How to Make: Candied Sweet Potatoes

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[Music] hi welcome to Crisco for you too one of the dishes that I make very very well and I really do pride myself on it it's my candied sweet potatoes I'm gonna show you my recipe and I hope that you'll be using this for a long time to come let's get started with the ingredients that you're going to need of course you want to meet the sweet potatoes sugar cinnamon nutmeg vanilla extract lemon extract you're gonna need some cornstarch for thickening agent and some butter now this is real simple to put together but this is a great dish when it comes to flavor so I'm gonna go away get my potatoes cut up and get them peeled and sliced and I'll be right back and show you how to put together this delicious dessert or delicious candy sweets be right back okay now I've already I just wanted to come back to show you this I put my sugar on the bowl this is one cup of sugar depending on how many potatoes you have that was how it that's how you would measure your sugar and I'm gonna add to this two tablespoons of cinnamon and you're gonna always use more cinnamon than you do nutmeg and I'm going to add one tablespoon of nutmeg okay so I'm gonna take this off the table but I did want to show you this part so I'm just gonna mix this together and I added a little bit more simply because I'm not using a regular measuring spoon what I also cooked a lot of the ingredients you really know by heart so you don't use it as always I've got to put your ingredients at the bottom of the tutorial but this is I want to eliminate so many items on the table so I just went ahead and decided to just mix this up now you don't have to mix it you can sprinkle it and it might a little bit easier for you and I'll show you that as I get started but for me it's just easier to do it this way and then I don't have to keep on turning up potatoes when I get ready to to actually layer it so I'm going to boy slice my potatoes and I'll be right back okay now I'm back and I'm ready to start and here I have an empty pot so I'm gonna show you how to layer this but first I want to show you about this stick of butter all I did was cut the stick of butter straight down the center to pretty much cut it in half and then I just want to hear em in slices now that's gonna be a whole lot easier for me you don't have to do it this way you can just put a little bit in every time you put in a layer but this is gonna make it a little bit faster for me and a little bit easier now I'm going to cut it again straight across okay so what I did was I actually cut it so I could have small pieces like that okay that's all I want to do so I'm gonna take and put four pieces in the bottom of my pot good way to remember where to put it north south east and west okay so if you see see what I did north south east or west I put that in my pot okay now I'm gonna put a little bit of my cinnamon sugar now it may be easier for you to do this a little bit different way and I'll show you because I know how to do it so this is like easier for me so what you're gonna do next once you get your brown sugar or sugar once you get your sugar that's mixed to be Brown because it's mixed with the nutmeg and the cinnamon in there and you got your butter in there then you're gonna start to layer your potatoes now if you have some potatoes that you cut a little bit bigger than others put those on the back because those are closer to the heat and of course they're gonna quit they're gonna cook a little bit faster so you want to put in the layer of potatoes now while this is the easier way for me it may be a little bit easier if you do it if you shake it because you don't know how many potatoes you're actually going to be using so you don't know how much cinnamon are putting in so if you do it this way let's say that I put in some sugar because I have my sugar already mixed so I want to put in a layer of sugar then a layer of nutmeg and a layer of cinnamon okay and then I want a sprinkle so I'm gonna act as if I did that okay so that's actually my little nutmeg cinnamon and sugar so then I want to put in a layer of my butter north south east and west and it's a little bit sticky to my fingers I do want to say this don't get it wrong temperature okay have it a little bit cold and you won't run into that problem then I want to put my hand over the top of my lemon flavor or vanilla usually the one you want to and leave just the side a little corner that will fall out see that jazz want a little point you don't want a lot you want to do the same thing with the lemon and you want to continue to repeat this process now if you do it this way you don't have to have measurements and the reason why you don't is because you're just layering you're just putting in a layer of sugar a layer of butter and a layer of the cinnamon and the Nutmeg so all you have to do is just put in layers for me I measured it out I didn't really measure it out but I knew just how much to put into my bowl and the reason why I knew that is because I've done it so many times so I can just pretty much tell just about what its gonna need now if you notice not putting in any liquids don't put any water in your potatoes nothing okay the only time you gonna