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you know when i'm making pasta y'all i need a wooden spoon okay it just makes me feel fancy you make me feel like a big fat italian man just sing it [Music] hey y'all welcome back to my channel listen today we are still in our juke joint summer series honey okay and we gotta just do something really good now i've made this dish before years ago but i wanted to do it again so today we're going to be making my seafood boil pasta yeah honey all the things you love in a seafood boil we're just gonna put it in the pasta except for that corn because i feel like corn is not even a nutritious vegetable we got shrimp we've got some sausage and we've got some crab meat and we're putting it all in the pasta today with a beautiful creamy sauce y'all and it don't even take that long to make baby this pasta is quicker than some of y'all's sex life i promise you so let's get to the recipe y'all [Music] now y'all know out there and stop the community amen i love flavor in my pasta if you made my mac and cheese recipe or any other pasta recipe on this channel you know that we don't boil our pasta in no water baby because that ain't gonna be sucked so i got some chicken stock already owned so i've got this uh zadaran's crawfish shrimp and crab in a bag i'm gonna give that to you cameraman right there so you can see we're just gonna drop that into the chicken stock you can use whatever pasta you want bow tie okay you can use linguine honey or you can use what i'm using linguine you want to just drop this down in here look at that fancy we just want to tuck it down in there like baby jesus in a manger i'ma let the pasta cook about these big words al dente oh you god you're killing them today we're gonna let that cook for about 10 minutes or so because we're gonna also finish it up in the sauce and you don't want it to be gummy honey okay didn't even turn like nurse at home food we ain't got time now we're gonna start on the meat i got some sausage here some cajun sausage and dewy or you can use any type of smoked sausage that you want to use okay i'm going to slice it diamond cut okay just take your time and i got a little bit of oil in here you can use grapeseed oil or olive oil but like a capful because the sausage already has a little bit of fattiness in there so you don't want it to be too rich all right and just throw your stuff in there make sure your pan is nice and hot but not too hot let me turn her down girl stop playing with me and then we're just going to let this cook for a few minutes on both sides and give it a nice stir okay so we just want to saute these get some nice crispy bits on there and then what they say crispy bits i'm gonna do a nice flip that's looking beautiful look at all that gorgeous color on that sausage so i'm gonna put it in the bowl that looks beautiful this sausage is oops girl get in that bowl i drained the pasta y'all listen and i left a little bit of pasta water in the bowl just in case we need it for the sauce okay and it has that chicken sauce and that seafood flavor that we want in there okay so that way you don't have to use water you can use your stock and it's going to be delicioso oh check let's make this out y'all don't want it i've got some shrimp peeled and deveined ain't no booboo up in there i don't know if it's just me or y'all out there don't you hate when they serve you pasta and your shrimp and it had a tail on there i don't want to do cosmetic surgery on my food when i'm eating it okay so make sure you take your tail off when you're about to make it for your guests i'm gonna hit it with my seasoning that's coming out the cajun juice joint seasoning thank you we're gonna just season it okay good season it real good stir that around yes i just use the butter knife because that's what i want to do use something use your hand use whatever so our pan is nice and hot you want to lay our shrimp down and you know i want my shrimp to be going through a divorce or a separation okay don't overcrowd it you want to lay them in there they're social distancing okay when you're cooking shrimp honey it's gonna do like some men do what women do in relationships when they ain't been treated right they pull away okay you ain't got to force a tug on it all right if you want to be in that relationship it's gonna be in that relationship hey man but look your pit your shrimp is gonna easily flip over you ain't got to tug at it this ain't like taking out a good a weave honey you ain't got to pull it it has that beautiful color because we patted it dry okay at that good cajun seasoning from the stopped up amy church and they literally take maybe two or three minutes to cook this one right here it ain't been baptized yet no no it got to be dipped again look at there they look so good okay take them out and you don't have to sear them like i'm doing you can just totally add them to the pan and just cook them in the sauce but i just feel like this is just better gives it more flavor honey is this good so we're gonna make the sauce cause i'm saucy i'm a girl they love it right listen i got salted butter you know what i use right there salty we're gonna use like a tablespoon okay like that and now i'm going to add a little bit of garlic minced garlic if you want to use garlic powder you