Jerk cookout with a Jamaican Jerk Champion

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[Music] [Music] one [Music] so you know you have to have this the good cut the middle what is called the marbling you said i like a pizza and then something yeah that look a piece right there so you can't see manziel just open up that bucket and our beer pork was seasoned for along for wednesday so you know what i said soaked in marinated well pimento all of that scallion all of that onion all of the spices that we're known for you can't tell the people when i tell of everything i tell them everything and it's not a high flame where you have it on you just having to go so that is why you know a lot of people comes and do the pre-cooking stuff no i don't do that no no i'm pre-cooking i don't know equipment all natural low heat for a few hours all right so go ahead and get the chicken started now so give me a can see that him just load up that grill with all of that meat onto it and after that he just set it and forget it let that low flame work its way into it the smoke from the coal and everything and then after that you know it's a juicy spicy jerk chicken i can't wait for some of that to smell already i rise up as a meat thought the fire that smelled just captivate and take over the smokes coming up you need all of that when you're cooking jerk jerk chicken the same thing see him process brother that's it no overnight thing the horizon thing get a sizzling turret man so this fire is a little higher than the down the pool and the poor yeah we're having marinating eating another joke look at the juiciness still once again you know it's a spook yes ma'am now the seasoning on it everything the pimento the pepper everything blended out yeah i'd give them a secret you can't give them a one more secret though but you said that see jews are leaving their pan but it was ambitious while it's being drilled you know what i say so that no over season no nothing no sir when are we just nothing yeah so how long well we'll get next check in about 15 20 minutes at this point a little bit higher so we have to get a little bit more time or a little less time rather so sweat them up and running i know so we'll just get some time so so far i'll check on it what kind of super going on some pumpkin cold skin and beef well do an idea sorry all right already i know we'll start adding the things that i know [Music] because i get in my early flip because i look a collage up on them already look at them grill marks panda one there yes smart all right so this is the pork belly it's at this part you have the rib yeah does have the meat then you have the marble and they have the skin so this part of the meat is a juiciest part of the pork so catch that on the side yes man special order pizza you know it might turn out to be mine but hey i think i might want that same thing with the chicken we give it an early flip you know we don't want it to stick on the grill because you have you want the skin to just get to the perfect color you're making the sauce i mean right now you're turning the chicken and the smell i mean it's not a smell of seasoning that is powder it's a smell of natural seasoning like no you know what i'm telling the ingredients but i'll tell you man don't do the scallion i pop up for me saturday my baby you know started from a house and then it just expanded you know so i started because it happens the last saturday of every month this is actually the year's finale so but starting back in january the last saturday every month i cook i come out i bring all of my cuisines from chicken pork shrimp lobster fish everything man so i saturday season with my baby and i'm going to let it grow nowhere in a cell [Music] uh that's all the food the cold skin the beef let's get some so everything come together you know the feminine japan without pimento you can see that it's just constant care and constant looking at the fire looking to make sure that everything get a touch every piece i get a flavor every part of it have a touch of seasoning have a touch of flame so everything cooks evenly and not easy to cook a large amount of meat like that the care that you see him put into it down to the soup pot you can see the passion for the food the passion for the jerk the passion for flavors you hear it when him talk about the soup the ingredients the spices everything that is in there and i can tell you that the smell is just absolutely amazing i mean if you want a different type of jerk experience and just going out to the local restaurants which are also amazing come check out monday once i'm on donut this is a man it's it really is a flavor explosion when you start it and you know i say in love just like we love not pepper you know malacca says a constant dance of fire and smoke and you just have to find the right really money right balance for make sure i set every part of every flavor i get a touch look at those grill marks that you're getting on them generally we don't see green marks on jerky though because we put it out there and we just allow it to sit and and flavor but these are just at the right temperature we're getting some immaculate grill marks what are so you can smell everything starting to you can almost see it's a jerk between it i mean you know when you enter a jerk center and you smell that from before you reach a gate let's have that awesomeness about it i wanna alone if and i push this pull away anywhere there make sure you have a forward feel well everything the tears the kia resistant yeah fancy production you know i said yesterday oh so he was out with the chicken yeah so i don't know this happy chicken itself so cmc isn't see emblem everything right see you and we are funny knock knock change everything hi yeah just like that all right so it just wet the chicken with that make sure i said the chicken stir mice and empty now catch it that's all we do yeah so early what i did i bought a bottle you know have it sanitized and cleaned poured the juice out of it you know with a little cranberry flavor but this is the base of it so it has already sanitized and sterilized so this is what i use as a base the base is some blended seasoning that i did for myself so this is what i i blend my seasoning you know i made the marinade for it so the same juice that was seasoned from the pork this is what i used to base it so it doesn't lose any flavor at all [Music] [Music] what he said you just add some more to the park and spice you know so so we're going to eat you know i like the flavor constantly added more and more flavors layer and layer upon layer so as one stop cook another one going until the end till everything cook i get some spinach inside right now body of good old-fashioned flower and water good old dumpling natural come on flower man a little bit of salt and i put the caramel at night and knead it up properly so for a nice and moisture and then spin it up like this now that pinch like this immediately roll it again pinch roll it and then spinners spinners so why them quality spin is through it or spinning off affair and i'm putting an airport oh yeah just like that so i wanna serve one oh [Music] you know i've been dizzy yo this is so good all the heads and spices