Black Folks Take Out!! | How to make the BEST Fried Fish Sandwich w/ Hennessy Tea!

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hello darling welcome back to my channel thank you guys so much for tuning in today i really appreciate you guys for coming on here click the like share subscribe button right now and we're going to get into this recipe today darlings we are making fish and chips okay that's a laugh today we are taking it all the way old school gangsta y'all cause you know i'm a southern girl and i'm also a hood southern girl honey let me tell y'all something one thing that we like to do is we like to eat and we love to fry stuff so today i consider this a national black holiday and that is fish fry friday okay y'all so because it is fish fry friday we're going to be doing fish fry take out okay normally in the black community or any other side of town that have really good fried food you go there on a friday or during the week and you get these things you get fried fish fries and white bread now all the way out here in california because you know how they came out here with these gluten-free people okay i really found no stocked up fish fry spot yet okay they served white bread and crispy fish i want my white bread to stick the roots in my mouth when i bite into that hot fish okay so i'm gonna show you guys today how i grew up eating fish especially my dad's juice joint you've been following me for a long time you know i was raised in my juice joining my daddy back in alabama and one of the things they served all the time in the juice joint was fried fish sandwiches and fries and coleslaw and all that stuff so today we are going to be doing take out jute joint style baby or aka black folk style so i've got some fish here that i found in the california stores you know it's called fresh at the lake okay we're in california they went on down to the ocean and got it off of venice beach so today i'm going to be using catfish filet make sure you get farm raised okay because you don't want that dirty catfish okay not the one to be in your uncle charles in the backyard don't do that ain't gonna be sucked up and nasty give you some farm raise okay catfish so that pretty white meat will stick on now okay so i got that and i also got some whitening fillets i do have a few little shrimp but we're gonna get to them later because ain't no necessity today is all about the white bread and the fish okay super easy so what i did was you took the fish out defrosted it because it was frozen okay and then i patted it dry to remove the moisture you guys know i always tell you to pat your protein dry okay to remove the moisture so that your coating sticks on it now let's talk about fish fry i have a homemade recipe on my channel um and i'll link that down in the description box but baby let me tell you something in the restaurant they make no homemade fish fries okay they ain't doing that and if you think they are they but you are sadly mistaken okay just like you think your man being safer so i've got some fish right here now let me tell you what i like to do with fish fry y'all i like to swap them in and out i want to use half of this kind which is the seafood breading mix i like louisiana and oh wait hold on cuz i'm about to use louisiana stuff you know i'm saying you heard me baby i got you new i got that fish fried seafood bread you know i mean i i see a little fish fry hey you know you know what's that what's that you know what's in i got that that crispy fish fry right here you heard me all right baby okay baby so this is what we gonna do okay we're gonna take our fish fry baby then we're gonna open it up okay i got a ziploc bag right here baby y'all do know i have relatives in louisiana okay lafayette to be exact so i like to mix my half and half okay we're just gonna make a little biracial thing going on okay a little mixed little little little mixed fish fry i like to use the heavy breading one because this is more flour based but it doesn't really get as crispy as i want so this is super super crispy and it's almost to me a little too milly so i feel like if i mix the two or when i mix the two it is a perfect combination so in here drea has already given me half the sifu mix okay and then i'm gonna put the crispy in here just like this y'all and this is seasoned already but my family really really really really really fries a lot of fish y'all i mean i grew up on it it is something that i just love it's one of my favorite things to eat and so my mom even if she uses store-bought fish fry she still always season her fish okay you need to still season it just a little bit to make sure to stop through because sometimes you'll know we'll be going on in that factory maybe had a malfunction with the season or something maybe your box you got when they're good okay then if you don't talk about when they come to your house i'm like girl she thought that this was good it was not stopped then they gonna go get some dog on popeyes or captain d that ain't it okay so i always season mine too give a little insurance and then we get off of me and then we gonna shake it like this right here okay like you playing the cameroon they love okay do that shake it up and then set it to the side now i'm gonna be using some cajun seasoning okay a little bit on that and i'm gonna be using accent i just want y'all to know how much i don't care about what y'all about to say about me eating msg because um you know that y'all be putting stuff in your body that's not supposed to be that it's not sucked up and i promise you there's something out there that's more deadly than msg that could possibly kill you too so and it ain't this so don't do that but this right here is what i like i like to put that in there like this i just feel like it make the food good okay so i sprinkle a little bit of that on now and then i'm gonna put it in my seasoned fish fry okay super easy and because they got all these rings on me today i gotta toss it around like this right here okay and it's dry with something i have never heard in my life i'm going to shake this up a little bit i've already