How To Make The Best Mac and Cheese You'll Ever Need | #homemade #macandcheese

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I [Music] see I see [Music] see [Music] all right guys so I'm going to run down all of what you're going to need to make the best macaroni and cheese you've ever had over here I like making things simple easy and quick and flavorful so here's all of what you're going to need I have the elbow noodles I got some Vita some sour cream that's a game changer if you don't know but I'm going to show you some whole milk I got some some extra sharp cheddar cheese I got some mozzarella I got some mild cheddar cheese and I have some mode jack let's get into it all right guys before we drop our noodles into this water I just wanted you to see how it looks I'm letting the water come to a boil and I already have a little oil in there so that our noodles don't stick but right now I'm going to Salt the water Oo we so it's about that time we're going to add our pasta and guys you want to make sure that you go according to the box instructions for our Dente pasta you do not want to cook this pasta all the way because it will be mushy because it's going to cook again in the oven so make sure that you follow the box instructions for the pasta to come out out dented okay all right you just want to mix it around a little bit to make sure that they're not sticking together all right right now let's do this for the 7even minutes that it requires and I'll come back to that when it's done okay our noodles are done they are our Dente I've already tried them to make sure now I'm just going to set these into a bowl and you don't want to run any cold water over them because you want these noodles to be hot so that you can melt your butter and seasoning onto them but as usual you know I'll be showing you guys everything that I'll do and everything that I'm speaking of so for now I'm just going to place these into a bowl then we'll move forward from there all right guys so to your alente noodles you want to add some butter I forgot to show you guys the butter earlier but this is it so we're going to add a stick of this and make sure it's like room temperature you don't want it to be too cold cuz then it'll be difficult to melt it'll take even longer but remember your noodles should still still be hot do this immediately okay just want to mix that through let it get all through it make sure your pasta has the butter all over this is a very important step just want to do this until the butter is completely melted right so at this point it's safe to now add our sour cream so now that we've added our sour cream we're going to just mix that thoroughly make sure that it's everywhere adding the sour cream definitely helps with making this dish extra creamy and definitely flavorful a lot of people don't know about this step but it's definitely a game changer I'm going to show you guys that it's definitely delicious all right so that's mixed in so now let's season our noodles so now we we're going to add some black pepper all right that should do and guys let me share this with you this guys let me show you this right here is my favorite to add to macaroni and cheese this seasoning here it boosts up the cheese flavor for some reason I can't explain it but it definitely works I don't use all that garlic powder onion powder because that changes the flavor you're supposed to keep this simple and straight to the point but this right here definite game changers so if you try this out and you like it let me know so I'm going to sprinkle some of that in there you don't need that much trust me guys a lot of people don't know that but this right here if you don't want to you can use regular salt but trust me try this out the way it changes the cheese flavor and it just enhan ances it it does something to the cheddar I don't know but it works hey guys so that just about does it our noodles are well seasoned I tasted it definitely flavorful so let's move on to the next step this is okay to just sit like this what we're going to do now is work on our cheese sauce then we're going to come back to this and put it all together all right so to start our SAA we're going to add an entire stick of butter there you go we're going to let that melt we're basically going to make a root so that we can thicken this sauce up so we're just going to let this melt then we're going to add some flour to it okay so our butter has completely melted so what I'm going to do now is gradually add the flour you don't want to cook this long you just want to make sure that it's Incorporated cuz you you don't want it to turn a brown color as if you were making great gravy that you don't want trust me all right okay so this is perfect right here just going to let it go for another few seconds to get that flour taste out all right so now to this you want to add your whole milk you just want to make sure that's all stirred in together and eventually it'll start to thicken up you'll see the difference so guys I'm going to continue stirring this until it gets a little thick I don't want to hold you here so I'll be right back all right so with this cheese sauce what you really want to do is just make sure that the milk is getting warm and as soon as it gets a little warm you want to start adding your cheese but you want to keep stirring because you don't want to Scorch your milk it can burn the bottom of your pan and then you'll have a bunch of little black things