5 Beginner KDP Mistakes That Are KILLING Your Book Sales (Act Now)

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if you want to get more Book Sales make sure to fix these five biggest KDP mistakes what's going on guys welcome back to another video if you're new to the channel my name is Sean and I've built and sold a seven figure Amazon KDP business and now I'm building my second KDP account so if you want no BS publishing advice from someone who's actually doing it then make sure to subscribe and if you want a completely free training on how I built a seven-figure publishing business then the link to the training is in the description below so in this video I'm going to show you the five biggest reasons why your books aren't selling and if you fix these reasons I can almost guarantee that your book sales will increase so reason number one is not utilizing seo seo stands for search engine optimization and the beauty of KDP and you know publishing on Amazon is that we can make passive income but that won't happen if nobody discovers our book in order for someone to find your book you must add appropriate keywords in your titles so that your book shows up when someone searched for that keyword now keyword is it's pretty simple keyword is basically what people type in the search bar on Amazon to find a book on the topic now keyword must be a generic phrase and not a coin term or a trademark as an example Rich Dad Poor Dad is a coin phrase that when people type in Rich Dad Poor Dad they're only looking for this book specifically by Robert Kiyosaki and they're not looking for any other books so Rich Dad Poor Dad is not a generic phrase and it is not a keyword but as an example retirement planning is a key word because people search that in the search bar the best way to make sure if people are searching for that phrase on Amazon is just to utilize Amazon's search bar so what you want to do is you want to start typing in that keyword so in this case retirement planning okay so I would just type in retirement and I see that retirement planning is the second results right here that means there are enough people searching for it to the point where Amazon is suggesting it as a search so that is a good sign and that shows that this is a good keyword now once you find a keyword you want to add this in your title to make sure that when someone searched for that your book shows up in front of them now reason number two is not putting enough effort in your book cover now people do judge book by its covers now contrary to what a lot of people say or the famous quote uh people do judge a book by its covers that's just you know facts and basically 80 to 90 percent of Book Sales is pretty much determined by the book cover so it's extremely important it is literally the most important steps in the entire book publishing process and the great thing is it's actually a lot cheaper to create a high quality cover than you think now fiber is one of the best place to get a book cover made there are different book cover Design Services but honestly you can just search on Fiverr like book cover designs and you can get a bunch of different gigs that shows up at different price point I'm going to give you three examples but I share these examples so often that you guys probably seen it before if you want some other you know cover design ideas just type in the search bar and search for book cover for Amazon KDP but first one this is Emmy main this is for low content books if you want it made and this is the cheapest most budget-friendly option that I've found on Fiverr and you can literally get six book cover design for 25 dollars and these are actually really really good low content book covers right you can see the qualities up there so you know for less than five dollars what you get is absolutely amazing uh so that is one the next one is rifey and man once again I share him all the time so you know if you want some other ideas just search on Amazon but from my experience I did my search and these are the best ones that you can go with Rafi and man will create a book cover uh as well as an interior for you so you can essentially Outsource the entire book production process but it's also really good for low and medium content books and finally we have German creative uh super duper popular because it's you know very high quality gig you can get a eBook cover for ten dollars and then you can get the paperback version for twenty dollars I personally recommend getting the 30 premium package because you get the ebook and a paperback as well as uh the design itself from my experience it's better if you go to for the premium package and it's still 30 so it's really cheap all right so reason number three on why your book is not selling is you're not optimizing your listing so now that you have a good book cover people will start clicking on your book cover and the next step after they click on the cover is the product page so that is where you want to optimize to make it look more attractive so that people go and buy your book the first thing they do once they land to the product page is they start reading the book description they will start checking out the a plus content and then they will go and read the reviews so this is basically where you want to convince them to buy your book this is why it's important to optimize your listing now the great news is you can actually use chatgpt to create a really well written book description so I'll show you a prompt that you can use all you have to do is go to chat jpt and type in this prompt right here write me a book description for a book title retirement planning for busy people or in this case it will replace this with your book title in Aida format and Aida format is attention interest desire and action and it's one of the most effective sales copy of all time it's proven to work once again it's you know the most effective sales copy that people use for years and years and years so following this format chatgpt will write you a description with a nice question based you know heading to grab attention right and then we have the attention section interest desire action one area that you can improve here is to add bullet points of what's included in the book right around the middle of this but besides that this is a very well written description obviously you know make sure to read it fact check it and then you know don't just copy paste it rewrite the sections but as long as you do that you can use Ai and chatgpt to create a book description for you so now that you have your book description the next thing you want to improve is your a plus content because once again the customer Journey will be to click on the cover they will come to the product page they will read a little bit of the description they will scroll down they will see the a plus content and then they'll keep scrolling to read the reviews okay so that is a journey that the customers take so you want to optimize this so you want to create a really nice looking a plus content like this believe it or not you you can actually make this on canva yourself because you know these are just quotes right so it's really really easy quote with a simple you know background image so you can make on canva and I recommend you create a A plus content Banner with comparisons so you can showcase your other books as well but it's fairly easy to create on canva or if you just want to Outsource this then you can just go to Fiverr and look up a plus content and then find a gig that you like and then outsources it'll probably cost you between Thirty to a hundred dollars to Outsource that's my experience with Outsourcing