How to Make Money Using Midjourney ($100/Hour Side Hustle)

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what if I told you that there are people who are already making over a hundred dollars an hour by monetizing their AI services and you could start the same side hustle completely for free I'm talking about selling AI art and no this is not another e-commerce video this one is a little bit different see over the last few months AI has been exploding in popularity from chat GPT seeing ludicrous Milestones like 1 million users in five days and over a hundred million users in just two months and for comparison it took Instagram two years to hit those numbers to me it's pretty apparent that AI is here to stay we've seen a lot of fads over the past couple years especially in the crypto industry and don't get me wrong AI could die off but I don't really see that happening I've already started using AI Tools in my daily work for example while writing this script I can use AI to summarize or reword portions or give me creative ideas that I would have probably not ever come up with on my own but today I want to focus on how you can use real AI tools and combine it with a service to make over a hundred dollars an hour recently Fiverr has opened up an entire section of their website officially offering AI Services as an entire section of gigs some of the gigs that the Freelancers have already posted are making crazy amounts of money so today I'm going to go over exactly what the business model looks like how much money we could potentially make and at the end of the video I'm going to try something a little new I'm going to set up my own Fiverr gig completely from scratch and see if I can't get some sales now I was just browsing Fiverr a couple days ago getting ready for a different video that I'm making and I almost missed a huge Banner on the home page it just says add talent to AI now I immediately clicked on it to see what these people were offering and these gigs are broken down into six sections application development art AI models music videos fact checking and content editing what really got my attention is they listed gig specific for AI tools like chat GPT stable diffusion and mid-journey so how does this work you're probably familiar with Fiverr but just in case you're not this website allows Freelancers to post their services for sale so if you're a logo designer you can offer that service for sale and get paid to do it now with all of these AI tools coming out we basically have an entirely new industry there are tools such as mid-journey stable diffusion and Dali which allow you to generate images based on a prompt or just a single line of text now just from a Simplicity standpoint I think the AI called mid-journey is the easiest image generation AI to use and it produces the highest quality results in my opinion and for my research the mid-journey artists are getting paid a lot more than the dolly and stable diffusion artists on Fiverr these are some example images that other users have created using the mid-journey AI just wild images that these came from a computer now real quick before we look at how much these AI artists are making because I think that selling air is probably the easiest one to do I wanted to show you this coding section where some of these gigs are charging 40 to 100 for the Baseline charge these gigs are for services from tutoring web design or even AI blog writing so I clicked on his gig and he's charging between 40 and 200 a gig and with his 40 orders in queue that means he's making between 160 and 800 dollars in Profit just from this gig now I think this specific tool is for bloggers who want the AI to read their previous blog posts and then write new blog posts that sound similar to the author's previous writing now I have no idea how to do this so I asked chat GPT to give me a list of step-by-step instructions and it was able to do just that now while this is still probably above my current skill level if art isn't your thing you could learn how to do something similar to this and get paid quite a lot for this type of service you can probably learn almost anything you'd need to from the chat GPT chat bot and Google and I'd speculate that it's a fairly easy process to implement new code into someone's blog after you've done this gig a few times meaning he's not coding for hours each time he gets a gig he's probably just using the same code each time but coding is inherently harder than typing out a prompt to generate some art so let's look at how much money some of these artists are actually making now there's a ton of different gigs but we're just going to be looking at the mid-journey artists since from what I've seen they get paid a lot more than the stable diffusion or Dolly artists but the first thing that I saw was that while there are a lot of less successful gigs some of them have over a hundred reviews now I've already covered in different videos how you could make over twenty thousand dollars a month with AI art but listing these Fiverr gigs means you're getting paid directly for your time so once you post a gig you don't have to work until you get an order then if you charge 75 dollars for that gig and it takes you an hour to complete that order you Just Got Paid 75 dollars an hour for that work now this service ranges between twenty and sixty five dollars and they have 64 previous sales which means that's anywhere from 1280 to four thousand one hundred and sixty dollars and they have six more orders in queue which means from the orders that they just got they've already made an additional 120 to 390 dollars and I can't imagine that he's spending a full hour on each gig you can get really good images in about five minutes once you get really good so even if they're spending 15 minutes per image