How To Make Quick Date Night Meal! | Salmon w/ parmesan potatoes

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hey you guys welcome back thank you guys so much for tuning in today listen today's episode is all about quick date night meals for the person who really don't know how to cook today i'm going to show you guys women guys however you dinner identify honey i want to show you today how to make something looks like felt amazing tastes good but not a whole lot of time in the kitchen and you ain't even got to cook a whole lot of things this is for the person who ain't got it together help i can't cook type person and you want to impress the person that's coming over to see you so let me tell you something about date night and especially since we are quarantined everybody is eating at home you're supposed to be eating at home you're supposed to be staying at home and you're supposed to be wearing your mask so what i need you to do is put on something cute like me and get to cooking this is going to be so easy you guys like i said this is for the single man the single woman or however you identify uh to get something quick on the table and you already know how to cook all right so the first thing i got is salmon now this is very very easy to cook y'all salmon is a super popular dish you know i don't know what it is about black folks especially they think you make salmon lobster shrimp baby it's like the dog gonna lure for ton of food shrimp oh baby that's how so i picked salmon now you can use any type of protein that you want to but if you're trying to get it quick the girl didn't called you hella what you doing man i ain't doing that i really want to see you like i i really don't know why i'm telling you this but i can't get you off my mind all right come on over how about this this is what you need to say fellas how about you you come over friday i'll make you a little something and then you know we can just kick it you know what i'm saying after she get her corona test okay that sounds good like what time you want me to be there you gonna cook yeah i'm a good you know how to cook okay yo what you like oh my god i love sammy oh sorry gotta pronounce the l salami i love sammy like if you can make that that'll be good all right i got you okay friday it is boom so you really don't know how to cook this is what you do all right you got you some salmon here go to your local grocery store get a fresh salmon fillet don't use frozen okay fresh is really really good ask the person at the counter to give you some salmon tell them to remove the skin because you don't really know how to cook it with the skin on you you ain't you ain't got that yet i tell them to cut it into pieces it should look like this right here okay when you get it and you can also buy pre-cut salmon okay just make sure you don't buy the one with the seasoning up in there because that stuff don't be soft still baby thinking that it is talking about bourbon glaze and old bay seasoning and all that had them look dust on their sprinkles don't do that it'll be something don't do that get you this blank canvas right here okay that's what you want all right so we got some salmon then we're gonna be making some potatoes instant i'm going to show you how to hook them up okay baby red mashed potatoes get the one with the skin in there make it like you did some then we're going to saute some spinach and make a really really quick champagne sauce to go on top when the salmon is done so i'm going to start with the salmon it does not take a long time now you can totally not listen now what you can do is you can preheat your oven you can season the salmon pop it in there now if you can take a shower between seven to eight minutes that's if you don't need a shower longer than that cause i know some of y'all be out there smelling sucked up like earring bags that ain't good okay that ain't stopped up now you need to go dip that down to jordan river so if you know that you can't take a quick whole bath that's what they call it you can pop this in the oven for seven or eight minutes and it will cook on its own but i like to sear mine in my cast iron and flip it over plus it's super easy y'all and it's gonna look like you really did something okay so i got my salmon here what we're gonna do is season it okay we've got to season it sprinkle it on that with your best seasoning that you got your stopped up seasoning praise god put that on there like that okay and you can use blackening season if you want to but make sure it is seasoned okay and then i've got my pan smoking hot here i've already got my water on so you got to walk into bubblegum you can put your water on or you can pop these in the microwave but i really want you to do it on the stove put your water on already for your potatoes see we got two things going right here all right so we're gonna go ahead and sear the salmon i'm gonna put a little oil down so if you don't know how to cook let me tell you what you do you trying to impress put your cap full of oil down in there you see it's smoking like an angry black woman baby okay this is um oh lord honey that's pam her name pam we're gonna put her down there so when it's smoking like that here you go you're gonna put it down put your salmon down now that you got it down guess what you're gonna do you're gonna season the other side we season both sides why because we eat both sides you're gonna be eating both sides tonight baby they gonna be eating both sides tonight if you cook this food right let me up stomping you up in everybody else's food put it down don't bother it i am on medium heat right now and you want