How to Make Money With YouTube Shorts WITHOUT Making Videos Yourself From Scratch

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hey on this video today i'm going to show you how to make money with youtube shorts simply re-uploading videos that you don't even need to make and you can do this without showing your face or ever using your own voice you see youtube at the moment is pushing their short videos and a lot of these videos are getting millions of views every single day on so many different niches and so many different types of videos the best part is that some of these creators with only a few thousand subscribers or even less are getting hundreds of thousands of views in less than one day but on this video today i'm gonna show you three ways that you can monetize your youtube short videos and get paid tens of thousands of dollars through a variety of different ways and i'm going to show you how to make money with youtube shorts without having to edit any videos using any fancy software without showing your face or using your own voice so if you want to make money with youtube shorts keep watching hey everyone allen here again from the smart money tactics channel like i said in intro today i want to show you how to make money with youtube short and how you're going to do this with a high paying niche meaning that you're going to earn a lot of money on the back of these different videos and i'm going to show you how you're going to turn all these views that youtube is giving you for creating these youtube short videos and i'll show you three different ways that you can monetize these different types of videos and i'm going to give you all the software that you need and everything is going to be absolutely for free so the niche that we're going to be talking about today is the billionaire lifestyle niche and the luxury niche and the reason for this is this niche has a high cpm because i'm going to show you how to monetize these different types of videos not just through ad revenue but other ways as well you have to be smart about all the views that these channels and these videos get and turn them into money that goes straight into your pocket i mean if you come over here and have a look the billionaire lifestyle niche you can straight away see that these channels and these videos get a lot of views we're talking hundreds of thousands and millions of views and when you do this as a youtube short form you can get a lot of views because people love watching these types of videos they love looking at their favorite cars holiday destinations yachts etc and i'll show you how to turn this into money and if i come over here and have a look at the luxury niche as well very similar to the billionaire lifestyle niche but people love luxury you're never gonna run out of content with this like i said people love looking at houses yachts cars holiday destination nice food etc let's take a look at this video over here which is the first one that pops up over here i mean take a look at this this person has 148 000 subscribers but i'm going to show you a channel that has hardly any subscribers getting hundreds of thousands of views and i mean take a look at this this was posted six months ago he's got 9.4 million views again if we click onto this video over here you can see it's going to bring us over to this page you can see that this video was posted december 24 2020 it's had almost nine and a half a million views okay you can see that he does he or she does have a link over here so they are promoting a product looking to make money on the back of it and this is insane for a video that is 33 seconds longer cam what you can also do is you can come over to youtube over here and type in hashtag shorts luxury and when you scroll down you're gonna find that this isn't the only video that's had millions of views here's another one over here for 9.8 million 39 000 2.6 million the list goes on and on and i'm going to show you some channels that are doing this but more importantly i want you to pay close attention because i'm going to show you where you're going to get this content and then how you're going to create these videos very very easily so if we go over to that channel which is this one over here called majestic cars the one that had the video for 9.4 million views you can see here that majority of all their videos are under one minute 30 seconds 27 seconds 24 seconds 26 seconds and then they do have an odd video there that is about six minutes long and three or four minutes long okay and there's a reason for that and i'm gonna explain that and the best thing about all these youtube shorts videos as you can see this person is getting tens of thousands of views and millions of views in fact with a lot of these videos and the best part is there's no thumbnail they're not showing their face and they're not using their own voice okay this is one of the best ways that you can get started on a youtuber came when we come over here you can see here that here's a channel that i found after going through and looking at some of these videos this guy has 2 subscribers and when you come over here you can see that they've had videos for 200 000 views tens of thousands of views remember they only have 2670 subscribers so it's a very very quick way to build a youtube channel and take a look at this under one minute there's a couple of videos here that are over a couple of minutes over here but majority of their videos okay when you scroll down and have a look if we come over here and take a look at their date added the newest over here a lot of their videos when you scroll down you're going to find a youtube short videos and the reason they're doing that is because they're looking to grow this channel but they're also mixing it up with some videos that are a little bit longer so how are you going to grow this type of niche how are we going to build this up so that you can start to make a lot of money and number one where are you going to get these different types of videos so that you can get your channel to 619 000 subscribers fifty thousand subscribers like all these other channels over here have done in this niche well one of the places that you can go to get different types of videos from is a tick tock okay but i'm not going to show you that strategy on this video at the end of this video i'm going to link to a video that i created not long ago that's going to show you how to do that on this video i'm going to show you how you're going to get videos from youtube channels like rolls royce for example lamborghini and even mercedes-benz i'm going to use these as an example to show you how you can create a very simple 60-second compilation video you can also use pixels pixels is a royalty-free site where you can come over here type in luxury as an example and then click onto videos and you can find all these different videos over here that you can