How To Make Grandmoms Fry Bread

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hey guys today I'm going to show you all how to make fried bread and someone had told me that they wanted to see my kitchen and why don't I show my kitchen and the videos so here's the mysterious kitchen behind the camera guys okay just a quick show of my kitchen okay and over there to the right of the stove is where I do my videotaping and where I set my camera up okay there's the kitchen guys okay so now everyone that wanted to see what my kitchen looks like that's what it looks like guys okay so now I'm going to show you guys how to make fry bread what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put the video on pause I'm gonna set up my ingredients and I'll be back okay guys I'm back I have my camera set up and we're ready to go okay let's get this fry bread mixed together and this is very simple guys okay so now I have 2 cups of sifted flour okay and it's just all-purpose flour you can use self-rising flour any kind of flour you want to use okay so we have the flour alright and then we're going to use three teaspoons of baking powder this is a tablespoon but I know how much a teaspoon is okay guys so I'm gonna use three teaspoons okay there's one all right there's two teaspoons and [Music] three teaspoons of baking powder okay then oops I spilled my milk a little over here let me wipe that milk up I hate to make a mess guys there we go okay now we're gonna use 1 teaspoon of salt okay just a teaspoon no more okay teaspoon of salt okay we're going to use 1 cup of milk ok let's first we want to mix the baking powder in there in the salt okay mix it up well just like this guys this is a very very very simple recipe my grandmother had told me about this recipe and one morning that I had spent the night over there she told me that she used to make i bred for her kids when they were little and she said when she didn't have money for bread she would make fried bread okay and then she would just I put butter and honey on it okay let's put that milk in there guys or she would put jelly or strawberry preserves whatever she had and you eat that like your bread or your biscuit okay and that's what she would do is make fry bread now you can make a Navajo fry bread and what you do with that that's an Indian frybread and what you do guys is you take your taco meat you put that on top of the fry bread you put your lettuce tomato and your cheese and sour cream and you have what you call I mean I'm sure you guys have heard of like a chalupa chalupa taco that that's what this fry bread is gonna look like you can make it savory just like I explained or you can put the honey and butter on it now the one that my grandmother made for me was the one with honey and butter on it okay so that's what we're gonna make today all right here in a second I'm gonna have to go in with my hands okay and mix this up okay this is simple look at this guys this is all you do and this is mistake-free like you cannot make a mistake it's so simple and so easy okay see it turning into a ball that's what we want it to do guys okay this is sticky it's supposed to be sticky so don't worry if it's sticky okay here's what I'm getting ready to do guys I'm getting ready to move these ingredients here and then I'm gonna flour the counter so we can knead this dough okay so that's what I'm getting ready to do I'm gonna put the video on pause and I'll be right back okay guys as you can see I first thing I want to tell you just make sure your calendar is impeccably clean okay because you don't want to roll your dough to your dough out in your counter wasn't clean okay so now you can see I threw some flour okay there's no certain amount I just throw some flour on the counter okay now let's get this dough out just like this guys and what's going to happen yes this flour is going to mend in this dough and it's gonna cause the dough to get more pliable it won't be as sticky okay here in a second I'm going to go in with my hands let me put this up on this all right watch me work guys I'm gonna get a little bit more dough I'm sorry a little bit more flour just put that over there just in case I need it okay all right watch what this flour does okay and you see when I need flour I'm just gonna bring it over here okay we're using this flour guys see that bring it over see see how it's not sticky anymore see that that's just flour it's not sticky anymore okay that's what we want guys and you do not have to have a rolling pin for this okay just use your hands okay choose your hands guys have fun play with the dough let the kids get in and play with this dough let them have fun okay if they never get to touch the ingredients and the kids never get to play in ingredients and stir it they won't have any interest when they get older give them some memories guys give those kids some memories of you and them in the kitchen cooking together okay that's what my dad did for me my dad and my grandmother they gave me memories so many beautiful memories of us in the kitchen cooking together or me just sitting at the counter watching them okay look at those guys this is a beautiful Dell okay now I'm gonna put in the work guys I'm gonna need it what you want to do is put some work in knead this dough I'm gonna get me a little bit more flour knead it till it's a very nice soft consistency okay work it guys work that gluten okay make that gluten active let's have a beautiful fry bread here now guys honestly if you wanna like when you're done if you want to cut these into squares you can but I just do like a free-form circle and some of the circles you know they're they're all different different shapes and that's fine with me that's what I like okay I like it to look a stick if that's the right word I'm not sure if that's the right word but yeah just make them freeform okay I just kind of pulled the dough often and Pat them like this and whatever shape comes out that's fine with me okay some people worry when they get in the kitchen don't worry guys cuz your food will turn out right if you guys follow the recipe it'll turn out just fine okay so