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hey y'all i'm back with another recipe and this time we're gonna do this recipe old school y'all remember when i used to do these videos like this before i got in full production but covered in all the things ain't nobody come to my house right now okay so we take it back old school and we're going to be making a crispy roasted chicken with bacon scallion cream sauce that look good and sucked up let's get to it you know how we do over here on this channel chat all right so i'm gonna take my chicken here and we're gonna call her um we're gonna get her name she need a name the last one was named pam we gonna call her lisa all right lisa girl what's right for you we gonna clean you up okay cause you had a hard life and you guys know i love to clean my cheek and now look what i want to do first is i want to take chicken out the pack and then i'm gonna take a knife a little pearing knife like that and what i like to do is i like to scrape that little grit and uh chicken fat butter whatever that is on on the chicken scrape that off you see what you're gonna be eating if you don't clean this chicken and every time don't clean your chicken and all that um baby that ain't stopped oop don't get somebody sick up in there gonna talk about you in that group chat i ain't got time so this is what i do i take the chicken now cause i'm working with a whole chicken today now you can use chicken pieces if that's your thing and that's what you want to do that's your prerogative do what you want to do but what you need to do is clean this chicken so i'm just gently taking that knife or carefully taking my knife and i'm just kind of scraping it just like this right here and getting all that chicken uh stuff whatever is that grime and that nasty stuff off of there okay because baby this chicken been out on the farm and like she's been out there just being setting it out a little bit she got a lot on her this chicken been in the street shot she been in the chicken streets ain't got time so we gonna clean her up okay we're gonna make her saved praise god we're gonna clean up all right and sanctify her so what i want to do now if you guys have seen my other recipes my other chicken recipes um roasted chicken i always take the tailbone out so this is how i do it now a safer way to do it is on the cutting board but you know i've been in these cooking streets a long time but you don't want to injure injure yourself stay with it girl you almost got some time injure yourself so i just want to remove the tailbone of it okay with a sharp knife i will link some recipes down below where i have a simple way of including uh removing the tailbone now this is what i like to do okay y'all see all this chicken fat up in there i like i told you lisa been out here in these streets she almost been like a chicken prostitute i would say i don't know but i ain't judging but girl we got to clean you on up praise god i want to remove some of that chicken discharge that she got that's what i like to call it okay you know she's been out here a while and look at him just all just fatty and messed up so we just took some of that fat out of there or whatever and clean lisa up okay so i'm gonna take me some lemons okay half a lemon and i'm a rumble water and i'm just going to take that lemon that citrus or lime or vinegar whatever you got and we are going to get the residue hey glory to god the residue from the streets off of lisa praise god because she's a new creature any man being uh christ their new creature amen okay so uh lisa been dipped and what i want to do now is i want to clean my sink with some bleach some water and some soap so make sure you sanitize really really good clorox okay and vinegar be smelling like a summer's eve dish bottle up in the house afterwards for you before you make this chicken okay make sure it's clean child okay so i want to pack the chicken dry to remove the moisture so we get crispy skin so after you clean it and all that put it on a pan and then pat it dry with paper towels so that you don't have that soggy skin because nobody want that ain't gonna be soft ooh okay you want crispy skin because gonna put that cream sauce on there and that's what i like to do i like to roast it in the cast iron as you guys know that's what i do because you crispy bottom and crispy top huh yes and i'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of olive oil praise god cause you know she saved now okay we got that holy oil up on her okay and i want to put that on there it's gonna give a nice color okay she's looking a little unmelanated right now we're gonna give us some melanin hey man okay she she she's looking a little i don't know but we gonna we gonna make sure she get what she needs i i put the olive oil on top of her okay and then i'm gonna sprinkle hope with some seasonings you can use seasoned salt and all that stuff i'll link the uh check the description box y'all know i have all the seasonings out up in there but this is actually my seasoning y'all pray for the manufacturer okay we waiting on them to give us a go and we'll have the seasoning out but until then you can use whatever seasoning you want but just make sure you season it and look at me i'm rubbing that thing