How to make Jamaican Fried Dumpling!

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all right we are back in daddy's kitchen [Music] hello everyone how are you guys doing today we are back in daddy's kitchen how are you doing today daddy wonderful wonderful good for this day i am so glad that we're thanking god for this day it is a beautiful day and what are we here to make for our family today daddy we are making fried dumplings fried dumpling finally finally finally you guys have been asking for fried dumpling for a very long time so we have cooked up this nice concise tutorial for you and daddy is ready to need some dumplings so that you can put it on the side of all of your great meals right all right so i'm about to shut up and let you get to it okay i have at least a pound and a half of flour inside here a pound and a half of flour and i mean remember you guys we're cooking for a big family so you're gonna have to do what you need but we're using a pound and a half right now this is baking powder we're gonna put a spoonful tablespoon full of baking powder okay and what brand is that let's see magic baking powder okay cool cool cool all right all right daddy all right so baking powder just went in and i'm going to use some sugar okay about three and a half tablespoons of sugar more than three and a half technically you and this tablespoon that's not that's more than three and a half tablespoons that's half a cup this is a tablespoon okay one two two three okay some sea salt some sea salt half a teaspoon okay i'm gonna put a little butter in it okay interesting i didn't know that butter would go in at this stage let's see how much butter you're putting in there and you're using like the real butter right yeah you can break it up piece by piece interesting you never know what it is put a little bit more you want your dumpling to be soft and nice okay so that so the butter helps yeah the butter and the baking powder make it soft and nice okay and i have a twist on this i'm not gonna use water to make my dumpling i'm gonna use milk two percent milk but if you don't like milk you can use water yeah because you usually use water but today you're feeling fancy yeah okay i'm gonna mix it mix this up with sugar and then the baking powder and the salt gotta get your hands so you guys know what you gotta do right wash your hands wash your hands nobody wants to have dumpling that was need by someone who has dirty fingers so wash your hands appropriately give it a good flavor okay soft one nice okay okay we're ready to go first okay so this is the part of the process that you know blows my mind because it's like you got to move fast no daddy no not really no no you're in control so you you forgot a little first mix it and then you pour more and you just keep going like that you just keep going like that you need can you over pour is there yes and you can become soft if you don't have any more flour big trouble but if you get too soft and you have more flour you just put a sprinkle a little bit more flour on more flour i need it so don't over pour no step by step step by step little by little little by little you guys remember that liquid like i'll say it in the comments drop it down below let go bye liquor you have to take your time you gotta put your back into it guys look look at daddy you're whole your whole body is into this this is a good exercise yeah okay see i need more so you pour a little more yeah i was thinking of getting the smaller one but whatever i figured we might need it for something else yeah you need it it's coming together yes because i need it until it becomes smooth and nice get off all those dry ones inside and what stick at the bottom leave it just so you guys know i have never successfully made a dumpling ever that's the whole point of the channel i was supposed to be learning so that's why i'm here watching okay daddy all right i can see it really really getting starting to smooth out it's not as ripply as it was before no it's like this you don't pour the milk all the water in the bowl let's put anything in your hand sprinkle it then you need man i have to have some upper body strength for this obviously oh yes live this is why we're lazy and now i'm cooking up because why do they don't like cooking yeah people who love cooking are probably like eating this up people who are lazy and just want to get like fast food or like god what am i gonna get time to need all that dumpling but my future children don't deserve a life like that all right so fire just got turned on to high heat right ready and i see what looks to be 100 corn oil and you're not being modest with that oil area so you have to have a good amount in there if you're frying dumpling right okay okay put my idea for now okay i may need it later okay so we're gonna make this oil hot i'm gonna turn it on to medium because i don't want it hot hot hot i want it just right okay okay because if it's oil is too hot you put your dumpling in it's gonna burn right away you don't want that okay okay all right it's around medium right now then one up slowly okay all right so what's the next step well [Music] all right and then we wait what is it hard i'm gonna prepare someone just put it aside okay all right so i gotta show them how this