How to make sauce soubise from scratch (white onion sauce)

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I tried this on the weekend! The sauce was nice, but I need to work on my chicken-cooking skills.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Nightlight10 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2019 🗫︎ replies

yes i found lately that chicken is best poached to really keep that juiciness and flavors

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/FrenchFoodMe 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everyone and welcome up to the French cooking Academy my name is Stefan and in today's class we're learning how to make sauces once again now you all know the bechamel sauce okay the white sauce today we're learning how to make the derivative called the soubise sauce which is a white sauce with a period of glazed onion it's simple but still you need to know how to make it properly so if you were here just to watch a recap on how to make that sauce or learning from scratch it is the perfect time so keep watching you get all the details coming up in a sec now welcome back now the soubise sauce if you want to learn that so the first thing we need to know of course is a little bit of the history so the soubise sauce has been invented by you know a person of a frenchman called the Marichal de su v--'s of Prince of Civility was a bit of a personality lived under the reign of Louis the fifteen in the 18th century he was in part of the army knee was a minister of the states in France it was kind of high rank it was a time when gastronomy was at its peak and it was really a good thing or you were well seen if you could create recipes and he actually created that sauce by mixing some pureed caramelized sorry glazed onion and mixed a moveable a very simple onion sauce and when he had guests he was serving this with this piece of meat and everybody was like oh the Marechal can make a video good sauce and it went through history and he still here today even in the Escoffier book so it's a classic French sauce and so if somebody asked you you need to know about these little details a little bit of the history for the sauce itself derivative of the bechamel sauce the white sauce is the base and when you add another product to it it becomes a new sauce okay so today we're gonna make a classic bechamel we're gonna make how glazed onions transform them into a puree and mix them both together add some cream and voila we're gonna have the soubise sauce and we're gonna be serving this with a piece of you know pan-fried chicken or any white meat that you like it doesn't matter we just concentrate on the sauce so let's see how to make this sauce let's go now otherwise let's start with the ingredients and they all will be listed in the video description as a Rothko we're going to be using of course the onion for the bechamel we've got the flour the butter the milk and he is a little bit of sugar and we got some question I'm gonna be using this is the important tool we need a sieve and which is also like a drum sieve and we're going to be using to really make that puree of onion you can also use a stick blender as soon as you got all the ingredients of course next is the miso plus so you make sure you wet everything up with a precise measurement for the cream the mill the sugar flour butter a my onion for the bechamel sauce enough minced my onions not too thin not too thick that's the type of size we're looking for once you've got your meat on plus you're ready to start the recipe we're gonna start with the onion in the Escoffier guard it is said that you need to blanch your onions before you do the recipe because that's going to remove the sharpness of the onion so boiling water I've minced my onions and I'm gonna put them in the boiling water for two or three minutes okay time is up so if you want to leave the onions a little bit more up to four or five minutes they can handle this easily up to five minutes maximum once they are done I'm gonna transfer this into a silver pour this receive and rinse them under cold water and put it back in a container so let's do this and we'll continue with the recipe Mannion's I've been rinsed under here so you can see the look like now it's time to warm up the milk for the bechamel so pan low heat I'm gonna pour all of my milk in half a liter in there a nice pinch of rock salt small bay leaf and I've got half an onion with three cloves on it you're going to gently bring this to a boil gently on a low heat and while this is happening we're gonna make do oh I know let's make the whoo is a thickening agent in a clean pan low heat equal amount of butter and flour this is the thickening base that we use to mix with milk that creates a Ward sauce and very important so first you leave your butter to melt before putting the flour in okay as soon as your butter is all melted take all of the flour and you put everything with your butter I can reduce your heat and you mix everything well with a spatula a wooden spoon anything you want and you create that little kind of pace that you see here and you put your heat on very low and you're going to cook this and keep it cooking for one or two minutes maximum and then we're going to let it cool down after two minutes turn the heat off you leave this in a pan and you're going to leave it to cool down on the side of your stove until your milk is ready and up back to our milk now when it's already hot enough when it's about to boil we're going to turn the heat off I'm going to leave it to infuse them with the onion in the back for just about five minutes while we start the glazing of the onion enough for the onions so the onion in French it is called HUV lasagna müber a travail means to kind of cook the onions very very slowly like sweating the onions without coloration in butter so obviously to start with we're gonna have plenty of butter and we're gonna melt first so you melt all the butter first in the pan so the first thing you may notice is that there's a lot of butter in the pan of course and with in French cooking we use butter a lot but ETV Oboro means really using a lot of butter to cook your ingredients so we're gonna bathe the onions in the butter on low heat and the goal here is to glaze the onion so there's a bit of water in the onion that's gonna make a nice mix of butter water which is always the base for caramelizing and glazing vegetables and what's missing of course is the sugar so I've got some sugar in here so usually it's 20 grams Oh we're gonna kind of be easy on the sugar so I'm gonna try to put like 10 to 15 grams max mix well and we're gonna leave this basically to cook very gently and that can take a good 15 minutes by the way until they are what we call bleh so that's going to transform into a soft trance Lucent type of onion but not caramel all is not burned we want to keep that plain kind of whitish color alright so onions are glazing slowly on the side we can go back now to the bechamel making the who is cold enough I'm gonna take that sieve super intense to get the sieve honestly and you take all the warm milk and you pour it over your roof so that's gonna filter all the bits in