up in there okay listen uh because lisa been out here in these streets she needs some attention she's a little tlc so i'm making sure i'm just cleaning up and rubbing up and selling a girl you you're gonna be just fine you got a new life ahead hallelujah you just gonna come out of that thing and you're gonna be clean and amen and and you're gonna you're gonna be good and sopped up okay sometimes you gotta speak over their life so they turn out the way you want them to uh and what i'm doing now is i'm pushing them thighs out huh that's why she's been in trouble though so we need to actually keep them together but for the sake of the recipe i'm separating i'm pushing the thighs out as y'all can see making them flat okay and then i tuck the wings back so they won't burn now i'm going to roast this on 400 degrees for about an hour so about an hour and 10 minutes until it gets golden brown nice and crispy and super tender so we're going to set that oven at 400 degrees we're going to pop her in there look at her bally's a girl she's going to get uh she's going to have a um a fiery furnace moment amen okay she got dipped in the fire furnace and now we gonna bring home out of there huh look at her looking soft up and brand new you don't even look the same girl you don't look like what you've been through she looking good so we're gonna take her out okay we're gonna put her to the side i'm gonna close my oven though that's what i do all right and then we're gonna let her rest now we're gonna let release the rest for about 20 minutes because you don't want to cut into it she's going to be running honey and them juice is going to be on they're going to be dried on them i don't want to eat that be choking on like a cat want a nice and tender and juicy but listen y'all look at that skin it's so crispy so we're just going to let lisa just rest on his promise i feel extra churchy today by the way but anyway we're going to let her rest for about 20 minutes before we cut into it and while that's resting we'll go ahead and make the cream sauce super easy y'all so i'm going to take about four to five strips of bacon i have my pan on medium heat don't cook bacon on high that's why i get everywhere be splattering on you people like grill what's happening what's going on with you got all that grease and stuff on you and they think it may be thinking it's something else but it's really bacon grease okay got time so you want to make sure you cook it on medium low okay get nice and crispy like this don't take too long you just want to keep cooking kind of low and slow not high and fast we don't need that okay so once you cook your bacon everybody should know how to cook bacon on this channel if not um i'm gonna uh link a recipe down but i think you know how to do it and then we're gonna set it to the side and then we are going to uh let that hang out to drain that grease because you don't want to get nobody out of corn and papayas all that bacon grease up there okay ain't nobody got time so i got my bacon here i'm just going to cut them fatty ends off because i don't want that up in my sauce now if that's your thing uh you like you don't mind that then you know keep it on in there but i just want to chop it into little chunks of pieces or whatever not too big not too small not like bacon bits but you know a nice size okay all the ladies know what i'm talking about out there oh praise god chad okay you just wanna chop that bacon up like that and sit it to the side so i've got some scallions here green onion and i'm just going to chop those up i'm gonna give them a fine dice or whatever um like this right here so just run your knife through it if you want to just use kitchen shears if you don't know how to properly cut them you want to protect yourself you can just cut them with some kitchen shears into little pieces and you'll be good set that aside child let's get started on this cream sauce we got our bacon and we got our scallions done okay now we're going to do this right here i'm going to put a little butter down up in there salted butter you know how i do it over here everything's seasoned praise god okay and i'm on medium heat i ain't no high heat because i don't want no brown butter sauce we're not trying to do that we just want to melt it beautifully darling and just swirl around the pan you see my heat it ain't that hot just swirling around in the pan we on medium heat here look at that bubbling sensation of butter right there baby you could just that looks so good and sucked up i just love butter butter is like the sauce delicacy honey it's so good in everything you need it for bacon you need it for uh making rich dishes it just make everything just taste so delicious okay don't be using that avocado oil and stuff you use some butter chow i know i'm in california now but ain't none changed with the dip cold okay then we're gonna add our cream sauce up in there like that right there so i'm using some cream sauce i think that's about five cups of cream sauce and then i'm still on medium heat swirl on round swirling on around make him think you're doing something doing that but we really is doing a little bit of sun we uh we're saying i said we really is we really are doing something we actually incorporating the butter