turn it turn it back and you have to lock it we're not good yeah okay and once you're done you just want to make sure that it's well blended okay you're not making people think oh we've created no we're not but so you don't want to you don't want to blend it for two lucky then you're gonna end up with the cotija with creamy as Claude mentioned but um just make sure you blend it in there cuz that way those little uh the cotija doesn't stay stuck at the bottom and it blends with your sauce so now that we've done that on to the next step to your pen to your hot pan to your hot medium hot pan to your medium hot pan down one eight hundred yes hot views pen that's a lot of words that's a lot number seven that's too many numbers you know guys one or seven seven views okay go ahead and add your butter okay shout out to my brother-in-law he's got that direct hotline number and boy does he use it like that nipa each other like that you want to be careful with your butter you don't want to burn it okay so we'll move quickly been there done that add your flour I see a lot of people get carried away with their flour when they're at this step don't do it just use them on the flour that I don't recommend it guys I'm not I just don't want anybody to make the same mistakes in it I have oh no I have made in front of you you know what they make guys muscles we want you to flex for your family want you to look good yeah want you to shine so you just want to cook the flour and the butter quickly don't make it too dark who's gonna change the color of your sauce okay add your heavy whipping cream if your sauce is too thick you can save a little bit of your chicken broth and add a little bit shake it up and it's gonna come out smoothly okay make sure to get all your sauce out sauce a yeah it's one thing I know how to do sauces and oils and good seasonings mi jus de Mayo no no you do season your your food I appreciate that thank you that's why I always accept invitations to eat with you good foods always season although I've been cooking for my sister lately and she's been allowing me to spoil her well not just me but the kids have been really enjoying your cooking do you know what this is friends no this is not me it looked a little confusing it look muddy there dere's no how to say this in Spanish what this is no city say noise mole Scott but my pronunciation might be horrible but who said that I'm constantly getting corrected with my English in Spanish I'm making do oh gosh it's my brains bilingual guys so now what you want to do is you want to just do it like maybe two or three times not more than that because you're gonna really change the flavor you see that Wow okay garlic powder my European American friends I know you guys love garlic powder you probably got a giggle app now that I said that but you guys love garlic powder take it easy for this particular sauce okay and your white pepper if you don't have white pepper you can use black pepper but it's gonna change the colour of your sauce alright friends now let's begin to mix all these ingredients together let's get salsa I wanted to do the natural leave it like [Music] they make they see in their listeners to make good lovers you know the girl I used to do wrestling with his little girl no no no let's keep this show rated G this is a rated G show but you know love is important in your life it's a beautiful thing it's a beautiful thing ya know alright friends once you've mixed all your ingredients you want to give this a delicious taste and delicious because you guys are gonna be like wild stuff so spoons please double dipping but if you guys weren't here we would be double dipping yeah you guys already know that we double dip all the time right our mother had a hard time with us cuz we would double dip in her food too I go oh you see the garlic added a really good touch to it yeah but you have to take it light with that garlic because if you had too much you're gonna make a different kind of sauce here that's good you don't wanna make all freedom sauce huh no I mean I do but not for this I'm not gonna lie I have made alfredo enchiladas before they're amazing you guys want me to show you how to make it let me know cuz we're ready to angry some people before 2019 is over Wow well I always say you know how much I do in the kitchen you know how what do you know what I do I think you guys we're always in the kitchen every free moment we're in the kitchen whether it's with my Kindle reading talking to my sister collaborating she's cooking taste testing we're always in the kitchen yes always it's her safe haven so comforting in here friends I'm gonna go ahead and continue to stir this every late 30 seconds and I'm gonna keep it here for about four to five minutes just until it thickens up just a little bit we don't want it too thick and I have it I'm gonna put my heat on a medium low okay so just take it easy so I'll let you guys know what my time frame is yeah yeah my friends my amigos you get okay super stats call me go look you just uh Mina I don't remember that one is it a bow bro come on really no my friend me fine now you get over like a dog that's what you wanna and pre-k so sad most God okay I hope you enjoyed that intermission but now it's back to our sauce yeah let me show you it's it's just when it bubbles up a little bit you'll see the phone you'll notice it'll come up in bubble kind of like when you're making your your your chicken boiling your chicken those phones but this is good kind of phone so all the flavors have been infused it's still it's thick creamy but runny remember if this gets too thick those enchiladas are not gonna do what they're supposed to okay now let's assemble Transformers Wow these are those transfer word universe that's closest I had to be either yes or no movies I'll totally be out in the car now that we prepared all the ingredients were going to need to assemble or in she'll of let's get to it yeah well you want to do first is you want to pick your baking pan okay I like to make my Chile's in the glass ones Roger you want to say hello to everybody he has one of those bones those beef bones mm-hmm because you know those little puppy teeth are still going strong the Bulls have been purchased these are not from the food we don't feed the dogs bones from yeah I had a bad experience where I paid like a $800 of that bill before cuz she do she dig in the trash and grow no girl cuz I used to give him the bones oh you did I did because my mother-in-law Tommy like she had buckets of love leg bones for her big dogs but my little old dog was too prissy Wow so you guys have seen how I enjoy doing then she loves so what I did here is I have half mozzarella and half of the Mexican