Make $800+ A DAY Online For FREE Copy & Pasting Links! (make money online) How To Make Money Online

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folks this is wesley billion billion billion dollar version and i'm back with another video what i'm gonna show you step by step listen how to make up to about 700 per day basically copy and pasting links now check it out look at this this is my view now everything that i'm about to teach you is to get you to do a few things leave your job quit school and understand that you can make money from your bedroom butt naked right looking at the beach like i'm looking at with no money okay so listen before you sub to the channel before you smash that like button let me show you something here okay i want to show you proof that i'm making money it's a small account let me log in right here okay this is my digital store account and don't worry i'm gonna show you step by step now make sure that you watch the video to the very end don't skip like like crazy people do because you're going to miss out on important things you need to hear all right so this is today as you can see i don't know if you can see that it's january 29th right 12 53 here i'm in miami and so far i'm making about 700 400 1200 today i'm up 181 dollars and this is coming in every single day and all i'm doing is true story just copy and pasting links but obviously i'm doing it in a very specific way okay and if you pay attention you're going to love this you're going to like this you're going to comment below say wes said i love you because now i'm making a couple hundred dollars a day and understand this three hundred dollars a day is nine thousand dollars a month think about it is that what you want we'll come at the work let's go okay so listen i'm gonna move slow i'm not i'm this is the tutorial it's free and i appreciate you guys subbing to the channel and smashing the like value button and it's important for me to give you value okay i want you guys to get this first step is this you have to go to okay that's what i want you to do i want you to go to i'm gonna explain what that is it is an affiliate network platform okay it's a simple affiliate network platform that's gonna allow you to make a bunch of money and what i'm going to do in this video instead of giving you a bunch of niches to try to make money for free what i'm going to do is i'm going to show you exactly what i'm doing this is exactly what i'm doing to produce the money that i just showed you okay exactly first thing you want to do go to marketplace now right now write this down the meditation niche is on fire look at me the meditation niche is on fire because of the cover 19 people are staying at home and people are buying a bunch of products as it relates to self-development and meditation that's what you want to focus on that's what i'm doing so you should model exactly what i'm doing as well okay look scroll down to personal development and you have to create a free account i'm gonna give you a link because that link is gonna put you apart to give you the most commission possible and understand you're in your bedroom you're relaxed you can do this on your toilet you can do this sitting in your jacuzzi and you can do this a few hours a day make a couple hundred maybe a thousand dollars many people making a thousand bucks per day and it's simple go to personal development when you go to personal development you're going to see where it says the genie script works okay this is one of my products but right now like i said i'm just going to show you what i'm doing for free i'm not spending any money i'm not running a bunch of ads on this account i am spending no money and i'm averaging 500 to 1 000 a day and you're gonna do the same thing okay but you gotta pay attention if you miss one step it equals no money okay be coachable so look you scroll over here and you want to click the word promote now now we got to make sure we register for a free account i'm going to give you a link if you want to get maximum commission and get paid like immediately lose the link that i'm going to post in the comment section under this video in the description okay but all you need to do i'm gonna log in back to my account as you can see i'm very transparent this is a regular account i'm making a couple of hundred dollars a day just copying and pasting links okay now we're gonna go back to marketplace are you with me smash the like button if you're with me let's go we gotta leave that job baby look check it out go to personal development like this okay you see this this is called your affiliate link okay this link is gonna get you paid if your question is well wesley how do i get paid how often do i get paid these guys they're gonna pay you every single week okay that's what they pay me and i'm gonna show you proof because i know some of you are like i don't believe this is a scam all right take a look if i go to payouts right here you can see look boom 5 000 2 000 3 two thousand seven thousand ten thousand they're paying me every single week okay and guess what they're gonna pay you they paid me about 446 thousand dollars so far that's pretty cool but listen your goal is to get 500 to 700 a day just follow the method and listen close to the video okay so i'm gonna go back all i want you to do is copy that link okay that's your affiliate link you're gonna need that so make sure you keep that close that that makes sense okay cool then the next thing you want to do is go to all right go there now as a matter of fact you should be doing this while i'm speaking to you right so do it with me so you don't miss out on any steps type in meditation i've never showed this before but i'm gonna do it meditation forms okay you see these forms here so all these different forms all you're going to do is sign up for free and i'm going to tell you exactly what it do what you're going to do with that stuff right and at the end of the video i'm going to give you an auto pilot way where well you basically kind of sit back you set it up and you get somebody else to do it for you i'm gonna show you it's powerful i do this they make a couple of thousand dollars a day that's like 30 grand a month and i'm pretty sure if you had 30 000 a month you wouldn't go to school and you wouldn't have a job anymore come at the word amen below right listen so you're going to sign up to this forum here so what you're going to do and this is what i do personally okay and i'm already a millionaire but i still think it's day one i i just think that i'm broke i know right now i'm in this beautiful condo that i'm paying i'm paying a lot of money for this counter right now but in my mind i just think it's day one that i'm broke so that's how i work okay that's how i hustle so meditation forms type in popular meditation forums you want to sign up to like a hundred of them okay and if you don't want to do it i'll show you easy way for my ladies and people to get somebody else to do it for you for basically free okay so you want to sign up to meditation forms and sign up to meditation