use absolutely for free now what we're going to do when we use these videos is we're going to link back and we're going to pay credit to the owners of these videos because basically what these channels do is they promote these cars and you're going to do that for them as well and i know that if you pay credit back to these creators or these channels over here it is highly unlikely that they're going to strike your videos but i'm going to show you how to make them so it works out the best for you so what you want to do let's say with rolls-royce for example let's get a video from rolls of rolls-royce so if we come over here let's have a look at one of the videos over here let's say we wanted to use this one over here which is the ghost video over here so we're going to click onto that once we click onto that we're going to pause this what we're going to do is we're going to take this url from here okay we're going to copy that now i want you to stick with me because i'm going to show you how to create this video from start to scratch and i'm going to show you the three different ways that you can monetize this so that you make sure you get paid with youtube shorts and if you're enjoying this video go down the bottom and just comment i'm enjoying this video and smash that like button in appreciation make sure you subscribe to the channel for more awesome content so once you come over here and you copy this what you want to do from there is you want to come over to this site over here it's called yt mp3 dot cc or you can just search for youtube to mp4 converter okay once you do that you want to click on to mp4 over here and you want to paste this video in there what we're going to do is we're going to convert this video and we're going to download this onto our computer so it's going to check this video as you can see it's loading we're going to download three different videos so we're going to click on to download once it does that it's going to open up an ad you can delete that ad but as you can see down here this video has now loaded a case so what we're going to do now is we're going to come so we've got this video from rolls royce now we're going to get a video from a lamborghini so when we scroll down over here let's say we wanted to go with this one over here this is valentine's day side by side maybe not that one maybe let's go with accessory this one over here so let's click onto this one over here we're gonna pause this we're going to grab this link over here so we're going to copy that we're going to come over here and we're going to do the same thing for this one over here as well so we're going to download this video let's paste that in there and click on to convert so we're going to download this video as well just always make sure that you've got it on mp4 so that's downloading now and you'll be able to see that over here as you can see that's a second video now what we want to do is we're going to grab our third video over here so now we're going to use one of the mercedes videos over here this video over here so let's just click on to that let's grab let's pause this let's grab this link okay so let's copy that come straight over to here come back over t and we're going to paste that in there click on to mp4 and click on to convert now what's going to happen that's obviously going to download so now we've got these three videos that we're going to use okay so let me just download that and now i'm going to show you how you're going to put all these together then we're going to upload this video but i want to show you more importantly how you're going to monetize these different types of videos so the site that we're going to go to put all this together guys is we're going to go over to a site called you can use other video editing software which i'm going to show you towards the end of this video and i'm going to show you how to do all this because eventually what you want to start doing is creating a little bit longer videos so that you can start to monetize this channel through youtube ad revenue because the luxury niche pays you a lot of money now to start off with canva is perfect okay you can start off with canva and then i'll show you what free video editing software you can use later so you come over here and what you want to select is mobile video 1080 by 1920. so you're going to click onto that because that is the size that youtube short videos are created on okay then what you want to do is quite simply you can grab this link over here so let's say you want to start with rolls-royce you can just drag it over here and that's going to drag this i'm going to pause that okay and what you can do is you can extend this okay so you can come over here and you can expand this as much as you want okay and you can move this towards the middle now you can come over here and you can very easily add any sort of captions if you wanted to you don't have to but you absolutely can okay so this is the first video that you've got here and as you can see here this is a one minute long video okay but we want to obviously make this a 20 second video because all together we want this to be under a minute so what you need to do is you need to come over here click onto this minute over here we're going to pause this okay and then what you want to do is you want to go and have a look what parts of this video you think you may want to use okay so all you'd need to do is come over here and move this as you can see this is going to allow us to use say let's go with 18 seconds over here we're just going to pause that at there okay so this is the first section that we're going to use then what you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to hit this plus sign now once you hit this plus sign this is where now you're going to add the second video okay so once we have the second video we're going to pause this okay and we're going to expand this as well now what we're going to do with this video over here is we're going to make sure that potentially we're going to do this without having to have you know the writing over here so we can move that over to there so again you want to come over here just want to pause that okay and then you can move this around and see what part of the video you want to use okay so maybe we want to move this and then you can come over you can move this around okay just so you can make sure that you want to catch every part of the car that you feel is going to look the best okay so as you can see we can move this along and as you can see this looks really good because it is catching so many good parts of this car so what we want to do is we want to move this over to here so let's pause this here let's put that there let's put this car in the middle okay so we're going to move this over and as you can see it's going to show us different parts of the car all right so we're going to pause this at say when it