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hello and welcome today I'm gonna be showing you how I make our family's favorite flood so if you want to know more about the tips the exact recipe make sure to keep an eye out in the description area right below this video you click that little arrow it's gonna show you the description I'm gonna have more step-by-step things for years to read and help you out through the process so let's go ahead and get started I have my pan on a medium heat I've let this pan warm up for a good minute minute and a half now we're gonna go ahead and add our sugar you see any of these little chunks in your sugar make sure you break them apart because they'll come back and haunt you while you're in the process okay so come break them down try to spread the sugar evenly on your pan it's preferred to use a nonstick pan and also wood or a silicone spatula because what happens here is if you use any kind of metal you can really burn yourself it hurts it hurts really bad even with what the silicone spatula you still can run a complication of hurting yourself so please be careful it looks like we'll walk down sand this one like the sand dunes mm-hmm and then at the Sun by the beach okay no seams out family yeah I was thinking the sand dunes girl I know you're going to want to come and touch it as soon as it starts melting don't do it just hold off a little bit so all I'm doing is trying to disperse the sugar into the little puddles that already starting to melt to help it out every pen is very particular it's very different so for some reason one pen is not working try it out with another pen and go from there looks like a little avalanche now mm-hmm you're gonna see certain colors start to turn amber and those are the ones you want to start mixing okay because that's about the color we want for our sugar oh it's hot in here you can feel the heat if you were to put all this sugar over here right now you would end up with a clumpy mess oh just be patient take it easy get in tune with your pan you know sometimes I used to watch videos that are like boom boom boom done and they wouldn't tell you like oh my gosh you're gonna mess this up or mess that so I'm always like happy that I can help somebody else avoid those things could you feel like such a loser after really yeah I know I did because I love the kitchen and whenever it's something like really foreign to our our cuisine mm-hmm I felt that way so and it could be like the smallest thing that you missed right it's tiny because a lot of these quick recipes link they don't tell you like the complications you can have you know what I mean mm-hmm [Music] such a pretty color right yes so if you like it the amber color you're looking for that but if you like it lighter you can go that wrong I like about this color and there's certain people like my mother that love it more of the burnt flavor because of the smokiness yeah if you guys have kids around when you guys are doing this please be careful tell them to just stay away for this part and shout out to all the views Club juniors that are that are learning to cook with us and their mamas or you guys just like hanging out with us shout out to you guys you know what we do have we have a lot of our silent viewers coming through so shout out to you guys - thank you for coming I've I'm very much a shy lady so I know what that's like I am a sign of you or myself oh there we go see all right so now I have my heat on the simmer because I can see how smoky it is and I can see that it's gonna dissolve properly so when you get to that part that it's all dissolved properly and smooth there's no chunking of the sugar there's no sugar grains in here that's when you want to go ahead and turn it off okay [Music] right about this color you're about to about 30 seconds to a minute from burning it so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and transfer it to my my baking dish quickly okay if I don't capture it on the camera I'm just pouring it over very very gently growing fastest do this okay yeah so go ahead and pour it into the dish that you're gonna be doing or not doing making your your flan okay I hope you guys are all having a good summer I definitely have a busy house very I'm very busy busier than usual but we're having a good time okay don't stick your finger in there to taste it do not taste this okay at all so all I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna start turning my my baking dish and of course if you love a thicker layer go for it this uh this smell makes me feel like those vintage stores where they have like toffee and they're making their own candy oh yes it smells so good yeah or even in Disney then when you walk by in there you can see there's a little place oh yeah okay I think we set it pretty good we got over here there's a tag under your pen and it's not new it's been washed well I don't struggle with these tags I'm over that spends too much of my time guys I have home schooling to do okay so now that we have this set let me go ahead and show you how to prepare the custard part of our flan the delicious creaminess because that's one thing that I am that I known for is for making my flood and very creamy and you're guys are gonna see why right now yes girl okay what we're gonna do first is we're gonna add our condensed milk I like using a chatot but you guys can use whatever you're comfortable with and if you've never had legit ah I'm sure cloud could find a link to it so you guys can try and get a hold of it it just so amazingly good okay it's so good that they sell a little six-pack of tiny ones that you feed it all at once get yourself a six-pack of beer and a six-pack on the chin yeah okay after you add your condensed milk gonna chair that you want to add your evaporated milk you know I think for this recipe is definitely worth paying a little extra if you can for the carnation and the nachita brand your vanilla blend you guys already know what when I use the de Molina we're gonna go ahead and add our two cups of heavy whipping cream you know what that reminds me of you know you don't even play yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna show you guys at the end help my sister and I love to have our sweet tooth treat that we're gonna have cuz this is gonna be something we are indulging in we've been so good yes it has I've been doing