into the cream sauce okay and then you want to just kind of bring that to a slight bowl not a raging bull we don't want to act like okay we at the protest amen there's a time and place for that but not with this sauce all right so you just want to bring it up to a slight boil like this right here it is going to thicken up within like two to three minutes y'all and so when it started kind of thickening like that then you add your bacon up in there and the oils from the bacon that bacon grease that's attached to the bacon that's you know that's automatically attached it's gonna kind of like permeate that sauce uh it's gonna be good and it's gonna those oils those bacon oils gonna release up in that cream sauce and that's gonna be delicious and soft they're gonna be talking about you in a group chat but they're gonna be like girl we can't eat like this thing was good okay all right so put that bacon up in there and then we're gonna stir that around like that and as you can see the sauce is thickening up and still over medium heat y'all okay i actually think i turned it down to low because i didn't want it to seize up on the cream sauce can't do that it would think thicken up on you real fast okay like a girl that moved from california to the south hunter she get real thick real fast and being all that good food and i'm southern men anyway back to this recipe we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put uh that scallion up in there don't that look good look at that still on medium low heat y'all we don't want to bring it to a high boil you have stuff everywhere now let me tell you something this is good with just some pasta up in there you want to add a little uh bucatini little fettuccine okay linguine right here and just toss it around it's perfect it's delicious okay now i want to season that okay we gotta season it we want it to taste good so i got some seasonings that i put up in there okay same season i used on the chicken but not too much because remember we got that bacon in there and we seasoned the chicken real good too so you don't want to too salty okay you don't want that all right you don't want people asking for a lot of water and all that so to cut the richness of this sauce y'all i just add a little bit of lemon to that and it just it didn't taste like lemony lemon chicken it tasted just refreshing okay that's what it tastes like just kind of cut a little bit of that richness from the sauce because you don't want it too too heavy okay and that's good so i'm gonna just turn my heat off and then i'm gonna let this sit for about two minutes and it's gonna slightly thicken up a little bit more i don't want to tooth it because i don't want it to be like pasty but i did want it to thicken just a little bit so just turn that off let it sit for about one to two minutes and boom look at that chicken look at lisa lisa oh do this thank you let do this thinking do this thinking hey hey that's what happened when you've been loved right look at least look at that crispiness y'all see what's at the bottom y'all see that crispy skin baby lisa is soft dude let me show y'all how soft of juicy juice lisa is juicing baby look at lisa at least when it got sanctified and filled and she's looking good out here in these chicken streets look at her juicy ain't nothing dry about her moisturize look at her baby that thing so dog gone good y'all ain't gonna leave a lot of this chicken was so delicious i'm telling you all right so we're gonna plate her own up okay let's get to business put lisa on down hey girl look at this thing popping up on you okay and then what you want to do is you want to just pour that cream sauce this is winner chicken dinner yes it is you can serve this with a side salad who won't that you can serve it with some rice that'll be delicious and let me tell you what i actually ate it with some mashed potatoes it was so doggone good y'all and if you you know onto your thing doing keto and doing all that ito then you can do cauliflower rice or whatever it is that y'all do and if it's vegan you want a vegan nozzle just you know use vegan stuff but y'all this is such a great recipe i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did as much as my daughter did as much as other people that were at my house that day did it was oh look at that look at that baby i'm gone i am out of here y'all check the description box but look coming up i got some new things to share with you guys i've been working on some new projects y'all look i have been vlogging and i'm gonna be giving you guys some insight of like what stovetop kisses be doing we actually have a new podcast coming to the channel too so i guess i hope you guys tune in for that but y'all look i just want you guys to kind of look at some of that i'm gonna take one step up me okay [Laughter] can i buy a waste looking like a looking like a mortgage broker let me tell y'all something y'all better not say i don't be out here working cause i be out here this is the end of danny's photo shoot day how did you feel yes i said it is [Music] you have
Channel: Stove Top Kisses
Views: 168,972
Rating: 4.9705644 out of 5
Id: 2Z0mVZyhMis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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