How To Make The Best Potato Salad You'll Ever Need | #homemade #potatosalad

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I [Music] see I see I [Music] see [Music] take all right y'all so let's get into this video I like to keep it short and sweet as you guys know already I'm going to run down everything you're going to need to make this beautiful amazing flavorful potato salad so of course we got here some potatoes already rinsed them off and dried them I got some mayo sweet relish yellow mustard red wi vinegar it's a a must it's a definite Game Changer I got some eggs that we will be boiling I got a little salt and pepper mix back here I got a little white sugar minced green pepper and minced white onion so I'm going to show you guys how fun this is supposed to be you don't want them chunky okay and ask for the onion same thing you want them to be that small okay all right so let's get into it first we're going to start out by cutting now potatoes and I'm going to show you exactly how I do it all right guys so here's my setup I'm going to start out by peeling the potatoes and also guys you want to have a bowl of room temperature to cold water on standby because once you cut your potatoes you want to place them in there because if you just leave them out of water they're going to turn brown and then your potato salad will look like apple pie salad all right so let me show you guys exactly what I do so like I said you want to peel the potatoes first okay so that's peeled now so now what we are going to do is I'm going to show you how I cut them so I just basically take them one at a time or two at a time just cut them like into threes or fours turn it all right so I'm going to show the size that I have okay this is the perfect size for potato salad see that if you like your potatoes bigger than this then that's totally up to you of me no all right so I'm going to put those in the cold water I'm going to show you once more how I do this and then I'm going to finish the rest off camera sorry let me get these out of the way okay I'll show you once more this is cool all right all right guys so I'm going to finish cutting these potatoes up and I'll be right back all right guys so the potatoes are complete then this is what they are looking like I did change the water I did rinse the starchy water that they were sitting in to prevent oxidation so now I'm going to put these in some water so that they can boil until they fork tender and along with that we're also going to boil our eggs all right so let's head over to the stove all right guys so I'm going to give you guys a pro tip when you're boiling eggs the best way to do it is boil the water first and then place the eggs into the water that makes it easier when they are ready to be peeled the shell will come right off trust me if you don't know this already so I'm going to place my eggs in be gentle with this process you don't want them cracking inside of the pot all right all right so I'm going to let those boil now we got going to add our potatoes to the water so in we go with our potatoes now we're just going to let those boil until they're fork tender but of course I'll be showing you guys what fork tender looks like so I'll be right back guys this about that time to check on our potatoes they should be fork tender by now perfect you want the F to go through with no resistance okay if you feel resistance put them back in but I'm going to take these out now and cool them on a pan make sure you guys do not I repeat do not rinse your potatoes in cold water that will cause it to break down and also it will absorb all that extra water and then your potatoes will break down as you're mixing it and you'll be having mashed pot potato salad and I know that's not what you want we're not making that all right so get off as much water as you can and I'm going to let these cool completely I'm not going to rinse any water I'm not going to do anything to I'm going to let them cool on their own okay that is the proper way to do it and it's the best way to do it so I'm going to get the rest of these potatoes out and I'm going to allow these to cool and in the meantime once I get all of these out I'm going to show you guys how I make my mayonnaise mix and also guys I also have the eggs cooling off right now too those are done as well so I'll be right back all right guys this is how I am cooling my potatoes I have them on a sheet pan and I'm just going to let it do what it do all right so now for real let's go make this mayonnaise mix all right guys so let's get this mayonnaise mix started so first you want to start out by of course adding your Mayo guys don't worry the measurements will be in the description below measurements and everything else that's needed okay and so from here we're going to add our yellow mustard and we're going to add our red wine vinegar if you don't have this you can also use uh regular white vinegar that's fine too you got I like to do it this way because when it comes to this part I don't like to just plop everything on top of the potatoes and mix it all in because when you do that you have a great chance of mashing your potatoes and you know making them mushy and then it's and then sometimes there can be you know pockets of uh mustard or you know mayo and everything isn't fully Incorporated just like that so I like to do this first and then I add everything to the potatoes so we're going to add a little black pepper a little salt to that and also some white sugar just a little to balance out that uh that salt in there from the mustard and the extra salt that we added in there but it's not going to be salty trust me and also you want