Appalachian Vocabulary Test - See if You Know the Words!

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one of the most popular features of my blog blind pig and the acorn are the vocabulary posts that i share back when i first started in 2008 i started featuring each month i would have an appalachian vocabulary test that that turned out to be a very popular part of the site in more recent years you may have seen some of these we started doing little clips to actually say the word so that people that were not familiar with how how the word might be pronounced or how the accent how it says when you say it with an appalachian accent so we started doing those little clips that made those vocabulary tests even more popular i think i'm closing in on i think the last one was 151 so i've done 151 vocabulary tests over the years and it's just really fun way to talk about appalachian language but also to keep some of those words alive to keep people reminding them of them or maybe somebody says hey i really like that i'm going to add that to my everyday speech and it keeps those words going one of the resources i use for those tests is the dictionary of smokey mountain english i have other reference books that i use too i even have some of my old tests that i took in appalachian studies class in college when he he would t my professor would test us on uh certain words we went through the alphabets we did you know all the a's and then the b's and then c's and all that anyway so i utilize all those things a lot of times i'll be thinking of a word and think well yeah i know what that means i've heard it my whole life but i'll wonder don't you know does it does other people know or are is it still in use or is it just something i remember from childhood one of my favorite things to do is i'll i'll stop what i'm doing usually yell through the house at one of the girls and ask them if they know the word i'll say hey how about this word do you know what it means sometimes they do sometimes they don't one of the funniest examples of that is one time i yelled and said hey does katie do you know what a brush arbor is she said yeah i do i said well okay what is it and she said well it's when all the churches get together and pile brush so it's like no not really she said well what is it i said it's when they create a brush arbor is like they create a structure out of brush in the old days today it's mostly tents or something like that and then they have a church service in it so anyway it's always a lot of fun to test the words on the girls and now that's what we're going to do i'm going to turn the camera around and i'm going to give cory and katie an appalachian vocabulary test we're going to fail i'm not going to fail but you might all right girls you ready for your appalachia i don't know what if we failed this this would look really bad if we filled it i know i'm just joking i'm ready if you fail you must clean off the garden and plant the turnips i'm not gonna i'm not gonna fail then okay except that spider over there might get me i do see i was kind of watching him make it go away kp it'll get over here i don't like it it's one of the scary ones it's getting stick hold on then save clue from the demon spider where's the spider even though you don't even see it okay he didn't get it he's just swinging in the spider web i see his web right over there and don't hit what was that got him okay now that the spider has been taken care of let's start with the first one back set can you use it in a sentence no then i'll tell you whatever okay to me that means something like this set back yeah it just stayed back it is that's what i was going to say back set um are you trying to mow the yard but the lawnmower quit and backs at me no i don't think it's that i think set must refer to like the position of something so a back set is if i i'm sick and i have a cold and it takes me two or three weeks to get over it and then i get over and i think that's good i'm all better and then all of a sudden i'm starting to feel bad again i've took a back set well yeah that's kind of like what i said setback yeah it's kind of the same thing but literally the words are just reversed you got that one okay do you know what bait is fish bait no to me i'd be like i'm gonna this person has information and i need to know what it is so i'm gonna bait them in with whatever i'm gonna tell them until they tell me what i want to know i need like one of those things to go so you better in appalachia bait is used to describe a large amount of food i just think some of this just ain't true yeah i've never heard that i've heard your daddy say he wants a big bait of fish or a bait of deer yeah yeah i guess but i think i would say whatever it is somebody has it i won't i'm gonna bait them in so they tell me what i need to do okay do you know what an old biddy is what old lady okay you got that no lady i thought it well is it no i guess it's just an old lady what's what do they say for the the people that never married we don't know that's if you die lim's is something else old school spencer a spinster okay if you're a bigoted what are you biggity biggity mean bragging you like bragging i'm smoking you okay okay what if you use the what does it mean if someone blows in appalachia i mean they're talking big about stuff that they do you'd not you suck i win you're not letting me have a word you're going to be playing like yourself katie can i answer this one what does bum fuzzle mean fuzzled means that you can't figure something out that you're confused right that was the easy way your whole life is like that going on oh my gosh all right cat amount what's a catamount what it is it's a thing a mountain lion hey i know i just had a cougar that would have been the same thing cougar would have worked yeah okay katie what happens what what does chunk mean if you chunk something it means it's bad you don't want it it means you cut it up throw it that's what i just said it's bad you don't want it so you throw it like you chunk the fire you put some wood in the fire i am failing okay what about a connection it's a bad situation oh no i'm in a connection what am i gonna do i'm having to fit my hair is bad okay what if you cut a dido and that just ain't real you made that up oh sorry you cut something up you cut diagonally across something both of you have been known to cut dido's especially when you were young get upset just show out why would you say you fit when you just say they was throwing throwing a tantrum uh you could but if you wanted to be really colorful like the rich colorful language of appalachia you'd say a dido also a rusty those are called so what's decoration like decoration day in a cemetery grab it there you go what if you wanted a dope if i told you bring me a dope from the store cigarettes that's what i was thinking literal dope a mom i know what would it be a mop i could think of a cigarette a coke a coke a soda they probably called it dope because you know what they put in that coca-cola when it very first started how about that if you have a dab of something what is that a little bit you have a little bit okay fisty cuffs if you're in fishy you're fighting with someone yeah and i'm gonna win have you ever been to a frolic party yes i don't know we invited invited to parties very much so what if someone has a lot of gall they're brave yeah they you got the gall or the nerve to tell me that how dare you whatever it is