A Traditional Appalachian Breakfast and How to Make Buttermilk Biscuit Bread & Oven Hash Browns

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okay getting my morning cup of postum ready and then I'm gonna start on breakfast so I want to make some fried apples so one of the first things I'm going to do is I'm going to get my apples ready now when it comes to fried apples everybody has kind of Their Own Way lots of people love to put like cinnamon and different spices I don't put any cinnamon I just put sugar we just like them plain a lot of people might leave the peeling we I take the peeling off that's just totally personal preference how you want to do it when you cut them up the size if you want them really thin if you want them really thick again personal preference I like to and you can just use a knife and cutting board and you know cut them up any way you want to I like to use my little um apple peeler that Matt got me several Christmases ago just because it makes it go so fast it takes the peeling off and then it also slices the Apple Into Thin slices it's perfect for drying apples we dry a lot of apples I do every year we love to eat them out of hand for a snack that's probably how we eat the majority of them but then I like to reconstitute them for of course apple stack cake you've got to have that those dried apples to make your apple stack cake really wonderful and then also for other like hand pies Fried Pies those kind of things so when I was using this in another video someone gave me the great tip several people did too because I said I never could get the suction thing to actually suction to my counter so a lot of times I just ended up holding it down and they said use several people told me so thank you if you're watching to use a um cookie sheet or baking sheet whatever you want to call it and that you could it was suctioned it very nicely and then it kept your mess in clothes too so that's how I do it now and it works they were right it works perfectly good and probably if I would put a towel under my tray that would help it from scooting around all over the place so you can see it it takes off the peeling which you could feed your chickens throw away discard compost save for make an apple jelly would be great and then I usually just take a a knife if there is any peeling since we don't like peeling if you do it doesn't matter and then just kind of slice it through the metal and then I've got those to actually fry you can make sure that it didn't get any sometimes an errant little seed or something will get in there you just trim it out [Applause] foreign [Applause] the end likes to get stuck and you can kind of pull it back through to get rid of it I think if I had a I know the perfect thing to keep it from sliding I'm just usually too lazy to worry about stuff like that not really lazy I guess I'm too much in a hurry don't want to stop this would work better foreign sometimes they kind of come apart on you like that but that's okay let's see one little seed down in that one another thing these that breaks it so thin you could just literally break them apart with your hands too come off all these little extra pieces again like I said you can do several different things with them but it'd be great to make jelly out of and if you don't want to make jelly right now you could put it in your freezer let's blot it all up and put in your freezer and make it later I think my pad's working either it's probably the weird angle that I'm at I'm not right in front of the thing because of the camera and I'm pulling on one end that's probably what's causing all the back and forth but I think that maybe that was enough it doesn't take many apples of course my it depends on the size of your family so my family's not that large so I think that that might be enough for us made it easy and quick I'll be sure to leave a link for this one the one that I use in the description below too so I've got some butter melting back here in the back I've got it on pretty high heat but I'm going to turn it down even before I even put my apples in awesome now you can I've made apples when I was in a hurry and I was like oh I want to have apples with breakfast but boy I didn't start in time and they're still okay you just have to cook them fast and worry you know make sure they don't burn and you just have to stay on top of it in other words the best way I think to fry apples though is to do like I'm doing this morning is to have plenty of time I'm going to leave these on low I'm gonna let them just cook along while I do a few other things and then I go get dressed for the day and they'll just be kind of cooking just very gently I put them on low and just letting them cook gently on the back here and I will still check on them I'll come check on them I won't just walk off and leave them for an hour or nothing like that but but I think that's how you get the the best fried apples and again if you want to season yours or put sugar in them or anything like that cinnamon Lots people like to put cinnamon or cloves you can sure do that another thing I want to make this morning is hash browns so I'm going to go ahead and get them started I've just peeled my potatoes I'm just going to use my box grater you could use your food processor with your shredding blade on it if you wanted to again that's for me