Mushroom Velouté cream soup tutorial | Learn to make all vegetable cream soups

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how'd everyone and welcome back to the channel my name is Stefan this is the French cooking Academy the place to be if you want to learn how to cook like a French chef now first thing I would say is that ah look at this new location in France new studio for this month we're in the town of neo hovel and it is a bit of a foodie town in front is got one of the most beautiful markets of plenty of good food to come that's gonna be excited enough for today and we're going to be talking about soups because many of you asked me to do something about soup now in French cuisine we've got three types or three ways of making soups so we're going to explore this and we're going to do one practice making a mushroom cream or creme de Champagne you all the details and recipe coming up and welcome back so let me start by saying that soups in French cuisine are extremely complex and the explanation of how to make those can be really really confusing so I did mention that there is free main categories of soups right the first one we've seen already on the channel is this the consomme aka the clear soups link in the video description if you want to see that recipient how to make it move on to the second one the second types of soup that exist in French cuisine are the puree base soup that we haven't touched on yet and we're not gonna do this today just for information and the third types are the roux based soup this is the category we're gonna start to concentrate on today why are they called Roubaix soup because the base of the soups of these always use a roux which is a mix of flour and butter and this is what you use usually to make a dish ml or every day and the particularity of today's soup and all the creams basically they use a bechamel as a base this is why it's called a roux base open because we've seen the bechamel before it is the perfect exercise so what we're gonna learn today is how to make we can learn the base technique on how to create the base of that soup so that you can make at home any type of cream you want so we're not just the creme de champignon for the sake of just doing that one once you know the technique you're going to be able to make basically a cream of anything a cream of carrot a cream of asparagus and a cream of poultry meat if you want anything okay so how does it work basically that creme de Xiang pinyin today is not that complex we're gonna make a clear bechamel that we're gonna mix with a Duke sale or puree of mushroom we then gonna try to blend it pass it through a sieve and then further I would have soups with some delicious crème fraiche maybe a little bit of milk and some salt and pepper maybe a bit of parsley and we should have house soups ready which would be tasting very good so that's a recipie of the day complicated but bear with me once you sit in the video it's not that bad I know let's start how recipe you are killin airy techniques of the day so for the food prep and ingredients everything would be listed in the video description as always and so I've weighed everything is for the roux the butter the flour you're gonna finely chopped some shallots I've got some creme fraiche here so milk is what we're going to be using as a diluting agent instead of stock I've got my onion nutmeg and bay leaf for the bechamel and this is the important I'm using the flavouring of mushroom today for my cream I take the whole mushrooms I just trimmed a little bit of the top here so this is the original one and I've just cut a little piece like that to make it clean and I'm chopping it afterwards into that kind of size a rough chop but coin fill enough so it can really release all the juices when your food prep is ready we're going to start by making how bechamel today we are seeing how to make a clear bechamel or a light bechamel which is something we haven't done and this is a type of very thin addition are you going to be using for soups for rule based soups so as always we start of the room melt the butter and as soon as the butter is melted we're gonna add the flour in my butter is now melted put all the flour in mix it in today I'm using 40 grams of flour and 40 grams of butter for eight hundred mill of milk once your compound is in you're going to leave it to cook on medium-low heat for 2 minutes after 2 minutes and it's what I've got my roux is cooked I'm gonna turn the heat off and leave this on the side of the stove to cool down while we start the mushrooms all right so as soon as your Roux is ready its cooling down we're gonna start with the mushrooms I like to use an oversized pan when I'm doing this because mushroom can take a lot of space so butter first about 50 grams when it's melted we're gonna start by sweating the shallot so again we're not burning anything or having huge collaboration and we're just putting a little bit of flavor in our butter that's the first step okay so good a nice smell of shallot there's no coloring in there and immediately we're gonna put 500 grams of much - look at that look how many you know the space they are taking the mushrooms that's that's quite impressive so you just blend them in the butter and let them sit one or two minutes and then we're gonna season the whole lot one or two minutes later I'm gonna put a good you know one or two pinch of salt in there a little bit of pepper and the aromas you have in here and they're just light shallots buttery smells and you've got your mushrooms so it's nothing like burn or acidic or anything again so really medium heat is good so that you start to have the whole mix starting to release the water and that's what we want you're going to get that kind of essence of mushroom going another the mushroom releasing the water gently on the side we're going to start to warm up the milk this bechamel I like to use the flavored milk technique so again I'm using here eight hundred mil of milk is gonna be the base of our soup the bechamel so start with the milk 1 or 2 bay leaf half onion with cloves in it just to give some flavoring little bit of salt little bit of pepper you can use what paper on your own you have black pepper and I'm gonna put a grating of nutmeg okay a bit of nutmeg like that has to be the worst grater on the planet when all the ingredients are in huh turn the heat on medium heat medium to high you can use medium and you're gonna gently bring the milk to the boil so we're just gonna wait until it bring to boil when it reach the boil you turn the heat off and you leave it to infuse for a good 5 minutes and I'm back to the mushroom now look at that this is I'm going to reduce the heat now when it's to that stage you can reduce the heat and to medium-low 500 rooms of mushrooms totally disappears against the bottom of the pan only and that has the mushroom so I'm going to leave it is a bit of water at the bottom I'm going to leave that to reduce gently so a low heat take sometimes that's gonna take a good 10 minutes and we're gonna wait until there's basically almost no water left ok you can see my onion starting to dance a little bit and that's the sign that's how I know it's gonna stay starting boiling so immediately I'm