you've told me do you know what your goozzle is this yeah that's because sometimes people eat chicken gizzards and that's what that is that's just nasty there's lots of lots of good meat on a chicken and that's what you choose yeah he loves them okay paint what's a haint ghost haunty ooh halloween's coming get terrified what does hunker mean hunker down like sit tight like what do they say um instead of hunker like and it's not set tight either it's something where yeah you know shelter in place do you know what a jew larker is a bug a plant a bad person oh a good person someone that hunts jewelry no a boyfriend a boyfriend oh okay what if you are duberous happy excited happy you're joyful hey back there quit i can see them pulling each other's feathers out horrible horrible okay these chickens are misbehaving yeah misbehaving jubris is undecided if you're undecided the whole word describes my life cory's jubilee or the scales what if you're laid up you're sick i'm laid up sick gonna die what if someone lit into you they'd be mad at you yeah it's a whipping what if you let on like don't let on being sarcasm dramatic something's wrong with me help me help me all right like pretend late on yeah it's like pretend let's pretend like let on like katie don't know what we're talking about she doesn't know what we're talking about [Music] i lay off you got laid off from work and now you'll starve to death now but another meaning i'm gonna lay off the drinking cause it's wrong [Laughter] i don't drink but if someone did drink that might be what they would tell you it means you're tired and you're just gonna relax i'm going to like give you a hint think about it in relation to pabst big garden if you lay off oh so like you do something you lay off the dirt to plant lay off the rose yes what if you lay by the railroad track not a place you want to be um i'm gonna lay by this and get to it and finish this test say bye like i'm just gonna lay by and let this happen without me kind of that could be like that i don't lay by and just get in here and get this whatever i'm trying to do done lay by typically means like in july when all the garden you're it's either going to make it or it ain't most of your stuff's done the corn has been hoed as many times the potatoes have been healed and all that and it's lay by time you just lay it by and let whatever happened what if you lay out they out later playing hooky yeah i laid out of school and there wasn't nothing wrong with me but i just lied about it what if you lay down you don't want to you're dead you're being lazy how do you give up will you give up you don't give up least ways the easiest way to do it is the least ways the least ways to distance to get there is that right at least ways is just at least it's just we had to do it backwards i think boy she know that well i think some of the problem is is i i say these things but i don't say them in the correct way like instead of saying um that person or this uh this shirt that i bought isn't any worth any count it has no count it come apart in the washer i would say that shirt ain't got no account ain't no account for that shirt and that's not how you say that but that's a good one for appalachian language what is leather bridges someone approached it leather britches dimses coin dims beans that you hang up how about try to say corn so they can drive can i go see who come here mourner's bench that's like where when you're sad and someone dies the funeral in the church at the front where you yeah yeah but i wouldn't think about that as a mourner's bench that's just like the prayer bench what's the mourner's pants your morning mom that's probably the male people they need the milk i got my dressing i want my drink what's meanness which one venus menace like you're a mean kid you're a mean person you're full of meanness if you're full of meanness what are you full of you're ugly you're making evil stuff mischief miss doom despair what if you borrow up you mess something up you tear it up you destroy something oh man i marred up this piece of jewelry and now i have to trust what happens in this winter when or in the fall when our driveway falls just stuck i'm not sure what if someone is office they ain't acting right like weird and standoffish onliest the only thing whatever dogs talking so much let me get one all right cory that's the only time you will ever hear that in history guys flamish if you're kuamus katie what are you you're not happy you sick to your stomach you're gonna die everything's death of me i'm sorry okay what is ruination you ruined it you tore it you made it bad on purpose you have to start destruction doom what's erection an interruption a plus an interruption if you're wrong studious that's just another one you've made up if you're around studious you're quarrelsome oh yeah what's a shirttail boy a boy with a shirt tails out and so he's just young and frivolous and not really a boy who's so poor he doesn't have a short story is a little boy a little one little boy little tape what's a skiff a little bit of snow oh you got that a skiff of snow i've heard that before if you're stogging you're slow you won't come along [Laughter] i ate a big handful of m ms before i did this i see um say it again if you go stogging through the yard what's that stumping stumping strengthening walking yeah there's some the ground has provided you with resistance what are you uh if you touch us what does that mean picky fickle fragile get upset easily corey where's john way over there that way what if it's airish cold a red no that's the opposite that's different okay that's a good admitted teeth what's a blather scott a lie because you made that up too a bad stone a fool okay and what's a boomer a deer a baby deer no it's like that disney whatever that was boomer who was that that was bambi that was funny i got a smaller there was a boomer there was i didn't watch disney stuff i couldn't sit still long enough boomer you're surrounded by them trees no bugs squirrels boomer is a squirrel i wouldn't have said that mama's smart and i have some questions so i think this lesson has showed us or this test that y'all are going to clean off my garden plant the turnips and you need to start reading the blind pig in the acorn because you failed we are pitiful excuses mama is smart katie and corey are no smart so we hope you enjoyed this test we hope you'll leave a comment and let us know which words you were familiar with or which words like katie if you're like katie and you think i made them up although i didn't know i know you didn't make them up so leave us a comment and let us know and thanks for uh watching our test and we hope you'll drop back by often to celebrate appalachia and for more appalachian language we failed bye
Channel: Celebrating Appalachia
Views: 3,099,467
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appalachian mountains, Appalachia, Appalachian accent, unusual words used in the mountains, unusual words from Appalachia, southern accent, the way people talk in the south, how to do an Appalachian accent, Appalachian Mountain Talk, Appalachian phrases, Appalachian vocabulary test, Southern Appalachian Accent, Appalachian Dialect Words, Appalachian English, Appalachian Dictionary, Appalachian Sayings, Vocabulary Quiz Southern Appalachian English, Appalachian Language Quiz
Id: ZEjOW8Elfu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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