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hello sweet seem welcome back to my channel this is seesaw jelly I am so excited to be with you today and I hope everyone is doing wonderfully well as you can see sweet eating things in y'know yes Rita jellies kitchen yes now today I'm sharing this super delicious chicken stew recipe with you all and you are going to love it now if you're new to my channel join the sweet team by clicking on that subscribe button right now while you're at it hit that Bell and hear all notifications so you'll be among the first to be notified when I upload a video let's get started I'm going to begin by steaming my chicken with some rosemary onion seed onion garlic scotch bonnet pepper and some ginger I'll add my garlic and scotch bonnet pepper into my blender I also cut up my ginger and also onion and add that as well not forgetting my spices once everything goes in the blender I'll add enough water to blend it until it is nice and smooth and we will be using that to season and steam our chicken I usually get my chicken from the poetry form but my mama B bought this one for me shoutout to you mama B this is what your chicken is doing oh my goodness I love heart chicken when you go to the poultry farm ask for heart chicken or at times you can find it in a supermarket and the right hand on its okay so now that everything is nicely blended our poor it's over my chicken rings out the blender and add that water [Music] so this I'll add some chicken seasoning and some salt to taste you may add whatever type of seasoning that you prefer cover it up and bring it to a boil once it boils beautifully I'm just going to go ahead and give it a very good stare to ensure that my seasoning and spices have gone everywhere for every part of the chicken to be well seasoned I'll then cook it on medium heat until my chicken is nice and tender [Music] all right you'll just look at our chicken it is looking absolutely delicious it's very nice it's tender and it's very very flavorful so I'm just going to the head and get it all out of the stock because I hate transferring from stock to oil and here we go I've taking everything out so I'm going to go ahead and fry it until it's nice and golden brown [Music] in [Music] sushi and [Music] look at our gorgeous chicken so I'll set this aside and I'll begin with the stew so I'm just going to slice up some onions and we will begin the stew with it and do not get rid of the oil that you use to fry your chicken because we will be using that to make this - it is very very flavorful so I'll just add the sliced up onions into the oil and I'm going to cook this for about five minutes next I'll be blending my scotch bonnet pepper with some onions and I'll also be adding one secret ingredient yes this is the thicker part from me straining my stock I'm just going to add that to my onion and scotch bonnet pepper and this is especially important if you do not like to use stock cubes this will take your stew to the next level I'm going to be adding some rosemary to my onions and oil and this will make your chickens to taste really really good for some reason rosemary pairs very well with chicken now you can use bay leaves as well okay so I'm just going to let this fry for about a minute then I add in my blended onion scotch bonnet pepper and the stock remember the thicker part of the stock yes so I'll let this fry for a good five minutes Jaber new shimming couldn't flow I'm gone yes you're now let me quickly take you through the rest of my ingredients I have my chicken stock right here that I've strained beautifully I have some of my homemade tomato sauce and I'll be some fresh tomatoes for this recipe so all I'm going to do now is to cut up my tomatoes deseeded and I'm going to put the seed through a strainer just to get the juice out I don't want to use the seed but it is not a big deal it was just a choice today you can go right ahead and blend everything with the seed I'm doing this because this is how I learned how to cook we usually take the seeds out but because of blenders these days we're able to blend everything and it's quite amazing now you can add more pepper if you like but the scotch bonnet pepper that I'm using is super hot and I don't want to make this too too hot I just want it to be perfect that way everybody will be able to enjoy it now let's check on our onions and it has fried beautifully it's been frying for about eight minutes now and you can see it almost separating and that is exactly what you want this will ensure that yes you will be super delicious so I give it a good stare and as you can see it is not burning at all so next I'll add in my tomato sauce and my blended tomatoes our also go ahead and rings out my blender and add that order and then I'll cook this until the tomatoes looses its sour taste all right and we're going to be cooking this on medium heat you do not want to cook this on high heat you don't want your students or burn so we'll be keeping an eye on it stirring periodically until oil begins to settle on top of it and also until our tomatoes like I said loses its sour taste meanwhile I'll be skimming the oil of mine stock this is totally optional but I love to do this I don't like cooking with this oil [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's check on our stew and as you can see it is simmering beautifully the oil have begun settling on top of it I'm going to give it a quick stare oh my goodness this too is not even done and the whole house is on fire okay so at this point I'll add in my chicken stock I'll give it a good stare and I'll continue cooking this on medium heat and we're going to cook this until oil begins to settle on top one more time okay - to have been cooking for a good 20 minutes now and you can see the yellowish ring around the bubbles this tells you yes - is not done somebody sent a comment wanting to know how do you know when your stew is done as long as you have those yellowish rings around your bubbles it is not done okay at this point I'm going to season it with a bit of my uh nice powder and also some fine that is it oh my goodness these two combinations took the stew to another level I'll give it a good stare and now I'll be simmering it on medium-low okay stirring periodically and I'll cook this for just about eight to ten minutes [Music] we're back and ours too is looking good but you can still see the yellowish ring it's almost done so I'm going to finish it up with some curry powder never add your curry powder in the beginning added that the lye moment so I give it a very quick stare and now it is time for our chicken so also go in did you forget about our chicken oh that is the star of the show I'll just stir everything together and I allow this to simmer for a good 15 minutes and as you can see I didn't add any more salt because at this point once you add your chicken some of the flavor will go into your stew making it perfect now as you can see the bubbles no longer have the yellowish rings around it so this tells me my stew is done this way your stew does not spoil quickly or easily so we have a perfectly done chicken stew you can enjoy this in so many ways with rice with yam potato plantain you name it these two pears wonderfully with anything that you always remember to skim off any excess oil okay you do not need it it helps you get a tasty and better stew but you don't need it I'll be enjoying it with some potatoes today oh my goodness this was absolutely delicious everybody loved it thank you so so much for watching I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give a girl a thumbs up thank you for that share and subscribe to my channel yes please be sure to share this on your social media platforms share with family and friends if a new subscriber welcome to my channel this is Rita jelly thank you so much for subscribing and to the three team llamo I love you until I see you in my next video stay safe keep loving each other and remember that the love of God and family is life's greatest blessing and guys kappa nominee Oh Jamie sweetie maja boots ooh [Music]
Channel: Sweet Adjeley
Views: 554,514
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #chicken, #chickenstew, #chickenstewrecipe, #howtomakechickenstew
Id: AC0pUsWsbhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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