7 AI Tools that Will Make you RICH (in 2024)

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a projected 800 million jobs could be replaced by AI over the next 6 years with the rate AI is currently growing it's no wonder why people are worried AI directly took over 3,900 jobs in May of this year now I don't think that AI is just going to replace your job just yet but people using AI absolutely will within this last year AI went from infancy stage where it could barely answer questions to generating incredible images coding entire websites generating music and deep fakes and disrupting entire markets 2024 is going to be another year of AI where thousands of jobs are taken over yet millionaires will be born while some sit back and watch it all happen a few will harness the power of AI to make their Fortune right now there are four sectors which you can use to collaborate with AI to make the most amount of money and the first being video specifically with he Jen and Pika art H Jen allows you to trans translate a video from one language into another itones Voice or any other supported languages like Japanese now might not be perfect I surely wouldn't know now this was done by using the Haan translator and since I'm not fluent in Spanish or Japanese I retranscribed the sequence in Spanish and then translated it back to English and it looks perfect to me literally the only work required to use this is to upload the video video select the language that I want to use and translate it once it processes I'm left with a video in the new language big creators have realized that translating their videos will get them more views it's able to reach more people who don't speak their native language more views means that you'll get more AdSense Revenue higher paying sponsorships more course and product sales and overall a stronger business so whether you used something like this for your own content or you translated someone else's it makes a highly profitable business especially if you were able to offer this alongside other content related Services we've seen the image AI generators evolve at light speed over the last year and I'm predicting that this is going to happen with video in 2024 we're starting to see the birth of this with projects like Pika art now this is in beta at the moment but if it's anything like their demo real showcases them are in for what looks like the mid journey of video they're showcasing it being able to expand the canvas for videos generating entire clips of videos in cartoon styles with realistic looking lighting animation and honestly impressively highquality Graphics as well as videos in more of an anime art style I personally think that P looks quite impressive but there are already projects out that we can use for ourselves like Runway now this has been out for a little while but they've recently added in some new features now instead of just being able to generate a short clip from a prompt we can upload an image and then use the controls to turn it into a video so with my AI image uploaded I can use these controls to control the camera movement for the scene and then I can use the motion brush tool to control which areas of the image are in motion and then I literally just have to hit generate and it all begins after just a minute I'll be left with a video that doesn't look so bad after all I've used this for several images and they've all come out honestly looking fairly impressive considering how long the technology has been out for the faceless YouTube channels or just adding b-roll to videos AI video is going to be another game changer now I definitely don't think that this will replace influencer gurus but for the Subway Surfer Minecraft Parkour explainer videos that we all love I think there's definitely a spot for AI video now the second sector we can use AI to make money in is one that I'm much more familiar with art the opportunity to make moneyy with AI art is pretty significant from selling stickers to animal portraits to clip art graphics and even poster prints I've talked about a lot of these on my channel and there's already shops online making thousands of dollars each month selling AI art the thing about it is now between all of the tools that we have with mid Journey do stability and Firefly the issue is no longer which AI art generator to use but rather how to use it this is this is why I'm using tools like free flow this is a website designed to show you a little bit behind the scenes to enable you to create images just like the ones you see we can look through the catalog or we can filter by styles to see a bunch of different collections of images or we could search for a specific keyword and you can see this gives us a huge list of images related to my search and they're all fairly high quality it does a good job of filtering out the ones that we wouldn't really want to use now from here we can just scroll through and pick an image that we would like so maybe this Eagle when I open it up I can click on this button on the side and it'll show me the entire prompt and the image generator used to make it so if I went ahead and put this prompt into mid Journey myself you can see that once it generates we get almost the exact same style for our own image we get a super high quality image just like the starting image that we copied the prompt from I can even go back into the prompt and change out the subject matter this will allow me to generate a new image using the same styling just with a different subject so I could use this to make entire collections of images based around a theme and then sell them somewhere online now while free flow technically isn't its own AI it enables you to use image generator AIS more effectively than before if you're in the Drop Shipping print on demand digital product space then it essentially saves you all of the time that you would nor nor Al spend trying to find the right prompt I can simply come through and find an image with the style that I'm looking for I can grab the prompt and then throw it in my image generator and then make changes if I need to and then let it do its generating magic then I could take this image using a platform like printify I can throw it on whatever products I feel like selling and then I can post it online to be purchased now I've used this business model with printify for the last 4 years and it's been quite successful since PR ify integrates with top e-commerce platforms once you select the product you're selling and upload the design to it you can connect it to your website or online shop and post it for sale basically in the same way that people buy funny t-shirts or mugs with designs on them or pillows with creative patterns you're just providing a product with