please don't worry when you get in the kitchen a lot of these recipes that I make are so simple and I make sure they're very detailed so you guys can understand exactly what I'm doing okay this dough here is completely done okay can you see that now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna clean my counter off let me turn my camera over to the stove you can see I have a frying pan okay and I have about an inch and a half of oil in the frying pan I'm gonna turn my frying pan up low medium high let's get this oil nice and hot when this oil is hot we're gonna fry our fried bread I'll be right back okay guys I'm back now I have my oil heating up okay what we're gonna do we'll take this dough we're gonna cut it okay in a soft as butter guys it's nothing hard okay let me see if you guys can see that its softest butter okay so we're gonna take some you can do little tiny ones if you want okay see this well you know what it's feeling a little sticky okay and I feel like I need a little bit more flour but this is what you want guys since it's sticky I'm just gonna go right back here if it's sticky we'll just let's put up some more flour in here okay no problem all right let's get that flour in there guys and let's work it let me get a good picture in okay get that flour in there let's continue to work it okay trial and error okay like I said this can't go wrong but if you come into the situation where we're I just showed you the same thing if it's really sticky you put you some more flour on there like I just did guys and it won't take long it won't take long at all okay need you some more flour in there okay guys just like that trial and error there we go now we're working see I thought it was ready but it tricked me okay now we got that flour in there okay just like that guys okay let's try this again [Applause] alright let's go ahead cut you a piece off it doesn't matter how perfect doesn't matter how big or how small you can do little ones okay I do suggest Oh take your hands and do this if you have to okay that's just flour I do suggest rolling them out thin okay not too thin okay and like I said guys you do not need a a rolling pin okay just like this guys let's aim for a circular disc but it doesn't have to be perfect okay just like this guys no rolling pin needed okay here's one done okay set that aside let's cut us another one guys I'll probably make about like maybe five or six and me a little bit of flour okay go ahead and make you know kind of pull it out just like this okay this is a lot of fun guys I love working doing my fingers for some reason when I did the the video for the homemade cinnamon rolls guys I had so much fun like I had a ball I think that was on Thanksgiving Eve I made homemade cinnamon rolls and net dough was beautiful guys and the yeast smell was so beautiful I had a lot of fun making that look at this just any if you get a hole in it just do like that and close it okay just like this guys there's two okay let's cut us another one a little bit of flour work it work it work it ladies work it gentlemen just like this well that oil gets hot my husband was telling me it's afternoon time it's Sunday it's afternoon time and he told me he said I got a taste for something sweet I said let me give you okay I said I know what I'm gonna go make so I'm making the fry bread and then he got to hear the story about my grandmother making it she made it for me one morning and I absolutely loved it and all she put on that guy's was butter and honey and it was delicious it was just me and her in that kitchen and she told me well like I told you guys she used to make it for her kids when she didn't have bread so look at this guys in that beautiful very simple there's another one okay let's cut it another one guys put out some flour on there just work it get in the kitchen guys try different recipes do different things okay show your family different recipes so they won't get tired of the same old thing and now I know I told you guys about this in the beginning of the video but I just wanted to reiterate about the Navaho bread where they fry this up they put the taco meat on there put the lettuce and cheese and sour cream and maybe black olives and it's beautiful it's a beautiful dish guys and they just eat their tacos that way and once that taco meat soaks down in this and in this fried ramp whoo it's beautiful it's a beautiful sight guys and it tastes delicious okay so let's cut another see that just like this guys nothing hard okay no rolling pin needed and that's what I love I I don't really like working with the rolling pin I don't know why but I can't stand using a rolling pin I'd rather use my hands guys and it's funny when I made my um cinnamon rolls I didn't use a rolling pin at all guys go to that video and check it out I just rolled it out I push pause on that video I rolled out that dough and then look just like I used a rolling pin but didn't need it that dough is so soft and so easy and pliable look at this see all the different shapes and that's what I like about it they're all different you could do squares if you want triangles whatever you want to do mistake-free frybread and like I said guys if you don't have enough flour hey roll it again if you don't have enough flour then throw some flour on top of it just like this guys no problem okay now what I'm gonna do I'm done with this last one so we have 6 so that 2 cups of flour gives you 6 of these that's quite a bit ok and then if you need more there's double the recipe okay I'll put a little bit more flour on that well no one's a little sticky just like this guys ok now let's go over let's go over to the oil and check our oil out now what I'm also gonna do I know I've showed you guys in the video before how to check your oil and see if your oil is done what we're gonna do guys is you're gonna put some flour in there well just like this and if it sizzles is done it's not sizzling so that oils not hot enough okay when you're frying something you want to always make sure your oil is hot enough because when you do like this with that flour that oil will sizzle okay but since it's