it to just stick there for about two minutes now you can also put it in your air fryer or you have a convection oven or whatever but i like a soupy crispy skin on the top and the bottom so don't move it like i just did just wanted to make sure it was doing what it's supposed to do i was signifying as my daddy would say now i got my hands nice and clean because i touch protein and i not want to cross contaminate i didn't want to do that okay have y'all talk about me in the comments we're not gonna do that so i got my water boiling now i'm gonna go ahead and start on the potatoes so i got these idaho baby red mashed potatoes so nice and silky smooth i love these so much my mommy used to make these all the time for me and so they're super seasoned and amazing so you just want to cut it once the water starts boiling you just cut it off okay and then you add in your potatoes now this is super seasoned okay so you don't have to add in any salt or anything like that put the potatoes down up in there and stir it around like that what you need to say sang it in the background and we're going to add some heavy cream and a little bit of parmesan cheese to the potatoes yeah super easy see she's still at home and he's still at home getting dressed now this is a trick that my mama always did she do this with grits and everything and potatoes and that's called whipping them you whip them just like that get them nice and creamy oh fill out put it back in maybe a lot of that going on for the date night so i'm gonna go ahead and put a little bit of heavy cream in there just a splash like i said it's gonna make the potatoes taste really homemade and rich she's gonna be like oh my god go email me and be excited and then you definitely probably gonna get a little some some or you know a second date if you do that okay so you throw it around baby these potatoes is bigger still maybe they need a little bit more cream baby they acting like a girl at a farm they can't dance i ain't got time put a little bit of nail like that right there okay until you like it okay so this is nice and creamy which a lot of cream action should be happening if this goes right then i want you to do see our salmon is still browning really really good put your little parmesan just throw that on in there okay little caucasian cheese what i call this white cheese put it on in there okay just like that put that down stir it around in there just like this super easy y'all now you just want to finish it off with butter let the spirit lead you on that okay and now you got some really good homemade tasting potatoes and as you guys know all the ingredients will be in the recipe box done now we're moving on to the salmon we're going to flip it smack it and rip it down hold on just like that you flip it over notice i flipped it away from me that's what you want to do and then all i like to do is turn it down and then we're going to put the lid on to kind of let it steam okay for about three minutes now a cooking salmon is like a steak if you like well done you can cook it until it's really really firm you know like a plastic booty we always say that and then if you like it medium rare or medium well you can cook until it's slightly slightly slightly done in the middle up to you however you want to do it okay now we got our potatoes done we put our butter in there our cheese our cream they taste like they're going to be homemade we're going to saute some spinach really really quick y'all super super easy this is going to be amazing they're going to take you to get a whole lot of nothing okay you ain't doing nothing put your little butter down that's how i like to do it okay and let that melt now i've got some garlic paste they sell this at the grocery store in the produce section that way you ain't got to be chopping garlic and doing all that stuff use your little garlic paste it's really really good it's amazing and look ain't nobody gonna know look it just it just squirts out it's date night gonna be a lot of that going on okay i've got some spinach here from my garden my california garden or from kroger we're gonna heat that up look we back be back in class now we're gonna heat that up and i know it looks like it's a lot of spinach y'all but it's not spinach is just like how your paycheck sometimes is you think you're getting this and then when uncle tom come or hell donald trump at this point you ain't got holly nothing left you know i'm talking about a special girl out there on that chelsea boy i know i feel for you because i love you all right don't take that much but put it down in there okay when you got the garlic and the butter in there for a couple minutes oh it smells so good and you just put your spinach down in there okay if you want to cook more spinach up to you but it's not going to take a long time at all we put it in there i'm going to season it once it's kind of wilted down and then we're going to plate it up i want to go ahead and make a champagne sauce after our spinach is done that is with the salmon super easy super simple we're going to plate it up and you are ready for quick date night now you want to be careful with that garlic knife cool you know it come out in some other areas later so if this is you making the quick date night and you're not baby don't use no asparagus and all that stuff baby cause they're gonna be running like slow joe don't do that okay you want them to come into your house not run out of your house when you you know don't do that just don't do it put this in your seasoning the best seasoning on the plant baby put your seasoning in and that's it we are done we got our potatoes done