gonna turn that heat off and put the heat totally off under the milk and I'm gonna leave this to rest for five minutes and that's the infusion tournament you give the time of the onion the clothes and the bay leaves to diffuse a bit more in there and now for the mushroom sorry about the big zoom has had to do here but you see if you look at the bottom of the pan here there's no juice and it's really just started to attach it's just taught to draw that's what you want huh so there's still a little bit of water and a bit of humidity in the mushrooms we don't want to go any further than that so I'm gonna turn the heat off totally and same thing just leave this to rest not just gives me the time to tell you a little bit about the other vegetables you could use and here we are so for her clam dish on pinot mushroom crema we've got the base is going here is for the bechamel with the roux and the milk and this is the puree that I've decided to use which can be a puree of mushrooms now the reason I've done that is this is the exception on how you prepare the puree compared to the other vegetables any other vegetables and mushroom has to be boiled in salted water before for 10 minutes so to give you a recap if I was doing a puree of carrot I would have peeled my carrot cut my carrot I would have boiled them first in water with salt for 10 minutes then drain them out of the water and then do the stage that I did with the mushroom here so I would have take my carrots pre-boiled put them in a pan with butter whip shallot cook them for 10 minutes the same way we did the mushrooms and then they would be ready to be pureed now the explanation is out of the way let's make the bechamel so I've got my horse cool down here I don't have another pan so what I'm gonna do the heat is off and I'm gonna put one of some of the boiling milk and start to dilute my Roux with the warm milk like that so you basically you can use another pan if you want but I don't have one so I'm just gonna put a little milk in here to detach all of the ruin and pour it back in my main pan with the milk okay so as I said I've got my main meal heated head to the head I put the heat on and this is the mix of just made you see with the roof in the bechamel so I'm gonna really touch everything put a little bit more milk in there but the idea is you just put all of the roux in the milk here and we're gonna warm this up and bring this gently again to the boil while contrary you know continuously steering okay so from now is very important got the mushrooms I need a nice save like that and we're gonna start filtering and filtering so the bechamel with plenty of bits have removed the onion the bay leave and everything but you don't want the clams or anything that's left so we want something clean so we're gonna be passing this first when you're finished this is what you're getting the clear bechamel nice and warm and that we're going to mix with mushrooms now from here we're gonna have to blend the mushrooms with the bechamel sauce there's two ways to do this you can use a stick blender I'm gonna try that even though there's not much depth to this otherwise you can use like these kind of manual presses or in France called the moon a legume is like a vegetable meal that you can tourniquet that's the best solution if you have one I don't have one so I'm gonna use a stick blender once you're done with the blending you'd end up with this that kind of mixture and it's the bechamel mix with the mushrooms and of course because I like to work in a clean man and for you and the camera is better I've cleaned my pan here and we're gonna have to do another filtering meaning we're going to be passing all of the bechamel again through the sieve and press it down with a spoon and to make sure we extract everything leave the bits of mushroom and extract just the clean bechamel hooda mushroomy cream base oh that was hard so I'm done and this is the result now if you at home of course if you get a hand blender you can also skip and that's filtering for the sea which is really Escoffier metal to really get the best thing you can but otherwise honestly you can just you know throw in all the mushrooms so that could be the same mix with kind of bigger pieces of mushroom so from here when I put the heat on on medium not to start and basically this is how best we could the puree of mushrooms in there with the bechamel and we're just gonna add a little bit as usually 50ml a little bit of milk to get some liquidity into our soup because remember it's a super and as it warmed the only thing left to do is to add cream up to 20 or 200 meters of creme fraiche so that is about this amount so this is pretty good amount so I'm gonna start and put my creme fraiche and keep it slowly to you know raise up in temperature and we are done have read all of the cream and the milk very important by the way do not add extra milk or extra cream because the taste of the mushroom that intense mushroomy flavor might not be as strong so the only thing that's left to do let me try a little bit here mmm that is bush for me okay and yeah but that's it really look at that that's amazing claim the shrimp in you Escoffier style and this is the consistence you can expect you see it is very thick and creamy look at these bits of mushrooms I'm going to leave it to cook for 5 minutes on very low it's and then I'm gonna serve a bowl okay and now for the last step of good just a little Bowl the toilet soup and I'm going to try to pour it in and this is the cream of mushroom and I'm going to show you how I like to eat it like we do it in France no joke butter now I'm gonna pour this in and to add some extra creaminess and softness as you can see it's very very thick and I like to add a little bit of parsley in there that's my personal favorite to be honest and yes it is not of butter floating around there and just that hint of parsley is kind of start to go through bits going to diffuse some kind of nice parsley flavor I'm gonna get rid of that one so it'll concentrate on that and that's it so let me try that goody soup mmm honestly speaking really you can really taste the mushroom it's creamy it's mushroomy just enough cream so you get that creaminess in the background with a bit of butter and parsley if you love mushrooms in like soup this is absolutely stunning let's complete the video guys thank you for watching again and don't forget if you want to follow me on Instagram hashed a French cook Academy and you can also become a patron on my patron pages was much appreciated I leave you again with the beautiful mushroom cream picture I really enjoyed it today and I see all for my next recipe next time see you all bye [Music]
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 270,778
Rating: 4.9366565 out of 5
Keywords: escoffier soup, escoffier mushroom soup, mushroom cream soup recipe, roux base soups, how to make mushroom soup, mushroom creme, mushroom soup recipe, cream of mushroom soup, mushroom soup, soup recipe, the french cooking academy, french cuisine, french food, french food recipes, french cooking video, how to make creme of mushroom
Id: rvxVCKlL2Gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 08 2019
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