Pork Chop With Creamy Mustard & Gherkins Sauce | French Bistro Recipes

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hi guys welcome back today we are looking at the method of cooking the one we're going to cover today is the method of cooking meat by concentration this is one of the theory you need to know about cooking that's the first thing we're going to see we're also gonna cover how first instant sources this is also what you learn to do in France when you are in your culinary school so recipe of the day very simple pan-fried pork chop with a mustard and jerking sauce in French it's call coat the pork shock you tear it's a very well-known dish and it's a very traditional one but let's not waste any more time and let's start cooking look at this this is exactly what you need to make the pork chop with our special sauce all the details are in the video description for the precise ingredients this is just the overview got the pork chops butter some shallots black pepper Dijon mustard salt white wine gherkins and some premium vilsack that's all you need to make that delicious recipe all right so how recipe of the day pork chop with a mustard and jerking sauce it's an entry level preparation and we're going to be using a cooking method of concentration or I just explained and we're gonna make an instant so so first off reminder as always before you start cooking as you can see here I've got everything prepared I've got my pan I've got my stock ready my white wine my mustards I have finely sliced or chopped the shallots or shallots in English and I've also made a julienne of gherkins I've seasoned my chops on both side with salt and pepper okay so you need to have all these ready so you don't need to run around around into the kitchen and stuff like that so first off I'm putting my heat on medium medium high to start with little bit of oil so don't over the oil that's always one thing and in French cooking a lot of time we just always add a little bit of butter and this is what I'm gonna do so what do we mean by cooking by concentration I'll show you this in a second thank you see that I put my two chops in the oil and butter and what's gonna happen now it's basically as you know it's gonna get brown under the chops and there's a crust that's gonna start to form when I turn my chops over I'm gonna have that second cross and the whole chopped gonna have be going to be covered or sealed with that crust and the result of that is that all of the juices inside the meat are gonna be sealed on the inside and while you're cooking all the flavors won't be able to escape and this is what it's called the cooking method by concentration it's that simple I've put a little icon on the screen so you can have a look and you see these arrows basically it means all the tastes are concentrated on the inside of the meat very important now another quite important things to remember you don't use that a fork you don't prick you meet when you cook them and the reason for that is because you're doing that concentration and you're trying to have the juices to stay inside if you start making holes what's gonna happen all the juices are gonna escape and you're gonna end up with a drawing meat that's the reason so first step let's cut the talking for a bit you leave the chops for around five minutes on each side and when it's nice and brown I'm gonna turn them over alright so after five minutes you check the color of your meats and most likely it's gonna be ready look at that lovely and then you're gonna turn them and without moving them around you're gonna leave them for another four to five minutes on that side all right the chops are done as you can if you want to check you see the nice and firm I mean they're really cooked enough I put them in a small container and I'm gonna reserve that shops in an oven are about 65 degrees Celsius oh maybe 120 Fahrenheit the other thing you're gonna do and I'm gonna do that off camera is going to gonna take your pan and you see that excess of grease you're gonna check that away and you just leave a little bit of the fat with these traces you want to keep that that's what we're gonna use so I do that and I come back on the camera okay and now for the sauce making this instant sauce is the way we make it in front is very simple basically it goes that way when you've cooked your meat you get all of these juices as I've reduced and they stick to the pan so what we do we have a bit of fat in here we're just gonna start by putting just our shallots but you don't burn again that's also a very important thing you don't try to burn the mix so again it's more that process of getting your shallots to sweat a little bit to be very careful you want that nice fragrance of the shallots and it's very cold but the control of the temperature and make sure your pan is not too hot as you can see here it can go very very fast that's why I add some butter okay so you make sure your shallots staying here just a little bit huh see just to you start to mix the taste which decide go the Shallotte with the the juices of the meat the salt the pepper you know and everything like this when it gets a bit dry like that you can put the fire a bit higher and we're going to take our wine and then alright and the fire can stay on high and what I'm doing here I'm cleaning the pan look at this it's not burn it smells delicious that kind of you know white wine vapors we love we love wine in front of me let's let's not deny that but basically this is the store this is also a very very classic method you will see that over and over again instant sauces always like this you cook your meat shallots you dig lies with a wine or red or white we're going to reduce that and then we're gonna add our stock alright so as you can see here mine wine is almost all gone and that's what you want otherwise it can become a bit acidic so you really want to have almost no wine left and it's down to a glaze again and then from here what we're gonna do is just we're gonna simply add some stock but not too much maybe one or two maybe a hundred milliliter which is like ten cents a liter of stock just to get houses going so again we're gonna wait until it reduce a little bit and we're going to continue with the process now let's note that I'm making a very small amount of sauce I'm just making two chops right that's why it doesn't look like there's tons of it don't worry so when you get this as you can see here the consistency gets a bit thicker it has reduced and already we we start to build the sauce and like the Navarra it's a step by step block by block that you actually build your sauce you see it starts to look like a sauce but again it's not finished at this stage you put your head off and we're gonna add a little bit of mustard the heat has to be off and you don't want to boil mustard so I'm gonna use 1 teaspoons of mustard and also like mayonnaise that is gonna start to make that lism as we call it in France or in French and that's gonna make our sauce even better so what I'm gonna do here is gonna make sure I'm gonna keep steering make sure all of the mustard is diluted you don't want it to boil when that's done I'm gonna filter that mix in here in another pan and finish my sauce all right and now for the final touch I'm trying to bring you as close as I can to the action but already I wanted to show you the cedar sauce look at that color this is a mustardy brownish color and the sauce is almost done but it's not finished from here what we do we're gonna add a julienne of gherkins because I was talking about the gherkins don't worry they are here okay let's tear them in a little bit that's gonna give that nice kind of pickles like taste and we're gonna continue our sauce we're gonna raise as we call it in French we're gonna raise how sauce with butter so instead of using cream you use Nadja's of butter that you go to patiently steer in like this until the butter melts and what's gonna happen is going to give you that silky consistency the cream contains in the butter plus the fat and the other elements are all gonna come together to make that delicious you know gherkin and white one sauce so when this is done I'm going to take out my chops out of the oven and dress up the plates all right so let's dress this up so I'm hearing nowadays that basically the shops are the star of the show and you should not put a sauce on top so what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna put the sauce at the bottom of the plates right and then I'm gonna take one of my beautiful shops add on my very hot pan sorry I'm not a pro at this and you're just gonna put your chops over here and perhaps I'm just gonna serve it with a few sprinkles of black peppercorn and of course how Julian or your cubes of gherkin just to make it a bit nice I've got in the back some pumpkin roasted in the oven it will go very nicely with this and if we want we got a bit more of the sauce but that's it guys for today this is the pork chop with the mustard and gherkin sauce I hope you enjoy it and I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 232,782
Rating: 4.9530773 out of 5
Keywords: gherkin, mustard, pork chop recipes, pork, mustard sauce, gherkins, pork recipe, sauce for pork, pork chop, french cooking academy, french recipe, french cooking, french cooking techniques, recipes, french food, recipe, bistro
Id: O7oQZFyoC7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2016
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