I'd rather just do this than drag out my food processor a lot of times I do that kind of stuff I I don't know why it's like I know something would be easier or faster and instead I do it the old way okay now that I've got them all shredded I'm gonna put them in a bowl scrape off all the ones I left behind [Music] here okay he's trying to help me stir the apples here she didn't know I had the had it with me and then I'm gonna put some water on them cover them with water and let them soak a bit while I'm getting dressed and that way some of the starch will come out of them one more prep I want to do before I go get dressed for the day is to thaw up some of papaw's sausage who makes the best sausage so I didn't lay it out last night I'm gonna put it in a little bowl foreign and then I'm just going to pour some pour some water over it and by the time I get dressed a little bit more in there it will be thawed up and ready to go and I can cook breakfast so I've got ready for the day and now I'm ready to finish breakfast you can see my apples are doing really great really just cooking them slow still I did add probably not hardly a fourth of a cup of water maybe a fourth of a cup before I went to to get dressed just to make sure they didn't burn while I was gone now I'll just let them continue to cook while I get everything else ready okay I've drained all the water off the sausage I had fallen so I'm gonna get it started it doesn't have a whole lot of fat in it so I've added some olive oil to the to the pan thank you so instead of making my usual biscuits today I'm going to make buttermilk biscuit bread that's really just biscuits but in a large pound of bread instead of cut out individually so when I was growing up granny either made for our dinners and our suppers and our breakfast she would either make cornbread or biscuits not cornbread so much for for breakfast but still for our meal she made biscuits or cornbread I was always most excited when she made biscuits I prefer biscuits as I got older though I now it'd be hard for me to say if I'd rather have biscuits or cornbread I'm just crazy about cornbread anyway when Granny was in a real hurry she would make she's one of those wonderful talented or ladies that can make biscuits in one bowl with their hands and then Pat them out steel don't use a cutter you know don't roll them out anything like that and then put them on the pan and bake them and they're wonderful I've never mastered that even though I've been cooking for so many years I do have a really easy good biscuit recipe though and I will clean I will link to that so that you can go see it if you've missed it anyway when Granny was busy that's what she would do she would do those kind of make her biscuit bread and then spread it out onto the pan and cook it in one large just think of a giant biscuit and then when it come out of the oven we would just break pieces off of it and that's how we would eat it she mostly did that like I said when she was in a hurry but often I remember her doing it like in the evening for supper maybe at the end of a long busy day when there wasn't it wasn't time to actually take the time to Pat out each biscuit now when Matt's mother Miss Cindy she taught me to make the recipe I'm going to use today the buttermilk biscuit bread years and years ago and it's a really common one so you've probably you've probably heard of it yourself and also it's Biscuits so you could still like roll them out and cut out the individual biscuits you could do it like granny you could use your hands and Pat them out that way and it would work just fine and it's actually one of the recipes that's going to be in my upcoming cookbook my name Jeff castos which will be out in May of 2023 and the name of it is celebrating Southern Appalachian food it's going to be a great cookbook we're really really excited about it and this is one of the recipes that will be in it so what do you need to make this quick quick easy biscuit bread you need two tablespoons of bacon grease now I keep my bacon grease when I make bacon I have a little little container you know that filters it through and so I save it so I have it if you didn't have this you could use butter would be just fine we're going to need two cups of self-rising flour I already have my flour right here I'm really partial to white lily self-rising flour but any would work and then butter I've got my butter in the freezer I'm going to get it out right now and you need to cube it and then you're going to work it into the dough my friends at Holman's Homestead in the last year they taught me to grate the butter grate it and it's really fine and you don't have to really cut it in you just mix it in so I've already graded mine then it was a little sauce I'll put it in the in the freezer for a few minutes and then you need the buttermilk so this recipe advises to use one and a half cups to two cups that's something you'll just have to play with and see what works best for you but the first step is I'm going to go ahead and I've got me and and I didn't tell you what you're going to cook it in actually I left that part out is cast iron pan so this is a cast iron pan I'm going to use and I'm going to go ahead and put my bacon grease in there and kind of you know smear it around and we're going to bake it I'm gonna put this into my cold oven