there the onion etc so all the unwanted things back in the pan and without putting the heat on you first gonna start by whisking and detaching and diluting all of the whoo the cold room in the milk before we put the heat on so make sure you spend a good minute of detaching you see at the bottom of the pan there's some bits there so you detach it well and then we're gonna put the heat on low and start to thicken the sauce okay so my milk is here I've cleaned my pan I can now turn my heat on medium low let's say and as always with the bechamel we're gonna keep on stirring this until it thickens and so you stay in front of the pan and it goes pretty first time within 2 or 3 minutes you will see it's gonna start to thicken so you can go up to medium for the heat to accelerate things but we just need to be patient so keep on whisking it's gonna start shaking now after 5 minutes of so you can see the sauce has really thickened and if I take a spoon and you can see it's it's quite thick it's recoating the spoon and we got a pretty nice and clean bechamel sauce and we want to keep the white color now the onions I'm using actually yellow onions the best is to use white onions because the key here for that sauce is to keep that kind of white theme so white bechamel white onion this is a white sauce so when the sauce the bechamel starts to bubble away basically from here you're gonna keep it to boil it's a 1 or 2 minutes maximum and then we're going to turn the heat off and wait until our onions are done after 15 minutes my onions are done and what I'm going to do I'm going to put them in a sea and let them dry in and remove that excess of fat before we add this to the bechamel sauce my bechamel sauce is he my onions on our drain you see there's not much butter left and what we're gonna have to do once it's nicely dry and we just put them in take our whisk back incorporate everything and put the heat back on very low and very quickly usually on the less than a minute it starts to boil again and it's still very thick and so here you've got two choices we're gonna be using again the sieve to pass the sauce through and press the onions out and that's the Escoffier method but apparently the modern version says you can use a stick blender put this into a blender to probe rise all of the onion before we add the cream into it I'm gonna use the old-fashioned technique and just trigger it goes now this is the old-fashioned way or the way if you don't have a blender and this is the way like Escoffier was doing it you use a sieve like this you shoot a drum see but a modern see like I'm showing you here and take the warm bechamel of the onions and we're gonna force this through the sieve and transform these onions into a puree basically so it takes time but slowly we're gonna do this and you see it goes under there any other clean sauce so do this until everything is passed through well let's try this again I've tried a normal bechamel with nothing let's see with the past onions that goes Wow now this is totally different let us transform you have the sweetness of these glazed onion totally throughout this it's almost like a coulis of glazed onion mixed with a hint of bechamel and oh so let's add a bit of cream that's gonna be good and now for the final stretch we put the heat back on medium and it is said that from here we need to add cream Escoffier add butter and cream but the modern version so you can add up to 200 me I'm going go with just one tablespoon of diamonds here we go so basically cream in and that is gonna be ready to change the texture slightly in a more less thick kind of sauce and we have to reduce it so we're gonna melt the cream in and I'll show you the result and tell you until how much we need to reduce it now 2 tbsp or maybe 3 tablespoon of cream for me sweet spot honestly have tasted that it really gives that silkiness that creaminess that transformed the bishop are you know bechamel tastes like a Bechet mask a nice and fig which is kind of a milky you know thick so this with the the cream really add that kind of elegance to it so right amount and look at this this is already really nicely freaking as you can see there's a big coating power I'm just gonna leave it on a very low heat reduce it for another 2 or 3 minutes then turn the heat off and we are done hold on a little bit of an S curve here and added a bit of butter could not resist but basically the consistency of the sauce there's still some kind of grainy look on there so does the sauce which is very thick and on a plate let me show you fully the camera is gonna focus it you know from there as you can see even if you had a real sauce on the plate like that it will really stick to the plate and not fall and that's what you want you see so does the consistency we want so last step I'm gonna cook a piece of meat and we're gonna do plating and now for the plating so the simple idea I've seen kind of around being done the modern way instead of covering your your chicken with sauce I'm gonna try to basically do a bit of a style nobody F is gonna work but basically you take this sauce and you try to make like a band of sauce like this is gonna go across your plate so you get the idea not the best job here it doesn't matter just to get the ideas we divide the plate into and with the sauce and on one side I'm gonna put you know a piece of chicken got a little bit of mushroom rice that goes so let's say we're gonna put it on that side he may be a spoon of rice on he and what you get written just gonna keep it simple so I've seen that kind of online as the new ways of doing some play this is just a small example things can be done but yeah you just keep it very simple you've got this and you can decorate with just like two little twigs something like that for so I don't know if you can kind of see but roughly this is the idea of a chicken soubise and the chicken tights this is a toy from a farmhouse chicken we have a nice layer of services which is absolutely delicious and the mushroom rice there we go and as it we've reached the end of the class of today how to make the sauce soubise remember it's a derivative of the bechamel sauce based on unison onion sauce and always use fresh produce and if you want something that's got morning in it you can do it by adding double the amount of onion it is actually what s coffee has done as always if you want to follow me on instagram now to see kind of behind the scenes stuff you can hashtag french cook Academy I've got a Facebook account you can also become a patron my patreon page and if you join rested for me I'll see you all next time on my next cooking video I hope you have a good day thank you [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 173,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french recipes, French Cooking Academy, french cuisine history, french cuisine recipes, how to make soubise sauce, sauce soubise, sauce soubise recipe, soubise sauce, sauce soubise step by step, sauce soubise from scratch, sauce soubise tutorial, white onion sauce, french cuisine basics
Id: 9exhJEGgKio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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