Copy & Paste YouTube Shorts And Earn $13,000/Mo Without Making Videos 2021 (FULL TUTORIAL)

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i want you to take a look at this because i'm gonna show you how to make money with youtube shorts and get paid tens of thousands of dollars every single month by simply copying and pasting videos and i'm going to show you how to do that by doing youtube shorts you see youtube shorts at the moment is absolutely blowing up with the channels getting millions of views with only a few days time as you can see this is happening over and over again and i'm going to show you how to do this without showing your face on camera or ever using your voice you see youtube shorts at the moment is the answer to the rise of a tick tock youtube needs to compete with tick tock because tick tock is absolutely blowing up and the good news for you is that youtube is throwing in a hundred million dollars to creators to go out there to start creating these different short videos and it's even on their own blog if you go to the youtube official blog you can see that they're putting in a lot of money and on this video today i want to show you a niche that you can start absolutely for free and make a lot of money online with youtube shorts without ever showing your face let's get into it hey everyone welcome back to the channel alan here again and today guys i want to show you like i said in the intro how to make money with youtube shorts without ever making any videos showing your face or using your own voice and i'm going to show you a couple of ways that people are monetizing this to make a lot of money online and i'm going to show you a website that you can combine with this that's going to help you absolutely crush it and i want to show you where to get these videos absolutely for free and how you're going to get started so what we're talking about today guys is youtube shorts and like i said in intro it's absolutely blowing up you can see here all you need to do is type in hashtag shorts in the shirt in this in the search over here and it's going to bring you over to a page that looks like this and you can come over here and see all these different videos you can see that some of these videos have only been here for four hours and they've got 20 000 views some have only been here for 26 minutes seven almost eight thousand views one day three point three million views youtube is absolutely pushing this content because they need to compete with a tick tock and they're throwing a lot of money at creators and all you need to do to earn some of that hundred million dollar fund is get a lot of views but i want to make sure that you make some really good money with youtube shorts so i'm going to show you how to double down and make even more money with this with a really good niche that gets a lot of views and how you can crush it with a sale on at the back of that with a niche that gets hundreds of thousands of views and what i'm talking about today guys is getting into a niche in the dash cam niche in the filming niche in the camera niche so all you need to do is come over to youtube and type in something like funny things caught on dash cam and the reason i say that is because this niche gets a lot of views i mean three hundred and seventy three hundred seventy thousand six hundred thousand six hundred thousand one point six million views guys only a month ago 3.3 million views 684 000 views and when you scroll down 3.4 million views it's it's easy to say that this niche gets a lot of views okay and i'm going to show you how you can get a lot of these videos okay but more importantly how you're going to double down and make a lot of money on the back of this so to show you how some of these channels are monetizing this if we open up some of these different channels okay here's a channel over here for example it's called dash cam owners australia and when you come over here you can see that this channel absolutely crushes it look at this one day ago 50 000 views another one day ago 251 000 views three days ago 211 000 views you can see here that they're getting a lot of views and these videos under one minute are all considered to be short videos you can see this one here is a 45 second video 238 000 views and i want to show you in a second how this person makes money other than his youtube ad revenue i mean look at this 36 seconds 132 000 views and the list is endless 323 000 80 140 000 and we come over to socialblade to take a look at this channel you can see that they're getting anything up to thirty thousand dollars every single month with the amount of views that they get but i wanna show you how to get some insane amounts of payments without having to worry about the youtube ad revenue okay and when you scroll down here you can see that this channel gets about six million views every single month so how they monetizing this well if you come over to this channel and you click onto any one of these videos over here let's say if we click onto this one over here i'm going to pause this because as you can see there's more than likely going to be an ad playing so i'm just going to skip this ad over here we're going to pause this and we scroll down over here you can see that this person does have a website where they're selling these different types of dash cams and i'm going to show you how you can do something so simple like this that'll take you less than a couple of minutes that is super powerful that's going to allow you to do the exact same thing to make money with these youtube shorts so if you come over here you can see if we open up this website over here and we come over to you can see that they're selling all these different websites over here but i want to show you someone else that's doing this a little bit different strategy but also with the same result now don't worry i'm going to show you where