2 Easy ways to make Fufu

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hello everyone welcome back to my kitchen so today we are going to be making fufu for those who don't know fufu is an indigenous nigerian meal however it's not just eating in nigeria but it's also eaten in some other parts of west africa for those who don't know i'm going to be using cassava for this recipe and cassava is a root crop just like your potatoes sweet potatoes yams however it is more starchy and more stretchy so i'm going to be showing you two ways in which we can make this so you can choose either way you like so let's get started i'm using two cassava roots which is also known as yucca and i'm also going to be using two green plantains so what i'm doing right now is just peeling the cassava roots and i'm using my potato peeler for this you can also use a knife for this it will work just as well some people like to ferment their cassava before they make the fufu all you have to do is to put your cassava then leave it inside water for three to five days in that way your cassava is going to be fermented and then you can blend it and continue with the process i'll now be cutting this into small cubes because i'm going to be blending this later and i want the blending process to be quite easy for my blender [Music] so now i'm going to pull this inside some room temperature water just to remove the excess starch away from the cassava i'll be peeling my plantains and i'll also be cutting them into small pieces you may be wondering why i'm using plantains it's just because it helps to reduce the stretchiness of the fufu once it's done if you don't want to use it it's all well and good just follow the same procedure and you're going to get an excellent [Music] result now drain the water away from the cassava and put them inside the blender i've got a small jar so i'm going to divide that into two i'll put half of the casserole first and half of the planting when you want to blend this you need to put just a little bit of water if you put too much water your fufu is going to come out to lose and we don't want that we are going to need a very strong blender to blend this and i blended this for about two minutes to get this really nice and smooth consistency i'll now be dividing this into two so that i'm going to be showing you the two ways in which i make this the first half i'm going to be making on the stove top and to do that just pour everything inside the pot turn on your heat to medium and start stirring the butter now you have to stir very fast because you don't want any lumps to form inside the fufu and you don't also want to crank on the heat too high otherwise the lumps are going to form so just keep on stirring after a couple of minutes let's say about four to five minutes you see the batter changing into fufu so at this point you need to stir even faster so that everything can come together nice and smooth so here we go our fufu is looking nice and good it's almost all done now but i have to add a little bit of water just to loosen the texture a little bit and i also want the food to cook very well it's time to stir this one more time so this is the point i enjoy most when making fufu i just like to stare and stir and stir so that everything is going to come out beautifully well so what i like to do is to wrap this inside plastic wraps so that the fufu will not end up forming a crust on the top and once we are ready to eat it we just remove it from the wraps the microwave method is a very easy method all you have to do is just to pour your batter inside a microwave-safe bowl then cover it with a microwave-safe need and pop that inside your microwave first i like to leave this to cook for about five minutes then i take it out and give it a good stir after that i add a little bit of water just to loosen the texture just like i did previously and i'm going to cook it again for another five minutes until the texture is nice and smooth so here we go after about 12 minutes my fufu is all done as you can see it has exactly the same texture as that of the stove top it's looking very nice and smooth so just like i did previously i'm going to be putting this inside my plastic wrap and i'll be keeping it till we are ready to eat it so today i'm going to be serving my fufu with a goosey soup and if you want to know how i make my goosey soup i will leave a link to that in the description box below you can also serve this with your away do or okra soup i also leave a link to my aqua soup anyways so that is it again for today thank you very much for spending your time with me as usual all the details to this recipe can be found in the description box until next time i'll talk to you shortly enjoy
Channel: Chef Lola's Kitchen
Views: 2,930,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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