I Created This KDP Business with AI

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What do Amazon KDP publishers like this, this, and this have in common? Well, they've all built successful KDP brands with interesting and attractive Amazon author pages and Amazon A+ content, which allows them to get more sales and add value to their business. So in this video I'm going to show you how to build a simple KDP brand with the following resources, a brand name, biography, logo, and banner. And we're going to do all of this with the help of AI. And you can use these resources we're going to build in things like your Amazon author page, Amazon A+ content, social media, things like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and also on your book covers. So let's get started and head over to ChatGPT. So I created this prompt which basically says, I'm a low content medium content book publisher and you are my brand and marketing advisor. I publish a number of types of books and I'd like you to write a short bio for my Amazon or Central page. Suggest 10 names and 10 brand names. Now we're probably not gonna be using the pen names, but I thought why not give that a go. And we're going to be doing this in chat GPT 3.5. We don't need the paid version four of this. And this is what it came up with. We've got this bio first of all. Now this is a bit longer than I really wanted, but reading that first paragraph, I think that will fit the bill. And we can just replace your name with the brand name that we're going to create. If we scroll down here, we've got these pen names, which I said we're not really going to use. What I'm more interested in is this, and that is the brand names for our publishing business. Now there's quite a number of good suggestions here. Now what particularly stands out for me is this one here, which I quite like, which is Creative Curiosity Books. Now I don't want to use the term books, so I'm going to use one of the other suggestions here, which is press. So I think something like Creative Curiosity Press might be the starting point for our brand. Now, before we just go straight ahead and use it, there's a number of things we need to do and that is, first of all, check that there's no trademark on this. And here we are at the uspto.gov website. Go over to trademarks, hit search in trademarks, click on search the database, basic word mark, search and put in Creative Curiosity, hit Submit Query. No records were found, so that's good. And I might just double check that by putting in the word press as well. No records found, so doesn't appear to be a trademark on this term. Next thing I want to do is just check on Namecheap, which is a domain registrar. See if I can buy the domain name for this. And indeed creativecuriosity.press is available. Now I did check for creativecuriosity.com and that was taken, so I entered that into a browser and there was no site there, which has been built on this domain, again, which is a good sign. As a final check, I went over to amazon.com, put Creative Curiosity into the search bar and nothing came up in terms of this being used already by a brand or author. And I'll double check again with just curiosity creative curiosity, press, and once again, nothing comes up. So that's good. So we're good to go really with this term. So that's our brand name sorted out and we're going to use that as our author name when we publish our books on the KDP platform. The next is the biography. We're going to use this first paragraph and just replace your name with our brand name. And so we've got this paragraph here. Now the next step is our logo. And for this we're going to use MidJourney. Now we're going to need to come up with some good prompts, enable to create our logo. So I did a search on Google for MidJourney logo prompts and I found this particularly useful website at ebaqdesign.com. And it gives a very good outline of how a prompt should be structured, got the type of logo, the subject of our prompt, the style and what to exclude. And in fact, there's quite a a few good ideas for prompts here. So I took these, went over to MidJourney and entered these. So first of all, we've got a flat vector logo of a brain. Why did I choose a brain? Well, creative curiosity made me think about things like ideas, creation, thoughts, and I thought maybe something like a mind or a brain might be might be something worth, you know, looking into see what we could come up with. So I put in here Flat vector logo of a brain, minimal, by Paul Rand came up with these designs. Now I actually quite like this one here at the top, right, but I tried some of the other prompts as well. This one here by Pablo Picasso, not too keen on those. And here was another suggestion, logo of a brain, simple vector, psychedelic art. But what I'm after is something simple and bold. So I'm going to go with this one here, the top right. So I just clicked on U2, which stands for Upscale Picture number two. And here we have our upscaled image. Going to right click on that, save image as, click on save and download that to the computer. Now the next thing I like to do is convert this image, which is a .png image, which is a raster image. I like to convert that into a vector image. The reason being is that if you