you're going to get these videos and how to convert it in a second it's very very simple and it won't take you long to do so this is one way that you can do it and you can actually get a lot of these videos that he's using off youtube but i want to show you an even easier way so if you come over to tick tock at the moment okay and with tick-tock there's people doing a very similar strategy on tick-tock just like this guy over here is doing with youtube so when you're on tick-tock over here all you need to do is type in dash cam over here and you're gonna find all these different channels over here that are doing the exact same thing channels like this one over here as you can see he's getting five thousand views here six and a half thousand here it's almost seven thousand if you keep scrolling down you're gonna find videos that have blown up to thirty thousand views and sixty thousand views and i've seen some that have had a hundred and two hundred thousand views and this is not the only channel over here that's doing this as you can see here 80 000 58 000 the more you go down the more views this profile on tick tock is getting here is another profile over here that's doing the exact same thing guys and they're getting a lot of views on tick tock as well but i want to show you how they're monetizing and how you can get these videos without the watermarks okay there is a trick to doing that and i want to show you how to do it here is another profile over here guys so you get the idea there's a lot of people that are actually doing this but how are they monetizing so let's take a look at this profile over here dash cam comps okay so you can see that they've got all these videos and if we come over here look at these beacons dot page forward slash dash cam if we click onto this it's going to bring us over to a page that looks like this now this looks like a link tree type of shortening short link shortener over here and as you can see they've got one two three four five six seven links over here and what this is basically doing is taking people to amazon to all these a different dash cam so with all the traffic that they're driving with their tick tock profile they're coming over to you so how can you do something very similar and get these tick tock videos from here and get them up onto youtube as a youtube short video so that you can do something similar now make sure you keep watching i'm going to show you right now how you're going to put these videos up onto youtube as a youtube short video then i'm going to show you what website you're going to use so you can create something like this to make some really good money online so the first step to this is let's say you wanted to use one of these videos over here let's say that we want to use this video here so i'm going to click onto this over here now i'm just going to pause this because this is just the video that's playing okay and as you can see this person even has a call to action a call to action overview which is get your dash cam over here and i'm going to show you how you can do something very similar so what you want to do is you want to come over here you want to copy this url over here once you copy this url you want to come over to this platform over here called ss tick tock okay over here so what this allows you to do is this site over here allows you to insert that url in here and click on to download and what this is going to do is it's going to download that tick tock video as you can see you just want to click onto without a watermark so you click onto that let's just remove this close this add down okay we're going to remove that and as you can see that is now downloading onto our computer now that's downloading onto our computer we'll be able to use this video and upload it onto youtube as a youtube short video in order to do that what you want to do is you want to come over to this site over here which is now once you're on all you want to do when you're on there is come over here and type in tick-tock videos okay there you guys it's going to come up click onto tick-tock videos once you do that you can see here you've got all these different backgrounds that you can use if you wanted to you don't have to or you can come over here and click on to create a blank tick tock video once you do that it's going to bring you over to here then what you want to do is you want to grab this video over here and you want to come over here and you want to drag it onto here so we're going to pause that okay so this is the exact same video and as you can see here we're going to stretch this over to here we're going to push that down over to there so what you can do from here is now we want to create a very very simple call to action so what you want to do is you want to come over here to element and when you're on elements over you just want to come over here and click on to this blank canvas over here you want to scroll this up over to here so you can move that over to move that to there like that slide this over to there okay and then what you can do is click onto that and puts up maybe put it in white as an example okay and then what you want to do is you want to put something funny so people will literally watch this okay and then all you need to do is click onto one of these different types of fonts over here let's say we wanted to use this one over here you quite simply move this so you can double click onto that and just maybe make that black okay and then delete this over here so you can move this up over to here and then all you need to write is something like watch this until the end it's really funny something along those lines okay and you can even put emojis in there if you want as well okay so slide that move that over to there and maybe just move this over so we can make this fit okay watch this until the end it's really funny okay and then what you can do