floating in there and you don't want that you'll have to start all over because it will taste bitter and it'll be difficult to pick out all of those little black things from the bottom of the pot which is burnt milk okay so when your milk is a little warm you want to start by adding your cheeses I'm going to start with using Vita first because that's in chunks and I want that to break down the shredded cheese is not going to take no time for that to melt you want to start whisking that to make sure that doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan and you don't want that to get burned as well so as soon as this is melted I will show you exactly what it's supposed to like the Vita is completely melted now as you can see there's a slight difference it's starting to thicken up and the milk looks much creamier than it did earlier okay so now to this we're going to add our shredded cheese and guys I won't be seasoning as much because we seasoned our noodles already and cheese has salt in it already so the most I will be adding is just a tiny bit of uh seasoning salt and some black pepper so I'm not going to add it all in at once because I don't want any clumps in there and I don't want it to be at the bottom to give it a chance to burn so I'm going to gradually add that cheese okay that's all of the cheese for our cheese sauce now we're just going to mix it until it gets thick well slightly thick not too thick you want it to be able to go all through your noodles and you know coat them you don't want it to be a watery liquid that took no time you see what I mean I had to break down that Vita cheese but the shredded cheese took no time to melt all right so we're just going to let this thicken up all right so I'm going to add a little back black pepper to this just a little mix that in you see how it's starting to get thick this is going to be the best best cheese sauce you've ever had okay now I'm going to add a little bit of seasoning salt not much just a Sprinkle now I'm going to continue whisking this for another 3 to 5 minutes the most so that it can get a little bit thicker and then we'll add this to our noodles and add the rest of the cheese all right so our cheese sauce is done this is the perfect consistency that you want because you don't want it too thick because it won't give the uh macaroni and cheese any moisture when you're baking it so this is perfect right here okay so let's add this to our macaroni noodles then we'll add the rest of the cheese and then place it in the oven all right guys so now we're going to add this cheese sauce to our noodles going to just dip a measuring cup in here because the ladle that I have is not big enough for that look at that goodness all right let's get the first few cups in there mix that on up you want to make sure that it's all through there no dry noodles Left Behind okay let's add some more all right now this cheese sauce smells amazing I know when you make it you're going to love it just a little more okay that is perfect that's a perfect amount you don't want to overdo it because you don't want it soupy and remember we're adding other cheeses this sauce is just made to keep the moisture in this Dish and also of course for flavor okay so let's transfer this to another dish and add the rest of the cheeses so now that we got this all mixed through let's add our cheeses I'm going to start off with the moderate Jack get that mixed through right so now we going to add some of this mozzarella all right so that's all mixed in so now let's transfer this to our bacon dish and add the rest of the cheese all right so we have our mac and cheese and the bacon dish now we're going to add the remainder of our cheese we're just going to mix that in definitely want to get this mozzarella Flac for that nice cheese pull all right let's mix that in okay so the cheese is all through there along with that cheese sauce so now you just want to level it out now we're going to add the rest of the mozzarella and M cheddar cheese to the top guys this is going to be amazing it has cheese all throughout it and not to mention the flavor is going to be really good all right guys so now I'm going to put a cover on this and place it into the oven on 350 for about a half an hour covered with foil and then I'm going to uncover it for about 10 maybe 15 minutes but I'll show you exactly what I'll be doing so I'm going to pop this in the oven right now and I'll be back all right guys I just wanted to let you see what we're looking like so far this is before I let it get brown so I'm going to pop this back in the oven uncovered and let it get a little bit of brown color on it and then we're done yeah now we done all right guys so here's the best part we are finished tell me that doesn't look good sometimes through the process when you're making things it doesn't always look so appealing but when it's done man listen and that's exactly what we have here o [Music] Weir oh
Channel: MR. NYSauce
Views: 1,028,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mac and cheese recipe, baked Mac and cheese, viral dish, easy recipe, homemade, cheesy pasta, southern cuisine, foodie, foodporn, past, dinner, dinner idea, soulfood, macaroni, cheesy, easy meal idea, easy, how to, how, noodles, american dish, Smokin and grillin with ab, Mr make it happen, old school soul food, soulfult
Id: kJZiplx5c58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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