How to make a cordon bleu: includes two versions of cordon bleu and oven chips

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hello everyone Stefan here on the French Cooking Academy now many of you have been asking me what do I cook when I'm not filming and what are the everyday types of food that we have in France well today you know what I was preparing food for tonight and we're making cordon bleu and which is a simple thing to make and I'm gonna show you how to make them from scratch I'm sure it's nothing new for you but we're gonna try to come up with some new recipe so the cordon bleu if you don't know what that is the simple flattened pieces of meat huh the covered with cheese and usually with ham today I'm going to use something a bit different look at these I've got specialty ham I've got some pancetta and I've got some veal and chicken and I'm gonna fill this with two types of cheese a special blue cheese from the mountains very sweet and melty and this is again the grill and the Swiss Greer's is nice salty and Nazi I'm gonna serve this as well with some homemade potato chips that we're gonna bake in the oven so no need for deep fryer let's go so what are the ingredients we're going to be using for a homemade cordon bleu this is home cooking absolutely I'm cooking at its best so what I'm going to be using two types of meats chicken and this is veal and it looks Xavier mashed chicken slightly different this is white meat and categorises white meat in France I'm going to some pancetta for the veal and some simple herb infused ham for the chicken I've got two types of cheese I'm going to use the here you got the gear switch clear cheese and this is a nice blue cheese from the mountain region and with these little things of the biscuit some dry toast I'm gonna make some homemade bread crumbs now the next things you need to do is ritu flatten you meet when you make cordon bleu is always the big problem on and to get these pieces of chicken really really flat so the butch has already opened it it was not a big fitted so we need to try to get it a bit flatter so we take one piece of baking paper and I put my chicken on there and I'm just gonna add a little bit of water with my hands to help the tissue from like spreading we're gonna try to flatten it you have okay it's a bit of water first and I take another piece of parchment paper on top and basically that's gonna help sticking so you can see where the meat is all right there and because I don't have a special tool to flatten I'm gonna use a simple pan and this fig bottom kind of pan you see that that thickness here and that area is gonna really allow me to use that by pressing down by tapping to flatten my meat like that and it's also gonna be even everywhere because if you have something like it's too small like a little hammer you can have some someplace who's gonna be flat some place is gonna be a bit bumpy so what you're gonna try to do you can use one of those pans and be a savage and flatten so I'm gonna continue like this until this gets a little thinner and just maybe half not even half a centimeter all right done so I've done what I could with this particular piece of chicken watch my take on the flattening of a piece of chicken first off if your chicken is not fat you're gonna have a hard time you want a nice I would take a corn-fed chicken that's nice and fatty and that's gonna help to expand this was a bit dry so I had to you know it's a bit of water and I could flatten it pretty much pretty well as you can see it's very thin and I'm gonna be able to roll it before you roll and I'm gonna add the of salt and I'm gonna season it already but before we're gonna work with it we're gonna put it in the fridge and so I'm gonna I'm gonna take my my role here sorry my escalope as we call it put it on a little play it like that and I'm gonna store this in the fridge for 10 minutes 15 minutes to really get it a bit firmer and now for the breadcrumbs now there are times you forget to buy them and in France the great thing we always have in the cupboards is these things yohko biscuits I think in Italian decor biscotti they're just the old toasts that are ready to be eaten and as you can see they're really really dry so what I do just take a sieve like this and sorry for the ears guys but okay and I'm going to continue crunching these like that and passing them for myself look what happened it's magic hoo I'm having super breadcrumbs they're really fresh and crunchy and that's why I use it all the time that's it hold on look at this look at these lovely bread crumbs and this is perfect honestly for anything that you need to paneer great now my chicken is ready so what we're gonna do now is just put some ham on there and so I've got the large piece over here and even if you have I'm taking on purpose pieces that are you know not really tidy just put some ham in there so layer of ham on a chicken and what's left some cheese I had to shave some of the cheese because it was a bit too thick toward that she's a cheese maker did so really thin kind of shavings of cheese day and you know that's that's all we're gonna need really you know I'm not going to make anything super complicated and it's just a matter of then trying to roll that thing you know so I'm gonna start with this mole bit and I'm gonna try to press down as I go and you really just have a roll so a bit of a roulade thing as you can see here look can happen good a little bit of an untidy bit the chicken I'm gonna trim that off and you know it's not a perfect thing perfect roll but still alright okay so now if you could mutiple chicken escalope just make them all and then you need to keep this in the fridge for at least 10 minutes before you move on to the paneer stage for me I'm just gonna put this in the fridge now and I'm gonna start working with the veal to show you the other one we're gonna try to customize a bit disco tumbler and now for the other Cordon Bleu made with the veal so what's important when you make a food or this common way it's not the perfection of how perfectly roll it is it is what you're going to be using for ingredients I'm using here farmhouse veal and from a local farm this cheese here again from the cheese monger and very good vintage of blue cheese quite fresh and very creamy and this is a very good pancetta as well so what are we gonna do with the same thing and we're gonna take all the ingredients and put them on so this is really me cooking one piece of pancetta and that she is you see I'm just gonna take like shavings of it it'll pieces and I was gonna just gonna go like that and prepare you know the way I want it how much cheese I want how little I want you know that's that's how it goes with French food we just go view feeling well I have to say when I go with the feeling its end up with a lot of blue cheese because I'm a bit of you know I kind of like blue cheese so I left you see a little zone here not too much yeah so in front and on the back and I've changed the angle of the camera so you can see maybe rolled from the side there and here we go from maybe