and we're going to bake it at 400 degrees for about 20 to 25 minutes you'll have to really keep an eye on it and make sure that your oven is not different than mine so it may be quicker or slower foreign this up so you can see it's really got a lot of grease in it but that will give the outside of the bread a wonderful wonderful crunchiness and flavor too we'll add flavor I've got a cornbread video I'll link to that's the secret to cornbread you find your favorite batter whatever it is however you like if you like buttermilk if you like sweet milk if you like coarse ground fine ground white yellow but use a cast iron pan that you preheat first now while I'm waiting for my oven to come up to heat and heat that pan up for me I'm going to start working on my hash browns now I love hash browns and over the years I've made them so many different ways but always on top of the stove always I've tried lots of different recipes whether it's just using the potato and maybe some flour maybe it's just some oil or some butter and then I've also tried ones more in depth where you add eggs and stuff like that and they were okay but it's just such a pain to make hash browns that I I just never found a recipe that I truly like back because it was just such a pain to stand over them and make sure they were right and and kind of flip them and sometimes they get too done on the outside and not really done on the inside like if you make little Mounds or something anyway recently I was thinking about hash browns and I thought you know I just wish I could make them in the oven I wish I could make them in the oven so I did a little search and I found several recipes and I I use the easiest one and I even made it even easier so I will put the link below though to the original recipe where I found it so you can go see she does hers a little bit different but my they turned out so great that I was like now I found how I will make hash browns for the rest of my life so that first step is what I showed you earlier is to really grind grate the potatoes any way you do it let them soak in water I think her original recipe actually said just put them in water drain it put them in water drain it just keep doing that until the water is clear since I was gonna I was kind of prepping I went ahead and just let mine soak for a little while to get some of that extra starch out now I've drained I've got them in this draining in this colander and then you're just going to get out handfuls of them and just squeeze try to squeeze out all the all the water that you can I'm sure that you could probably you know if you wanted to put them in a tea towel or something like that too but this worked really well for me has worked really well for me so I'll just keep doing that so just squeeze out as much water as you can I love hash browns fried potatoes whatever with eggs and biscuits oh I just think it just really sets It Off Matt was cooking he'd be wanting to make the he'd be wanting to do the fried potatoes and put ramps in them it's about ramp time this is the time of the year we start thinking about ramps we hope to get to go go dig ramps if you don't know what ramps are they grow wild and I will I will link to a video where we did go dig them not last year but the year before and where I really talk about what they are in that video oh okay I think my oven's about ready so I'm gonna switch back to my biscuits so that we can get them in [Music] one last part of my hash browns okay I decided I'm gonna do finish the hash brown so that I can put it all in there together so I've got the drained hash browns that I squeezed out and depending on again I will link to her recipe that's got precise ingredients but depending on how many I'm not using as many potatoes as she did so I'm just kind of eyeballing it so I've got some melted butter I'm gonna put in and then I've got some olive oil I'm going to add a little bit of it and then I'm going to start it around and see if I think that looks looks good or I may need to add some more I think that's going to be just right and then I've got my I've got a baking sheet and I've lined it with parchment paper I think the parchment paper is part of the real key and it keeps it keeps them from sticking because they're so fine sometimes that's the same thing that happens in the frying pan they get kind of get some edges get burned and then some of them don't necessarily get cooked all the way so I'm gonna I think the parchment paper really helps with that keeps them from and they're easy to scoop up too so I think that's pretty good I think I'm going to leave it right there and as far as seasoning again she I think she used like a chicken flavored maybe bouillon something like that I'm just going to use salt and pepper we're pretty simple people you could add the garlic or or whatever you want to add it to add to it and then instead of putting the seasoning in the pan I'm going to go ahead and spread them out on my on my tray of with lined with parchment paper and you just kind of want to evenly put them on there spread them out in this thin layer as you can and these also cook at 400 degrees so my oven's ready for them and you they start out on the bottom rack of your oven for 15 minutes and then as they begin to Brown around the edges move them up a rack so for another 15 minutes but again all that I