we got our spinach yes i am touching this don't do that at home don't do that at home but taste it make sure it's good always taste your food because you don't know if you got to go get some popeyes or maybe order from an italian restaurant and play it up hallelujah all right so our salmon is done look how pretty that looks while you have the salmon still in the skillet let me tell you what you're gonna do i'm just gonna throw this over my shoulder cause i keep the gangster over here okay we're gonna take some more butter we're gonna go ahead and just make a simple sauce while it's in the pan okay a little bit of garlic your same garlic face you're just recycling doing it using the same ingredients shingle nostril i'm like oh my god girl it was so seasoned it was so good and then the girlfriend gonna be like so did you give them some or nah at least that's what my girlfriends would say maybe i gotta get new friends they supposed to be like i know that you prayed about this and you did not do what i thought you did but i was like girl the food was so good so we put our butter in there we put our garlic in there and we're just going to let it just kind of get nice and melted okay looking good looking good looking good shake the pan they always think you're doing something when you do that you ain't doing that but like if you walk in and you at this step or if he walk in and you at this step or if they walk in however you identify is that this step then hey guess what you can just do this right here and if you shake it you'll see it start to foam up why because it started to emulsify i'm on fire today with these big words boy i said i am so you put that in there and because it is date night we gotta pop a little bubbly so we're gonna make a champagne sauce okay so i'm gonna take this off got a little bit thank you nancy nancy brought me some mo wet okay and so we're gonna be using this both ways we'll have a two-way hey throw that in there like that oh oh my god oh just leakage everywhere oh my god it can't control itself then you want to hit it with some lemon juice if you got it fresh lemon as you know all the ingredients will be in the description box below so don't you worry okay now what i want you to do this is very simple very easy we're going to baste this salmon okay so you if you're using a cast iron and the handle is hot don't be like me y'all been cooking a long time but you uh sometimes i will touch it but this is really really hot protect yourself put a kitchen towel some type of cloth around it and then hold it tilt your pan and then you just want to kind of baste it super easy see what i'm saying look at that look at that sauce we just made a pan sauce a one pan sauce amazing then to make them think that you'd indeed something we're gonna put a little bit of food grass in there you know what i'm saying and then you can put like some lemons in nail and you can just serve that's family style but we're done we are done we got our salmon dog we got a sauce that's made we have our potatoes that we hooked up and we got our sauteed spinach let's plate it up baby so listen this is how you do it let me show you super easy they don't think you didn't need so much can't feel that you want to pour your potatoes on now okay now some people do a little swipe okay don't you know however you want to do it pour your potatoes on there like that right there okay like that go ahead and put your little spinach down in there okay put it put it on the side just don't be aside cheat now what you want to do is you want to take your salmon that you made that is it's so amazing and tender and just falling apart you want to just put that down in there like that what i like to do take all that little juice okay and just put that over there just like that super eat look oh look at it run down there all them juices just dripping down the side of the mashed potato okay and if you do this right here will be dripping too amen got your little lemon you want to do this take your knife cut a little slick okay twist it pop lock and drop it okay like this right here put that to the side look in there and you look like you then did something look at that now since we still have a little bit of champagne left we can top it off with some champagne okay super easy and i have a few strawberries here because you know that's old school love right there baby that's go get on over here type love yes baby let me tell you something my uncle be rocked up people like that got you something for my girl come on oh man so how can i be doing that fairy union come on they got you yeah that's that old school little strawberries and champagne so we're gonna put that in there like that pour your little champagne little bubby to get the party started okay just like that and then we're just gonna drop you oh i caught it so you always want to taste it make sure it's good taste as you go but you know taste it [Music] thank you guys so much for watching i hope that you make this super simple super easy i can't cook type of date night food okay hope it helps you guys out i love all y'all me be sure to be safe wear your masks and also check the description box for all the links and ingredients that you need okay head over to slope top kisses dot com and follow me on all social media platforms all right let me know how it turned out for you when you make that later you
Channel: The Danni Rose
Views: 286,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7c2ufKTVF9c
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Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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