so good on my eating guys that I am starting to get rid of most of my clothes so I already have a pile that I dropped off at donation and I'm really like slimming down and I'm very I'm very happy I don't want to be a toothpick I just want to feel light less pressure on my knees alright so now you want to go ahead and add your eggs my eggs are room temperature so now what we're gonna do is we're gonna blend our ingredients okay and this is gonna be about a minute or two because my blender is really powerful we just want to marry all these flavors in this blender and our ninja What's Up ninja were waiting for you alright so let's go ahead and get started and I am gonna be blending it in it's plugged in equip planes god I can't live that one down okay so I start with one then I go to two three and then I'm gonna be blending okay hey friends now that we've blended our ingredients I'm gonna go ahead and strain this yes you heard me correctly that looks like a lot of fun yeah it is I've made my flan various of times I've used my mom's recipe but I've tweaked every single thing that I do for my flan okay this is something that my mom and I always bicker about I love that you change all her from you like update them yeah I just sometimes I depending on how many eggs or like how I switch it up for that day because you guys know I'm Moody I tend to sometimes get that custardy egg bubbles that I dislike dude that one doesn't have any bubbles at all right well like the not abuse may be astray of you strain it you don't see so I like to strain it with a nice cheesecloth cheesecloth and if you don't have a cheesecloth you can still strain it with your regular strainer I just take that extra step okay cuz those are the bubbles that end up tormenting me if they don't torment you and you don't want you just want to taste it and do your thing do your thing okay the sugar and the bubbles torment you yes and I just take my time and do this like so I start getting romantic and think about certain actors that are just so wonderful at their craft these club if you're here make sure you you leave it in the comments I'm just kidding but really on that okay and then at the bottom just go ahead and give it a good sweet well that looks amazing mister mmm-hmm this is your creamy flan okay beautiful that is I love it okay so now that we've done all that wonderful blending I'm telling you if you get these steps done you're gonna get this done so quick the only thing that's gonna really like you're gonna be ready to eat this now but you gotta wait okay so go ahead and pour that in gently oh I can hear crackling what was cool [Music] this is your happy birthday cake your Dino girl happy birthday to me yes daesil nothing I hope I see a happy birthday from you guys on every single one of my videos I think this is my first time actually voicing out late birthday celebration yes and I love it this year I'm usually so shy with this guy I love it as a birthday playlist ready to go yeah so let me go ahead and bring the necessities for our next step okay and clear out this mess cuz you guys know what's gonna drive me nuts who knew really you guys called on one right now okay so once we have that set you want to go ahead and put a nice foil over it okay bring it it's important to recycle your existing you know how I know cuz you don't want it to dip in here and if it does you're gonna be okay cuz this parts gonna be at the bottom yes Beto in bonito silo I see you hey I know we have a lot of fun stuff in our head right now better than baby shark or frozen you know what don't get anybody started I'm gonna do a fold in the middle right here just so that that part doesn't stick like that one did okay cover it cuz the last thing you want to do is bake your foil into your plan I did to what I'm cookie but you know if I don't embrace my YouTube fam you guys don't even come and see me and then I could start getting sad I really do like sometimes there's people there like I can I'm out working on like oh how cute they're checking on me you know could I tell you guys all about my life and I get little snippets of your so you know we're like pen pals and virtually hang out that's what I can handle all right let me go let me make sure that I don't have anything sticking into here you know yeah we're good all right so let's go ahead and put this in the oven come on come join me kaalia okay Nico Angus Apopka you ready I'm ready [Music] I just hope I don't drop this if you do drop it on me okay friends I poured a little bit of water maybe about like 2 inches you don't want to go over that because then it's gonna pour over on your on your custard under Flint let me give you guys a little peek see this is called a baño Maria Maria so we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead put this enough for about fifty to sixty minutes it's okay how do you know when it's ready you'll know cuz I have seen though this is game I work cutting guys yeah yeah yeah okay friends this is what happened from yesterday I got busy doing mom things you know winding down with the boys and it got late so when this was done baking I took it out and I left let it set in for about 30 to 45 minutes to cool and what I did after that was I put it in the refrigerator and it's been in my refrigerator about 12 to 14 hours it's really cold it's settled and any things that you guys might run across while you're baking there you're gonna be like stuff what do I do you know I got you it's gonna be in the description area I want you to panic so now I'm just gonna go ahead and go around the edges just like this with a butter knife yeah I could have done this last night but after it cooled but you know mommy life this is home cooking life happens so I got a little bit of the thickness so I just cleaned my knife and I'm coming right back at it not so good huh yes my stickers aren't under here no I'm not returning it I use my plates okay now we're gonna do a quick flip you ready ready yeah you got that okay whoa I can see the syrup pouring everywhere yes not you're talking to me baby that unlike I said now you're talking to me baby [Music] should be coming out oh my goodness oh my goodness honey baby whoo this doesn't seem long it's gonna like oh this syrup right here that's good you know when you haven't been eating that much sweets it's gonna hit the sky shoot the TV me girl anything so this