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hey everybody it's party elite back with our beginner's guide to crusader kings three touching on the biggest mistakes to avoid now these won't be the simple or perhaps obvious mistakes one might make like not raising an army in the middle of a war but more about things where the wrong approach might seem like the right one or where things might not otherwise be entirely intuitive or easy to remember you can find the rest of this beginner's guide linked in the description down below and if you have any questions or thoughts of your own feel free to share them down below and if you're looking for a community that is actively playing crusader kings 3 you might want to join our discord that is also linked in the description down below now on the topic of mistakes it'll be a big mistake for me to waste any more time on an introduction so let's begin here's what you shouldn't do don't prematurely end kingdom wars when you declare a war for a kingdom invasion it can be very tempting to bring the war to an end as soon as you can enforce demands that is to say as soon as the war hits the 100 war score warring for a kingdom title can bring a lot of land with it when you enforce your demands and so it's easy to pull the trigger right away don't do it in a war where you're invading a kingdom enforcing demands will by default only give you the territory that the jury belongs to the title you set as the objective but sometimes the person who holds that territory is also the king of a larger territory beyond the de jure lands of the title being ward over in that case you can get these additional territories as well through the same war all you have to do is occupy the territory while you're about to enforce your demands you can see the occupied territory get added to the list of what you get when you enforce your demands that's how you can tell you're guaranteed to get it when you ultimately go through and enforce so to be clear while the jury territories are guaranteed to be won over everything outside of that needs to be occupied in order to get it and if that large land grab is what you're looking to accomplish you might actually want to declare war for the title who's de jure territory is farther from you and focus your efforts instead on occupying the territories that are closer to you but not the jury part of the title you're warring over to quickly see where the jury lines of a title lie you can use the appropriate map mode in this case the kingdom map mode and you can see the boundaries very clearly indicated with a little bit of patience your conquests can go well above and beyond don't rely on levies in battle levees are the lowest tier of soldier and for all intents and purposes you can think of them as fodder they do little damage don't have the greatest survivability and provide no special benefits on the battlefield if you're wondering why your massive army is of poor quality it's because your ratio of levees the mana arms the knights is heavily in favor of levees you're much better off having armies full of massive regiments of men at arms with levees there just to fluff up the numbers you can also use levees in small armies to put lower tier enemy holdings under siege but make sure to keep them out of harm's way this will ensure they help you quickly siege massive parts of enemy territory all at once but it will also prevent the quick loss of battles should they get engaged let your vassals provide you with levees you should focus not on buildings that increase your levy count unless you're desperate but instead on things that enhance men at arms yes you can only recruit so many regiments but you can also increase the size of each and yes they can be very expensive but that's why it's worth pursuing buildings that reduce their maintenance cost with the added bonus that these buildings will usually buff at least some type of meta arms as well couple that with the right perks your armies will be formidable at all sizes with your mana arms taking the lead don't forget the knights knights go by different names depending on who you're playing as but they serve one key purpose on the battlefield domination the higher the prowess on a character the better a night they'll be with each level of prowess giving equivalent health as a levy and 10 times the damage output of a levy so yes having lots of knights of high caliber is an absolute game changer build war camps as tribal factions or build regimental grounds hammeries elephant trees and the appropriate holy buildings to increase their number and efficiency consider also the perks that help increase these numbers like kingsguard the one downside to knights however is that they're actual characters you can recruit them by sending out a call for new nights you can have your marshall find and improve existing nights as well using the right assignment and you can recruit characters from your court as knights as well so at any given time you're going to have a maximum number of nights you can have active on the field as determined by a variety of factors if you want to breed strong nights locally in your own realm you should consider chasing after the giant congenital trait that does naturally give a big buff to prowess at the end of the day though because these knights are all characters when a knight is wounded captured or killed in battle that character is wounded captured or you guessed it killed in battle so make sure you from time to time go through your list of nights and forbid valuable characters