stops there okay perfect so that's the second part of the video now what you want to do is you want to come over here and click on to number three once you click on to number three you want to drag the third video over here so now we're going to pause this we're going to expand this over here okay we're going to make sure that she is in the middle i'm going to expand that and we're going to lower this over to here okay and then what you want to do is you again you want to choose about 19 to 18 seconds we want to make sure that the whole thing ends up being under one minute okay so you can come over here and pause this so you come over here to this clip and pause that and what we want to do is we want to see what part of this we're going to use so maybe we can start off with the car then going to her so let's see how this looks if we move this over to here okay so maybe too much of her we want more of the car so we're gonna move this over to here okay we're gonna expand this okay so we've got more of the car there which looks great and we've got 19 seconds so once you do that you've got these three clips so from here what you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to download this video so once you come over here you quite simply click on to download you want to make sure that you select mp4 video and then what you're going to do now is you're going to click on to download we're going to have a look exactly what this video looks like so come over here click on to download and as you can see this is downloading and we'll come back once this video has downloaded all right so the video has just downloaded so what you want to do from here if we close that off we can come over here we can double click onto this and once you click on to you can come over here and as you can see this is going to play this video so if we move this along it's going to go from rolls royce okay it's going to splice straight over to the second color we got over here okay as you can see it's going to go over to lamborghini and as we come over here it's going to move over to the third and final clip okay so we're going to pause this over here now what we want to do is we want to start uploading these different videos now you can if you want just use one car at a time you don't have to do three i just wanted to show you how you can pull two or three clips together okay so i'm going to close this off over here so now what you want to do is you want to come over to youtube and when you're on your youtube channel you want to come over here where you've got this create button over here you want to click onto that and you want to click on to upload video once you click on to upload video what we want to do now is we want to upload that file so you're going to come over here click on select files and then we're going to come over this is the video that we've got over here and this is going to start downloading that video so the first thing that you want to do over here is you want to come up with a design now disregard everything that i have over here i'm going to delete all this okay because this is just what i've got inside my description over here but i'm going to show you what you're going to put in your description so the title over here firstly you can use something like luxury cars okay something like that luxury cars and then you must have hashtag shorts okay so you need to come over here and put hashtag shorts now in the description over here this is where you're gonna start to potentially make money utilizing this and i'm going to show you a couple of ways that you can do this and i'm going to show you the third way two of the ways are going to be inside the description of this video and the third way is going to be by people watching your videos so the first thing that you want to have over here is potentially you want to have an offer just like i showed you that that other person had a link in the description of their video now what goes really well with luxury and cars and all this sort of stuff is is a product from a clickbank over here so if you don't have clickbank what you want to do is you want to come up over here to or even digital24 and you want to sign up for this affiliate network now once you sign up for this affiliate network what that's going to do is it's going to take you over to their back office over here you want to come over here and you want to click onto marketplace once you click onto marketplace you've got all these different categories over here now something that's done really well with this if you come over here and click onto self-help as an example there's a lot of products over here with manifestation okay so if you type in manifestation over here and click on to search or if you get a self-help when you scroll down over here you can see here that they've got these products like this one over here called the manifestation millionaire law of attraction okay and then what you can do is you can promote this product over here and you can get as much as 37 for every single sale remember a lot of these videos are getting hundreds of thousands and millions of views and you're not creating them you're not editing them and you're going to pay credit and i'm going to show you how you're going to do that and they've got all these other products as well that you can potentially promote and as much as 55 dollars you only need two sellers a day to make a hundred dollars out of all these views that you're going to be getting so let's say that we wanted to promote this product over here you'd come over here click on to promote click on to generate hop links okay so you can grab that from there what you can do is you can come over to a site called tinyurl and what you're going to do with this site is you're going to shorten that link as you saw it's a very long link so you can come over here you can click onto that you can type an alias over here maybe use something like luxury okay let's see if that's going to work okay perfect okay so we're going to copy this over here tiny url luxury let's copy that and then what we're going to do is we're going to come back over to here and then what you can do is type in something like if you want to own one of these amazing cars click on this link okay something like that okay and then what you're going to do is you're going to paste that link in there from there what you want to do is you can have a bit of a description about these cars if you want to talk about these cars it's up to you but what you want to do most importantly is you want to pay credit to the three channels where you got these clips okay so what you need to do is come over here and type in something like clips of cars used and channels used for content okay and then what you want to do is you want to come over here and you want to name the channels so for example you can come over here and you can name this channel over here