to enhance the sweetness of the sweet relish so with that we're going to mix this it comes out better this way it's much more creamier and flavorful you get to taste everything and everything is well balanced I mean it it still works the other way but you know I just prefer to do it this way see it's not loose see how creamy that is and it holds better on the potatoes all right so let me give this a taste that's too much that is good a little more yellow mustard and a little more red wine vinegar trust me guys this isn't a lot seems like it but it's really not a little sugar basically we're going to add a little more of everything okay A little salt little little black pepper now let's give this a mix again trust me if you do it this way if you're already not hit to this you're never going to do it any other way trust me it comes out so much better and flavorful this way okay so let me do this again that's it all right guys so let's go ahead and get started with mixing everything guys now we have our cooled potatoes what you want to do is salt and pepper them this right here this step will be to your liking okay always remember when you season food in layers it comes out the best so we seasoned our our mayonnaise mix now we're going to season out potatoes because remember potatoes absorb whatever you put on it very quickly and a mayonnaise will take time to have to se through okay guys please make sure that you like this video also subscribe definitely hit that notific ific ation button so that you can be alerted when I post a new video which would be a great thing don't you think all tad bit more of that and you see guys what I mean by if you don't rinse your potatoes with cold water as soon as they come out of the the uh the boiling water from cooking they will hold up perfect just like this if you rinse them in cold water they will start to break down and become very mushy and you don't want that and plus the potato will absorb the liquid and you don't want that flavor it would just it wouldn't be that great to to do that if you do that it won't come out right okay so now that we've salted our potatoes it's time to go to the next step so now we have our finally diced green pepper and onion you're going to add all of that in there want to spread that around a little bit just so that it's laying flat so we can add everything else all right now we're going to cut up our eggs now see me I like a lot of eggs in my uh my potato salad some people don't and you can either grate this or you can or you can cut it just how I'm cutting it either or but I like to see my egg so great is not the best move for me if that's what you like or you prefer to do that's totally fine all right guys last egg all right now last but not not least we're going to add our sweet relish now for the best part let's get that mayonnaise mix that we made we goingon to add that right on up in there I'm going to do some of it then I'll do the rest of it once I get this first half fully Incorporated in it just want to mix this up kind of like fold it in for now so you don't break the potatoes wow this smells so good make sure you get the Bottom now to this guys it looks like it has enough but what I'm going to do is add a little bit more of that mayonnaise mix because once you put this in a refrigerat Ator the potato is the potatoes are going to absorb the majority of this mix here and you don't want to dry potato salad you still want it to be creamy as if you first made it right so let's do that and if you want to stop here you definitely can okay see we use the majority of it it's not much of that left see all right so let me fold this in okay so this is fully mixed guys we are done okay so let me give you guys a closeup of how creamy this looks does not look good the potato shape still held up and it's flavorful you can see all the flavor in it you see the green pepper of course you don't see the onion because of the color all right so let me transfer this to the pan that I want to store it in in the refrigerator and then we'll complete this potato salad all right guys so I transferred the potato salad it to an aluminum foil pan cuz that's where I will be keeping it in the refrigerator all right so now we're just going to hit it with a little paprika with some garnish just a little you don't need much and this doesn't add any flavor to it it just makes it you know a little pretty all right guys so there you have it we have our potato salad it's finished so guess what we gonna do you already know let's taste it all right let's do it let's do it all right guys here it goes first bite goes to you see I always share make sure you like this video but guys seriously you can see all of the seasonings and the chunks of potatoes like I said they held up well so let's taste it mhm make this exactly the way that I showed you to make it trust me you're going to love it and so will everyone else wow it's flavorful the potatoes are cooked perfectly all the layers of flavors that we added to it the way we did it perfect hands down Perfect all right guys so that's it for this video I'll see you guys in the next video thank you for watching [Music] yeah
Channel: MR. NYSauce
Views: 7,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: potato salad, potato recipe, homemade, easy recipe, viral dish, southern cuisine, foodie, potato, dinner, dinner idea, soul food, eggs, boiled eggs, easy meal idea, easy, how to, how, american dish, southern dish, smokin and grilling with ab, mr make it happen, old school soul food, soulfult, food porn
Id: YPKAWQ8gcf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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