I delete all my items and started with nothing | Escape from Tarkov: Rags to Riches [S5Ep1]

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this is a familiar screen ladies and gentlemen and we're finally here for season five of ragged riches are you ready [Music] what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome to the first episode of season five ragdor riches let's go over the quick basis what is rag to riches well we delete everything in the stash we start from nothing we start with a knife we start with an alpha case and we try to do something with the count and this goal this season is going to be for 50 mil we're going to go for 50 mil rubles and see if we can do it before in the past we were for kappa we went for a full hit like tricked out stash which we sort of almost accomplished last season and it was uh it was fun but we're going for 15 mil that is the goal and we are going to hit it because we're going to play smarter than we had before i do what we normally do i'm going to set it to the original half man and then we do our season after that we're in season five right now now that being said that means you guys have the choice you choose the name so for episode one put down a name below i'll wait until episode 5 and whatever has the most upvotes most likes that is the name we'll go with i have to modify a little but i will we'll try to get as close as we possibly can but make sure you guys comment down below a name most up well upload quotes or most likes will get the amazing amazing win of the name also with choose between bear and yousek i i normally typically go a bear we're going to go you suck again this time around but should i love my bear we're going to go with the yousek this time do we have no choice ooh muellen yolander mullen mullen okay it's very quiet because i don't usually listen to the voice let's go with michael considering that's money we're gonna go with that guy right there it's exciting it's exciting we're back in it once again uh this comes with the factory update there's a new shotgun that i've seen there's a lot of new stuff that yeah we get to go through as per usual we go through this whole thing and we delete everything because that's well that's far the the challenge i'm going to keep the half mass though because you're going to give me a half mask i'm going to use feature warning by the way right here if you uh if you're procedures look away so beyond that yeah that's really the goal for the season 50 mil we're gonna we're gonna try to shoot for we typically really never get close to that we're gonna shoot for it this time maybe we'll get it maybe we won't we'll just see nice thing about using alpha there really is not that much that we have to delete which is cool now i was thinking about this i was like what map are we gonna go to first so we're gonna go to know i think last time we did woods i thought you thought about going woods i was like it's a good place to go you can get some loot without being in the in the crazy areas we're going to go kind of in different direction this time we're going to go for i think this time we're gonna go interchange we're gonna go interchange for the first time because i wanna see if we can get down below get a gun uh customs is gonna be just a crap shoot right now there's gonna be so many people in custody that we're not gonna do right we're going to go interchange if we get a weapon get a couple items maybe we'll shoot in and go into customs next but interchange what we're starting also do not forget the rule we cannot use a scav until level 10 we have to at least give her some some type of crutch and that's gonna be a crutch no scav until level 10. also this wipe there's a little difference there's no flea mark until 20. i'm actually very very excited about this not only one because i feel like everyone's giving me much more even playing ground there's not gonna be crazy people rushed at level 10 to just have everything unlocked that my friends i'm excited for without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's take our pmc let's get into interchange and let's do this are you ready first raid of the season let's do this i just want to kind of point out a few things before we really get into the is this whole new corner i feel like this is a new hole like it wasn't here before oh anyway uh first couple things to get into it uh don't forget if you are new to the channel you enjoy the series do not forget to hit that like button uh we're really really trying to go for a crazy cool season this time um you guys destroy season four episode one you're right we're currently 500 000 views now for that episode it's just nuts he's doing the same thing as me so i should be okay also do not forget hit that subscribe button and uh get ready because we got a lot coming a lot coming now luckily i'm not gonna have to worry about too much cool man we're friends we're cool we're cool we're cool yeah super yup we're cool although if you get my way of loot that may change real fast i'm just gonna say that out loud let's see if we can find a weapon yeah we're gonna be friends first friend of the season i'm tired man i'm tired yeah we're cool we're cool oh crap run run bro run we're not safe anymore we're not safe run abandon the plan abandon the plan you go for that one i'll go for over here i'll get the weapon all right this is different too i like this not good gotta hurry before that scab comes back now if we can get something really good and stuff in our back pocket run run run friend run you guys don't know if you knew the game uh if you do not have a weapon equipped or like a rifle or something that's not a pistol uh you're screwed basically as we'll hunt you down to your dead that's what's currently