someone's here how many of these you usually go through like i know this is just one batch um maybe i bought four or five matches because it's a hundred pounds of pork so there's a hundred pounder for you i got through today a hundred pounds of work so you know and i try to get the pig not a whole big nice young softening pig so the meat it works man so you have look at it see the juice running out of it smoke it's for the love and it's for the process i mean you're doing jerky of that yeah so cover them down again so you're getting that nice color steaming right everything's going to be soft from the skin to the bone everything the pork is kind of getting ready so you can't really have much fire on it so you know try it over too much but i need moisture you know yeah so you put the higher flame to the right for the sausage to the right for the section where they suffered right fun time that smoke is just intense i mean by the time you go on this stinker jerk what is such a good smell this thing comes i mean at least a wife can cause a stinker all right so let's cover him again stir this down i'm gonna want if it will stick up i'm burning or something i have to keep on beat that's still regulating you know so now that fight not to burn let us keep on us dirt why because the food settles to the bottom yes even samantha continues stirring it because all that food in that pot that you saw going there it went down into the bottom of the patana flame on right you don't want it to stick you don't want you don't want the soup to burn so in order for that not to happen just constantly stirring it checking it every minute every second that didn't get a chance from the pork or something else and come over and just make sure it's a not enough stick to it so that everything's saturated yo i can't get over the smell every time memorize apart that the amount of seasoning natural seasoning the pimento is scalia and the onion ganga cut up some more thyme and some okra okra is going to go on it right yes yes yes cold skin oh yeah yep look at that wow yo this is a sexy soup wow this is a sexy sauce good old saturday soup where your granny used to cook yeah suck this soup good oh yeah so yeah everything to the body the texture oh come on i'm having anxiety how long for the soul you know what you got here and just when you think the soup pot was just about to be ready and come with more seasoning for it as i said just adding layers and layers of flavor onto that flavor that is already in there so i'm coming now with some okra with some scallion with some thyme and some more garlic feeling let's open other parts up no chef you know yeah everybody everything i know what are the seasonings perfect yes balance balance [Music] it's called brothers you can see all of that on it already look at that that's the crust that you're looking for when you get the smoke flavor all of that smoke makes that crust and it and it embraces the meat and allows it to be succulent on the inside that's how jerk is supposed to look on a good old poor car for me honey i can't get better right right at my first bite into somebody the jerk pork that monsie does take off for the girl you can't see yuma oh gosh worth the wait definitely worth the wait the amount of jerk flavor that is on that is amazing and you get pepper on it a lot of dirt pieces don't like to give your pepper they like it to add your own pepper manzie has his own sauces as well but the spice and this is just right it not too much it just perfect it not overpowering and making him want to run for something for drink it is something that is oh wow yo yeah man monday well we said we're going to get pork like this oberg nugget [Music] foreign bread fruit so the bread fruit they're more medicine i'm gonna cut up a little our style of bread food is a little bit different so you're all right right bread fruit yeah that will love so we don't roast it then fry it like all traditional jamaicans normally do it so we get the right bread fruit and peel it and then we'll fry so you'll see that in our short order so we're just getting the bread food prepared right now and this are the bread fruit yeah you can feel it nice so this is frybread fruit syrup on the side yeah my private fruit festival press planting you know syrian festival being fried that is the first of our dough so you know it's a process come on how do we we have some escaping fish over here to our widow but it's already so you serve fish as well this is yeah yeah vinegar and the pepper new onion you know what one only one way there's an entire process going on not just outside where you have the pants but inside you have the sides being done on the stove the frying or the bread fruit and he has a festival frying up as well inside my bread as well to soak up some of that juice and some of that sauce that's him have that you pour over the chicken as well so it's a full on take over the kitchen down here at pinterest when once it has a saturday sizzle and you can see still sizzling out of the pots and inside everything's sizzling in there in the frame yeah man the seats are coming out again you can't see why your name is let's see someone yeah the bus is linear everything's sizzling and you can see all the colors coming together that skin as well it's starting to crisp up all right can see the moisture leaking from the board still full of juice after that long cook so you know it's tender outside have the crispiness of the skin you can see the liquid black part on it that crack up right there that's how the flavor that has some of the pigments and some of the seasoning that has cracked up on it and no one say half a serving in a fight flip wrap up the goodness look at the juiciness still in that meat that is amazing look at that the constant rehydration of pouring back some of the seasoning back onto it i'm making it cook the others going out i'm still stoking the fire working to put them working upon them i'm still pushing out for them taking some off because so much others coming in now they have to take something that's really on to make space for some that needs to cook because of that long cooking time and all of the process that you see that time i forgot to make sure that the flavors come out in it and it has a right consistency the right heat right cross right back everything from the pork and the safe goes for the chicken yeah one holy papadi very thick and you do have that spice but the spice is not overwhelming it have a lot of flavor i have the body you have the base in there but trust me all of the seasoning mixing up in it very nice so sit for a while number one take mine out for the pot right as it did finish take it off i would like when my one sit down for a little bit so that some of that flavor can go into it and settle in there before it doesn't have a lot of salt either i mean it's a very nice soup apart from the meat from the from the cold skin and stuff like that you wouldn't i mean you could pass it off as a vegetable stay true wicked [Music] is
Channel: Jamaica Food Boss
Views: 647,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 14quOF6SkmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 13 2022
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