for example i'll just show you how to do it with one so rolls royce cars okay so you come over here you paste that and then over here you would put the link to that card to this video okay so you come over here share copy minimize that come over here okay and you're going to share that link okay so clips of cars used and channels used for content okay so you can very easily do that and do that with all three as well so the first way that you're going to monetize these guys is through this link over here and getting paid through affiliate marketing the second way that you can monetize these youtube short videos is to create merchandise okay and you can very easily do that a lot of people buy a whole heap of different type of random merch and all you need to do to do that is you want to come over to a platform like a teespring as an example and what you can do when you come over here is you can very easily start to create potentially hoodies and shirts cups mugs phone accessories now with these phone accessories you can put different types of logos on there you can put different types of cars on there you can put a whole range of different types of things you can create hats that say something like success or luxury wealth etc use your imagination go out there and see what other people are doing to create these different types of garments that these guys offer over here is not that difficult okay that's a tutorial and a you know whole brand new video that i'll need to make to show you how to do it but i highly recommend that you come over here and create an account for over here and you can link a merch store to your video a lot of people do that all you need to do is come over here and type in teespring because what's going to happen is they're going to give you a link to your store and you'll be surprised with that many views that you get how many people would click onto it and you could potentially get 10 to 15 20 depending on the merch and how expensive you make it you could be making some serious money online and when your channel grows and you get a lot of subscribers people will follow you they will like your content and on the back of that you can start to make some serious money and all you need to do guys like i said you just come over here you've got teespring you've even got other different types of print-on-demand stores that you can use if you want but this is one of the best ones at the moment so that's the second way that you're going to monetize that the third way that you're going to monetize so you can make really good money on the back of youtube shorts is to start making longer videos okay so you can use youtube shorts just like a lot of these people over here are using so they're coming over here they're creating all these youtube short videos but on the back of that what they're doing is that they're starting to create longer videos nine minute videos eight minute videos because what's going to happen then is that they're adding ads inside these videos now in order for you to create longer videos you are going to need some software and the software that you can use to get you out of trouble is this one over here called this is a video editing software that you can get absolutely for free guys as you can see it's simple and free to use and you can get all these videos from the exact same channels like rolls-royce for example come over here you can even use lamborghini etc and there's a whole heap of other channels that you can use and start creating these different types of longer videos go out here and research what these videos are using and you can very easily do that now with youtube shorts when you're creating these youtube shorts you don't need a thumbnail but when you're creating a longer video you are going to need a thumbnail and you don't need to worry because you can create these very simple thumbnails using canva as well just like you did with the video all you need to do is come over here and type in thumbnail and you can very easily create these different types of thumbnails using canva now one of the most important things that you are going to need when you take a look at some of these videos over here if we'll click onto this video over here i'm just going to pause this as you can see here that i have this extension over here called vid iq which shows me what video tags these different types of creators are using in order for you to have access to this all you need to do is come over here and download this software called this is going to allow you to see exactly what these guys are using in their videos and what tags are using and you can use a very very similar tags as well so all you need to do is search for online and download it you can also use a site called tubebuddy and this is going to allow you to have access to those tags once you have those tags then it's going to tell youtube where you want this content pushed also what you want to be looking for and researching is what are they using in their titles come over here to sort by go to most popular and take a look at which one of their videos has taken off what are they using in their titles what type of content is popular from all these different types of channels in the luxury niche start looking at the concept that's working for them copy that concept upload a lot of these different youtube short videos and as you start to grow start uploading these longer videos monetize your channel through youtube ad revenue monetize your channel with affiliate marketing put a merch store in there and you could be very well on your way to making tens of thousands of dollars on the back of youtube shorts so that was my video for today guys and how you're going to make money with youtube shorts re-uploading videos you didn't even need to create now if you want to know how to use tick-tock videos and grab luxury videos from tick-tock or any niche click onto this video over here right now to learn exactly how you can do that and remove the watermark highly recommend you click onto this video if you learn how to do that and start crushing it in 2021 until next time you take care of yourselves and goodbye
Channel: Smart Money Tactics
Views: 231,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smart money tactics, how to make money with youtube shorts, youtube shorts, how to monetize youtube shorts, how to make money on youtube shorts without making videos, make money with youtube shorts, how to make money from youtube shorts, how to make money on youtube without making videos, make money on youtube, make money on youtube shorts, how to make money on youtube, make money online, how to make money from shorts, make money online 2021, copy paste youtube shorts, youtube
Id: 9aPHN59ZoWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 24sec (1524 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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