happening so oh you've got to be kid well you know if we were to die you know worse things could be you know okay i can dig it i can dig it you really gotta hope for a few things either one someone kills another scam i'm gonna take the weapon which is extremely highly unlikely right now or two you just get really lucky i hate the fact we have to identify everything again but here we go got a big gun the original plan was to stay down below other than the scabs hunting us there we may be able to get back down oh we're dead yep yep that's the problem you run into you're running to scabs and interchange so yeah the original plan was to stay down below and we crashed now that seems like a bad thing but it's you know we're honestly not in the worst place ever because uh the gpu still worth what used to be i can't say it is still but it still may be worth some yeah 124k we're still good that actually gives us a nice little boost there we're going to start buying stuff granted everything is totally uh oh god forgot to do this again no big deal no big deal we get 159 and we can get something get ourselves a little kit start help things identified we were in the sks and go this normal route i think we're gonna do that i think i'm mosin no no i like the sks idea if that's got a ragman ragmay will have a couple things sold out let's get alpaca we'll buy this guy here buy some rounds for the pack i'm not packing for the sks uh where the rounds at there they are buy like 60 rounds is cheap then we can go to therapists buy two of those buy some painkillers buy two of those all right just out here load you up and we should be good with that now we don't have to worry too much about the loadout because if we lose it we still got a little bit of money in the stuff on it's the healing that's the problem now i could have i didn't have any money so i couldn't actually heal there so we had to buy some more of these heal heal heal or should do it and we'll buy one more just to have that's why medical stuff is so important too right there piece of cheese and then can i actually buy a backpack oh these oh okay these are available right away i think i'll take one of those take a bank robber now again we can always just drop this stuff i don't think we can really afford a shirt insuring anything like this real quick we'll see if he's got that headset available he may oh he doesn't they're 19k though we can't afford them yet okay we're gonna go now since we got the sks i'm going to interchange let me go to customs now yeah let's go to customs get the quest started tasks accept we need to kill five steps now that the mp 133 shotguns you can most likely just uh get those from well we could most likely just get that from getting mr jaeger unlock which could go from to go into woods we're not level two though the level one aren't we yes still level one let's wait level two we can do that but let's go to customs why not let's get in there see if we can get a couple of scav kills and come out with some loot let's do this number two let's do this let's get some medical items right now we'll start with that and see what we can go from there all right well i'm not gonna lie getting a graphics card at the beginning really does help i think that's a pretty nice boost that's going to help us out not a lot but a little bit cool really like like a sale of water or something or have you take all that need to search as much as possible too i want to get my search skill up fast bandage it better miss anything on you nothing best thing about the quality being up right now and not to worry about like last season we were in we're in 1080p which made the quality kind of horrible in honest opinion now it seems a little better so happy about make it piece for always can sell it mommy will probably end up selling anyway whiskey later don't need it don't need it at all i'm probably gonna have players heading to the section we're going but we're gonna try to go and see if we can get to the uh the medical building don't think there's already people there that's good the disorder people where we're going i'm really trying to avoid players as much as possible there's no reason for us to fight them uh because honestly we're here for scab kills and uh loot that's it kill the other guy first few more kills two more kills nice work with that how much should i damage the armor oh i didn't damage it at all okay this is why i wish i could have um i wish i could have gotten the stuff insured ooh vaseline that's awesome okay that's really good painkiller i don't want glasses now everyone's gonna ask this question they asked me every single season and that's okay because obviously if you knew you don't really know what what's what the difference is with all this stuff i don't need that shotgun but i'll take this um but yeah this armor actually is oh this is sorry this this chest pair the red rig's got armor on it a lot of people don't realize that they always go why do you what are you dropping your arm before that doesn't seem a very smart idea but don't worry got built-in armor what's there for because i guess we could take that if we can get out with it at least we can stick in the stash for the uh the quest cool we'll check for some more loot in the back you know what there's sometimes a good loot in here vodka definitely not going to be drinking that i will lose all my all my water in seconds come on search it and itches and bandages all the bandages coffee get the coffee and sell for the most oh well i'm pretty oh no i'm just go for capacity wait i didn't get shot though see anybody second city was up top look like it people across the way though i want to get in that in and out as fast as i can oh as well well rochelle is here gonna painkiller for that i may