How To Make The Authentic Ghana Okro Stew The Quick Easy & Delicious | Okra Stew Recipe

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hello my sweets welcome back which tribe in Ghana makes their oakr to this way the All Nations kind of okras to I'll give you a hint I'm from that tribe let's get started to aart adding your meat to that one spice blend Cube and one allpurpose blend beef seasoning salt to taste give it a stare and we're going to allow this begin to steam in its own juices that way the flavors will penetrate beautifully so it has been steaming now for about 5 minutes I give it a stir and add enough water to cook our protein until nice and tender meanwhile I'll be seasoning some mael also with seasoning I love the flavor that it adds to my mackerel you may use just salt if you wish so we'll just rub it over it and set it aside to marinade while we go ahead to cut up our veggies okay so I'll cut up some onion red bell pepper and tomatoes will set part of the cut up one aside and we'll blend the rest m interal food show you how [Music] Tosh back to check on our meat it is halfway cooked so I'll add in my snails add some more water to cook the snail until tender while we prep the rest of our ingredients International Food show you how to make [Music] pza sushi and P [Music] at this point I'll add some whe to the meat and allow it to continue cooking for just about five more minutes I just want the Willie to absorb some of the flavors because it is already soft now to a pot add in some palm oil to that I slic onions and we'll fry it for about 5 minutes or until it is nice and translucent which is usually hard to see when using palm oil so just give it 5 minutes and then we'll add in our Blended onions and peppers stir everything together and allow it to fry for about 5 to 8 minutes on medium heat we'll then go ahead and add in our Blended tomato and and red bell Pepe rings out the blender Bowl add that water give it a stir cover it up and allow it cook until oil begins to settle on top of it while that is going on we'll be cutting up some Garden eggs and our okra yes we guys love adding Garden eggs to our okra stew however if you don't add it the right way you may lose the slime so I'll show you how I like to add mine back to our steel oil have begun setling on top of it so I added in the mackerel and I'll allow it cook for about 10 minutes while that is going on we will prep our okra as well and I like to cut it this way okay you start from the pointy tip and then cut it to the head we call it head and tail in my galand okay that way you can just get rid of the head part of it and we'll just go ahead and set this aside back to our Ste looking as good as can be our fish is ready so we'll get it out and set it aside now my hubby doesn't eat um Orr to so he will be enjoying his banun with some of this fish and this is the point you want to add in your garden eggs okay now to cook our okra I boiled some water to that I added just a pinch of baking soda which will help the okra be very very dryy or slimy okay as soon as it comes to a boil I like to add in my Ginger cuz I love the flavor it gives to my okra soup and stews once you add your Ginger turn the fire off and set it aside at this point I'm adding in all of the seafood shrimp crab Lobster whatever you like goes in I seasoned it with some shrimp powder if you are allergic to any of these please skip it and allow it cook for about 5 minutes before adding in your cooked meat and and also why yes oh my God I love me some snails but I don't like it overcooked I like it when it's gr grw like that give it a quick stay allow it simmer for about 5 minutes so everything can get to know each other at this point we add in our okra oh my goodness isn't it calling your name give it a quick stare and then add in your mackerel fish yes you make sure you add it in after you st push it down bring it back to a boil as soon as it comes back to a boil your oakr to is ready and we would be enjoying it with some delicious bank which I have a full tutorial for and I'll leave it for you to check it out today special tool goes to Nana T and z c g thank thank you for always watching and engaging in my [Music] videos and our St is ready our banun is also ready what do you like to pair your okas to with let me know in the comment section now all that is left left is for us to serve and enjoy all are invited to enjoy this deliciousness with me did you enjoy today's recipe would you be giving it a try if so let me know in the comment section and do not forget to share it with a friend they may find it helpful also give your girl a thumbs up to let me know I'm doing a good job I love you all and until I see you in the next one stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of God and family is Life's greatest blessing and guys by food [Music] mad International Food C you have to make pizza and Sushi and pastries [Music] all sending M any other way taptap send is the way to go download it today and use our short code sweet team to get a $15 bonus when you send your first 50 so the the person you're sending it to get to get an extra $15 on us
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 154,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1LF1R-23g9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 6sec (546 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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