from becoming knights a good heir good council members good vassals these are all people worth keeping alive on the flip side sometimes somebody with a decent prowess will have been prevented from becoming a knight for one reason or another you might want to force them into being a knight by forbidding and forcing knights you can organize for yourself a set of powerful warriors who should they die won't lead your realm into anarchy don't raise every soldier war is expensive having all of your soldiers raised results in a hefty monthly cost and prolonged wars can absolutely obliterate your economy for the near future and while there are quick ways to recover money such as the ones we discussed in the video linked under the i at the top right corner of the screen it's best not to find yourself in a desperate position in the first place as you grow in size and stature you'll often find yourself at war against smaller weaker enemy nations it can be tempting to raise your entire force every time you go to war to bring a quick end to things but you might be much better off raising a fraction of your full strength instead this will save you a lot of money will only have a marginal impact on the length of the war new factors that come together to determine war costs by setting multiple rally points you can opt to raise only the soldiers that are local to the rally point local here means levies from the counties that are closer to the selected rally point than any other rally point that you've placed not only will this be cheaper but as your nation grows it'll also be faster to assemble your army in this way the other option is to raise your full force use them to crush the enemy in a few battles and then split your army into a smaller piece and disband the unneeded part of the army to get your savings keep in mind and pay attention that when you raise an army locally it will not come with mana arms and knights so what you'll often want to do is raise the full army and then go on and organize who you want to keep and who you want to disband separate them into two separate armies and then disband the army that you set up for well disbanding that way you have a powerful formidable force that isn't costing you as much as it potentially might have don't rely only on troop counts in battle stop looking at troop counts as the primary determining factor on the battlefield don't get me wrong bigger armies are more powerful they can make a key difference in lengthening and surviving battles but there are many other factors that make a significant difference and advantage is a great representation of how they all come together advantage is determined primarily by the commander's own advantage number determined by their martial and potential perks or traits they have but it is further increased by having the liege in command of the army or when defending a river of varying sizes and defending in holdings with certain types of terrain gives varying degrees of advantage as well armies that are serving an indebted nation gathering low or out of supplies or attacking across the sea suffer a significant reduction in advantage on top of this commanders will roll dice to further shift advantage numbers over the course of a battle multiple times in battle the advantages of the two armies are compared and each point in favor of one side over the other increases the damage output of that entire army by two percent so as the gap between advantage grows bigger it significantly amplifies the capabilities of a smaller army with more men at arms and nights levies too but refer to our earlier points for that conversation when you're about to engage in battle try to do it on favorable terms focusing on advantage and troop composition rather than purely on the bigger numbers this is something to keep in mind while attacking and defending a massive attacking army can be obliterated by a small elite defense force under the right circumstances and even if the larger army wins it might very well be a pyrrhic victory it can take all the momentum away from the attacker don't forget education focus it's very easy to forget and even miss the fact that you can assign education focus for any child under your care who is of the appropriate age any child older than 6 but younger than 16 can have their education focus changed once in their life by clicking here and picking from the circle based on their childhood trait they will be more inclined to certain types of lifestyles and disinclined to others picking the right education focus and setting an appropriate guardian who has a high relevant skill and education trait will ensure the child is optimally raised into adulthood getting a better or worse education trait for themselves when they hit 16. it's important to remember also that you can only do this for children under your care that means your own sons and daughters yes but also any children that you are the guardian of so if you would like to hone the skills of one of your vassals children a certain way you can offer yourself up as a guardian to that child it cannot be just anybody from your court it has to be you in this way you can educate your own children and the children of your realm in a way that guarantees success or failure depending on what helps your cause you can also try and educate children from outside your realm but it can be harder to get a hold of them without a hook nonetheless if you manage to you can change their education focus all the same and you don't need to keep any kids under your guardianship afterwards either