have a better time actually penetrating with that mosin but a player outside a player worrying me i want to go for him i gotta get a better angle bridges get way better armor than me all right he got richard stuff so probably a bitcoin missed but [Music] oh you died we could do this it all over he's getting grenades good got morphine even better wait what if that counted it did yeah okay so even him bleeding out counted i'm happy about that you're fine that's a pretty good stuff actually on some meds okay let's do this let's swap all this stuff over not the way the whiskey just take that take those i can get out of that that's a human feed partial alton and let's see if they got morphine on him because uh i mean i think it's three or four morphine for the quests come on thank god he saw him first good we'll try to kill this guy all right m4 on them we got a lot of loot get out of here don't need to be sticking around just to get killed i'm sure we're going to run to a more scav on our way out anyway hang out here the fire thing's looking good i could switch this and got the other loot but i don't wanna i wanna play too too risky right now i can still was good guy [Music] all right we'll get our stamina that we'll get we'll get moving if the light is on i'm gonna take that exit you can see you the the untar exit right next to the uh right next to the tank definitely gonna take that it's open that armor saved our life though pretty sure he was using them there was it again forgot what the weapon's called right now he was using the mdr i could just see maybe he didn't take the key sure he did i'd say be kind of weird if he didn't take the key lights not on i'm gonna have to cross but we're gonna be standing before you across oh crap cool subtask is done up task is finished again unfortunate because i'm pretty sure he took the bitcoin or labs key card whichever one he got from from mr prashalla but that's right we got the bowie's gear plus we got the pistol this was actually big because we can just hold on to that now and we can use that for the quest huge for us and i'm happy about that gonna hang out in here for a minute do her thing still a good amount of loot i mean we're getting we got some healing now got some quest items which is good we got vaseline which is huge let me get another another gun we'll have to buy some ammo for another couple of mags but still it's uh it's gonna work for us go go go go go go go since uh since the flea market's not open though until 20 we're gonna have to go look for keys it's gonna have to be like one of these episodes we're gonna have to make it a goal to go for i'm just looking inside of any type of quote that we can find and store in well that and filing cabinets filing cameras have a really high chance for keys too that's going to be the goal that's going to be our goal at some point i may have killed him oh shoot forgot i'm pretty sure yep yep nope i messed up on that one got that doesn't work oh silver capacity it's amazing that's the best thing this i mean tarkov wipes are it's it's one of my favorite things about gaming is that no matter how many times i play this game and there's a wipe i will always be entertained it's just a solid fact i enjoy it so much i can't be mad at it just freshens everything up i'm sure i'm not the only one i'm sure you guys feel the same way about this okay you know the wipes happening you know it's the thing we're gonna make it happen we're gonna we're gonna get all the stuff back that we really want 40 000 is really going to help nice amount of grenades too we can start working on a strength training really early really early which granted we're working on it now for being over overbeard but we're gonna use to help a little bit as you all know i'm a huge fan of smoke grenades and i try to throw them as much i possibly remember to say this i say remember because i don't always remember see this is what i always say you know last i think last season we were completely fine we didn't have any issues we got through all of our raids never died you know we die our first rate we had a graphics card sold that bad boy we got all that we need all this good loot into hopefully we don't die with the next five seconds we should be okay good be okay boom just like that second raid we're out we got all five kills that's a good start right there 6600 level three ready we got two players there two player kills i like it i grabbed his tag though this opportunity boom and boom almost level four almost four i'm thinking now i'm thinking now so i can progress in the quests even faster we should most likely go over to woods to unlock jaeger i'm pretty sure he's still level two on like all you need is level two to unlock the quest but maybe we'll go do that real quick we'll confirm it and if it's a thing we'll do i want to make sure that we get that one on and then from there we can we can buy the two shotguns finish up debut and then we can um maybe maybe we can go back to customs and find the sailor walls there's other place we can go reserve is a really good map to get to get sailor was it's a really good map to get stuff actually i can get myself a surgery kit too it should be huge for us that'd be a really huge thing check that out as well beyond that just have a good time i mean i'm enjoying the fact that the wife has happened i got lucky enough that was in the day off do my thing and it's gonna be glorious i'm bringing you guys along too which is the best part okay let's go take a look at this i believe it's through mechanic at the gunsmith part and we also get introduction awesome okay let's go let's do that yeah okay let's get ourselves their stuff all unlocked i'm gonna try to keep this thing organized it is an alpha so it's not the biggest