How To Make Perfect Deli-Style Roast Beef At Home

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in this video I'm going to show you how to make Deli roast beef at home it's higher quality it's cheaper and with a little bit of patience and a little bit of knoow it's not that hard to do I'm going to show you how to make the best roast beef sandwich you've ever had in your life let's get started if there was one food that I could only have for the rest of my life it would be a sandwich I love sandwiches and I especially love roast beef sandwiches there's an inherent problem with roast beef sandwiches though you buy roast beef from the deli counter and it is not medium or medium rare it it's well done or medium well and it's not good quality another problem is it's expensive you can go to a place like Whole Foods and they'll roast their own roast beef but it's so expensive we're talking like1 19 $20 a pound so we got to find the happy medium to get medium rare or medium roast beef but also at a deal and a low price per pound So today we're going to figure it out I'm going to I'm going to show you how you do your own and that is the secret that is how you get the perfect dness and the perfect price all right first one talking about our making our own roast beef we got to go with meat selection first it all starts with the cut of meat that you choose now for roast beef lunch meat you want something that's relatively lean you don't want big chunks of fat through the middle the round is the best so anything from the round top round inside round bottom round all these are great things for lunch meat because we're going to cut them so thin usually the round is when it's cooked it's a little bit chewy and tough but here's the thing we're going to cut it so thin on a meat slicer that that's going to cut through those muscle fibers and make it tender we're not going to overcook it and then we're also going to slice it thin that's how we're going to get that delicious pull aart lung meat that is going to make an awesome sandwich so right now I this is a top round that they had at the grocery store and we're going to go ahead and take this top round we're going to hit it with some oil some salt some pepper some garlic you can add herbs if you want to we're going to go at such a low temperature that it's not going to burn the herbs if you want to add herbs but I'm just going to do strict salt pepper garlic for this one we're then going to pop it in a 325° oven and we're going to cook it till it's nice and medium once it comes out of the oven we're going to put it in the refrigerator let it sit overnight this is where the patience comes in it's going to sit overnight get nice and cold and then we're going to be able to slice it for our sandwiches it's going to be so good I cannot wait again patience is a virtue here people so it will be worth it I promise I want to take a quick second to thank the sponsor of this video meter what is meter it is a wireless thermometer that tells you exactly when your meat is done no more guessing about well how many minutes per pound and this this shape and I don't even know what to do it's very very very simple with meter you put the thermometer in the piece of meat you go to the app you say what kind of meat you have it senses when it will be done you want medium boom here you go you want medium rare boom here you go it tells you how many minutes are left it tells you everything so go pick one up check the link in the description for 10% off man I don't even know why you don't have one already you have to have one of these if you're going to do any of these projects it makes especially like roast beef like we're doing today makes it so much easier this is a Nob brainer go pick one up check the link in the description let's go ahead and cook some roast beef let's go all right so here's our finished product this inside round was about 3 lb it took about an hour and a half remember we used our meteor probe thermometer to help us out to pull at the right time but again 325 for about an hour and a half I then pulled it out of the oven put it at room temperature for an hour and then put it in the refrigerator and we refrigerated it overnight nice and cold you don't want to slice these things hot cuz that meat slicer will shred that meat so quick it will ruin your whole product you got to have patience we're going to make sure that it is super cold and ready to slice so let's get to slicing I can't wait to see what we got going on in here all right so let's talk meat slicers now I kind of have a LoveHate relationship with meat slicers in general the ones I get the deli they use them professionally they are huge pieces of equipment you can barely lift them up to clean underneath you can't have that at home you want to be able to have a small enough meat slicer that you can pull it in and out and you feel comfortable doing it or you're not going to slice your own meat you're just not going to do it if I have to get this huge machine out every time the downside of these smaller units is they're not as powerful so you're going to have it's going to take a little longer it's going to have to have to work out a little bit more but you're going to use it more often so this is a meat slicer that I got off of Amazon uh it had the best reviews I've used it several times um I like it pretty good now I know that's not like a ring endorsement but for the size that it is it has a lot of power and it works for cutting lunch meat style meat I will link this in the description the one I got like from Amazon go ahead and check it out all right so here's our piece of meat we got our meat slicer ready we're going to cut it against the grain that's what you want to do so you see all the grains going this way we're going to cut it this way and slice it so let's go ahead and cut it in half so it's easier to work with on this meat slicer this a very nice medium just about perfect so we're just going to go ahead I'm going to show you how to use this slicer slice it up and we might even make a delicious sandwich with it got to have the first sandwich right so let's get to it all right so we're going to grab our piece of roast beef has a little guard here there's a little lever here that will determine the thickness that you want so again you can always change it so I'm going to try pretty thin with this rast beef if you want it thin cut because it's round it's going to be a little chewy if you got a thicker cut so we want to do a as thin as we can you're going to flip on the switch and then just nice and easy you're going to cut these slices be real careful again we have a blade mixed with a motor so just be careful but pay attention to what you're doing and here we go let's do it all right and here's what we ended up with I'm going to take that other half of the inside round I'm going to wrap it up with some saram wrap put it in the freezer and then be ready for the next time I'm ready to slice some more roast beef as you can see this came out so so good super thin slice medium beautiful medium seasoned really well look how it just pulls apart that's what you want in your sandwich you want to bite through it and it just pulls apart like that that's awesome here are some of the other meats I found in my local grocery store right here we have the Bor set which is your run-of-the-mill again at every every grocery store Rose beef but you can tell it's it's a little bit gray they can't serve it to medium they canot not get that kind of uh consistency and it pulls apart just fine but it tastes it tastes okay but you know this was $15 a pound that's a lot for a roast bee $15 a pound that's kind of crazy so again another place I went to was Whole Foods now Whole Foods I know for a fact takes their roast their own meat and slices it for roast beef this one is a little bit you can tell it's like a little bit overdone little bit on the medium well side I mean it slice okay but that's up to whoever's doing the slicing for you so you got to kind of keep that in mind and this is $19.99 per pound that that's a lot okay that that's a lot for some roast beef that's going to make a very expensive sandwich the one we did here remember we got this for $7.99 a pound that's what we started with I know you're going to have a little bit of loss for weight loss from while you cook it but still we are way way ahead of both of these well just competitors I don't even know this is sandwich ready you're going to have the best roast beef sandwich of your life if you like this video check out when I did this exact same experiment but with deli style turkey I will link that video over here we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Butcher Wizard
Views: 38,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 21Nr3CijdeQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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