HOW TO MAKE JAMAICAN BEEF PATTIES// FLAKY CRUST//zendre_home_style_cooking🇯🇲🇯🇲

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to another video from zangie's ui faculty hello guys and welcome all right i decided that i will show my face a little bit today guys since i haven't done so for the longest time but i don't want you to get too comfortable because it's just me i'm very very camera shy but i decided that i will know and then just to break out of it and get a little bit more comfortable interacting with you guys all right so today guys i'll be preparing for you some delicious tasty more watering i can't describe it jamaican beef patty who doesn't like a good crunchy tasty beef patty i don't know that person okay but before i go ahead and tell you all the ingredients that we're gonna need for today's video i want you to go ahead and subscribe to my channel if you haven't yet subscribe to my channel okay all right so i'm going to walk you through all the steps that we're going to need to prepare this delicious all right [Music] ingredients that you're going to need for the big button okay so i'm going gonna start off with the pastry potatoes all right the pastry that is normally used to make the beef patty is called the flaky pastry reason for that is the butter which give it that flakiness that crunchiness if you have that experience eating a jamaican beef putting your bite into it and you hear that crunch yes that's what i'm talking about okay so we're going to need one and a half cup of all-purpose flour we're going to need one teaspoon curry powder and one teaspoon turmeric the reason why i'm using both you can go ahead and either use the tumeric alone or the curry powder but i like to mix mine it also i get the color from the curry powder and i get the flavor from the turmeric okay so also i'll be using half cup of butter and i like to mix mine with some shortening so this one third of shortening okay one teaspoon of all-purpose sorry guys not all-purpose one teaspoon of baking powder one teaspoon of salt and you're going to need water so i have about one cup of cold water it doesn't mean that i'm going to use all of that all right so for the filling here i have this is about one pound of minced beef and guys as i mentioned in previous video that i like to wash my mince beef before go ahead and prepare it i'm not seeing you to do that you can just go ahead and remove your from the package and just season it and prepare it but this is just me i can't come to term we just season it like that so if some persons are offended by it i do apologize but that is just me okay all right so we're going to need all-purpose seasoning we're going to need some black pepper i'll be using a little jerk season which is optional you don't have to add that to yours some garlic powder here i have this is about three cloves of minced garlic there is no jamaican beef patty without scotch bonnet peppers so this is about half scotch brownie pepper i'm not using the seed because i don't want it to be too spicy all right so this is half white onion dice as well as this is a very small carrot and i try to dice it as small as possible and some scalia all right so this is about two stalk of escalier okay i'll be using some dry thyme as well as some soya sauce maybe i'll use maybe a little bit of browning just to give it a little bit of color all right so this portion will yield about six to eight patties so i'm going to maybe do about two cheese patties it's the same method you just bake it with a regular beef then once it is um done you take it out then you just open the patty put the cheese and then stuck it back in the oven for maybe a minute or so also one egg and the egg is for the egg wash all right so let's go ahead and know and start working on the dough since you have to do the dough first and place it in a free trouble 30 minutes to an hour before you can go ahead and start on your patty okay in my one teaspoon baking powder i've already add my one teaspoon of salt so i'm going in with my mixture of curry powder as well as my tumeric powder right [Music] to incorporate the salt the baking powder as well as the spice [Music] all right so you're going to do the bottom now you're going to cut out the bottle similar to that for crumbs all right but you have to work your hand very fast because the temperature and everything will cause the water to melt [Music] like this [Music] i'm going to add my shortening as well [Music] i'm going to use all the sharpening i put some of the butter to use [Music] you're going to crumble until you get like uh what you'll see now my bread crumbs texture it doesn't have to be perfect but just to ensure that you get most of the butter crumbled out [Music] you could use a fork for this you could also use your stand mix to finish this off once that is done then i'll come back and show you how the door is looking all right so now this is how it is looking and as i mentioned earlier it doesn't have to be perfect okay and also guys what i did so instead of using the one and a half cup of flour i did add more flour to that so it will be two