case in the world but our biggest stash in the world but we're gonna make it happen uh wilston we'll put down here what's the quest item morphine will put down below as well that was a dog tag and pause a bunch of money bunch of good items all right let's offload everything else as we all know i don't have the best stash of well i don't have the best you know basis of keep the stash clean i just i just don't move that we can get this repaired as well no i can't i can't prepare at all that's different uh okay remove that keep the grenades on us i got some healing still you know what let's bring the eye back if x is looking pretty good put a bandage up here instead we'll use the rest of this healing here water and everything is looking kind of scummy so we're gonna have to go look for some food and water while we're out and about beyond that i need some more ammo tmo is decent not the best but we'll buy like wait oh i gotta drop the money off first huh that would help that's that's okay we got 40 000 to work with we can buy like 60 rounds i choose buy it let's buy 80 or 90 rounds because that way we can reload in rated bb good good good got a backpack still got the helmet i'm going to bring this helmet in and i won't be able to hear a thing that's okay everything else is good got decked out ak which is awesome and yeah i can't put that on there all right i think that's everything we need it is time to head over to woods let's go get ourselves the note from jaeger unlock him maybe we'll complete a quest today let's do this hey we're in oh where are we at uh hmm oh we're next to the village okay so i mean you're gonna give me my good exit no no you're not tragic it's gonna make me go all the way around grab it go through the danger zone and then we can then we can have a reward but that's all right actually no we're not too bad we're into the village why not let's go check the village out it's not like i have anything else to do right now other than the uh obviously getting jaeger's letter there is always a chance for sherman to be here right now what crazy would that be seeing sherman and also rashala in one man or one episode especially episode one that'd be kind of crazy yes there's a giant bowl of hole in front of our screen but you know make no big deal fine plus we can find that's right i could actually use the strike that metabolism worked right yeah straight nothing else sugar oh that's really good nice okay that's gonna help us out i don't know how many we needed those though you used to need a good amount of those i don't know if you need a lot now let's just take it with us because you know we may uh make it out good getting three thousand dollars in cash we can use the exit over here possibilities ah [ __ ] things actually came over here specifically just for the water oh this use because if anybody if you guys know that tarkov is just the worst thing in the world when it comes to the beginning of of the wipe is just you die from dehydration it's kind of horrible and i don't feel like dying from dehydration i'll hear from you in the comments section why don't you grab that water should have grabbed our water ooh four five five six relay as well i'll never hear the end of it rightfully so i won't lie rightfully so for sure grenades i should also be looking out for for fuel because there is a chance for finding fuel here a bog nice that they're blowing people are already blowing up on the mind oh that's that's that's right there that is the best part about tarkov you that have no idea where they're going in woods and they run into all the oh there's two they run right into the mines it's the best thing in 3d okay oh sherman's here that's a confirmation right there mr sturman do you want to live to like get over there i'd like to try my hand at you well 3d fields not that i really need them but you know oh you know what no i'm going to make a pact with myself to hold on to all the d fuels because if we can get enough of that stuff and you know say we don't get any ants what are these your ass i don't want that um say we like we kill sherman we never get the chance to get ourselves a red rubble well technically speaking that's a good way to get it that's a really good way for us to get it by holding on to like the fuels and getting the other fuels because then obviously we can trade for it for yeager would be really really good again us dollar bills y'all dollar dollar bills need all of it i need everything during the flea market's not open to level 20 and take us double the time to get stuff running heads could take us even longer because i think i'm gonna have to go to interchange because i'm quite certain that now that's uh the change stuff in the hideout you have to have fuel to even start that's a that's a thing it's going to take us a little longer to get the hideout started but that's okay that's okay we'll get some you know us we'll end up going doing our doing a random run through the backside of interchange and i would like to do that anyway because i've already told myself that is the plan at some point it's just make an episode dedicated to grabbing the items that we need for questing and for the hideout and we do need to do that it's probably going to happen sooner rather than us but hey now everyone's kind of on the same playing ground as us because hey we you've always done this type of thing or we start with nothing and have to do something with it somewhat we're on the same playing grounds everyone pain we got all the stuff and pass right past us i don't think those are my footsteps i really don't know i really don't maybe that was us the game's gonna be quieter too right now because i got this helmet on but at least we'll live we'll live at least i do want to go see if we can