can add that to that right now i'm just going to add a little bit of garlic you can use fresh garlic if you want to but baby it's hot ain't nobody got time to be doing all that hitting the garlic and doing all that i ain't got time use this that's why they make it and then i'm going to add a little bit of white wine i'm using the mcbride sister today i love the mcbride sisters great great great brand they have delicious wine and it's black owned honey two amazing beautiful black women own this brand they run this brand i'm proud of them and i'm happy to use their product today hey andre and them girl okay we're gonna add some white wine let the spirit lead you oh that's gonna be great then i'm gonna add a little bit of chicken base okay y'all know i love my chicken base in here just a little bit more concentrated that's what i did i put it in the cap i so did make a half a cap full and i'm gonna add a little bit of fresh lemon juice from my california tree y'all don't want it ooh look at that fresh lemon juice if you turn it this way you can catch the seeds look at there make sure you have clean hands make sure you ain't been in the car working on the cotton stuff in your shade tree garage and then we're gonna just stir this around it smells beautiful at this point guess what this is this is like scampi so you can add some fresh parsley in there and some shrimp and then you got a quick scampi sauce two recipes and one who the man i mean a woman me okay i didn't gave y'all two recipes and one now we're gonna add in some heavy cream not a lot but enough i don't even know what a lot is like two cups yep oh baby cajun seasoning add that okay to there and then i'm gonna add a little bit of old bay don't be scared these are all ingredients we have in our pantry or they're easy to find in the stove don't be alarmed okay simple add a little bit and we're going to just swirl this around like this uh-huh i want to bring this sauce to a boil for about two minutes and then we're gonna add all the other stuff it's gonna be good this is good look when it coats the back of a spoon you know it is ready to go it's like food foreplay okay girl stop so i got my cooked pasta here we're just gonna take the pasta y'all and we're just going to put that pasta it's nice and hot move it over here nestle it in that sauce saucy saucy sausage so we want to just nestle this down in there like this like that look at there doesn't that look beautiful already now i'm gonna add in our cooked sausage okay then we're gonna add that beautiful shrimp we're just gonna lay that on top look it there look at that look put that shrimp juice up in there y'all know that nelly song called pimp juice but i got shrimp juice today period stop playing with me and i've got some lump crab meat here i bought it from the store when you make sure it's lump but i just want to kind of put this in there i don't want to break it up because this is expensive now we want to just give this a nice toss y'all this is i'm outdoing myself on this one i want to chop some fresh parsley here i'm gonna add like i'm on a real cooking show you ready and you just wanna fold it and chop it it's so fresh just sprinkle it on top look at that gorgeous listen to me guys look at that oh my gosh i have quiet on this set i have the most amazing parmesan cheese you want to just grate your parmesan on there okay put that on there like that look this is gorgeous it's in the words of dylan it's lovely this is fantastic for real real talk this is great put that parmesan cheese on there the parsley just really gives it a good green beautiful color make people think you didn't do something you ain't doing nothing and it literally takes less than 20 minutes to make this i want to plate it up now listen you can serve this right out of the pan but i have guests coming over that's what they say on the cooking shows they'd be like i got guests coming together so i'm gonna plate it up no i'm just doing this for y'all and then i got this beautiful pasta plate and we're just gonna pour it on and look in there look at that oh then we're going to add just a little bit more of that food grass on top put it with some more parmesan i want to garnish it with just a little bit more ovae just to give it some color boom look at there that is gorgeous we're gonna add like we're on a real cooking show here okay i'm gonna tell you the elements in which i'm tasting i'm gonna get a little bit of that sausage okay we're gonna get some shrimp in there and i'm gonna get some of that beautiful crab [Music] the spiciness of that sausage the creaminess that white wine that butter and the cajun seasoning oh and those glorious shrimp just popping my mouth so delicious and that lump crab fantastic guys thank you so much for watching today all of the recipe ingredients will be in the description box along with a written recipe please be sure to like share comment and subscribe to this channel we're almost at a million followers on here we just want to thank you until next time guys ciao oops don't do that at home but that flip was nice i did do a good flip now
Channel: The Danni Rose
Views: 116,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: yTQFE-xb8E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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