cups so you're not going to change anything else you're just changing from the one and a half cup to two cups all right so now i'm going in with my cold water and remember we're not kneading the dough we're just trying to get everything in to form that dough ball all right [Music] so this is how it is looking now guys so i'm going to i don't mind the stickiness okay and as you can see you're still seeing the bottom the sharpening and then as i said it doesn't have to be perfect so what i'm going to do now i'm going to wrap this in something wrong put it in the fridge for 30 minutes you can put it by either 30 30 minutes to one hour i'm only going to do 30 minutes and get started i'm adding a teaspoon of salt everything will be listed down below so not to worry my all-purpose seasoning some jerk seasoning as i said that's optional and you want to ensure that your mint is well seasoned because a part of the patty the filling has to taste good all right you need to have that flaky pastry as well like that juicy nice and flavorful filling inside all right so i'm going in with some garlic powder to that also we'll be adding some black pepper some dry thyme and you could use a fresh thing okay as well as some soy sauce about a teaspoon of soya sauce add in about a teaspoon of browning and as i said this is optional i'm just adding it because i want to give my means some color okay [Music] so that i'll be adding some about a teaspoon of green then i'm just going to mix this up together and this is how it is cooking i'm just going to put this aside and start salty mad vegetables okay okay so guys i went ahead and had one tablespoon of olive oil so i'm just going to start by sauteing my carrots first start going in with my onions [Music] so i'm adding nice crushed bunny taco and i just add some more some green to the yellow to give it a mixture as well so i did find some grated ginger so i'm going to add it this is about a teaspoon as well as my minced garlic so i'm just going to add this to it [Music] i'm gonna give this a mini card too before adding this [Music] i love a goodie patty and anybody that knows me know that beef patty is one of my favorite street food i would eat it all the worse if cheese is in it trust me guys it is so good who doesn't like a good juicy flaky beef patty all right so i'm going to give this how many cards what i went on and then add the minced going in my lids [Music] [Music] for five minutes or so and then i'll be adding some water to the container that i season [Music] just look at that guys and the carrots the carrots and everything the carrot brings off the flavor in the beef carrot goes very well with whether it's roast leaves to be whatever type of beef you're doing trust me you need to try it all right so i'm just going to cover this for two to five minutes and i'll come back and chew oh my means it's looking so guys i'm going in with about a quarter cup of water and that was added to the bowl that the meat so [Music] [Music] for the next five to ten minutes let's finish so i'm adding my breadcrumbs and the breadcrumbs just to absorb any liquid that we left back into my mints because we don't want it we still want it to be nice and juicy and when we crunch up that patty we see that juice running out but we still don't want it to be too much or else it will get a little soggy okay [Music] so this set is finished okay okay guys so this is how it is looking now so i'm going to go ahead and turn it off put it aside and allow it to cool okay all right so guys i'm going to go ahead and fold my board so my surface is not as smooth as i would like it to be so i'm going to go ahead and use my cutting board all right [Music] just look at that color guys perfect okay also you need to throw your rolling pin add a bit of flour you don't have to be perfect okay but i am not perfect i'm just going to go ahead and start ruining my dough [Music] and it comes down to rolling trust me guys you guys are just going to roll roll and as you can see look in the bottle that is what's going to give it that nice flakiness and i'm going to add some more butter put this back in the fridge for another 15 to 20 minutes then we'll start making our delicious okay all right so this is what i like to do with the remaining of my culture all right so i'm just going to grate it a little bit this is the shortening [Music] start to look like it's pretty small so you can see that once you're doing the dough you're shaping all the party with the butter all right so we're gonna bring in the sides and just put this like this and it's a bit messy but not to worry if my surface was a bit more then i would take it from this angle but based on how the dough all right like so [Music] layers of butter which is going to give it that flakiness all right so i'm just going to put this in the fridge for another maybe what i said 15 to 20 minutes all right so i'm just shaping it into a bow bowl again this is the same procedure for your board again or your surface so at this point now this is where you will decide how do you want to do your party as i stated earlier that the portion