The Best Beef Enchiladas recipe!!! Step by Step!! Restaurant quality.. So delicious 🤤

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hello everyone and welcome back to my kitchen today we're going to be making beef enchiladas now these are fantastic we have these at the restaurant all around here where i live and i think you're going to really enjoy this recipe so if you're interested and you want to see how i make this stick around because i'm going to show you how these enchiladas came out so good at that guys let me show you how i made these okay so i went ahead and got all of our ingredients prepped to make this go by pretty quick so let's go over our ingredients okay so we'll need one pound of ground beef a quarter of a cup of minced onion and more for garnish two cloves of minced garlic half a teaspoon of seasoned salt quarter teaspoon of cumin and a quarter teaspoon of black pepper i also ended up using a quarter teaspoon more of salt this is eight ounces of shredded cheddar cheese i'm gonna use eight corn tortillas for our sauce we're gonna be using four tablespoons of oil four tablespoons of all-purpose flour two and a half tablespoons of chili powder one teaspoon garlic powder one teaspoon onion powder quarter teaspoon cumin powder quarter teaspoon black pepper and salt this is three cups of chicken broth that's fresh chicken broth use whatever you have here we have a preheated skillet this is on a medium heat i'm adding in our diced onion we're going to saute this for about three to four minutes um until they become soft they're chopped finely so it's not going to take too long for them to come translucent so that's what we're going to do saute this for about four minutes now we're going to add in the minced garlic saute this for about 30 seconds it's going to get nice and fragrant add in our pound of ground beef here and we're going to just chop this up break it up apart just a little bit and straight into that we're going to throw in the seasonings this was the salt that seasoned salt the black pepper and the cumin so we've cooked this for about eight minutes now i tasted it and it needs a little bit more salt and this is fully cooked so don't worry but i'm just adding a quarter teaspoon more of salt because i felt like it needed it this is fully cooked now and i'm going to be transferring this into a bowl transfer this to a bowl i'm going to now put my skillet on a low to medium heat i want this a little low this is a cast iron and it tends to get pretty hot so we're going low medium in goes in the four tablespoons of flour and four tablespoons of oil we're going to mix this up with a rubber spatula or whatever you have and we're going to incorporate this together and we're going to cook this off we are creating a roux here we want to get this a nice golden a creamy golden color and once we get to that specific stage we'll start adding in seasonings so i'm going to go ahead and fast forward through this to make it go a little quicker okay that cooked for about three minutes and now i'm gonna go ahead and add in the seasonings that were in that spice bowl remember these seasonings are down in my description just click on the little arrow on the description box and you will find all the measurements that i used for my recipe look at my paste it's so pretty so we're going to kind of toast the spices here it's going to give it a nice nutty flavor let's go ahead and mix mix mix for about two minutes you have this on a medium to low heat you don't want to burn this we just want to toast it but we don't want to burn it okay we're going to do this about a minute or two i'm going to start whisking in our chicken broth mine's already salted so i'm not gonna need any more salt in here [Music] i'm just slowly stirring in the broth just so no lumps form [Music] so we got all that chicken broth incorporated and i'm gonna let this simmer for uh it's just a very gentle simmer you can see the sauce is already looking very luxurious it looks great so this is starting to come just to a simmer and we're going to let this simmer a few minutes maybe two or three minutes so we're gonna let that sit um i have that on low we don't want to get it any i want this to stop simmering here but this is what we want let me show you with the spoon how thick this is supposed to be there's too much smoke okay so this is the consistency i'm working with here you see heart stays on there like that this is perfect i'm gonna leave it just like this and we're gonna leave that on low okay we're gonna get started on frying our corn tortilla so in goes about a quarter cup to half a cup of vegetable oil and as soon as it does it just flip it over and this is you're done move this one over drain it first and catch fire put it put it down and we're gonna keep going down i use another tortilla to help me flip it over just like that it's i have this on a medium high heat it's literally in and out like a couple of seconds one two three four five flip it over one two three four five and that's it i'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of my tortillas like this that happens guys it's okay maybe not two or three times okay here we go okay so i'll do the process again so you can see move my tortilla over okay so i put one on the spatula okay and then i put it into the oil press it down one two three four five pull it up use my other tortilla to flip it that could have gone better but you get the point one two three four five i'm gonna pull it up i use the other tortilla drain it and there we go keep going again this is under medium high now i only have eight tortillas but you could probably do about 10 with this i like a lot of sauce but if you don't like them being drier you can probably get about 12 of them in there last one fidget with this in a little bit that's it turn off the heat because it gets really hot and you don't want to burn your house down so let's go ahead and move that over before it tears on me and the tortillas are done okay so here's our sauce look at how amazing it looks it's just a really nice consistency here so i'm gonna take some of this and we're going to put about a quarter cup down in here just like that okay