down here guys again is you can come over here to elements and grab this over here okay scroll this down over to here you can maybe move this up over t again you can come over here and make this white now every video is going to be different so you need to gauge exactly how much room you have so what you want to do is let's say we copy this i'm going to paste that in there okay so i'm going to slide this down here what we want to do and just type something like get your dash cam link in bio okay and then all you need to do is just move that over to there slide that over okay and then as you can see they can basically see that so if you want to make that a little bit thicker you absolutely can okay and then this is the call to action so get your dash cam a link in a bio and over here watch this until then this is really funny and as you can see you can play this if you wanted to crop anything out guys you can see you've got this it's 9.3 seconds long you can come over here and you can slide this if you wanted to cut anything out and then all you need to do is pause that click on to done and then from here what you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to click on to download now once you click on to download over here you want to download that as an mp4 video okay so you come over here click on to download and then all you need to do is click on to download now i'm going to show you where you're going to get these different types of dash cams and how you're going to get that link in that bio but before that i just want to show you how to upload this video over here to youtube okay so what you want to do is just want to come over to youtube over here and once you've created your account you can call it you know funny dash cams whatever you want think of a name and then come over here click on to create go to upload video and then once you go to upload video basically you want to come over here or you can just grab that video that we just downloaded okay you can just slide that over into here or you can go and search the files as well so once you do that as you can see that's the video now that's uploading so all you need to do is come over here and type in something funny in regards to this now disregard everything that i've got over here in my description okay so i'm just going to delete all that okay because i've just got that as a default but all we need to do is come over here and type in something like funny dash cam moments caught on film something along those lines you can also put something like you know funny dash cam moments you wouldn't believe unless you know we're filmed et cetera then what you want to do over here guys is very simply you just want to come over here and you want to put hashtag shorts okay because what happens is you want this video to be recognized by youtube as a short video is what a lot of people do as well over here guys is they come over here and they also put hashtag shorts over here as well it's up to you you don't have to but it's a short video then over here guys what you want to do is you're going to put a call to action and i'm going to show you where you're going to get these awesome cameras right now so you can promote this and over here what you want to have is something like click here to buy your own dash cam and capture your own funny moments something along those lines guys then over here this is where you would put that linker case and i'm going to show you exactly where you can get that and the site that you want to use is this one over here called this is a brilliant site guys that allows you to create a whole ray of different types of kits using amazon but the best part about this platform kit over here is that they are they are affiliated with amazon you don't need to be you don't need a website you don't need to do anything and they're going to allow you to use their platform to be able to promote products from amazon and you're going to get a percentage of those sales this is the best way to do it if you don't have your own website you saw a lot of those other sites had their own website or a link tree account but this is perfect because you can literally go and get a different type of dashcam i'm going to show you how to set that up now so what you want to do is you want to create an account for yourself once you create an account for yourself what you want to do is you want to come over here where you've got this plus sign over here and you want to click on this plus once you do that you want to come over here and you want to create a new kit so once you click onto that over here you want to call this the dash cam kit as an example okay and then over here you can give it another description you can just put the same thing okay it doesn't really matter too much and then you just want to click on 10x then from here what you want to do is you want to search for different products okay so you come over here and just type in something like dash cam now remember you can create videos on dash cams you can create videos on home security you can create video videos and a whole heap of things and use all these different types of you know products so you can sell them so as you can see here's this one over here so we're going to click onto plus for this one over here and we're going to add this to kit then what that's going to do that's going to add that we're going to come over here we're going to type in dash cam again and basically what we're going to do is we're going to add all these different types of dash cams that we can find over here you can also search amazon for a whole heap of these you can also put um let's go dash cam one more time okay and then maybe we'll try and find something else so as you can see there's all these other ones if you scroll down okay and all you need to do is just choose them some of them link up to your mobile phone guys as you can see