is done i'm gonna get closer daddy because see what i'm doing you roll it in your hand depends on how big you want it okay you press down okay you see this dumpling then us when you heat the oil you're gonna come right up because of the baking powder in it it's gonna swell you're gonna sweat okay because i was like oh that looks like the dumpling that you put in soup different shape but it's going to swallow right okay you could make a bigger one do a slow-mo version of this okay press it a little bit put to one side see people i'm putting my love in it of course shape it up for you to perfection i'm putting one side pull off the next piece thumb and turn thumb and turn thumb and turn roll press perfect i'm putting one side [Music] okay i think this is hot now okay okay okay i'm gonna put it down lower even lower yeah interesting i would have been like oh maybe higher no lower burn okay you want you want your your dumping to fry evenly good nice brown golden ground not burnt okay so low heat you guys low heat you gotta take your time with it again patience and love patience and love simmering on its booty a little bit okay okay we're gonna fill this pot up so if you guys are this is if this is your first time ever seeing fry dump them be made or if you've never had fried dumpling before you can have fried dumpling with so many things you can have fry dumpling with [Music] with your chicken you can have fried dumpling with so many things okay today we're actually having it with aki and selfish so you guys are gonna have to wait for that tutorial tell us down below in the comments if you want an accent software tutorial because a lot of the instagram people have been asking for aki and selfish but i want to know if our youtube family wants hacky and selfish because akin selfish is jamaica's national meal and if you really want to cook like a jamaican you're going to have to know how to make acne and selfish not true daddy yes okay i think everybody wanted to see akin surface i think this is jamaica national dish of course it is good awesome hmm get over here y'all sizzling look how bye look at sizzle okay so the more dumplings that go in the heat goes down interesting so heat up a little bit okay so why did mommy say specifically to use corn oil you can't use certain oils a different kind of oil you can use you cannot use olive oil to fry your food i know because a lot of people ask oh can't i use olive oil no not for frying right no corn oil is good it's very temporary okay it's good for you okay so you couldn't have used the grapeseed oil that you guys usually like okay yeah you could but grapeseed is more expensive you use those things for your salads and those things okay make sense i'm playing it's going down this was the first one i put in okay [Music] so the first time you taught me daddy um i was actually shocked that you were pre like that you were flipping it so early in my opinion because i was like well that doesn't look like as brown as i think it should look and then you taught me that you keep turning yes i thought you would have to wait all the way from one side to get brown brown brown and then flip it and then get the other side brown around but the technique is to keep flipping okay [Music] you hear that guys the technique is they keep flipping then you tell them before they cut me off and tell me say and i'm if you tell them are you fitting you have to keep turning your dumplings okay they're heating on both sides cook both sides the same way same temperature okay okay look at it coming along you guys oh and that makes the best okay the best fried dumpling so pay attention [Music] um you just don't keep flipping and keep flipping and click keep flipping until them didn't already yet so the heat's still on like what a medium right now today okay i would have been the first girl to put that bad boy on high burn up everything burn up everything in that i turn on the fire down okay by be lower okay so it's like three or two or whatever okay a little lower than medium you guys oh now you're putting them on their okay [Music] louder daddy [Music] yeah because you guys don't understand this is a learning curve for my dad because my dad is a very gentle gentle gentle spirit and has a very gentle voice okay might be deep but it's not aggressive and it's not loud so i'm the loud one some space so i'm just putting the finishing touch in here just like that just like that okay [Music] last one in they're all coming along you guys all coming along and some of them are even inside the bowl already look at them looking all golden and pretty and things look at that look at that flaky yummy oh daddy you put your foot in it again again and again and again and again i make a 10 fingers and your ten tails yeah this is love [Music] yo yo yo [Music] peace and love always [Music] you
Channel: Deddy's Kitchen
Views: 168,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make fried dumplings, how to make jamaican fried dumplings, how to make dumplings, jamaican dumplings, fry dumplin, how to make fry dumplin, jamaican fry dumplin, how to cook like a jamaican, quarantine meals, quarantine, jamaican cook
Id: -yxSlQePjrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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