and then i'm going to take and tortilla okay it's my tortillas that i've fried i'm just going to quickly dip it in there and then i'm going to bring it back over here all right and then we're going to go ahead and put in i have to say maybe about two tablespoons like that and i'm just gonna take a little a little bit of cheese the cheese is really to help it stick together and then i'm gonna roll it up you want to make sure your sauce cools down a little bit unless you're crazy like me okay we're going to roll this up oh that's hot and i'm going to put it right there okay i'm going to do the same thing just quickly dip okay about two tablespoons of beef a little bit of cheese just like that and we're gonna roll it up oh it's hot just like that i don't like to squeeze them too far so let's just see how far we go we're going to continue doing so again quickly dip my tortilla about two tablespoons of our mixture a little bit of cheese to help it stick this is fresh cheddar cheese i love the fresh kind it's so good okay we're gonna keep going this is making me hungry our beef it's okay if it gets messy guys it's gonna be all right and then we're gonna go a little bit of cheese and roll it up now my tortillas are nice and pliable like this because i fry them first i know we can stick them in the microwave to get them soft but this is the best way and you ensure that they don't break and when you flash fry them like that they just they just stay really good like this they don't break apart just trust me i've had mine break apart and it's kind of frustrating so i just always fry it now i'm gonna continue doing these i've done a couple here for you so you can see what i'm doing and i'm gonna roll up until i have no more left i'll see you guys in a bit so i'm gonna take i have a little bit of leftover beef so i'm just gonna sprinkle it on here just like that okay that's good and then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna grab the rest of our into most of it i like to save some for our plate but i'm gonna grab some of this enchilada sauce and we're just gonna ladle it right on top just like that looks so yummy let's make sure they're nice and covered i like a lot of enchilada sauce as you can see here make sure you cover all the edges here so you don't want them to get crispy you want them all you have plenty of sauce as you can see plenty of sauce and i'm going to have a little bit more because i like to put some on my plate because the sauces sauce is boss okay so now get the rest of our cheese that we have here and honestly i don't think i'm going to use all of this this is a half a 16 ounce package so i had a total of eight ounces here but i'm not going to do all of it doesn't look like i need all of it so i'm just going to go ahead do most of it and i'll save the rest and i'm just going to i think this looks pretty good okay and this is ready for the oven so this is gonna go 375 in the middle rack and we're going to uh cook this or bake this covered i'm gonna cut so i'm gonna cover this and we're going to bake this in a preheated oven 375 and honestly i'm only going to do this for about 15 minutes okay so these are textbook style in chi lavas and i just wanted to talk to you guys a little bit about enchiladas because there are so many variations of enchiladas now here where i'm from it's going to be tex mcstyle but my mother used to make the enchilada rojas with the um uh chili pots and she's used so see these are the ones that i'm talking about the chili guajillo and tomatoes and she used to make up like a sauce in the blender and then she she's to fill it up with um queso panela or queso fresco crumbled up cheese and put onions and those are super delicious too um i also make some chicken enchiladas there's all different kinds of enchiladas i just wanted to let you know that these are tex mix style this is how they serve them here in the restaurants where i'm from and i think if you haven't tried them i think you should because i think you'll really like them so give them a try give this recipe a try i think you'll really like it so our beef enchiladas were in the oven 15 minutes i took the foil off and then i baked it for an additional three to five minutes and then they're done we're going to go ahead and start serving this up i'm going to serve with rice and a little side salad and some avocado let's get started i made this rice earlier to go along with our enchiladas here i will leave a link in the description if you want to know how i made this some leftover enchilada sauce so i'm i love to add extra enchilava sauce to my plate so that's what i'm going to do right here this is where i'm going to be placing my enchiladas just like that now this is optional guys you don't have to do this i have some left over so that's why i did that she love this i'm gonna grab two of these guys here we go okay let's get these served go ahead and cut up some avocado this looks pretty good oh i should have cleaned my knife but oh well spin some of this out i'm going to put this right on my salad now this is optional but i love mine with minced onion i just love it with the minced onion and that's it it's all done look at that guys yum guys i'm so excited i haven't had beef enchiladas in a long time now don't ask me why i just haven't made them so here we go let's give this a taste test yum those are so good oh my god um on my rice it smells so good i can't stop eating it plus i'm hungry so good [Music] this is so good i can eat the whole pan i probably shouldn't but i could so good guys this is a great recipe i definitely encourage you to try it i know it has homemade sauce and it might be intimidating but it's not if you prep everything then it just goes by so quick i really encourage you to try this recipe it's absolutely amazing also if you have not subscribed go ahead and hit that subscribe button i'd love to have you part of the family and keep checking me for more videos bye guys i'll see you guys later
Channel: Yesenia's Kitchen
Views: 48,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: h2mr0sH6eY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 22 2022
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