try to kill rashawn or yeah not michelle who's german i want to even kill sherman it'd be okay that's gonna be the goal we're gonna go for jaeger and see if we can go find sherman he's not dead ready as long as i keep hearing that we'll be okay i'm also gonna have to stop every five seconds because obviously we don't have the capacity to run right now we'll get closer jaeger and we'll start crawling crawling to victory is what i call it it's pretty much what we're doing on the crawling to victory oh we're all here let's try to hit this okay how about this for the for episode one i'm gonna say let's try to go for i should i go for 150 likes i think that's for a decent that's a decent number 150 likes let's try to go for it if we can hit it awesome if not hey you know what we're we're trying to play with the algorithm still see what can happen don't forget to comment all that fun stuff it does help funny enough it does i mean i didn't think it ever would but it really does help they don't lie really you should truly comment it does help german i'm coming give me a second all right oh i see players oh boy i can't run please stop please stop giving me a second okay i'm gonna get behind this rock get my stamina back then we can fight that rock there clearly someone over here to my right let's hang out for a minute where you at i don't want to run yet i want to somewhat reserve that in case i do get in a gun fight got him however i don't believe that was the same guy that i saw earlier could be but doubtful i'm full head eyes i like the name dude no statement has been true before he killed two people i sort of want to take that helmet one line oh i dropped a man all right enjoy the rest of your stuff okay i don't want the rest although i i don't hear sherman firing off anymore so i think someone may have killed him oh well yeah well we'll still check it out you know we'll look from afar basically if we don't see him then we'll call a good monkey moving did he hit me he didn't hit me okay energy's getting low i mean the more you carry the farther your energy goes down i don't like i mean i like it but i don't like at the same time you know who likes when their energy falls i don't let's crawl to victory as well as this armor is going to do against players right now oh no he's still alive do we do it go for him could've been a pistol too it could be being debated right now trying to see if his other goons are up go hang up this house for a minute i can check some backpacks as well oh goodness uh i gotta get one bandage take this rink up break up sir you're gonna need the energy i have two grenades put the vlog first if i do see him maybe a little bit better chance hang it nothing go are we still here shooting that means obviously there's players too so even if i do kill him i gotta be careful your friends i don't like your friends here's what we're gonna do rock oh if i drop it then i have to be careful drop it and drop my energy down a little bit more but i gotta do it oh it's gonna blow up before do you miss again yep gonna realize that oh okay i saw him he was laying down no i told you i was going to go for it though as much as i didn't want to we had to do it we had to go for it plus it gives me a chance to go back into woods anyway but dang oh sterbin you're you're best sleeping right now i can't i can't go for you right now or xp yep yep still can't go against that ammo not gonna happen it's not gonna happen all right let's get our stuff going i can i can bring this guy technically but i'm gonna have to do some settling here for a moment kill that greg man sell this guy wow 55k for that you know it was worth that much like this you could buy those contacts too oohs and then this keeper you should have the mags yep do this as well get the money off of me not my finest moment there ladies and gentlemen that's okay the whole dying thing why can't what no free slot what really that's a thing now huh really didn't know that was a thing okay well not doing that uh let's go do this go over here we're gonna buy some dollar bills let's buy like a hundred bucks hundred bucks bundle bucks oh oh oh there we go bye to the mags which one we still got left over we still got a good amount buy like 120 190 yeah i need buy like another 150. trying to go through all the money already 90. that fill the rest of this up good good i'm gonna buy a few more rounds i like 60 i should be able to buy 60 right yeah i can we'll take the 60 rounds with us do some grenades as well buy another one of those backpacks and then we're gonna be back to bro but hey at least we'll have a backpack oh no we'll have somebody left some money this with us goodbye bandage oh i'm an idiot i have a big bandage that's right we'll just hold on to that for later we got the ifak we got that uh i got nothing for heavy please that's what i don't have good there okay we're going to run with it we're going to run what we got got the grenades we got the guns we got the ammo should be good all right we're going to go back in the woods we're gonna get that we're gonna play a little smarter this time we're gonna tell sherman we'll get you later let's do it all right we're a little delayed here because the servers are having some problems but friend that's all that really matters where are they boom by the you suck camp don't really know to be honest i'd be running to a mine right now for all i know the heck am i get over here maybe maybe i'm facing the cell honey what the heck is that over there i honestly have no idea where i'm at right now i'm totally turned around wait oh oh oh be nice to me sherman right next to sherman that's where i'm at well once we got the good exit but if storm storms here we're gonna have to fight him that's right where i'm going