that's a hundred dollars an hour now I could be drastically underestimating the amount of time that this takes but I'll show you later how easy it is to create great images using mid-journey now this gig has over 107 reviews which means everyone's buying just the base package he's made five thousand three hundred and fifty dollars and if they all bought the premium service then that would come out to fourteen thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars which is crazy it's probably much closer to around eight thousand dollars but just keep in mind that he's having AI do all of the hard work for him now the same seller posted an almost identical gig just offering different packages and this one has made him between five thousand five hundred and thirty dollars and eleven thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars so between those two gigs alone he's made between ten thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars and twenty six thousand eight hundred and thirty dollars which is just wild so this isn't like my other AI money making methods where you just list products and then hope that they sell it's a simple side hustle where you get paid for the time that you spend working and you get to decide how much you charge per gig now this listing has 76 previous reviews which means they've made between fifteen hundred and twenty dollars to three thousand eight hundred dollars from this offer and then finally this gig has 39 previous orders six orders in queue and they're charging between ninety dollars and two hundred and sixty dollars and if if you still aren't convinced that you can make some great money using this method here's another website called people per hour where there's only a couple of AI Services listed but they're still getting some decent reviews and this person is charging 190 dollars per service even if you have no experience whatsoever I still think this is possible for almost anyone but how would you even go about doing this well first you need a Discord account which you can sign up for completely for free this is the application that you'll use to access the mid-journey bot once you've downloaded it to your computer or your phone you'll have to join the mid-journey server and inside the server is where you can start generating the images now mid journey is free at first so you can get some practice in if you need but you'll probably need to upgrade to consistently generate images and have the commercial rights to the images that you generate now the plan I would recommend costs about thirty dollars because it gives you commercial rights to your images but you wouldn't really even have to pay for anything until someone ordered your gig now opening the account is pretty easy so I just go to and at the bottom of the page I just click become a seller and then become a seller again and I pretty much just have to put in all of my personal information which you sadly don't get to see but after I put in all my information boom my Fiverr account is ready to go and I can start creating my gig super simple signup process through Fiverr we just have to list a gig for sale with some images we've already created so the customer knows what they're getting and then I just have to wait for the sales to come in now the mid-journey AI is pretty powerful so I can create images like these 32-bit isometric Landscapes realistic looking Landscapes animal portraits or just cool images in general so I think my strategy would be to offer as many different gigs as I could offering different types of image generation so that I have the most chances of being seen in fact I'm going to open up my own gig right now here in this video and see if I can't get some sales coming in so for my own gig I think I'll start with some of these 32-bit isometric images and see if anyone wants to buy some of those because I haven't seen anyone else list that for sale now I might make some listings for character design or 3D characters later on and I'll probably make all seven listings that I'm allowed to to maximize my chances of getting seen but for this video I'm just going to use these images now I'm going to use chat gbt to write me a title and description for my gig and then upload those images that I just created so that the customer knows what they're buying now I just went ahead and filled out all the other details like the pricing by just looking at what other people charge so now I think my listing is ready to be purchased Now setting up this gig really didn't take that long and now I don't even have to do anything until we get a sale so maybe I'll make another video in a week or two to see how many sales I got if I even got any sales and if you guys want to follow along maybe this can be a fun kind of competition though I think worst case scenario with this business is you spend the 30 minutes to list a gig and it never sells I feel like this is a super solid side hustle with hardly any time or Finance risk involved and there's only really money to be made plus this opens the door for you to take advantage of some other AI art money making methods that I've talked about in these other videos so you should go check those out now and it always helps me if you like comment and subscribe you can follow me on Instagram if you feel like it and as always I hope this helps and I'll see you next time foreign
Channel: Alek
Views: 168,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chat GPT, Mid Joureny, MidJoureny, ChatGPT, AI, AI Art, Making Money with AI, Money with AI, Make money Chat GPT, Make money using midjoureny, make money print on demand, midjoureny print on demand, mid journey AI art, Make money ChatGPT
Id: QqNKkBpW2as
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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