some are really good cameras some are review vision this one over here for example so let's get one of these okay so add to kit and all you need to do over here if you wanted to is you can put a description of this product as well but they'll be able to see that so all you want to do guys is you want to come over here and you want to very easily you know put as many of these on there because once i click onto it they're going to be able to see them the other thing that you want to put as well is say home security system as an example okay because some of these different things that you might be putting up could be home videos that you've seen or just outside the house etc so very easily you just want to come over here and you want to put a few of these in there as well so now that you hopefully get the idea what's going to happen from here guys is you can view this kit once you view this kit okay see this is the kit over here so we're going to share this later now this is my dash cam kit so what you can easily do is you can put this link in the description of those videos inside all your youtube shorts which is going to allow you to make a lot of money online i'm going to give you an example in a second of how much you can potentially make so what you want to do from here see this you've got a share button over here or the other thing you can do is come over here you see these three little dots over here you want to copy a link to share so if we copy that link to share let's just come over to another browser over here and paste this in here anytime somebody clicks onto that it's going to bring them over to a page that looks like this and they can very easily come over here and purchase any one of these different types of products and you're going to get a percentage of the sale this is one of the best ways to make money with youtube shorts and i hope you're understanding that you can go and do this in any niche so what you want to do now is you want to come back over to your youtube channel over here and you want to paste that link over here this is the link that people can click onto so once i click onto it's going to take them over there and they can purchase now the best thing about youtube shorts guys is that you don't need to put in a thumbnail over here you don't need anything like that and if you scroll down over here what you want to do we're going to remove these tags over here and we're gonna put our own tags so you can put something like dash cam okay and you can just put a comma like that over there and you just want to fill this out a really cool software that you can use guys for this is this one over here called vid iq that you can download absolutely for free to get you started and what that's going to do is if you come over to any one of these videos like this one over here you can see exactly what video tags this person has used on their video so you can basically copy that and then very easily come straight over to here ctrl v and it's going to allow you to paste those different tags over here so now we have all our tags over here for this video okay we have our offer over here and if we keep posting these different videos this is going to allow us to make some really good money online with affiliate marketing and youtube shorts from there all you need to do is go through click on 10x next next and upload this video but to give you an idea of how much money you can potentially make if you upload all the time you can see that these videos get a lot of views and considering that youtube short is getting pushed more than any other video out there at the moment you could very easily get a video that's going to get a couple of hundred thousand views and what does that mean for you well if you've got an offer on there and you get a couple of hundred thousand views every single day and let's say you make about 15 on each sale because those cameras aren't cheap if you do 15 and you times that by 30 because all you basically need out of 200 000 people you need about 30 people to buy it's likely possible that at least 30 people are going to buy that's 450 if you times that by 30 you can see that you can start to make some serious money online uploading these youtube short videos without ever showing your face without ever creating any of this and you don't even need any downloading software all you need to do is come over here sign up to canva and you can make some really good money with youtube shorts so that was my video today guys on how to make money with youtube shorts with a very very simple niche without having to do any of the hard work yourself if you enjoyed this video please smash that like button in appreciation and if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you subscribe to the channel so you don't miss out on any of my up and coming content and if you want another brilliant way to make money online check out this video over here that will show you how you can get paid as much as eleven hundred dollars pretty much instantly if you follow the steps on this video so i'll see you on that video until next time you guys take care of yourselves and goodbye
Channel: Smart Money Tactics
Views: 287,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart money tactics, make money with youtube shorts, youtube shorts, how to make money on youtube shorts without making videos, make money on youtube shorts, how to make money with youtube shorts, shorts youtube, youtube shorts video, Copy and Paste YouTube Shorts, copy paste youtube shorts, AndyHafell, make money online, earn money online, make money on youtube without making videos, copy and paste videos on youtube and make money, copy paste video on youtube and earn money
Id: 92YjcD23eAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 19sec (1279 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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