enlarge a raster image, a pixel image, once it gets bigger, the edges start to become blurred. They start to become pixelated. However, with a vector image, this doesn't happen. So it's infinitely scalable, which means we can enlarge this and the image remains intact. Now this is quite a good method, also, if you are creating things like book covers with your images from a site like MidJourney. You can upscale them by converting them into vector images as well. So it's quite useful for that. A lot of people have asked me that in comments on previous videos that I've done with regards creating book covers with images generated from MidJourney. Now, also a small note, I am using the paid for version of Mid Journey, which means I get the commercial license to use images off that in my products. And the other reason I want to convert the image into a vector is that I'm also going to want to change the colors as well. I'll show you the reason why in a moment. So we'll go over to vectorize.ai. Now at the moment, this is completely free. I don't know how long it will be free for, but at the moment it's free. And all you do is just drag that .png image that we've downloaded onto the website and let it upload. So now on the left we have our original image, and on the right we have our vector image. So we can just hit download and that will download the image to the computer in .svg format, which is a vector. So next we're gonna head over to Canva. Top right hit Creator design. And conveniently it gives us the option of a logo. So we're going to click on that. So over on the left hand side, hit uploads and all we need to do is just drag in that .svg image into that upload box and just let it upload. So all we need to do is just click on that and it will send it onto our page. So we're just going to enlarge that and just center it. Now next we're going to add some text left hand side, click on text, click on add a heading. So we're going to add in the text creative. I'm just going to drag that above our image here. Now I'm going to change the font. So at the top, click on our font box, and I'm going to use this one here called Genty Sands or Genty Sands. Next thing we're going to do is click on effects and at the bottom click on curve. And we've got a slider here so we can adjust the curvature of our text. So we're just going to do that so it matches the curvature of our image. That looks okay for the moment. Holding down, option left, click the mouse. I'm just gonna drag that text downwards, double click on it and write in curiosity. And you can see it's curving the wrong way. So just click on the text. Again, effects. And this time on the slider, slide it to the opposite direction. Now it was set on plus 90. So this time we're going to go to negative 90. So we'll have the same curvature as our text at the top. And there we have straight away our very basic, simple and attractive looking logo. Now I'm going to hold down shift and select all these components. And then holding down shift and command or control. I'm just going to enlarge. And then we're just going to move this again into the middle of our box. And so there we have our logo. So the next thing to do is to download this to our computer. So top right, hit share, hit download, and we're going to download this as a PNG file and we're going to hit download. Okay, so now we have our brand name, biography, and logo. So we can use this on our Amazon author page. So here we're on our Amazon Author Central page. So first of all, the photo. So we'll click on add photo, add photo, and upload the logo that we've just downloaded from Canva. And we can hit publish, click on okay, and next we've got our bio. So just click on add bio, select language, English, go to our short bio that we created earlier and we just need to paste that into place. Click on preview bio. So we just hit on publishe bio, and that's done. So that's our Amazon author page created in terms of the logo and the buyer. Obviously you would also have your books added to that page as well. Okay, so next I want to use this logo to create a banner. Now this banner can be used on things like Amazon A+ content. It could be used on a website that you create also. But before we do that, I want to change this logo into a white logo that we can use on the dark background. Now, there's a number of ways to do this. The easiest way is to do it in vector editing software such as Affinity Designer, Adobe Illustrator, or Inkscape. Now Inkscape is absolutely free to use. So that is an option available for you. So I'm going to be using Affinity Designer and all I need to do is take that .svg logo that we created earlier in vectorize.ai, just drag that into Affinity Designer, and then it's just a case of clicking on the background, hitting delete to remove that. Then next we want to remove this white background here. So I'm just going to click on that, hit delete. So next, I'm just going to click on this bottom layer here and make it invisible. Then top left, just left click of the mouse drag diagonally to create a bounding box around our image. And then top right, you can see the fill button is highlighted here. And then we just move the slider over to white. So now we've got our logo, but this time in white. And then we