just soaked into the bottle that one's not ready yet so what I'm gonna do I'm washing my hands now price some fried bread guys okay be right back okay guys my oil is ready we're gonna go ahead and put our fry bread in remember I so what I did I put my flour in let me do it let me do it for you guys put my flour in it sizzles it's ready okay let's go ahead and put three of them in there's one you want to have a deep oil okay so it can have a chance to rise because once it's almost done it'll rise for you guys okay let's put three of them in okay and like I said this will not be oily the only way this will be oily guys if you put this if you put any food in a cold oil your food will be oily but you make sure that that oil is nice and hot your foods will not come out really okay that's a promise okay so that's why we did the flour test when that flour sizzles you can put your food in but if you put that flour in and that flour just goes to the bottom not ready you're gonna have oily food okay here we go guys this is so exciting my family is there they're waiting on those guys we've already had breakfast but it's 1241 p.m. and they're ready for a snack and this is what I'm gonna give them guys the next time I make this I'm gonna be making the Navajo fry bread look at that similar to the Taco Bell chalupa okay so they'll be able to have that savoury guys I didn't know that I had this video on pause here's what they look like they're cooking I don't know how long the video is on calls guys but here they are you know okay I got my last ones in and you see once they once you put them in they start to float and when they start to flow that's your indication to look you know to keep an eye on the other side and turn them when they're ready okay so here we go this one's ready almost ready almost okay meanwhile let's come over here hopefully I didn't have the video on balls for too long okay so now here we go guys fried bread 101 okay look at this guys look at this okay let's peek in again one more time if this one's seen floating just like that guys and just keep looking in you know what he's ready okay and when he gets nice and golden-brown and turning okay all right he's here let's go ahead and put up some butter on these hold on one second guys I'll be okay guys this last fried bread it's almost done let's peek in addy I hope you guys didn't miss too much of a video when I had it on pause I didn't know I had my camera on Paul's guys okay let's see just like this guys almost done almost done let's get that last one done [Music] so easy and like I said guys let the kids get in let them mix it up okay let them look forward to something when you say you're gonna make these let them need to do okay I'm gonna turn the stove off now let's get some butter on these guys okay here we are guys beautiful butter on all of these guys bottom guys look at that is that beautiful beautiful guys okay yeah let's go ahead get some of these plate it up okay I have a picture of that all right let's take just take one of these guys all right this first one here let me zoom in a little bit so you guys can see let's go ahead put some beautiful butter on here guys okay next step this is the one in my grandma made for me and I called her grandma okay honey dies honey whoa wait this right here guys that is beautiful okay this next one let's go ahead put out some butter on this one okay and try to put your butter on as soon as they come out okay so that butter can melt okay this next one guys this next one's gonna get some jelly or if you guys like strawberry preserves you know peach preserves whatever you like whatever your family likes give it to them okay Oh guys this is better this is better than a biscuit on Sunday morning mmm okay here's the next one guys here we go let's put us some butter on this one okay and then I'm gonna need my powdered sugar guys this right here remind you of a funnel cake this one right here remind you of the funnel cake guys oh my goodness this Oh it's fried bread at its best guys I'm gonna put a little bit more butter on this one okay look at that look at this guys and do it grandmom's way put the honey on guys mmm if you guys love biscuits oh this is nothing like a biscuit oh but you lose your you lose your everlasting mind over these look at that okay let me get some jelly who doesn't love grape jelly like seriously mmm we're almost there guys we are almost there mmm and the last one we haven't forgot about this one we haven't forgot about this one guys let's get us some butter on there I don't know why I'm whispering guys I'm just so excited I'm just like sigh let me wash my hands and I'll zoom out a little bit so you can see it a little better let me zoom out guys let me move this frybread 101 any way you want it guys we can make it we can make it savory we can make it sweet we can melt cheese on top we can turn it into a taco guys this right here it's a recipe you definitely should make for your family and friends and just watch them lick their fingers guys watch them enjoy this if you guys liked this recipe give me a like if you haven't subscribed to my channel guys subscribe to this channel because I'm always making something good in this kitchen okay let's go in guys let me wipe my stove off really quick I hate to have a mess okay now I'm ready I'm ready to try this and then I want to take some my family okay let's dig let's dig in guys first I have to try this one grandmum style with the butter in the honey oh look at this guy's oh my gosh you'll fall in love you will fall in love if you've never fell in love before guys once you eat this mmm oh you'll fall in love I know I'm trying to piece off of everyone but I can't I can't take it I have to try mmm everyone [Music] mmm all right let me dip it in the powdered sugar mmm so good guys so tasty and as always god bless have a great night and thank you for watching
Channel: undefined
Views: 567,361
Rating: 4.8357401 out of 5
Id: l4TF7pZvtrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 52sec (1792 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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