to use one hand and it's a bit tougher so vo is like you know it's it's you know it's a bit like pork ready so we have to choose this in press it down and you can go you know pretty piece of pancetta there and that's it you know again we've got a roll and same thing I'm gonna put this in the fridge wait 10 minutes and next stage is the paneer and now the meat is ready we're gonna new the paneer anglaise with the paneer and we've seen this before and its uses first flour then beaten eggs whole eggs with a bit of salt and then we've got the homemade breadcrumbs I'm going to show you step-by-step how to do this also the first step of course flour so you can roll your whole other your cordon bleu in the flour and once it's there the most important is we just to tap it like this and you leave a thin coating of flour on it so you don't want to have too much that's enough next you got the egg and then you've got the bread crumbs so I start first by putting my cordon bleu I roll it in the egg in a fresh egg like this and you can cut it it's quite fragile and as soon as it's done you take it out and boom see and you're gonna be gentle and cover so you're going to repeat the same process with whatever Cordon Bleu you have until you have that nicely coded cordon bleu you see see it looks like perfect look at that Miam Miam Miam look at this even though it's homemade than just home food look at these lovely little Cordon Bleu and just looking at that I know it's gonna be pretty good so immediately let's cook those things okay so I'm going to take a pan a little bit of butter in there it's about a tablespoon and I'm mixing this but the same thing about half the tables going to be a tablespoon of oil as well and I'm gonna wait for the butter to melt and start to foam slightly and immediately I'm gonna put hot Cordon Bleu in okay it should be hot enough so what I'm gonna do here and I'm taking the bottom part straight on and that's gonna seal the bottom of the Cordon Bleu okay and very gently it's got a medium heat wait until I start to color it from the under of the economy you want a nice seal under says nothing's gonna escape now all this is cooking so the theory here chicken breast in general 15 minutes cooking time okay so we start with five minutes in the pan just by coloring some just going to try to see the under of those things yeah see nice color so it's five minutes in the butter in a pan just to get some color going and after that we're gonna finish it in the oven you finish them off usually I add a little piece of butter like that you see it makes plenty of sauce and I'm gonna use that butter to do a bit of a basting and the final basting before I put these in the oven so really by taking the butter and making sure it's coated with hot butter in there we don't something dry so now it's basting we have another tablespoon of butter and then bang in the oven okay the heat is off I've turned the cordon bleu back on the original size and I'm gonna use that pan made of stainless steel and we're going to put this pan straight into the oven I'm not transferring this to anything I'm just taking that pan straight in the oven 10 to 15 minute and I'll tell you how which check to make sure it's really cooked from the inside at the end okay so the column raised in the open I'm just showing you my homemade kind of open for this is something I'm kind of working on at the moment I was not doing the demo already but that's the way of doing the the fries with a minimum of oil and it's just like two tablespoon of oil for fries and you can season them with whatever you want so that's an example how to look like without a deep fryer just done in the oven it's really practical so I do a separate video on that I just want to show you I'm gonna you know use those beautiful fries to serve the column the column is about to be ready and this is what we're going to be using to check if it's cooked okay this is a simple cooking thermometer the bell is on let's take them out and check you shouldn't control the Cordon Bleu already and look at these they are juicy a nice pinch of butter in there okay so what I'm gonna do here I'm just gonna use her family we don't its on as you can see here and I'm just gonna take the temperature of the cordon we'll just break it in the inside there and check yeah oh ho oh yes so that's like even 70 degrees like that's like way too hot so immediately out cooked done are we cutting the thing to see what it looks inside I think that's what we we don't care about the fry they can go away fries well we care about them after but it's some Friday in life you know first don't you see how Cordon Bleu is cooked that means my friend that means that it is it is pretty pretty well done look at this what country this I'm gonna try okay mmm it's nice and tender you know what I could have put more cheese okay this is the real one it's of a quick look inside smaller but it's with blue cheese mmm jeez let's see as well well cooked we had a totally different let me try the flavor you can see these layers of cheese and just pieces of cheese inside so it holds well very well actually well totally different of course not only the meat but that the pancetta with the blue cheese that kind of bluish in soft cheese really really great but I think we can call this a success guys you know with this homemade fries the homemade Cordon Bleu and this is what I'm gonna be eating for tonight so that's an example for you on what sometimes I'm making outside of my normal videos well really interesting this quadrant will be CP and really you can change the original recipe use different cheese different types of meats and like I did is really interesting to expand your you know your your palate and get used to new flavors and if you do something by the way let me know either in the comments section or just post your picture on Instagram hashtag French cook Academy I love to see you work and what you guys are doing in your kitchen as always also don't forget Facebook patreon you can become a patreon and a new finger newsletter to receive all my videos every single week by mail plus lots of new information coming up and so new projects in bracket I'm telling you some big things stirring in the background don't forget to sign up the link is in the video description I will leave you with this home recipe and next time we'll resume and the normal course of action with a technical French cooking as we always do on the French cookery Academy take care o as you Odin [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 165,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: french cuisine, french food, french cooking video, the french cooking academy, cordon bleu, chicken kiev, cordon bleu recipe, how to make a cordon bleu, cordon bleu from scratch, pancetta, ham, chicken, veal, blue cheese, how to make cordon bleu, cordon bleu two ways, cordon bleu pancetta, veal steak cordon bleu, cordon bleu chicken, gruyere cheese
Id: HfI0PUWpnEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 10 2019
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