preheated my oil here i have it on medium heat because i want to fry the outside and make sure the inside is cooked too i always tell you guys that you want to cook it on medium heat when you're frying things if you are deep frying 350 is good okay and fish cooks really really fast you don't have to worry about it okay you put it in there and set it i forget it we're gonna shake these up and then we're going to put them back in the bowl to let the seeds the uh crust adhere i just use the big word shake it up okay just like that and then what i like to do is take it out shake it off gotta shake it up and then put it back into your bowl to just let it just hang out and sit before you fry it okay super easy when you let something sit um you let the coating kind of like get up in the creases of everything and just you know it's going to be crispy on its own you're not going to have to dip in an egg and buttermilk and all that stuff but when you got time plus they ain't how they doing really in the south okay i think that's like a chicago new york thing or something like that but you don't have to break your fish this is enough especially if you let it sit to the side and just hang out it's going to give you a nice crispy coating without all of that stuff y'all so while the oil is heating up right here i'm going to go ahead and start on my fries we got some already rolling fries are very very easy to cook y'all like i said you can put them in your air fryer or your oven and just put it in there let's walk in two bubble gum at the same time and they're just gonna cook okay like this right here so i'm gonna lay my fish in here y'all okay cause it's ready we let it sit aside for about three or four minutes and you see look at that crust on there already when you let the seasoning adhere and you let the cornmeal adhere i'm gonna keep saying it here and then you want to lay it in there i like to lay it this way like the cellulite side up okay see the one that has all those the lumps on there you know the vibes okay and then you put it away from you always when you're frying or putting anything to hot oil you always want to put it away from you put it in there but not overcrowd the pan if you overcrowd the pan it's going to start to kind of steam and not be as crispy you don't want that you want to kind of let it have a space like some of y'all should do out there with some of your friends and your man cause y'all want to be up in their space all the time get you something to do and then you cook it for three to four minutes per side depending on how hard you like it our fries are done so you guys know that i have the wire rack that i got from the dollar tree that i love i always put things on a wire rack when i am frying things because i want the oil to drip down i don't want to use a paper towel because it's just going to fit in the oil but if you ain't got nothing but a paper towel baby that's okay okay use what you got what runners say to get what you want okay that's what you said i've been doing that and it's been doing all right for me so i got my fries already done i'm gonna put them over here just to hang out okay no pressure the way did my mama do it on fridays she fried a fish and then she just called us over okay she fry it put it in the oven on warm along with the fries it's still crispy and it's really really good that way so if you want to cook things ahead of time just put it in your oven on one baby that's all you got to do and every friday my mama tries this y'all every friday i love it because it's a traditional thing that we do in my family all the time when i tell you they try to hell out of some fish baby it'd be all the way stocked up okay but every friday i think just in our culture we always love fries kids when you get off work you go by your favorite fish fry place you get your stuff and then you go home and kick it so that means you're gonna need a little drink of drinks so you can think of things and i'm gonna finish this whole thing off with a drink at the end but y'all got to hold on so i also want to share with you guys a really good tip now if you don't want to think about nobody think you got bad hygiene when you're going over to their house after you fry some fish okay be like girls got problems down there situation ain't sister waiting if you don't want those problems you can cut up a few onions put it in your grease and it'll prevent that fishy smell that is sometimes in your house and lingers when you are frying fish okay that's a hood tip of the day okay look at that oh that's so pretty you know they be talking in the soul when you see a pretty baby look at you look used to be like that when they see you like oh look at all the facts maybe that's just my family okay so when your fries come out you want to already hit them with a little seasoning okay when stuff is hot things stick to it praise the lord praise the lord okay but look at this y'all super crispy fish yes i am going to touch it because i am a risk taker but look at that hanging off on the side right there that's how you want it okay not too mealy but also you know crispy but flaky at the same time that's how i like my fish and that's how my mama do it and if it ain't broke baby don't try and fix it try and fix it we put that out just like this right here and then i had a little extra shrimp in my freezer y'all so i just took those out devein and peel make sure you take the shrimp out that ain't good ain't stocked up okay don't get somebody stick up in there they can come back to your house to eat at the fish fry okay they're gonna be mad at this phase table because they will eat shrimp doodle don't do that take that out okay and then just put it in the same fish fry and fry it up so now we're going to move on to our red cup cocktail of the day okay just give you a little history about the red cup ministry if you ever see anybody with this in their hand just know that it is not communion at all okay if it is communion it is definitely spikes but we all know in the black community what this means and that means that you got a little drinking drink so you can think you