is what happens my baking walls with my kids you can see a little bit of you know whatever here but it's gonna be good guys okay if you guys follow the instructions and step by step you will be okay you will be okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and cut into this because I'm gonna show you how cloud and I like to have this okay yes you guys have you've been watching me for a while you know I get worked up if cakes are not cut or pie looking pleats are not cut like a pie don't we know this yes honey okay and you guys the correct one is for your slave map yes well let's let's fight back I need to get my manual my DLA my little thing to do the the water bath for these cuz I have it somewhere in my garage underneath everything yeah those uh those pens really help yeah they really do and that's how you get the difference for the top and you kind of have to build that what do you call mine yeah like I have it I'm gonna get you one for your birthday boy I have one once you go find in my garage that's the problem one yes scary in there well you know stuff that you have in there all like cool well I have a lot of cooking stuff and I have all the babies like baby stuff you know girl their garage takes up half of your cooking utensils and tools and stuff well the thing is I have it that in the little garage and then the main garage I still have I like to cook yep okay I never have to go anymore for kitchen supplies Thank You neighbor yeah yes is I got you what's mine is yours babe thank you okay so we're gonna do is we're gonna take a huge piece no I'm gonna take the huge one let me give my waiting to here gonna give anything to scoop it out you were about easily okay so cloud and I like to have it like this ready you're gonna let me stop my crush nice real quick break it down break it down dad on this edition of snap to the kitchen that's too much ice you just need a little bit ice okay we're gonna pour a little bit of our coffee shout out to all our vietnamese friends they're the ones that introduced us introduced us to having it this way yes now you're ready for it let me get into the sweetness then get a little bit of that in the inside cloud I know you guys get worked up if I don't show you what it looks like on the inside but it's beautiful this line is gonna be probably the creamiest that you've ever had and your family is gonna it's gonna ask you to make more you can be the person that brings the flood because everybody's terrified of this don't be terrified I think one of the things that everybody gets really worked up about is it's not cooked you'll know if it's shaky wobbly like water yeah you need to keep it in and go by like 10 minutes at a time if you need to add time because everybody everybody's oven is different I can tell you what my oven did but it would have worked for yours so I'll give you an estimated time and then after you take the foil off you kind of shake it a little bit and if it's going like this it's not ready it has to be like a stiff jiggle you'll know it's kind of like a Kate know and I like a cake it's a stiff jiggle okay that's what we're gonna call it like a like a 3.2 on the Richter scale hey don't be don't be talking about that you know how I'm gonna get you prep all that stuff or it's too soon yeah so I'm gonna go ahead and come in and taste is mmm girl girl you know well let me show you guys it's it's it's not gonna fall apart on you it's not those that just smell and mush in your mouth its creamy it has the stiffness to hold up this is a flood and it travels well it does travel well if you guys have to take this to a party a celebration somebody had their baby and you're helping the family yeah oh that's so good let me believe mm-hmm you know in in Texas when DOMA my mother-in-law passed away may she rest in peace neighbors and people from the community bring you bake so this would be something I mean may the people rest in peace I don't know how to word it cuz you guys know I'm awkward but it would be a little good dish to take a little nice treat yeah it's it's a dessert that you can take for all occasion uh-huh the stronger your coffee is for this the better I know there's some of you use Club juniors that drink coffee with your mom I made one for my boss once and he's happy I like it too because I like to chew on the ice when I take that bite with the coffee since I couldn't get my boss at a girlfriend I mean I'm done Oh God things are so amazing you're so amazing thank you you guys asked me for this and I always deliver I hope you guys enjoyed this recipe another thing that I want to say you guys is that I don't want you to feel obligated to make every single thing that I make these recipes are here for when you need them right you guys are like I need this recipe I just got married my man needs this recipe my mom and I'm here for you guys so these recipes whether you make all of them or not I'm still gonna be here for you I appreciate your guys's company I mean who doesn't love watching and like food videos right I know I do so on that note if you guys like the way that I deliver the recipes and interact with you guys make sure to subscribe and then click that bell that pops up if you want notifications of when I upload make sure to look in the description area there is gonna be a lot of step-by-step details that this dish really does need I'm not just gonna throw you out there blind okay there is a lot of things you're gonna have questions about as you're going to the process and I definitely would like you guys to read more so I'm gonna decide on this what I'm gonna type it up for you guys hey alright guys that's it for me I'll see you guys tomorrow bye
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 1,780,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flan, mexicanfood, views on the road, views on the road flan, how to make flan, easy flan recipe, como hacer flan casero, easy flan, flan recipe, leche flan recipe, como hacer flan de leche, leche flan in oven, mexican flan, dessert recipes with condensed milk, Recetas mexico, mexican cooking show youtube, homes style coookery, quesillo recipe, quesillo al horno, easy dessert, mexican food, dessert, mexican christmas recipe, holiday recipes, flan in the oven, creme caramel
Id: Q2011fpVaOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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