feel free to change their education focus and then retract your guardianship you can then reassign a different guardian who has more appropriate stats than yourself or just leave the kid out there for their parents to figure it out since education focus can only be changed once per life you've already set the child down a path don't ignore diplomacy i see the diplomacy skill trees often get talked down as less interesting or less powerful as some of the others and i just want to take this moment to point out that the befriend scheme is a great way to prevent people from joining schemes and factions against you by making them your friend and that the ducal conquest and forced vassalage are great perks to give you casus belly options that can greatly increase how quickly you can expand your holdings defensive negotiations is great for improving relations with people who ruler makes it significantly easier to convince independent rulers of lower ranks to accept an offer of vassalage and there's a good bit of prestige to be gained between these perks as well don't underestimate sound foundations if you have many children while groomed to rule is a great perk raise better kids don't ignore the diplomacy skill tree sure it's maybe not as powerful as abduction or intriguing unintended as torture but diplomacy is a very interesting skill tree as well with a lot of interesting options outside of the skill tree don't forget diplomacy as a powerful force in general always sway people you don't intend to war with and make sure to prioritize people who might be a threat like a sibling or child who might be eyeing your titles or people who you want to convince for something or the other such as marriage religious conversion vassalage and so on and so forth it's very easy to discard diplomacy but in the right hands it can be extremely powerful don't underestimate minor decisions it can be very easy to forget minor decisions they come up only every so often and sometimes might feel a little irrelevant but they are very important and very efficient ways to obtain a variety of things inviting nights and claimants and searching for a physician are fairly self-explanatory but i want to highlight that you should probably try and get a court physician as soon as possible it can literally be a matter of life or death as determined by the physician's learning skill when various events take place wounds gained in battle illnesses and everything else you might expect a physician to have to deal with some minor decisions are specific to cultures or religions determining bhakthi as a hindu for example can be very helpful because of the buffs it can provide some minor decisions are situational with the restraint perk you can choose to embrace or abandon celibacy and under the right circumstances you can indulge in food to de-stress at the risk of damaging your health you can consume hashish cakes or you can even commit suicide which is probably also bad for your health some of the most important minor decisions in my opinion involve going on a pilgrimage hosting feasts and going on hunts these will all begin event chains that can greatly help you earn massive amounts of piety on pilgrimage and prestige during feasts and hunts things can go horribly wrong during these decisions as well and sometimes these decisions will give you the opportunity to do more than just earn what their primary focus may be for example bandits that attack your pilgrimage group can be driven off for extra prestige or they can result in you getting wounded or worse hunts aside from giving you the opportunity to improve your prestige might also give you the opportunity to improve relations with vassals that you go hunting with while feasts can result in a large variety of opportunities and misfortunes from revealed secrets to horrendous mishaps to fun conversations and even new traits that reflect your love of revelry either way if you ever need a bump in piety or prestige to declare a certain type of war or for any other task consider using these minor decisions appropriately i hope this video has helped you with keeping track of important aspects of the game that might easily be forgotten or misunderstood or missed entirely with all of these mechanics coming together in intricate fashion it's easy to miss some ways in which they can be worked together for your advantage if you have any other such things you've come across yourself feel free to share down below in the comments and again remember to check out our discord link in the description down below too and if you're looking for a channel that covers all sorts of strategy games you've found one so it might be worth subscribing for more as always a massive thanks goes out to all of my channel members and patrons for supporting the channel on a monthly basis they'll keep us alive and running smoothly and of course a big old thanks goes out to each and every one of you for watching until next time cheers
Channel: PartyElite
Views: 723,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Crusader Kings 3 beginner's guide, ck3 beginner's guide, how to play crusader kings 3, how to play ck3, ck3 tips, ck3 tutorial, crusader kings tips, crusader kings tutorial, crusader kings guide, crusader kings 3 guide, crusader kings 3 tips, crusader kings 3 tricks, tips and tricks, ck3, noob, noob mistakes, ck3 noob, newbie, new to crusader kings 3, crusader kings new player, crusader kings 3
Id: 1Y-ydqs23N0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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