How To Make Jamaican Beef Patties | StaceyB kitchen |

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hi guys welcome to my channel today we're making um jamaican beef patties um today we've got uh three cups of plain flour and we just mix them all combine them all together to create our perfect beef patty um this is a mixture of curry powder and um turmeric to get the color i like to add a little bit of touring um turmeric and um curry powder to give it the color or you could basically use egg powder to give you the color just the same and this is um two tablespoon um turmeric and curry powder mixed together so we just combine it together [Music] and this is one teaspoon salt also this is one tablespoon sugar i always tend to add a little bit of sugar to my um pastry right so we mix all the dry ingredients together and stir it nicely [Music] it's all mixed together ready for um your shortening and margarine this is actually um four tablespoons of um shortening and margarine mix one tablespoon margarine and three tablespoon shortening [Music] so basically you add it all to the dry ingredients and use your hands which i like to use to get it all crumbled together [Music] this is what it looks like um crumbled all together at the moment so this has got it um the turmeric curry powder shortening butter sugar salt and plain power and combine so now we've got ice cold water so you need to use ice cold water because that's what's going to cause that's what's going to get you the perfect crust nice ice cold water and then you just add it to the mixture and combine it all together as i said i like to use my hands because my hands give me the perfect um consistent [Music] [Music] within an hour rested in the fridge so [Music] this is what my patty dough looks like after it's been after it's combined all the dry ingredients the shortening uh the margarine so what we're gonna do is we're gonna um knead it a little bit more and then we're gonna put it in a bit of clean thing and put it in the fridge um as i said for either an hour or we can add it we can do it overnight so while the patty is um in the fridge resting for an hour we're going to start doing our patty filling first of all we get a nice saucepan and get our ingredients ready so what we have over here is some chopped tomato some koch bunny pepper a bit of onion spring onion or scallion otherwise known as scallion sometime and this is our dry um all-purpose seasoning with a little bit of pimento grains and stuff all be together there and here is our means 500 um gram minced meat and we have a little bit of ketchup but um a tablespoon and a half of ketchup and some soya sauce so what we're doing at the moment now is we're getting our saucepan ready to add some um oil i like to use olive oil for my um cooking so we're going to use a little bit of olive oil maybe about say 2 tablespoon olive oil airboat olive oil let it nicely to add all our m [Music] [Music] yes guys so after getting all our vegetables nicely fried up and stuff we're adding um our minced meat in at the moment that's about 500 gram as i said 500 grams of mince meats so we're gonna add all of it in and combine it with our um vegetables [Music] all spikes at the moment here which is combined of um as i said before some fermented grain i like to taste a little bit of fermented grain in it as well so this is about um a tablespoon and a half of our spice that's where the flavor comes in at the morning includes a bit of money feeding that as well in that old spice so yes guys after frying it down now for about um two to three minutes we're gonna add some um garlic powder in which i haven't got any fresh garlic at the moment so i'm using garlic powder which i love that the garlic powder in china to um give it that flavor as well so um now we're going to be adding also some soya sauce i'd like to add a little bit for yourself maybe about a tablespoon of soya sauce you gotta be careful because we're working with soya sauce which is a bit salty so i add a tablespoon to them and also we're gonna add now a little bit of tomato ketchup mr treasure what gives it that little flavor as well and then our final ingredient to this pot is we're gonna add a little bit of brownie and the browning is what's going to give it the color because this at the moment what we're looking at is not our exact color this is not the color that we're exactly looking for at the moment so we're going to add about a teaspoon of brownie so this is about a teaspoon of brownie [Music] looking for this color at the moment so [Music] we're just mixing it all up together in the morning before we leave it to steam cooked down for about 20 15 to 20 minutes at the moment so this is the color that we're actually looking for at the moment this is after we have it um covered for about five to ten minutes getting it ready for another 15 to 20 minutes what we're gonna do at the moment is also is to you notice at the moment it's very um loose it's not thick and combined together at the moment so we are trying to get a really nice um gravy or sauce that actually holds the meat together a bit so we've got some you can use either breadcrumbs or cornstarch today we've only got some cornstarch at the moment so we're going to add a little bit of cornstarch to it [Music] and now we're going to add a little bit of water to it at the moment and leave it to simmer for about um 15 another 15 minutes and then our party filling should be ready guys this is our um patty filling looks like after it's been bubbling away for 15 minutes what we're gonna do now guys is as you can see at the moment our patty filling is still a little bit separated so what i like to do in this case i leave it for about 15 minutes after it's cooked now 15 minutes just to rest and then we're gonna blitz it for maybe about two to three seconds in our food processor just to give it that little bit of moistness or to give it that nice party juicy party feeling yes guys so this is what our party filling looks like as i said after it's been cooling for about 15 minutes i'm gonna add it to our nutriblast just bleach it for maybe about two to three seconds literally just so that the mints can just chop up a little bit so it's easier and more soft so we're blitzing it at the moment so as i said two to three seconds so yes guys that's after we've lifted we put it back in the pot in the saucepan again so that we can um give it that consistent that we're looking for and you remember earlier in the first bit i said to you i'm not to use all this chopped onions we're going to save some so what i've done in this case is i've had i've had a little bit left over so we normally add it i like to add it to the last bit of the patty filling so that that can cook because i like to taste a little bit of spring onion in my party so i've added in that's going to be cooking for another five minutes and then our patty filling will be ready for our party so yes guys this is our party um our pastry looks like after sitting in the fridge for an hour we're gonna dust our counter and roll our party um pastry out and cut it get it ready to add our meat filling in [Music] yes we are ready to cut our putty circles what we like to use to make the perfect circle is a round ball like this one just add it onto the pastry like that then you use a knife score it around like that [Music] and this is my perfect party circle yes guys from the um three cups of flour that we had with our pastry and stuff we got um 12 patty um cuts out of it so right here we've got one of our party um circle getting it ready now to add our patty meat so this is nicely cooled on over here now we're adding it onto our patty pastry that's how it looks on the party's pastry this is a little bowl of water this is what i use to seal the edge of my patties so that it doesn't burst open what we do is nice like that and we use this fork to seal the end nicely [Music] see how it seals it nice you just press it bring it along just like that [Music] and repeat the sewing process so that we don't have um patty meat all over our party crust i hate that guys okay and this is it patty made and ready to add onto a baking sheet so yes guys this is how our packet look um on our baking tray at the moment we've got six on at the moment what we're doing at the moment is putting a little hole on top so that the party can get a little bit air so they don't burst and meet lying all over the place so we just put some hole on top like that and then our patty are ready to land in the oven so what we're doing at the moment is we're adding our patty in the oven and my oven is at um guest mark um four um some people might be guess mark um 160 they're about and this will take about 15 to 20 minutes today we're ready these are just coming out of the oven at the moment guys there they are nice fresh juicy jamaican beef patty we're gonna break one to do a little test to see if they're nice and juicy yes and [Music] look at that guys hot juicy flaky [Music] there we go we've come to the end of the video so please don't forget to like comment and subscribe [Music] you
Channel: StaceyB kitchen
Views: 30,506
Rating: 4.8853636 out of 5
Id: kWZbFmUfdfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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