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[Music] laughs welcome back to my channel today I'm gonna be sharing with you an updated recipe on how I make my fry base I showed this technique on my Instagram some days ago and you guys insisted that I do a tutorial for YouTube as well I uploaded a recipe for my fry breaks about six months ago and you guys said that it looks very different to how it looks now so I felt like you know what today I'm gonna update you on this recipe okay now the ingredients are pretty much the same but today I'm gonna be leaving out yeast okay so I don't see if I'm gonna go ahead and give you an ingredient breakdown over here I've got two cups of plain flour I've got a cup and a half of lukewarm water and the reason I'm using lukewarm water is I just find that it helps the dough to rise faster I've got my spatula I've got a cup of vegetable oil I've got a tablespoon of granulated sugar you can use white sugar I didn't have any so I'm just using brown sugar today I have a tablespoon of baking powder quarter teaspoon of nutmeg half a teaspoon of salt quarter teaspoon of cinnamon and one teaspoon of butter not my dream bomb using spread butter okay let's get started we've combined it on our ingredient I'm gonna be going in with my nutmeg my sugar everything I've got her on this plate including my butter okay and then I'm just gonna be combining this together with my spatula okay okay you can just combine it for at least a minute okay make sure everything is evenly distributed in here then we're gonna create a little well in the center and I'm gonna start adding my water gradually now you may not use the full amount of water but it's always good to have just enough so that you can be able to make a nice dough okay just mix this up let's mix it up want a very nice door okay now you guys have seen me make there is many times before okay sorry as you can see we have a nice dirt coming along and I haven't even used my hand as yet okay so I still have about a cup of water left in here so I'm gonna set that to one side because I don't think we'll be needing any more water so now I'm just gonna go ahead and take the excess dirt off of my spatula set it to one side and then I'm gonna start mixed in this bin okay and now my dirt is light and fluffy it's not hard at all okay you just want to mix this in and make sure you have your flour on standby because at least you can have some to dust over your dirt just in case it gets too sticky okay so we've just made a nice dough as you can stay here okay and all I'm gonna do is just to put it in here like so using a damp paper towel I'm gonna go ahead and cover my dirt and allow it to rest for 15 minutes okay brilliant and I'll come back in 15 minutes to show you how my turn is okay guys so here we are 15 minutes later okay this is our dirt I'm gonna go ahead and take you out of this ball okay now you can see it's quite soft and nice we're gonna set back ball to one side and then I'm gonna flour my surface okay it's important to flour your surface as this will prevent it from sticking okay just want to work oh there's a bit of flour into the dough okay good so you're just getting the air out of the dirt okay beautiful so what I'm gonna do now I'm just gonna cut off some sections okay it doesn't have to be big okay but it all depends on the size that you want your bigs to be okay so this should yield me about eight all right so as you can see I've got eight here and all I will be doing is to roll it into a little dough ball okay now this is pretty simple I'm sure you guys have seen me do this many times before okay there we go and if it gets too sticky all you do you just put some flour all right let's freeze it you like sign just thank I so that's why I'm done I'm not too done I'm gonna complete the rest okay and when I'm all done I will come back and show you guys how it all looks hey my love's all done I was able to get mine out of my dough even though I divided it into eight because it turns out some of them were looking bigger than the other so all I did over here I just turned my fire on okay and I'm gonna go ahead and add in my oil okay and you don't need much oil for this because you're gonna be shallow frying your base okay now I'm aware that some of the islands called this dumplings so bakes dumplings whatever you want to call it is totally fine okay I'm gonna allow my oil to heat up for at least a minute or two and then we're gonna go ahead and get frying these beautiful ones oil has been heating up for the past minute or two and I'm gonna be going ahead and putting in my big splash down plants in one by one okay now you want to keep your heat on really low because it's gonna burn and it's not gonna cook on the center okay so just keep your heat on the lowest yeah we just want to be placing them in one by one okay and then I'm gonna put one in the center okay now you want to allow this to fry for at least three to five minutes on really low heat okay as it starts getting golden brown along the edges then you will flip it over make sure you keep your heat on low okay so there you have it guys this is how it's looking after about two minutes and I'm gonna go ahead and flip it over I don't know if you can see but I'll on the edges it's starting to get a big golden brown so this is why I'm gonna be going ahead and flipping it over okay okay it looks really really good okay now my heat remains on the low okay as it cooks on the other side we're gonna be going ahead and flipping it around just so it can cook all over so I'm just gonna go ahead and just check my dump engine I flip them over see how they're looking see so it's pretty much cooked on both sides but then what you want to do is to stop flipping it on this side so that it can start cooking on the edges as well okay I got it in this one last minute so see that okay so you can actually go ahead and put it on this side of the pot like so you know because you fund the edges to cook as well okay just do that now it may fold sometimes when you do this but it's alright okay so I just wanted to cook along the edges you know and then our dumplings will be ready so it's been going for about that's about four to five minutes now just needs another minute or so and it will be fully cooked see I flip this one over you just want that nice brownish color on this side okay amazing see that but a nice color coming in here okay now shouldn't take very long to cook okay another minute or so and it will be all done beautiful I want to give you guys a bit of a close-up just to see how it's looking all their fun enough it's already pretty close see that beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful guys and you can have this with anything of your choice you can have this with sausages you can have this with corned beef you can have it with whatever you like okay daddy going to our dumplings should be done now so over here I've got a lined plate with some paper towels and I'm just going to be removing these one by one and there you have it guys my delicious fried baked / fried dumplings are already you enjoyed this video don't forget to give me a big thumbs up try this recipe out and make sure to tag me on instagram at Aryans kitchen I'll be delighted to see how you guys get on with this recipe thank you so much for watching again don't forget to Like and subscribe on your way out [Music]
Views: 109,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Nepti3tbC0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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