blend because if I just give my kids mozzarella on its own or the family they'll start complaining so for this one I am gonna be mixing it but if you don't mind just use mozzarella okay see those just kidding dip your thought Athiya in your sauce add your desired amount of chicken if you guys still have some Thanksgiving turkey go ahead and add that in here we don't have any left it was that delicious mm-hmm it was so good roll it up and that part down dip it in your sauce gently bring it back to your plate little portion of chicken and if you notice I'm more closer to the edge we'll be here yep yes so a so called guess all your G's there we go bring it on over if you dip all your xxx at once I'm gonna save you the time be careful cuz they'll get way too soggy don't do it way too soggy don't be tempted I think that's enough for you guys to be watching don't you guys you guys get bored on me yet I'm gonna finish rolling up these enchiladas and then it's gonna be time to bake so if you don't have your oven on right now you should okay rule your door nuts are not all facing the same direction oh [Music] girl I'm lucky okay I'm very fortunate I come from a family that we're very we come from very humble beginnings I don't know if you guys know this but my sister and I are the first generation to actually have been born on a regular floor the rest of our family was born into like dirt floors okay well and we were also the first to be born in the hospital yeah so from my dad's side his um his grandmother was a town healer so you know how he was born in his home yeah and my mom my mom is from Sonora okay so na da da so you guys already know she was born where she had a dirt floor so I'm humbled by your guys's opinions but also keep in mind that I know where I came from that's right yeah and a little water and yeah you guys aren't getting in trouble okay the food's gonna taste good now it's time to pour the remaining of our sauce over our enchiladas okay to me get the diameter see the aura means you're hungry with that yes but I've already been munching on some of the cheese yeah that was left there oh yeah latte before those thank you I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to introduce you guys that latte is a dream and especially the holidays coming up I can tell you guys what to order because I've been getting so turned off with my coffee the past times it's because the coffee started giving me a headache just the way that I happen with creamer so I'm not using the store creamer anymore I'm doing my own thing now it's delicious it's pretty amazing if you guys follow me on Instagram views on the road you guys got a sneak peek but I definitely I'm gonna be giving you the recipe because all adults need that pick-me-up then there was a plug music views on the road instead and we have a lot of our college abused college friends that you guys need to pick me up yeah I need you guys to get flying colors that's cool meaning A's and B's yeah yes and if you get a notification and you're doing homework do not stop doing your homework to watch this video and if you're not I'm gonna say you know what you get hungry and if this helps you it motivates you to finish your homework watch and then get back to work don't be clicking on any other video you guys know I don't play we're not done yet so now you want to add your cheese okay mm-hmm yeah edit towards the middle so that way you get that nice uh that cheese I don't want to call it the cheese touch burn but it's pretty good you guys know what I'm talking about all kinds of kids I love that movie books are great the movies are good but BA got me into it mm-hmm now I'm gonna add a little bit of cotija you can have a cotija after but I want to add it right now while it's getting baked oh oh this smells so good yeah watching that and she knows Blanca what about we're not talking about white people right now this is about food friends I'm talking about the color okay I would never purposely try to insult or humiliate or decree to anybody I just want to clear that out for you guys so now that these are set tend to make friends all you're looking for everything's already cooked you just want to see the little bubbles that's gonna tell you that everything inside is hot enough and we're ready to eat okay okay now it's time this is optional but I add a little bit of chopped green onions you can put this before you bake it but I like the fresh flavor then it provides just a little bit you don't need too much you ready for a taste guys you all know how much I love and she lost but I'm so happy to be able to give you guys that the white and she loves because I know a lot of you have a difficult time with the spice why didn't she love us what you want miss out on the flavor so while in WoW mm-hmm a 10 a 10 a 10 mm an extra-credit you all know you loved that rotisserie chicken yes you don't want to boil your own chicken you can use a rotisserie chicken and you know at the bottom of the rotisserie chicken how you get that gelatinous flavor once it cools scoop it out from the bottom warm it up on a pan and use that into your sauce blend okay I can eat this whole tray I don't know what kind of challenge I'm gonna do for this holiday season every second you 12 tacos what Raven she does will see my challenge for you all right stay tuned for the holidays mukbang food challenge yeah I'm you from a medical met cloud and I enjoyed making this recipe with you I hope that you are all having a wonderful holiday season remember don't stress holidays are meant to be enjoyed with your family and your friends and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow bye is what cloud balls like this has more of an attitude she said I am is that what do you think worried about you evil huh guess it was cornea like what is it boo-boo what a I like to work my tail back and forth yeah okay it was more like this you know what when we do a home makeover we're gonna get a mirror so people could see what you're doing behind there no no zzc
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 239,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: enchiladas, white enchiladas, how to, how to make enchiladas, creamy white chicken enchilada, chicken enchiladas, views enchiladas, enchiladas blancas, chicken enchilada, chicken enchiladas recipe, CREAMY WHITE CHICKEN ENCHILADAS (NO SOUR CREAM), WHITE ENCHILADAS, white chicken enchiladas, views on the road, creamy chicken enchiladas, views on the road enchiladas, chicken, non spicy enchiladas, enchilada recipe, white enchilada sauce, sour cream chicken enchiladas, encremadas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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