always like to tell people your oven may be different I hate to tell somebody and then they go exactly by it and then they end up burning whatever it is or it doesn't get done and they're dependent on it for their they've timed their meal just right so I'm gonna add some salt some pepper and then I'm gonna pop these in and get my pan out for my biscuit bread well first I think I'll go ahead and mix up my batter it's my butter that's in kind of mix it in a little makes it so easy by grating it like that I can't believe I didn't know that my whole life I'll link to the Holman's Channel too so that you can go check out their Homestead and then I'm going to start adding my buttermilk that's all of it see we want it to be you know thin enough that you can pour it in your pan but you don't want it to just be soup either really I think it would turn out good whatever you did wonderful Tangy fragrance of buttermilk smells good I'm gonna add some more maybe just a tad more looks like I'm going to use all of it but about a fourth of a cup and so the texture you can see it's it's you know it's not soupy but it's definitely pourable okay now I gotta get my hot pan [Music] foreign start sizzling that's always a good sign kind of smooth out the top a little bit but it's okay if it's there's little bumps I'll just be a little crunchy part that'll taste so good okay I'm gonna put it in the oven and then while I'm gonna give them time to cook a little bit before I start on my eggs is all I've got left but in the meantime I'm gonna clean up my mess of a kitchen thank you you can see how beautiful it is beautiful it turned out it's going to be tasty I think I'll go ahead and cut it put it in squares Maybe [Music] I don't know maybe I should have just let people break it off like granny did [Music] outside crunch is wonderful you can smell the tiny tiny part of the buttermilk it's hot but um taste the bacon grease all I need is some butter and some honey thank you looks good very good fried apples sausage Papaw sausage which makes it even better gosh yeah I've said stuff get bread biscuit breaking pieces of that pizza and hash browns foreign ever to do hash browns okay now it's time for me to fix my plate this bread is so good I don't know I was going to say if you make any of this I encourage you to make the bread but the hash browns it's like changed my world it's so much easier to do them like that and they turn out so good too it's just like miraculous I was like why did I never think about doing them in the oven before it's just so good and you could add you know like even I'm sure like I was saying all those recipes that I had that were you know whether you added flour to them or something to make them stick together I'm sure you could do that too but I think these are just perfect fried apples go very well with this meal I'm just gonna get a little piece of sausage I bet Katie got the other part of this we can't hardly eat the whole piece so now I'm ready to go enjoy this wonderful traditional Appalachian breakfast with my family I hope you enjoyed seeing how to how to make that buttermilk butter bread that I learned from Miss Sandy also the amazing way to make those hash browns you got to try that this makes traditional a traditional breakfast for us of course people all over the world eat this stuff sometimes people leave me comments like that you know other people eat that I sure do I sure do know that they do but in the mountains of Appalachia it is a traditional breakfast it's one that people eat very often when you've got the fried apples you've got the wonderful taters the hash browns fresh farm eggs and then the wonderful batter bread biscuit with that buttermilk Papa's homemade sausage all those things makes it just really wonderful and I always want you to drop back by and help me celebrate Appalachia and a whole lot of it is food ways food places are integral role in all of our Lives wherever you live we all have to eat and and because of that you develop favorites and things you dislike things you love and as cultures evolve there's traditional things that are common throughout it like the biscuits the fried apples the fresh sausage all those things you know from those traditional things I mentioned to that wonderful recipe that Miss Cindy shared with me so many years ago and then here today I'm still making it for her son for her grandchildren for her grandchildren's significant others so it just kind of continues on and I lovely I just love to think about that food and family and that really plays a huge role in the Appalachian culture I found that shade
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 211,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Food that is eaten in Appalachia for breakfast, What is traditional Appalachian Food, Comfort food in Appalachi, Appalachian Recipes, Traditional Mountain Food, Appalachian Foodways, Appalachia, A traditional Appalachian Meal, meal commonly eaten in Appalachia, fried apples, how to fry apples, breakfast in Appalachia, how to make oven hash browns, best hash browns, buttermilk biscuit bread, how to make biscuit pone, Celebrating Southern Appalachian Food Cookbook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 47sec (1727 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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