blogs okay does that make sense sign up to all those things all right now you remember this link here remember this link this is your affiliate link understand this keep it simple anytime you recommend this on the internet right you just get paid when people buy it you get paid okay over and over again that link is going to allow you to tell your job go to hell that link is going to allow you to drop out of school and tell your parents that well mom i'm making 30 grand a month so do i really need schooling anymore exactly that link is going to allow you to retire early that link is going to allow you to tell your parents they can quit their jobs i did it and guess what look you can do it too so you want to go to a website by the name of okay put that link because you want to shorten the link okay shorten it right you want to make it very short and you copy and paste it and write that down okay now once you enroll to all these different forms okay make sure you keep a spreadsheet this is what i do a excel spreadsheet of all the meditation sites all the meditation blogs it can be law of attraction blogs as well look law of attraction blogs because all these people like meditation and it's free to sign up for these things and i'm going to tell you exactly what you got to do and i'm going to give you a script to use that works 90 of the time for me and i make several sales per day as you can see uh yesterday i did about 1200 and i only was working but 30 minutes because i'm really good at it listen repetition is the mother skill all you got to do is just relax in your bedroom turn the tv off and get focused and you can do this too and you'll find out it is very simple you don't need to buy programs no need to buy courses just follow a westerly billion dollar version it's telling you does that make sense let's go all right so once you're done with that what you want to do is go to facebook okay if you don't have a facebook account well just get one it's free listen i've made millions of dollars on facebook without spending a dime the reason why you're not making money is because you're wasting time posting stupid things and watching stupid things trying to entertain yourself listen it's two type of people on the planet the entertainee and the entertainer entertainee he gets he's broke okay that person makes no money the entertainer he makes all the money so you're gonna be the entertainer this is what you're gonna do step by step type in meditation for beginners okay you want to join the group you can join it for free does that make sense click on the word groups if you guys are with me smash the like button i just want to make sure you're with me if you're excited right now and you can see the picture of you actually making money leaving your job and buying the things that you want traveling what you want to do i want you to comment below listen i'm a self-made millionaire it was tough in the beginning i i i grew up on the south side of houston texas i'm a black young guy that likes to scream let's go but listen one thing about me i believe that i can do this as long as you believe as you listen to the very end of this video that you can do this you will okay so what you want to do is you want to subscribe to all these groups meditation techniques for beginners and listen i'm going to tell you what to do all right with that link okay buddhism i'll sign up for that meditation masters right join that group all these groups i'm going to join everything with the word meditation and i'm also going to do this law of attraction for beginners the reason why you want to do beginners because these are brand new people that just don't know how it works and you're going to be the one to educate them very simply without knowing almost nothing okay so you're going to go to this group here okay and you're going to sign up make sense sign up sign up sign up sign up all these groups now once now me what i do because well i like making money and if you like making money online what are you going to send them to about 100 of them all you gonna do is just click the button boom click click that's how you join the groups right it's how easy it was so you just join as many as group as humanly possible now this is how you make the money okay what you're going to do on facebook very specifically you're going to join the group and you're going to say hey my name is like if i'm brand new say if i'm like you i'm making no money online and i want to make money what i do is this write this down you want to build rapport hey my name is wesley virgin i'm glad to join the group can anybody drop a few links of the current meditation technique they're currently using i'm using this free one but i want to see exactly what everybody else is using comment below so once you do that listen you can either do it by post you can write it or you can do a video i recommend doing the video right because people resonate with video right if you're a pretty girl make sure you look beautiful okay because beautiful people people like beautiful people and they will engage with you if you're a handsome man same thing as well if you're not it's all good write it down if you think you're too ugly it's all good just type it in but listen video is always powerful when it comes to these facebook groups i do it all the time and people love it and listen just don't be boring you like have fun with people right say hey look at this look at this video does that make sense so what you do is you're going to go through here and you're going to introduce yourself all right and say hey i want to know any free meditation techniques comment below all right once you do that you're going to get all these people that's going to come in trust me because everybody wants to recommend and say oh i tried this i'll try this or you can say hey is anybody having any problems i'm here to help anybody having any problems as it relates to meditation i just manifested something cool and i want to know if i can help are you writing this down okay remember people love people who help other people okay so that's exactly what you want to do okay you want to be a helper okay so once you do that and all these people start to comment you just reach out to them okay you reach out to them say hey i see that you have some problems hey let me give you a free meditation that's working for me right now all you do is this you're getting that link you're giving the bitly link right you see that right there that's all you do does that make sense like let me show you look let's pretend that this is a group you see this right here so if i'm in somebody's dm right now if i'm in somebody's dm right now i'm going to send them this link and listen sometime facebook they try to ban these links so what you do is this you just put a space that makes sense and all you say is hey remove the space okay are you guys with me so far this is easy i know what you guys think and you're loving this listen i do this every day when i want to make a couple hundred dollars a day for free this is what i do and i