How To Make Spicy Garlic Shrimp

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welcome back to cooking with Tammy live I'm Tammy and today I'm gonna show you how to make my quick and easy delicious spicy garlic shrimp right you heard me correct spicy garlic shrimp one thing I love about this recipe is guys it's so quick and easy to put together and it's so delicious yes so without further ado let's jump right in and get started let's introduce these ingredients and we're gonna get started with this recipe right here guys I have my skillet ready to go nice and hot as well as some clean on the vein shrimp minced garlic smoked paprika crushed red chili flakes for that extra spice because it's spicy you're right I also have some cayenne pepper mm-hmm as well as dried parsley however if you don't have dry parsley feel free to use fresh parsley just mince it up really you know chop it up really finely and you'll be good to go I also have some salt as well as ground black pepper and some oil and not to forget I also have some lemons right here on deck and yes that's it guys like I said quick and easy right just a few ingredients and you're gonna be surprised trust me everything is gonna come together really nice and it's gonna be absolutely delicious all right to our pan we are gonna add some oil we're gonna add a good amount of oil we're not gonna be too skimpy with the oil tonight and to this oil we are also going to add our minced garlic you hear that sizzle right nice and hot and ready to go make sure your pan is not so hot or the oil is what I should say is not so hot because you don't want your garlic to burn you want the flavors from the garlic to release to release into the oil but you don't want the garlic bits to burn and if your oil is too hot the garlic is gonna burn and that's not gonna be good because it's gonna chase the entire dynamic of the entire dish it's gonna be like really bitter and it's gonna taste burnt and it's not gonna be good it's not gonna be tasty and it's not gonna be saucy alright mmm smells absolutely delicious already I love the smell of garlic - this garlic and oil mixture we're also going to add our crushed red chili flakes and we're going to give everything a good mix and allow both ingredients to release these flavors and so oil however at this point I suggest you stand back because the once the peppers once the red chili flakes is heated it's gonna give off that fragrance and you might just start sneezing and you don't want to start sneezing all over your pen all right give it a good mix a good mix of room make sure everything is well combined once those flavors are hitting in the atmosphere we are going to add our clean and devein shrimp as you can see right here right here and bring these in closer and we are going to combine everything give it a good mix allow the shrimp to cook evenly once it turns nice and pink that's the perfect indication that our shrimp is done give it a good stir as you can see a shrimp is turning pink or Reggie doesn't take any time guys trust me this is quick and easy who literally wants to be cooking all night right or all day all morning whatever sometimes you just want to get things you just want to get your food on the plate really quickly without any procrastination by the way how is everyone doing I hope everyone is in good spirits considering what's going on I went to the grocery store today because I went out there with the intent to buy seafood whoo boy I'm not even gonna go into great detail I went to my local Costco is all right I'm gonna say that and let me tell you something I've never stood up in line for anything I mean well you know what I mean not when it comes to grocery shopping is what I should say besides the checkout line that's the only line that I stood up in but literally to enter into the store guy's world the line was literally around the corner and to be honest with you I was about to have a change of mind honestly I was about to go back home but couldn't leave you guys hanging all right I had to get some ingredients to make some recipes anyway I'm gonna add the smoked paprika as well as a cayenne pepper now that I stripped is halfway cooked I'm also gonna add a pinch of salt as well as ground black pepper this thing is gonna be so sweet and give everything a good mix combine everything together oh it smells so good and I'm also going to add our parsley like I said you can always feel free to add fresh parsley as well and like I was saying man the lights was like literally around the corner if I didn't have to get certain things I would have made a u-turn honestly and to be honest with you after standing in line they have this sign that they post it up in front of the door that says you know what we have and what we're sold out of and let me tell you something I was like listen right now are you kidding me after standing up in this line for our you better you better have everything that I need I don't care you I don't want to hear it make no exceptions you better have it but luckily everything that was sold out like eggs and chicken and someone and so forth I already had cuz I had went to the store previously as I was straight on that aspect but um surprisingly I went up in there for lots of tails and pretty much seafood as well as crab legs and stuff king crab legs and you know so on and