will heal at these six to eight patties all right then if you decide to do maybe cocktail patties you know that cocktail party is a bit smaller very small okay so you will probably get more maybe 10 to 12 all right but i'm just going to go ahead and do that i'm not going to do all eight patties today maybe about four but let's see all right so i'm just gonna roll this [Music] out [Music] establishment you realize that the cross is not too thick all right so we don't want it to be too thick and then when you had that tweet not that just perfect all right so throw this out like so [Music] i'm just trying to stretch it based on this [Music] all right so this is what i'm going to use you can use a bowl you can use your pizza cutter or whatever you choose to use i think i can get maybe two from this once i take off the excess dough [Music] a little bit more so guys i'm going to show you two first and then i'm just going to finish off the rest off camera then i'll come back and show you my oven is already preheated to 185 is going to be for at least 20 to 25 minutes okay just to the side that you need as i said it doesn't have to be perfect but just good enough so it can look like a party oh i'm just going to fold this in half so i know where exactly i'm just going to add a generous hormone [Music] [Music] [Music] so any excess at this point now you remove it and as i can see for this it's okay i don't need to remove any so what i like to do is just to just put poke some holes in my patty and now i'm just going to place this on the baking tray like so and then remember that egg i just add some water about a teaspoon of water to it mix it up and i'm just going to brush it over that is going to give it that nice golden um okay so i'm just going to do another one for you guys [Music] right [Music] i already filling you arrived to the edge of the patty sorry guys all right so just gonna close this off like so again just to ensure that [Music] so it's place it on my baking tray again just adding some egg wash to this and you don't need to add too much egg wash because i'm sure whenever you buy the patty they're not so shiny shiny i don't like when the patty just looks too shiny so you don't want to put too much egg wash on it okay you just want just a generous amount to give it that nice rolling all right so that's two guys i'm going to finish off once that is done that i come back and show you when i place it i need seven patties and i'm going to put butter remaining just wrap it in some cling wrap put it in your freezer when you're ready to use it next time just take it out and allow it to tall all right so i'm gonna bake these as i said 20 to 25 minutes then i'll show you guys my patties out of the whole room and just look at that guys it's cripsy and crunchy so now what i'm going to do before i cut it and show you guys what i said i was going to the two of the cheese i'm just going to open this up let me just put this one [Music] it's very hot i'm just going to place the cheese like so and i'm going to do two and put it back in the oven for another minute or so then i'll show it to you my party's all no and the cheese is melted so i'm just going to go ahead and cut it and show you one okay all right so let me see which one i'm going to do the cheese first and trust me if your patty's not crumbling apart then that dough is not perfect oh my goodness just look at this guys it's really hot just look at this delicious goodness oh it's super hot guys the cheese is melted it's not all the way in but as you can see just look at that nice and the dough is flaky trust me guys that's what you want when you're doing your passion okay so i'm just going to cut another one which is the beef one and show it to you guys because remember i said that dough does not make a great patty then the filling then look at this look guys and just look at that delicious filling it's flaky as you can see the layers of butter that's what i was talking about okay you want to get your patty exactly guys there you have it my delicious beef patty and guys i wanted to go ahead and try this recipe use the exact recipe that i use in today's video step by step and let me know how do you find it because trust me guys this place everything is there what you're looking and that's exactly what you're looking for when you're doing a jamaican beef patty okay so go ahead and let me know so guys i hope you did enjoy today's video and if you did please remember to go ahead and like this video leave a comment down below let me know what you think about today's video as well as share it with friends and family and guys if you haven't yet subscribe to my channel what are you waiting on go ahead and do so on your way out all right santa come your way again with something delicious from my kitchen to yours take care and enjoy it was a pleasure doing this for you today guys okay bye [Music] you
Views: 6,198
Rating: 4.828877 out of 5
Id: P4pMiyda5hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 25sec (1645 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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