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hello everyone and welcome back to my channel today I've got this beautiful vibrant delicious okra soup recipe for you this is one of my all-time favorite Nigerian soups and if you'd like to know how I made this then please keep watching so the first thing I will be doing is to boil my meat and in here I've got some Tripe and Cow foot that's Shaki and Ese Eran I've also got some Goat Meat and I've got some Beef as well and I'm also going to add some blended onions I've got a mixture of purple and white onions and I'm also going to season with some bouillon cubes and some salt I'm going to add water at this time because I need the meat to sweat out the their own moisture and I also need them to absorb the seasoning well enough so I'm just going to give it a quick stir and then I will cover and simmer for about 10 to 15 minutes on low to medium heat and after 10 to 15 minutes I'm just going to add enough water to cook the meat and then I'm going to cover it and I will leave to boil until the meats are soft and I should mention at this point that whenever I'm boiling meats for Palm oil based soups I try not to use too many spices and seasonings I keep it minimal I use just salt and bouillon cubes and that's because I don't want the spices or seasonings to interfere with the palm oil because they don't go together at all so I should advise that whenever you cook in Palm oil based soups I mean typical Nigerian soups try not to use too many seasonings and now I'm just going to boil my Ponmo separately Ponmo is Cow Skin for those wondering i'm going to add some salt bouillon cubes and chopped onions and also add some water to cover and then leave to cook until this often normally I cook my Ponmo in the same part of the rest of the meats but I can't do that on this occasion and that's because I don't trust this batch it was a bit funky I mean it took me a while to get it clean and I don't wanna to contaminate the broth since I'm going to be using the broth to cook the okra soup and while that is happening I'm just going to prepare my okra and I'm just going to hand chop them and you can chop them to whichever size you so desire normally I would use my food processor but for some reason I just feel like using my hands so this is me just doing just that and then I will set this aside now for those who prefer their okra very slimy that's with proper viscosity and this is something you can do you can chop a few of the okras and place them in your blender or food processor and you can blend to your desire now for those who prefer their okra soup super super slimy what you can do is you can add some water to the to the to the okra and blend but I don't want that at all I want my okra as you know kind of crunchy so I'm just going to blend just a couple of pieces but the amount that you blend will depend on just how slimy you want it but like I said I don't really fancy the viscosity so I'm just going to do this just to show you how it's done and now it's time to prepare the peppers and in here I've got one big red bell pepper that's Tatashe I've got five Shombo that's red chilies and I've also got two scotch bonnet peppers that Atarodo I'm also going to de-seed the red bell pepper because I never use the seeds because I've had problems with them before once whether it is that really really bitter so I never used the the seeds and once I'm done with that I'm just going to place them in my mini food processor and I'm going to chop them roughly now you can choose to blend the the peppers fully but I don't want that you know those small small red specks that would be contrasting with the green in the okra and make it look very very visually appealing. you know that kind of effizzy looking Okra soup yeah that's what I want so no I will not blend it fully I'm just going to prepare my fish my fishes my fish my fish my fishes was right by fish and for this I'm going to be using some smoked catfish and also some bonga fillet which is shawa and I don't need to do anything but the smoked fish it's fine and with the shawa I need to debone it's got loads of bones in it and I should advise if you're cooking for kids please do not use a shawa they are choking hazzards they're very dangerous I've had a terrible experience with them so I'm always very wary and I'm also going to be using some king prawns and with that I'm just going to remove the head and the veins and also the shell and I will do this with all of the prawns and now it's time to check on the meats now that goat meet the beef and the shaki are well cooked I'm just going to take them out of the broth and set them aside I'm going to leave just the the cow foot in there because that takes a while to cook and I'm also going to transfer that ponmo into the broth and that's because I've tasted the one more broth and it wasn't too bad at all so I'm just going to I've I mean so I can have them all in one place and then I'm going to add the smoked fish and the shawa as well and that's because I want them to soften and now I'm just going to combine thoroughly and then I will cover and leave to cook until they're all softened and now I'm just going to add some palm oil into a pan placed on medium heat and I'm just going to wait on the oil to heat up and once it heats up I'm going to add some locust beans that's Iru I'm going to fry this for about two minutes and then I will add some crayfish powder the crayfish powder I'm only going to fry for about 30 seconds these do not fry for more than 30 seconds otherwise it will burn and it would ruin the taste of your soup and now I'm just going to add in the blended pepper mix and I'm just going to combine this thoroughly and then add some bouillon cubes I won't be adding salt at this thing and that's because I will be adding the meat broth later and that already contains salt and bouillon cubes so I'm just trying to avoid it being salty so now I'm just going to leave this to fry for about 15 minutes and after the 15-minute mark I'm just going to add some of the meat stock into the pan and also add the cooked meats combined thoroughly and then I will cover and leave to cook for about five to ten minutes so now I'm just going to add the smoked fish into the stew and combine thoroughly and then I will begin to add the okra I'm going to gradually add the okra just to control the consistency and I will also add some of the period okra I'm not using too much I think I added just about two tablespoons and I'm just going to combine a thoroughly yeah I will not be using any vegetable leaves for this okra soup and that's because typically I use Ugu leaves but due to COVID-19 we haven't been able to get Ugu in these parts and I do not like to use spinach for my okra soup as it as a sort of waters it down I don't I don't like it so I'm going to be skipping the vegetable leaves but if you've got any then you can add at this time and at this time I'm going to add in my king prawns and I'm going to combine this thoroughly and then I will leave she cook for about five minutes just five minutes you shouldn't be cooking your prawns for more than that otherwise it will be rubbery and you won't be able to or it will just be too chewy and even taste nice and also you shouldn't be cooking your okra as well for more than three to five minutes tops three to five minutes that said otherwise we won't have any more health benefits and now I'm just going to finish off with some crayfish powder I will combine and then leave to simmer for just a minute and that's me done for today so this is me done for today see how beautiful my okra soup looks so beautiful so vibrant so colorful and absolutely delicious so have you enjoyed this video and please give me a thumbs up and please subscribe to my channel and I will see you in my next video bye
Channel: Sisi Jemimah's Recipes
Views: 4,671,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make okra soup, nigerian okro soup, okro soup, okra soup, Nigerian okra soup, gumbo recipe, oiless okra, healthy okro soup, healthy okra soup, sisi jemimah, nigerian food, how to make nigerian okra soup, how to make okro soup, nigerian food channel, gumbo, how to prepare okro soup, how to prepare okra soup, nigerian soup, okro soup nigerian, okra, okro, okra soup Nigerian, okro soup Nigerian
Id: bV2sg6mmSH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 20 2020
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