a plus content but over the long run I think the increase in sales will be well worth the money all right reason number four of not getting sales is obviously you're not getting enough reviews for your book now once you start selling the book you will start getting reviews passively from the sales that you made but in order for you to start selling the book you should probably have some reviews that'll make the process so much easier now in terms of the minimum reviews you should get it really depends on the niche but as a general guideline I like to recommend everyone to get at least 10 to 15 reviews per book before you start the launch and before you start the marketing phase now there are many ways to get reviews there is a freeway and a paid way of doing it but basically all the methods comes down to the same concept you're giving out a copy of your book in exchange for an honest review on Amazon okay so you can do this many many ways basically you just have to go and find other people who are willing to read your book for free in exchange for a review right so what you can do is go to Facebook group and search for your topic so in this case I typed in retire early because in my case my book topic is retirement planning you search by groups here and you will find a bunch of groups here with thousands of members that are very active so you want to join the ones that are active at least couple posts a day right if not once a day and basically start interacting with them get to know them you know and you want to make a post saying hey guys I actually have a book on this topic I would love to get your honest feedback on this and I'm happy to provide a free copy if you're interested please comment below you're interested and I'll DM the book so once they make the comment you will DM them with the PDF copy of the book around two weeks later you will follow up with them saying hey how did you like the book once you get their feedback right you can say thank you so much for that do you mind posting that as a review on Amazon and you can send them your review link so that people can do that easily so that is the freeway it's definitely more manual it takes more time but it's absolutely free and you can get unlimited amounts of reviews now the other option it costs a little more money but there are other sites like pubby where you can pay a little bit join a book club and you can get more reviews this way I'll leave a link in the description so you guys can learn how it works the website kind of explains everything but this is a legitimate way to get a lot of reviews very easily our finally reason number five of why you're not getting sales is you're not running Amazon as now one thing I want to say about this is you don't have to run Amazon ads to make sales on KDP a lot of people like to complain that the only reason why they're not making sales is because they're not running ads and they say that you need a huge budget to succeed in KDP and it's impossible for those with a lower budget well those people are just coping making excuses because you can make sales without ads organically it's just that ads will speed up the process so much faster right so it's like pouring gasoline on fire and it honestly doesn't cost a lot to start you can literally start a campaign for just five bucks a day see how it goes it often doesn't even spend that 5 a day budget anyways right and then you can just you know pause it if it's not working for you and if it's not giving you a positive Roi now I recommend if you don't know how Amazon ads work I recommend you just start with one automatic targeting campaign because that is essentially telling Amazon uh to just you know Target whatever keyword Amazon think is best for your book so you're just letting Amazon do everything it's the easiest way to start running ads so do one of that and do one manual targeting campaign and for the manual targeting campaign it's very very easy Ashley you just go to Amazon and start typing in your main keyword so in my case returning retirement planning and then you'll have Amazon suggest all these keywords and if you have this plugin called the AMZ suggestion expander then it'll give you a lot more keywords on top of that right so what you want to do is literally just go and copy all of this paste it on the Amazon ad dashboard and Target it as a manual keyword campaign now if you have publish your rocket you can actually use publisher rocket to get more ideas so you want to go to the AMS keywords search section and then once again type in your keyword right here and click on go get him rocket and these keywords are actually the same keyword we just got on the search suggestion right you can see that the Amazon search suggestions so a publisher rocket is just pulling those but they actually pull a lot more for you so you have a lot more keywords to test as well as they will pull different products uh that search results so you know basically products that's showing up for the keyword on page one so you can also test out running Amazon ads targeting different books as well so it's really really useful saves you a lot of time now if you guys want a in-depth you know step-by-step training on Amazon ads let me know in the comments because I can definitely make that now all you have to do is if the ads work then you just increase the budget because if something is working you're making more than the amount that you're spending on as then you just want to spend as much as you can so that you can make more money back right so you just increase the budget if it's not working and you're losing money then you just decrease it a budget or just pause a campaign completely so it's not like you need a lot of money to start running Amazon ads so if you follow all these steps now you have your book showing up in relevant keywords because you added it in your title customers will start clicking on your book because you have nice covers they will read the book description and a plus content and be sold on the book more they will see the reviews and decide to buy and you can supercharge this entire process with Amazon ads so everything is connected now when it comes to marketing your book and getting more sales these five steps are the 80 20 which means 20 of the activity that gets 80 percent of the results you can definitely experiment with other strategies that you might find online or you might heard of but only after you nail these five steps because these are the core right this is the most important steps to nail first so Implement these and I'm confident that your book sales will increase so thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video leave a like subscribe if you haven't yet all the tools and resources mentioned in this video is in the description below as well as a free training on how I built a seven figure publishing business if you guys want to check that out it's also in the description thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Sean Dollwet
Views: 23,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: self publishing, amazon kdp, how to make money online, amazon kindle publishing, amazon kdp publishing, paul marles, low content book publishing, low content books, low content books kdp, low content kdp, low content publishing, no content book publishing, no content books, kdp income report, kdp revenue, amazon income streams, dane mcbeth, mikkelsen twins, kdp niche research, kdp low content, KDP tips, Publishing Life, Audiobook Publishing, write a book with chatgpt
Id: KEUWjytaE9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2023
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