need to export this, again as a vector. So we'll use svg export, give it a name, logo curiosity, hit download. Then we go back to Canva. Now this time we hit create design, click on custom size. Now for this banner we're going to create a 600 by 180 pixel image and then hit on create new design. Now we're going to need our logo in white first of all. So on left hand side, make sure uploads is selected and then just drag in that white version. That we've just created. Then we can go back to that logo that we previously created. Select the image, the background image of the kind of brain, just delete that. Go to our upload box and select the white image that we created. Now obviously we can't see that at the moment, but first of all, select the text holding down shift, select both boxes at the top, click on text color, change that to white also. Now as I said, we can't see that. So we're going to add a dark box just for the moment. So left hand side, click on elements, click on the square, drag to the top, left. The top, click on position and just click on to back. So that's looking good. So now we can go back to our banner shape. Now this is where things get quite interesting becasue we're going to go back over to MidJourney. And what we're going to do is right click on our logo image and select copy link. Then in the text box right Imagine prompt, and then just paste in that image link and type in create an advertising banner for a note. Book publishing company dash dash ar 600:180. So we're gonna get this in the correct size for our banner. And then click enter. And these are the four images that it came up with. Now the one I like here is this one here on the right hand side at the bottom. So it's going to hit upscale four here we have our image opening browser right click like we did before, save image as. I'll just put in banner one, save, go back to Canva, left hand side, make sure uploads is selected. Just drag in that banner image and let it upload. Click on it, enlarge it. Now the problem we have with this is that there isn't much room here on the left hand side to put our logo. So I'm just going to move that across. Command C or control C to copy command V, control V to paste. And what I'm gonna do is then move this one across to the left hand side and I'm going to move this layer below the original layer that I've just created. So at the top click on position, click on layers and just drag that layer below the layer that we created at the start. So now you can see we have our banner and we can move this topic image as we like just to position that like so. So next we need to bring in our logo. So go back to our white version, holding down shift, select the text, select the image and the bottom, text command C or control C to copy, go back to our banner control V or command V to paste. And there we have our logo. Now I'm just going to move this over evers slightly, make sure that's in the center. Just reduce the size of that ever so slightly. And there we have our banner, which I think looks pretty good. So all you need to do then is just hit share, download, and you can download that as a png. So now. We can use for that things like the banner of a website may need to be a bit wider for a website, but you can certainly use that in something like your Amazon A+ content. Last thing, if you've got your book cover that you've created, you could go to your logo, copy that, go to your book cover, paste that onto your book cover, reduce it in size. So now you've got something you can put on the back cover of your book as well. And that looks a lot more professional than maybe just leaving it blank. And again, you've now got this cohesive brand. You've got your A+ content, you've got your author page, you've got the logo on your books, and you can also create web properties as well. So that domain name that we registered, we could use that to create a simple website. Now it wouldn't be used to maybe rank on Google, but you could use that to collect things like email addresses or list other books that you do have for sale. And again, use your brand resources that you've created. So from this we got our brand name, biography, logo, and banner. We are good to go. We just need to now create the books to publish under our brand. Now, if you haven't created any books at all and this has piqued your interest, then I suggest watching this playlist here where I go through all the steps of creating a book and publishing it on Amazon. Thank you much for your time. It is very much appreciated. Don't forget to hit the subscribe button and until next time, goodbye.
Channel: Paul Marles
Views: 34,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon kdp, paul marles, low content books, low content book publishing, kdp publishing, kindle direct publishing, artificial intelligence, low content kdp, make money online, self publishing, kdp brand, kdp brand name, kdp branding, kdp logo, kdp biography, kdp A+ content, kdp book sales, kdp marketing strategies, kdp marketing campaign, kdp marketing tips, amazon kdp marketing, amazon kdp marketing strategy, kdp coloring book marketing, ai, midjourney, chatgpt
Id: vyn057oY_xA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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