so forth and they didn't have that stuff they definitely did not have it and they don't know when they're gonna get it so that within itself and that was one of the main reasons why I went that within itself was a bummer in yeah was I was pretty excited about that part I was like what would you mean you ain't guy you better check in the back of the freezer but they didn't have it they didn't they didn't have it so I had to continue smiling and pick up whatever I could and get out the store not to mention they trying to rush this off the store because they were only taking like I think 25 people at a time about to lose my lemons they were always taking about 25 people at a time so and by the time we got in it was like close to closing so it was like yeah I gots to go anyway I'm gonna slice on lemons yes add some fresh lemon juice to this pan to this spicy garlic shrimp oh my goodness and another spritz combine everything together now let me tell you son it smells good smells absolutely good what I'm gonna do is or what I already did was I figured I'm gonna enjoy this delicious spicy garlic shrimp with some cheesy garlic bread yes so I already made some homemade spy a homemade cheesy garlic bread which I pop in the oven and I am gonna pair this meal right here with the spicy garlic cheesy bread mm-hmm and we are gonna have a feast anyway guys our shrimp is done cooked all the way through cook the perfection absolutely pretty color and everything from that smoked paprika as well as the cayenne pepper and we are gonna plate this bad boy yes we are guys gonna slide it on over put it right here and we are gonna take everything and place it onto this plate absolutely gorgeous isn't it put that sauce on top of the shrimp and here you have it guys spicy garlic shrimp yes we do and how long did it take us to put together what a total of about seven minutes I think not even probably not even that right guys gonna put a little lemon wedge right here as well as another one right there and we're gonna make our plate look fancy fancy smancy and that's about it absolutely beautiful and the good thing about this is especially in this climate guys this right here to feed a family of I would say four depending on how greedy you are we're greedy so this might only go for one person anyway guys I am gonna do my taste testing two point one seconds so continue watching and we'll be right back and I give you my honest review of how everything tastes so continue watching as you know guys I had to bring you up close in person for a close up of our delicious spicy garlic shrimp as you can see mm-hmm I don't even need to say anything at this point I know you guys are looking at it like whoa this is absolutely gorgeous I can't wait to try this recipe trust me I know and guys trust me when I say it tastes even better definitely give this recipe a try and you're not gonna be disappointed and we are back and as you can see our shrimp are a beautiful spicy garlic shrimp is one a platter and it's nice and saucy and we got our cheesy garlic bread right here and I'm about to dig in [Laughter] and it was some extra lemon mm-hmm and we are gonna taste it and we are gonna close our eyes take it all in in this extra so us right here that's sitting right here not plate we're gonna take our cheesy garlic bread bite into it mmm dip it in that sauce and get going mmm-hmm cheese came off but who cares perfect combination one more for the road absolutely phenomenally delicious absolutely delicious guys and to be honest with you the garlic bread pairs the cheesy garlic bread is what I should say it pairs so well and it complements everything the lemon the spice the shrimp the season the flavors everything mmm perfect combination now here's the thing this is not your typical Italian or French bread that we're using I'm actually using Challa bread somewhat like a brioche bread because everything at the supermarket was limited so believe it or not it came out perfectly fine added the garlic mixture to the bread put it in the oven a lot it's a toast check it out when it was pretty much almost finished topped it off with some cheese's guys popped it back in the oven allowed it to melt and this is where we are it's so good mm-hmm crunchy on the outside is nice and moist because like I said is that brioche type of bread absolutely delicious anyway guys as always thank you so much for tuning in talking with Tammy live on Tammy her mouth is full [Laughter] and considering what's going on I hope you guys are in good spirits and good faith and just continue praying guys anyway full recipe details would definitely be on cooking with salmon our recipes measurements and everything and I might just tell you how to make my garlic bread as well beautiful pictures so on and so forth you know the deal anyway check out the website and definitely give this recipe a try good thing about it is is not so costly and it could go for multiple people in the family anyway guys with all of that being said I'll catch you in another video bye guys
Channel: Cooking With Tammy
Views: 43,856
Rating: 4.9313531 out of 5
Keywords: Spicy Garlic Shrimp, Garlic Shrimp, Spicy Shrimp, Seafood Boil, King Crab, King Crab Legs, Lobster Tails, Mukbang, ASMR
Id: M44RDNwcxEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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