just join all these groups that join the forums and the weight loss forums and the great thing about these techniques this information stays out there forever right hey here is a free meditation uh that allowed me to manifest some pretty cool stuff right you can use your own verbage and say here's the link but remove the space in between the c and the t now the reason why you want to do that right because you know facebook sometimes they ban the bitly link so you got to be smart so you say just remove the space whatever your link is remember that link is going to get you paid when they click on it boom they buy you get money in your digital account like as soon as like tonight smash the like button if that makes sense right now okay just it's just that easy and what you do is you reach out to all these people do the math now let me show you something about these products that is so powerful okay when the link below i'm gonna give you the link so you can have a free account because sometimes people have problems with digitstore i know the ceo so you won't have any problems if you use the link that's under this video in the description okay it automatically puts into my network and automatically approves you some people they have problems getting approved on these platforms because of the ftc and they're cracking down on internet websites i'm gonna be honest with you but if you use my link you automatically get approved and look this is the average earning the average earning is fifty dollars so let's do the math if you got four people to take it to click that link and say i want this meditation right now just four people that's 200 bucks a day that's six thousand dollars per month that's only four people out of millions so just do the math think about it if you have all these different groups right and all you need to do i have to get four people and it's easy because these people gonna come to you does that make sense smash the like button if that makes perfect sense let me explain it again all you do like on facebook very specifically you join all the meditation groups all the law of attraction groups all the self-development groups for beginners these are like thousands of people look let me show you again look meditation for beginners you see how many people are in this group right here look watch this pay attention look at this that's 45 000 people 45 000 all you need is like five people per day to click your link and get the meditation and once they do right five people that's 250 dollars a day listen it is no reason before i let you go that you your account can look like this i want all of you to imagine this before i let you go before you get started and listen watch the video over and over again until you get it i know i was speaking fast i just want to make sure you get it all because i know you're excited about making money and i know you've been searching youtube trying to understand how this works i did it too and i felt for a very long time listen the most important about making money online is understanding that you can do this you got to believe it doesn't matter where you live it doesn't matter your educational level it doesn't matter if you're old and young you can do this it takes time it takes patience and it takes focus once you get it say imagine this you go through this video you do these techniques and you do it over and over and over and over and over again and you finally start making money would it be worth it would it be worth it and like in the next 30 days you'll find yourself bringing in 5 000 a month or 10 000 a month like what would you do with the money wherever you travel what i did i bought me a place in miami here and i'm thankful to god that i'm able to do this but listen i want you to understand something about the internet about life and how to make money in life you don't get what you want out of life you get what you picture every day you gotta picture yourself wealthy now comment below every day you gotta picture yourself successful now every day you gotta picture yourself winning now every day you got to picture yourself prosperous right now forget about forget about what's happening in the world forget about the naysayers forget about how much money you don't have just focus on the vision focus on the picture see your account this is a true story i used to see my account grow with money every single day i said money is going to come into my bank account on autopilot and just like i promise you if you got value from this video smash the like button right now because what i'm going to do is give you the autopilot method if you don't want to do this yourself just go to this is what i do and you find somebody on fiverr you pay them five ten bucks they'll do everything i just said all you need to do is say hey man go watch this video and do exactly what this guy said give them access to all your accounts and they'll do it for you type in these words and go ahead and i know some of you guys are so excited right now and listen thank you for everybody that's thanking me below right now thank you for everybody that says i love you wes i appreciate that thank you so much i will continue to create these videos um keep subbing to the channel and liking the videos and actually applying it you're typing virtual assistant here look at this this girl she will be your virtuous set for five bucks look at that five bucks that would be your minute five bucks basically the virtual system means that whatever you want them to do they'll do it for you you just tell them what to do so if you're smart a lot of you like man i love wesley virgin i can't believe he's giving us this this is what i do and i'm a millionaire right i get other look i do it myself then i get somebody else i pay them five bucks and they do it for me i have like 20 different companies and i got virtual assistants that do all this stuff all these free techniques that i do they do it for me and i pay them five bucks but sometime i give them a bonus i give them 50 bucks every once you can do that go to get you somebody cheap for five bucks reference this video make sure they sub and like to the video as well to the channel right watch it do it for you and then you get the money in your bank account hey this is wesley billion dollar version much love motivated dedicated let's go later
Channel: Wesley Virgin
Views: 1,121,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, earn money, earn money online, easy ways to make money, how to earn money, how to make money, how to make money fast, make money from home, how to make money online, make money, make money fast, ways to make money, ways to make money online, work from home, work from home jobs, working from home, home based business, home business, make money online copy and paste, make money online for free, make money copying and pasting links, make money pasting links
Id: SnJXhLYgbiM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 23sec (1283 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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