unfortunately it's right in the path where we gotta go he could then again he could also not be here we just run through grab a couple things and oh oh i think that's him or at least one of his bodyguards right all right well pretty cool is a little bit of a thing right now yep sherman's here yes sherman's here i don't know where he's at but he's here the heck you doing over here sherman geek i don't know where he's at don't like this don't like this at all weird well let's get the stamina up problem is he's kind of like in the way of everything i don't like that i can't really get around him right now i'm gonna have to hope that i spot him a little nerve-wracking you don't need twice in a row be honest darn old red rebel do this that take these hmm that's awkward all right now i just want to get across without dying sadly everybody's gonna be going basically for the same thing well i gotta be careful that hey we got a revenge right we got a revenge on sherman so that's good i thought it was really on purpose i would be honest with you that was like really trying to avoid him but hey when you get you got a sherman that's in a weird awkward spot some i feel like sometimes you get a better advantage actually getting them like there's there's those signs that gotta try to go for him especially when he's just sitting by a tree he's kind of out in the open that's the time to go for streaming i want to get in the bush and reload my [Music] ammo let's get cooking let's get cooking friends if i get out with this key though i'm not going to use it at all this key is going to go sit at the bottom of my stash for eternity i don't like the fact that my energies are slow again but we'll get some food next next raid my focus is really just getting out of here i don't have at least two full mags before i am trying to get out s right is this like the new good round or something got to be got him slow i'm sluggish here we go oh it's because i was going through a heavy bush okay that's the thing look at camp i'm gonna see that smoke's on too the smoke sounds a better faster exit us rabbit route i haven't gotten to say the words yet but we're gonna work on that soon stamina oh i can actually okay it's regenerating that's good that's good it's regenerated oh it's on oh oh this is good if you don't know this door is not locked you can just exit right away let's hope for fuel fuel in here this is even better clear it out first all right nobody's in here yes it's probably super dark for you and i apologize but not much i can do huh nothing okay we're getting out let's go check this out grip ammo can we give me something good i don't know what it was but i'm taking oh it was a slug it was a slug but hey we made it out and we made it out with a really good item oh awesome awesome awesome okay we can get a couple things done here there's some holes pull these out that's actually really cool so now when we get our mosin we can just start using that all this other stuff off you're going to come down to the bottom with your friend the tt pistol the gold ct they rest this out would i take a bandage bandage come back in that quebec back up in there okay that loaded forgot to buy some more ammo but no video okay we can turn in the quests for mechanic introduction finished give us a little money too which is nice i was running oh wow what a dude okay so this is from last season i ran into this guy he was sitting in the corner he was this was awesome he hid my stuff inside 11 sr that's awesome uh i didn't even realize that that's cool eg man eg i don't know if you ever gonna ever see my video ever but that's cool dude i hid my stuff that was a little that was a very weird awkward situation i won't lie but that's that's cool though anyway uh we gotta buy some shotguns here gonna buy not that one not that one gosh look at the fuel trade oh we need to unlock it all right so we need two of these let me go over to prep or good sir take your shotguns nice search missions up now we get checking so this can take us back to customs very nice therapists i'm still gonna have to get these for you don't worry i shall get those get our other rewards nice take it all take it all and i can start getting things upgraded inside how hideout at some point i don't know if i'm gonna do it this episode or not let's see what we got i can get elimination going so that's 10k well and then what else you security security is going to cost me okay this is not too bad i have to go find construction hey what uh which isn't horrible pretty easy to find all right we got some work to do we're gonna get there uh i believe after that one we got to level six yeah we have level six we're two we're two for two two losses two wins i could take it i could take that so far so good though i'm liking this i guess i got the healing ifak and everything oh we need some food oh that's awkward all right let's get some stuff sold too you flea market's not unlocked for a while what did i just get uh what okay though all right i don't know what just happened but apparently uh crapper's now starting to talk to me look at the jack daniels taken care of statue will self do why not we'll find more of the statues out there yeah that'll work let's do this we've got time for one more raid technically speaking so why don't we go and try to collect a couple things i'm a big fan of reserve i want to get some stuff uh we're going to take the backpack off and the reason why i'm taking the backpack off is we're going to take the sewer exit we have a couple more and one more grenade so we have two grenades in total there let's head to reserve i want to head over to the medical room see if we can find anything in there and pretty much go from there see if we can get anything else so let's go to reserve