think okay so we got to make that today and i am going to be making my aunt deborah's tea today my endeavor i love her hey debra my auntie debra uh is a woman of god she is so saved and holy and when i need advice i can call on her okay and she always tell me make good choices she's always said that since i was a little girl but today on to deborah we're going to make some bad choices okay so when i do something bad like she hear me cussing oh you know she say danny don't do that that's a bad bell's bad choices don't do that so today we're going to make her tea we're also going to make some bad choices and add a little henna see okay so i've got my tea here and as you know all the recipe ingredients will be in the description box below for the tea i am not using homemade brew tea you gotta get in the description box to see what i use but it's so good y'all my auntie deborah she does not use that homemade tea she uses a mix i know i was shocked too and then i'm going to add in some organic freshly squeezed lemon juice um and it really is organic that's what it's saying out from the california souls and we're going to put that in there just let the spirit lead you if you want your neck to snap in your mouth to pop put that up in there put a little extra okay in there and i'm going to be using a little bit of lemon lime soda also known as one of the greatest sodas ever invented sprite okay so you want to top it off with a little bit of sprite all right just like that right there notice i'm not putting the hennessy in there yet okay because i want to control my liquor okay i want to put my liquor in the cup first then top it off okay i ain't got time you're wasting my stuff all right and now we're going to just give this a stir put our sprite in there our lemon juice i think i need a little bit more sprite i might as well use the whole can i want to control my liquor so i am going to put the ice over here first okay now we got our cup then we're going to add our alcohol praise the lord hallelujah there it is okay how about you look at you please okay baby let me tell you something you know what you need okay you know what you need so i got a half a cup almost of honey and then i'm going to pour in now the tea okay you pour that in now then you add your ice one for the father two for the sun and three for the holy ghost okay stir that around i will give y'all a little bit of fresh lemon but my food stylist then cut me none that's a 50 cent fine okay then you taste it make sure it's good oh baby let me tell y'all something we're gonna have to go ahead and get this in the shot cause babe i'm about to be on this floor honey ain't no telling what's gonna happen to me after i drink all that now i'm about to put this together the way that i know y'all like to eat it out there especially all of my people from the south when you are making a traditional hood fish fry sandwich this is what you got to always have you got to always have your light breaking okay need a little library don't use no whole wheat no sourdough no none of that okay no potato use use some light bread okay you put that down like that see my mom and them used to have a club called the disco ladies the club meeting okay you know i definitely need to have cool me and they sold fish sandwiches on the weekend okay to get their money ooh never understood what a social famous club was to meet all they did was gossip and sell drinks and fish uh sandwiches and have good parties but they said they sell money okay so i got my fish down there with my white bread and you put that on top like there right here you put that on i'm going to put me a little low strip on there too because that's what i want to do uh oh get on over here okay then we dress it now this is what you call all the way okay gotta put you gotta put you a little my little mustache that muscle ain't gonna act right okay a little hot sauce on now like that right there just let the spirit lead you how much you can take put that on now then you want to also put your little ketchup now this is what we call down in alabama all the way fish fry okay just like that when you go to the takeout place or if you go to the corner and the people out there frying fish down there where you live you go ahead and you get them on these little styrofoam plates then you put your little fries they give you some fries on the side okay everybody just hanging out on the side that's how they do it okay i put too many on there put some fries up there you hit them with some hot sauce too okay cause they need a little love you put that on now okay and then i never understood this but i had to do it for y'all cause y'all know i ain't lying when you go to the fish where i take out places don't they give you them little cups of coffee i'm like you a child what you gonna do with that besides getting mad and they didn't want to charge you 50 cent for extra cups never understood that okay so you put that on there too like that and now you got the best take out ever black folks hood style now i got that down let me tell you this what you gotta do now get you a little bit of your fish okay you gotta have soft white bread okay because the soft white bread is what make the fish sound okay you gotta get you a little that right there and i like to give me some fries too in this table y'all that reminds me of like my childhood to this day this is still how we eat our fish sandwiches thank you guys so much for watching today honey i gotta go ahead in this video because you know i'm about to go fight somebody i'm gonna go to sleep hope you guys make it hope you guys love it thank you guys again so much for watching be sure to comment let me know your thoughts on how you eat your perfect fish fry uh sandwich and also check the description box for all the recipe ingredients and links below thank you guys again so much for watching y'all stay safe out there and wear your mask okay bye you
Channel: The Danni Rose
Views: 354,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: u-SjsgtaIdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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