How To Get Your First 100 Sales On Etsy in 2023

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what's up guys it's Alec and I've recently started a zero to one hundred thousand dollar Etsy challenge right here on my YouTube channel documenting every step of the way until we hit one hundred thousand dollars and I've just passed the 100 sales Milestone after about four weeks of work which is super exciting if there's anything I've been able to take away it's the first 100 sales are by far the most difficult to get but also easily the most rewarding there's something about that triple digit sales that you just can't beat now I've had successful Etsy stores in the past and one of my stores just crossed the 40 000 orders Milestone which I'm ridiculously grateful for I've been fortunate enough to make over seven figures with this store and it generates multiple six figures a year now that's just to show you what's possible on Etsy alone and now I'm essentially starting over from scratch just to prove that this can be done over and over again but in doing this I've realized once again how difficult it really is to get the first 100 sales I was honestly dreading getting the first 100 sales on this new store but I actually got the first sale within a week and ever since then I've been getting consistent sales each day so in this video I'm going to go over the three tips that have gotten me over 100 sales multiple times and by the end of the video you'll know all of the tips and how to implement them into your own shop no matter what Niche or what product you're selling besides that Big Shiny like button right below the video I have nothing to sell you I just hope that these tips can help you jump start your business and get some of those sweet sales coming in just a little bit sooner seller to customer mentality so the first tip is to switch to a customer mentality I think keeping a customer mentality really helped me understand what customers were looking for and this is really just meant to make every single customer as comfortable with your shop as possible no no no I don't trust you buy comfortable I may make it as promising and inviting as you can when someone finds your shop it should look like they're actually going to get the product that's listed for sale the hardest part about starting with a new store is the lack of social proof around that business like nobody wanted to be the testing guinea pig for my new shop and it needed to not feel like it goes to town so there's a few things that I did to make this store feel like an actual business and in order these things are listings sales and then reviews now listings is first because it's the only thing that you can really control and what I mean here is you want to have at least a page of products if you only have three to four products listed for sale it looks like you're not an established brand which you're not established whatsoever but you don't want to give off that impression you want to give off the impression that you're an actual business with a good product to sell getting at least 20 listings up for sale will completely fill out the first page of your shop and whenever someone visits your shop it's gonna look like you're an actual seller and you're actually doing business like you never see a business that only has three or four our products they've got a full page of products so get at least 20 listings up when someone sees a full page of products it looks like a catalog and that sends a message to the customer that you're serious about what you're doing a bonus tip here is that when I'm creating my listings I really try and use images that fit the Etsy Vibe it'll really disguise the fact that you're new and people who have purchased on Etsy before are going to be more likely to spend money with you because everything feels more familiar if you're selling products like t-shirts or mugs a lot of times you can buy the mock-ups right on Etsy for just a couple of dollars and those will help your listings fit in and stand out in a great way a lot of these mock-ups and images are what Etsy Shoppers have come to expect I realize that sales will come just from having listings up and the more consistent I was in posting new listings the more sales I got early on my favorite thing about Marketplace platforms like Etsy eBay and Amazon is the customers are coming already prepared to make a purchase if you're a seller it's just your job to make products for the people who are coming to shop on Etsy anyway and this mentality helped me out in the early early stages significantly now a big detail that I thought mattered when I was starting out is the first 100 sales now in hindsight I can see how much it really does matter but now I can see that the first 10 reviews matter way more than the sales number it's all about making the customer comfortable shopping with you and when we see that someone else has bought the product and received it and been happy enough to leave a positive review that's pretty powerful but when someone is on your product page and they see the big zero Shopper views it deters a lot of people it can even just look like you have a zero star rating the other day I was ordering some Christmas gifts on Amazon and I realized that nobody looks at how many sales an Amazon seller has instead they look at the amount of five star reviews that that product has gotten and that told me everything that I needed to know about that product so reach out to every customer that you get and ask them for a review this also helps you ensure that you don't get many bad reviews because if you get those early on this can completely kill your store I get an average of one review per 10 sales so if you get your first 10 sales you should at least have one five star review if you want to Triple the amount of reviews that you're getting as soon as you see that an item they ordered is delivered send them a thank you and give them something for free a coupon for free shipping a discount or if you want to do the most powerful offer give them some store credit now this can be the same percentage so that when you sell that product again it'll just be a break even you could just say something like hey here's a free thing and if you enjoy the product that you like then positive feedback always helps us out if you do this for your first few sales you'll get a ton of reviews and those positive reviews will send your products to the top of search results a quick side note here is to be careful having your friends and family buy your products and leave a review for you right off the bat don't get me wrong when you list a product and it sells right away it shoots the top of the search results because the algorithm thinks it's a super hot product but customers can somehow always sniff out the fake reviews so having your friends and family leave you inflated puffy reviews might be dangerous for your shop I'd rather wait to get some real customer reviews than risk having someone sniff out a forged or exaggerated review so provide social proof by having