How To Form Ham Into Lunch Meat

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hello nation and welcome back to the homestead [Music] I have a question for you guys am I the only one out there that likes a good sandwich am I the only one that's getting extremely frustrated about how much the lunch meat is costing and whether or not you can find it in the store let alone learning about all of the preservatives and additives and junk that they're putting into the lunch meat nowadays and it don't taste nowhere near as good as it did back from when I was a kid normally you know when people get frustrated with something they start looking at ways to fix it and that's exactly what I did as you guys know we process our own uh pork chicken turkeys here on the homestead and we're gearing up to be able to process our very first cow so I started looking into and researching how can I make some of my own deli meat some of my own sausages stuff like that and I came across another YouTuber his name is Duncan Henry and I will leave his channel Link in the description now as you guys know no we were big we're big bearded butcher fans they help us break down the the carcass oh the animal that we're processing well Duncan is helping us take it that step further now a couple years ago he did a series and he called it marinsky March and it's based off of this book right here home production of Quality Meats and sausages by Stanley and Adam marinsky but we're going to do the molded ham in this one and what you'll need is a some type of a container to be able to put your ham in this is the larger one we accidentally ordered the larger one from what Duncan used in his video and be careful on Amazon because that's how we got messed up because they have the most side by side and it can get a little bit confusing and you could click on the wrong one but we got the bigger one now you're gonna also obviously you're gonna need meat you're gonna need support now in the book it tells you to use lean pork now Duncan went a step further and he cautioned you on what cuts to use he said don't use anything that has the the ligaments or the tendons or something like that and so stuff like the Hawks the shoulders um he suggested that you use like the picnic um the ham or the the loin I think he uses the loin in his video we're going to be using the ham in ours so we cut it down we cut down the ham into three quarter inch chunks then you're going to take those chunks and you're going to mix them with salt regular iodized salt and then curing salt number one the link for this will also be in the description where you can get this off of Amazon now this is where uh we learned something because we use the bigger canister we couldn't go off of what it said in the book because in the book it said use 2.2 pounds of meat or a thousand grams so what we ended up doing is we loaded this puppy up with the meat so where was the top we weighed it on Robin's kitchen scale and then we just did the math now here's the thing it's easier to do it in grams versus pounds and so then we just did the math we added the appropriate amount of salt and curing salt and we mixed it up we packed it back into this container and then you stick it in the refrigerator for three days all right so we've been waiting patiently for three days as our formed ham was curing in our refrigerator now it's time for us to cook it we've got a stock pot here behind me the water is boiling I'm going to place this uh canister down in there the water does not come Above the Rim and in fact I have this little tiny hole here where my thermostat's supposed to go and so we don't want the water to come above that and then we're going to stick it in there for 90 minutes [Music] so now we just start a countdown timer for 90 minutes because that's about how long it's going to take for the meat to reach that temperature in this boiling water so once this comes back up to a boil we'll start a countdown timer for 90 minutes and then it will sit out on the counter until it cools and then uh we'll go ahead and cut into it foreign so we cooked our ham and we let it come down to room temperature and then we stuck it in the refrigerator overnight so now's now's the telling time so let's take the lid off there's the spring foreign there it is it did not do what I wanted to do I think our chunks are just still too big it's still very chunky it's a molded ham it doesn't look like a deli ham and maybe it's not supposed to but if we cut it down oh this knife is dull I probably grabbed the wrong one I mean that's what it looks like inside okay so let's slice this and see how it comes out [Music] all right so we sliced it up now granny when I cut that slice down the middle I was I was a little upset because mine didn't look like dunkins Robin reminded me while I was slicing that I don't have a lot of the equipment that a professional butcher has I don't have a lot of the I don't have any of the equipment that the professionals that make like Boar's Head have and I'm not adding all those nasty preservatives either so but at the end of the day take some of this our ham the slices we sliced them pretty thin they come out real nice granted you see all of these holes and gaps I think if we cut our chunks smaller it's gonna those are gonna go away we're gonna do another one and uh I'll let you know in and we'll give you guys pictures in the nation on Facebook so if you're not a member of of the nation Big Bear Nation on Facebook come on over make sure you answer all the questions and we'll let you in so I think I'm going to cut we'll cut those smaller now another thing that I think and I don't know and hey if Duncan if you happen to catch this let me know if I'm right we're using a Hampshire Berkshire cross and we're using the hams I think those are just too lean and I don't think I have enough fat in in the meat to be able to cut to help it to help it bind better but that little that container that we have it sliced up let's see how much weight we got here two pounds eight ounces of deli ham that we can make sandwiches with and I've also got this chunk left over on my slicer because we just can't push it down too much further because of the teeth on the slicer now normally we would have another one that would go on and push it down and go all the way down like that but we'll cut that up and put it in mac and cheese and stuff like that and we also have some shredded ham that we can put in salads mac and cheese all kinds of stuff overall I think this was a success I want to thank uh Duncan Henry for his YouTube channel and him taking the time to do these step by steps for so that way a guy like me could get the stuff and try it out at home the link for his channel will be in the description also the book we have now referred to this as the meat Bible here on the Big Bear Homestead um guys the link to this will also be in the description you'll be able to get it through our Amazon store along with the meat mold that we used and the salt and everything like that all those links will be in the description if you guys want to give this a try on your homestead thanks for coming by the Big Bear Homestead God bless and have a nice day
Channel: Big Bear Homestead
Views: 37,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to form ham into lunch meat, how is lunch meat ham made, lunch meat, how to make ham, deli meats, sliced meats, cooked meats, deli meat, pressed ham, lunch meat recipe, deli meat slicer, deli meat how its made, deli meat recipes, deli meat at home, cold cuts recipe, deli meats healthy, pressed ham recipe, slicing lunch meat, ham, deli, how its made, meat, how to make, learning meat processing, home meat processing, meatgistics, recipe, homemade, grocery, homemade cold cuts
Id: H1hiYN1bhbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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