a design on it and that design happens to be made with AI when it sells you pay printify to print and ship that product directly to your customer and you'll keep the different of the sale as your profit the best part about printify is it's completely free to get started with and once you do start getting some sales coming in you can always upgrade your account to get more discounts on the products you're selling AI just enables you to make the designs for print on demand products a lot faster if this business model interests you I've got a ton of other videos on my channel describing how to do this in more detail as well as discount codes and a link to sign up down below now even though I didn't have these AI image generators when I first started out for years ago I've definitely been able to use it across multiple different product types over the last year to increase my overall sales programs like free flow make that even easier to do today nearly 30% of business is conducted online which means having a powerful website and strong customer support team is essential building a website used to take thousands of dollars and weeks to complete then with website Builders and templates it got even faster and now we have AI 10 web is an AI website builder that can take just a few details about a business and then turn it into a fully functioning aesthetically pleasing website in minutes with 10 web you simply have to answer a few questions about the business and then AI will generate a tailored and themed web page based on your answers you can add pages and control the layout with AI use it to replicate a website and the entire package is hosted within the web 10 platform so every everything works smoothly and runs as efficiently as possible that means that no matter what your service or business is now it's simpler than ever to generate a website for it this also means that if you're offering web development services you can advertise the faster delivery times which means you can command higher prices for your services now this next sector just like the rest of them requires you to put in some effort and actually learn the skills behind the business model the AI just makes that a lot easier to do and that's especially apparent in the coding sector screenshot to code is a super cool AI that does exactly what it sounds like it does I can upload a screenshot of a page that I want to generate and turn into code and without having to know any code already it'll take that screenshot and turn it into usable code now I was skeptical about how well this was going to work so I tried it out for myself I take a screenshot of this fairly simple website and then just upload it and it immediately begins is turning that image into printed out code you can watch it build up before your eyes you can see what it's doing in real time now this was a simple website but all things considered this is really cool now the whole website is pretty neat but it can also do specific elements so uploading an image of just a few elements that someone might want to add to their website you can see that it prints out a version of them relatively quickly I can even go back and then ask for more updates like adding a hover animation and features to the buttons that I've created I can even tell it more complex tasks like make the upload section a file selector so that I can upload files to it and then it'll rework the code to incorporate that in this is super cool because you can use it for so many different things like this login page so if I wanted to steal this login page and then use it in my own website I could just take a screenshot of it upload it and it'll build it out right before my eyes then I could just copy this code and implement it into my own website like even Safari thinks that this is a real password field now this screenshot to code program is very similar to make real AI basically I can just draw out anything that I want so maybe I want to do a simple calculator well I can put down all of the boxes that I need and then I can put down the text telling the AI what's going on or what I want it to look like and then I just have to select all of these elements and click the button make real now this takes a few seconds but it'll generate code for whatever I have designed then I have this calculator that works exactly as expected I can put in any numbers here and it'll give me the percentage of those numbers now admittedly it gets cooler than that because after just a second I was able to add a py graph in the live updates showing the percentage and then just playing around with it for a few more seconds I was able to create an entire pong game just from scratch just by drawing it out this was actually playable when I opened it up in a new tab with controls and everything now these two tools are very cool but they're not going to make you rich alone but looking at this it's still incredibly useful if you have to build out a program and you know roughly what the layout and design needs to look like then you can whip up a prototype and have the foundation made if you need to add some elements or buttons to a website you could take a screenshot of some that already exists and save yourself a bunch of time plus these programs are in the infancy stage imagine what happens in 3 to 6 months from now when they've gotten a lot of updates I'm guessing it'll be quite cool and quite lucrative to use I paid about $20,000 for the print on demand Drop Shipping product uploader program that I had developed for my Drop Shipping viewers and while it required more knowledge and expertise than what's available here on the surface with these two programs someone with AI tools like these could be far more effective and faster than someone ignoring them plus it opens up the door to more people being able to do it and makes the entire software development business much less intimidating I hope this video was helpful and interesting if you want to follow me other places online you can check out my Instagram and my Twitter where I'm going to start posting a lot more over the next year because I haven't done a good job of doing that over this year so there's my New Year's resolution I [Music] guess
Channel: Alek
Views: 275,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chat GPT, Mid Joureny, MidJoureny, ChatGPT, AI, AI Art, Making Money with AI, Money with AI, Make money Chat GPT, Make money using midjoureny, make money print on demand, midjoureny print on demand, mid journey AI art, Make money ChatGPT, digital products, Etsy digital product, digital product, Etsy digital download, ai digital download
Id: Q01I13TAgak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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