let's do this go go go let's get in also i'm going to learn from my mistakes too from previous seasons um one find makarov's as freaking fast as possible as you notice that um well last season we had some problems finding the macaroon and then also number two uh check every single filing cabin in the world because um yeah i'm not gonna have a problem with the flash drives this time either well what happened ladies and gentlemen we're gonna we're gonna get this stuff this time without delay why am i in here again why did i come here oh loot that was why my brain was like oh go back to your normal loot run um probably not my smartest idea i've ever had but actually didn't want to go there nowhere i don't need to go in there anyway i just came from there robel propanol propel it's not a drink this is what we're looking for healing stuff not propelled at all concealer was don't let us down let's set we'll need that too at some point check everything back at all well is it a bandage but i'll take a bandage like that for sure give me that i didn't bring enough ammo rip rip me get shot now it shot itself look at the shelf though coming out contact oh i mean could be worse loot actually pretty decent then on the ground we can check for intelligence while we're down here too energy energy energy down here there should be food spawns typically is rackers are gonna have to work morphine too what the heck oh my god and take that please okay okay that really gives us a lot of energy but i know a place where we can get some energy so we're gonna go there see if d2 got flipped fine you like you knew i was looking for that i kind of regret not bringing it back back at this point but same time we're fine hold on let me examine your body armor there we i want to go loot that guy but i also don't want to go the the normal way the normal way the normal way the normal way go with that but loot you know i'm sure that guy's got a backpack on him hey that's right okay i'm gonna get a long one hey give me that gonna get a long episode today ladies and gentlemen i'm okay with it you deserve it watching that energy though once it's like 15 i gotta bounce i want to have the struggles of dying here okay i don't want to die today won't live i'm looking for gas analyzers too wait 220 220 is a good key actually oh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah capos we have a scab somewhere 18 first the last one that we're gonna go do a quick loot loop and then get the heck out panic i made noise loots that much yeah i'm just a single one like crappy you know my instinct is to go always for the half mask don't worry i'm not just coming in here to come in here there's a purpose purposes did not get shot in the face but you know it avoid everything in tarkov try that again goose follows i think any squash actually drop it it's i actually have no idea where they're fighting right now okay i just want to see if this guy's a backpack guess who you he doesn't have a backpack all right i'm leaving oh flashbang you could do this and this i'm trying to get a head up on this game of the uh i'll forget what the name tushankas i need to chunk us get a heads up on this one i'll be happy i guess you don't need squash okay that just yeah maybe these boxes can't remember everything guys i'm sorry i have a list up but there's like a billion things in this list that i'm probably not seeing delicious delicious let's search that last scav then we'll hit up the lit up d2 i'm saddened and mad at myself that i didn't grab backpack but same time i'm more mobile i guess we're gonna look at that that's the positive more mobile right i shot him but he didn't kill him oh i had to try had a try dg gg you got me i thought i thought he went the other way i thought he went backwards towards the staircase then went around but hey you got me dude oh my arm too that sucks i did some decent damage to him though he's in damage got messed up ow oh i got to heal now because i'm past level five that's all right okay you know what we still get a really good start i'm really happy with that we we got we got uh rochelle's pistol we got i don't know sorry for shot yeah charlotte's pistol we got sherman's key i'm gonna call that a pretty good win gonna have to go out and somehow find some more gear though but we'll be fine i'm gonna be fine ladies and gentlemen we've got all this extra time in the world i'm excited to see what we ladies and gentlemen that is gonna oh and we also do have a weapon we have an svd which we're gonna we're probably gonna use that for the next episode let's be honest let's be honest with you ladies and gentlemen we're gonna be ending the episode here right now so if you enjoyed the episode make sure you give it a thumbs up leave a comment down below what you enjoyed about the episode what you're excited about for the future do not forget to hit this subscribe button if you're new to the channel because my friends we have a lot of new fun stuff coming up doing a notification bell as well so you never miss one video either and i will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Halfman
Views: 259,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escape from Tarkov, Lets play Escape from Tarkov, lets play escape from tarkov part 1, Escape from tarkov Rags to Riches, escape from tarkov beginners guide, escape from tarkov gameplay, escape from tarkov ep 1, escape from tarkov guide, Escape from Tarkov learners guide, escape from tarkov tips, Halfman, Halfmanlive, Rags to Riches, Escape from Tarkov challenges, Escape from Tarkov episode 1, Video games
Id: dn2Fmb6rCcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 17sec (4577 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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