good products that fit in ask every customer you get to leave a review and you'll be amazed how effective this is at getting social proof on your new business now the second tip is to let the sales come to you like I mentioned Etsy is a Marketplace meaning they've built up a brand that brings in millions of customers to their site every single day as a seller you're just taking a very very small portion of that traffic and driving it to your shop this was another big mindset change for me and instead of trying super hard to drive traffic with ads or posts on Facebook Instagram or Tick Tock I just focused on making products for the customers who are already coming to shop on Etsy but in reality etsy's goal is to find the right product for the right customer when I realized that it was probably my product listings that were bad I stopped running the ads and I just focused on making more high quality listings just by having more products for sale I have more opportunities to get the sales and the more listings I made the better I got over time and by the time that I had posted my first 20 products and filled out that first page on my store the last product was way better than the first one I posted the people who come to Etsy are already going to spend money that are going to make a purchase so just by having products posted you open yourself to the possibility of getting one of those sales running ads can be helpful but I think it almost takes your experience from learning how to get organic traffic I think it doesn't quite teach you how to get consistent repeat sales if you do need to run ads to get your first 100 sales then go ahead and do it but I don't think it's easier than doing it with Organic traffic plus it's going to cost you some money when you're spending money driving traffic to your store there's an extra level of emotional interest in seeing it do well anytime you can detach your emotions from your business you're going to be more successful I would get super discouraged if I went a week without seeing any sales that discouragement would lead me to not posting new products or handling customer service and it would ultimately cost me because I wasn't treating the business like I was already successful when I decided that I was going to be successful I started running the business like I was already getting plenty of sales a day this meant that every day I had to sign in and handle every customer message I had to post new products consistently and I had to operate the business like I was doing six figures a year even though I hadn't even made my first hundred sales consistently doing the basics this is by far definitely the most important factor and it really ties everything together there are three Basics regardless of what kind of shop you have or what product you sell what Niche you're selling in and I found this to be the recipe for Success on Etsy it might sound a little repetitive but hopefully you'll see a trend here it's good images keywords in the title and tags and customer service keywords are definitely the most important it's what gets you in front of potential customers and it's the difference between your products being on the first page of search results or the 20th page if you aren't using good keywords your products aren't going to be seen no matter how great they are the best thing is this isn't rocket science to find the best keywords just search for similar products to what you're selling and check the keywords that the listings on the first page of search results are using don't copy the title of every listings word for word just look at the common keywords between the best listings and make up your own title based on those keywords I've found it to be extremely important to pack the title with keywords getting as close to the 140 characters as you can and using all 13 keywords if you don't know what keywords to use check what other successful stores are using in their similar products to what you're selling images like I already talked about is your whole brand from start to finish all the other details aside if a customer likes the product they see they're more likely to put an order in images are the first impression the brand the marketing and ultimately what the customer is buying this is almost as important as the keywords because once your listing shows up in front of the customer it's the image that draws them in and convinces them to make the purchase I already mentioned this but you can get some great mock-ups on Etsy for just a few dollars each not only that but you can reuse them dozens of times by just switching out the design that you put on top of them you can find the mock-ups that seven figure stores are using and buy them and use them for yourself obviously if you're following the first tip and making sure that every customer is comfortable then you'll take care of the customer and make sure they're happy with every product they receive with your first few sales give the customer more than they were expecting and you'll get a five star review on every single order after you have a few five star reviews your listings are going to shoot to the top of search results reply to every single message as quickly as you can be friendly and treat every single customer like they're your first one doing the three Basics consistently is what six and seven figure stores do every single day if you do this you'll get your first 100 sales and far beyond I've seen stores in pretty much any Niche you can think of selling pretty much every single kind of product that makes six figures a year but they only get to this point by following these three things one of the most OG stores in all of of e-commerce is called crazy dog t-shirts they sell some super funny shirts and they've been doing it for over a decade now on Etsy alone and every so often when I check their shop they're consistently posting new Fresh Products with good keywords and product images like they're still doing the basics after an entire decade and making over 3.6 million dollars and they wouldn't have ever gotten their first 100 sales if they hadn't done the basics to begin with so to quickly recap use the customer mentality to build up a shop so it doesn't look like a ghost town Etsy is a Marketplace and they're already bringing in hot traffic to the site using the three basics of keywords images and customer service customers will organically find your products from the keywords you use by the millions of daily visitors coming to Etsy go click on your listings because you have good images and they'll leave you a five star review from your excellent customer service and from going above and beyond and the cycle just repeats over and over and over until you've made 100 sales a thousand and a hundred thousand sales leave a comment for the YouTube algorithm and I'll see you next week
Channel: Alek
Views: 118,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ALEK, Alek
Id: onJCKcPUg7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2022
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