have just a little bit of water it's when you get ready to put in your corn starch and that's just gonna help to make you a sauce that's gonna be like your sauce would be for your peach cobbler thick and rich other than that you're not gonna be putting in any water not and these potatoes are gonna cook and I'm telling you this is a real good dish and normally when I tell you that it's a good dish you all know it's a good dish so you just want a few drops and I always try to get you know a little bit more of your vanilla then you do your lemon because your vanilla is gonna be your primary faith flavor now if you can see I put in just a little bit more butter that's fine because I want to really finish out this stick and I don't want to put in a stick to a medium sized pot I put in a stick of butter okay these are the best potatoes and I'm telling you if you start to cook yours like this you will not stop I've been cooking them this way for twenty thirty years a long time I got this recipe from somebody years and years ago and I've been using it every since and it's okay if somebody has a real good recipe for something it's okay for you to ask for and then make it your own if you were cooking something and it's better than mine I'm definitely gonna ask for the recipe it just enhances my skills so I'm going back to putting in the butter everything I've layered out want to make certain that I'm getting all the flavor that's gonna come from my cinnamon my nothing to make and my flavors of the extract and of course the sugar now I'm using a little bit more of my vanilla bean ideas my lemon my lemon and vanilla is an excellent combination too just a little sugar it's an excellent combination when you're mixing it together it's real good when you're baking cakes - especially pound cakes those two flavorings though real good together now I'm gonna cook this for like about an hour on low heat real low so are you cooking this with your meal start this out first okay now all of my potatoes are in there I'm gonna go ahead and add some more my sugar and you know just about how much sugar you're gonna need for the potatoes that you're using put enough so you can get sweet flavor okay put in my butter and all I did was mix my nutmeg in my cinnamon together as opposed to just shaking it down okay and this is the best candy sweets you're ever going to eat I had a taste for these today cuz I'm making a fried chicken and I'm like okay well I want some candied sweet potatoes to go with my fried chicken so here I have now I'm gonna go ahead and put in my flavor that's my lemon and this is my vanilla like I said just try to put in a little bit more vanilla okay now what I'm gonna do is and I just want to use it out so I went ahead and put it in now your sweet potatoes will make its own liquids that's why you don't put water in it you don't need to do that all you do from here is put your top on it sit it on your back burner on the stove and put it on low and let it cook when your other dishes get done nine times out of ten your sweet potatoes is going to be done so I'm gonna go ahead and put this on my stove and on the back burner on low and I'm gonna let it cook and I'll be back and show you midway through the cooking process you don't want to overcook you just want them for tender once you get them for tender then you could go ahead and add your cornstarch to it so I can thicken up your sauce and these potatoes these sweet potatoes will be fantastic I'll be okay now this is about halfway through the cooking process I want to bring you back because I want to show you see how much liquid these potatoes have actually got in it that's why you don't put water in that you don't need to so I'm gonna flip the potatoes over okay just so they can the ones that are on the top now they can finish cooking but this is still not enough therapy type nitwits I'll put it like that so I'll allow this to finish cooking and then I'm going to add the cornstarch to to this mixture in a little bit but this is not see it's not yeah see it's not syrupy and I want it to be real surf so I'll add that to it in a minute be right back okay now I'm back and this is done it's ready now I want you to take before I start to dish it look at that sauce that's the kind of sauce that you want okay so I'm gonna go ahead and dish it up on this plate and try not to get well I'm just gonna dish enough of it up so you can really get a look at it there you go that's a good amount and then I'm gonna pour up some of the sauce and a little bit of the potatoes that got a little bit crunchy down in there though all right there you have it [Music] look at that magnifico okay this is the way I've made my potatoes all the time I want to get this a little bit about that off the plate and I truly truly enjoy it so if you're looking for something different I suggest you try this I think you're really going to enjoy it that's what I have my candy sweets and as always thank you for watching Chris cook for you - bye [Music]
Channel: chriscook4u2
Views: 55,120
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Id: -XArqfHGlXo
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Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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