Charlie's Thanksgiving 2022 Preparation video

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hey what's up y'all it's Charlie and I want to welcome you all to my 2022 Thanksgiving preparation video this video features several clips of me preparing and cooking and baking several items now to give me a quick disclaimer I made over 27 items so this is going to be a pretty long video to help you out I've divided the video into 21 chapters and I've also included links to my two past Thanksgiving preparation videos I'll have all the links in the video box at the top of this comment section and in the description box so without further Ado let's get started and I hope you all enjoy the video all right let's get straight to it so I'm gonna go ahead and get started with making my pie crust I'm making nine pies this year so I have to make enough pie crust for nine pie shells all right so let me get started I'll go ahead and add my flour it's about four cups today I'm dumping in the recipe I don't know why and to that I'm gonna add a half a cup of sugar gotta add enough sugar in there and to that I'm gonna add a half a teaspoon of salt I might add a little bit more salt hold on I gotta get that a little bit more sprinkle salt give that enough flavor oh yeah imma just post this a couple of times just to get everything Incorporated great now I'm gonna add my uh cubed butter and my cubes shortening it's cold it's about 12 tablespoons of the butter and 12 tablespoons of a shortening oh this is too much it's all right we're gonna make it work we gonna make it work and I'm gonna post this until this course crumbs it's gonna take a couple of minutes all right the butter and the shortening is cut into the flower all right our transcript flour mixture into this large bowl and to that I'm gonna add 2 3 cup of cold water now I did remove a teaspoon and a half uh the Water I replaced it with vanilla extract and butter extract give it a little flavor you know let me just take my spoon and give this a quick stir until it starts to come together all right that looks good so I'm gonna just foam this into a dough it's gonna stick at first but keep working with it and they'll come together well yeah that's perfect pretty thick and it's not too soft that hours just right and there we go we have our pie domain I gotta make a couple of more of these all right and that is it for our pie crust I made about seven total um these are actually double the recipe so that's two full six and it's a seven right here now I place these into the refrigerator for about 20 minutes and I did take a sample off each pie crust and put it in the fry and had a taste of it it's pretty good so yeah now I'm a lightly flour the surface of my table I add the dough on top of that and just press that down a flower on top now I just roll this out into a large Circle [Music] fit just about right pull this up onto the rolling pin I'm gonna do this carefully unroll it I'll just take some kitchen scissors and trim off the excess shoot this might give me more than more than what I wanted that under like that and it's just that simple one y'all all right now let's go ahead and crimp the pie crust and I got a new method this year I'm gonna use my my thumb and my index finger now normally I would go like this I would push in and out and just push in with my index finger but I'm trying something different so I'ma just take I hope y'all can see is this the power question right here and I'll just take my and just bring it like that I'm kind of pinching it so to speak I'm pinching the pie crust that's what I'm doing I'm just pinching it it's a little pinch I'll see how that came out look lovely and it is ready for the freezer all right here's the second one now I might just go through a much quicker process so that way I could show you everything and get it done that's the second one done all right here's pie crust number three I'm working on I already have it dusted and everything just roll it out and go from there hold on all right here's the fourth pack Russian I'm about to roll this out and put it in my pie pan Lala here's pie crust number five our flatten didn't put some flour on top and I'm Gonna Roll It Up let's roll it on my kind of paint off the excess now I'm cramping the pie crust and that's it all right this is pie crust number six go ahead and roll this out and put it in the pie pan [Music] I just rolled it onto my baking pan just push that in good to go now I'm cramping the pie crust I hope y'all can see them all in the way I'm trying to get a nice view for y'all all right here we go pie crust number seven I added my flower and added the dough and all that stuff I'm doing something a little bit different this time I'm making some sweet potato pie squares so this pie crust is going to go right in here so now I'm just going to go ahead and roll this out and just put it in my baking pan there we go foreign as you can see I cut it out into the square so it could fit in the baking pan like this as you can see I cut this out into a square now I'm gonna just roll this up onto my rolling pin very carefully all right now just press this down in here and there we go all done all right he is the eighth eye Crossing I actually uh made this pie crust from all the pieces that I got from all the other pie crusts that I made and cut out and I just took the excess and made a pie crust with it so I'm gonna go ahead and roll this out now this is actually my pie crust opening princess I hope keep it together just unroll it onto my pie pan foreign did with the other pie crust and there we go all right here's the ninth and final pie crust of course this is mine so I'm gonna go ahead and roll this out and put it into my pie pan foreign [Music] all right now I'm just uh chopping up my green beans oh all right now I'm gonna go ahead and rinse my green beans off with cold water and I'm gonna add the green beans into this boiling water here I add a little salt now too foreign [Music] for a few minutes it's looking good now let them cook for about five minutes now I'm gonna go ahead and add my green beans into this strainer with a bowl underneath it I'll just take my green beans out of there just add them into this ice cold water bath over here that's going to help stop the cooking process I don't know why I added so little water I thought that was gonna be enough stir to make sure all right I also reserved my water that my green beans cooking all right now I'm vacuum sealing the green beans I did add the liquid in there and uh here is the vacuum sealer I wish I had a canister to put this in next time I buy my little canister and put it in there all right I founded a couple pounds of these chicken gizzards and I'm gonna rinse them off the cold water and I'll add about two pounds of chicken thighs into this string I'm gonna just mostly chicken thighs off the cold water and I like to do this stuff to rinse off in a lot of particles that might be on the chicken all right now I'm gonna just go ahead and trim off some of this fat off the chicken there we go all right now I've taken my chicken gizzards and my chicken thighs and I placed them into these freezer bags here got them nice and organized and ready to go so that way now they're ready for the freezer and after that I freeze them take them out throw them out from there they're ready to be cooked now what I'm doing now is I'm uh cutting my turkey necks in half these are smoked turkey necks by the way a little stuck there so I'm gonna tell you what I'm gonna do of course I got a towel put underneath here here I have a hammer and I did clean and disinfect my hammer and everything before I proceeded to food with it I have a mitten right here protect the knife I might just hold it as still as possible and just hit it it's about to get a little noisy so get ready foreign ly vacuum sealing the smoked turkey necks in my vacuum sealer right here seal in the bag right now that's why you don't hear it all right now I'm peeling my shrimp for my dressings and stuff I got like two Seafood dressing Seafood cornbread dressings stuffed bell peppers stuffed melatons my stuff another time dressing so I'm peeling about eight pounds of shrimp I normally need a little bit more than this that's all right I'm gonna get this done I like peonishment this is uh it's kind of like tedious work it takes a long time it helps you pass the time by you know I just like peeling shrimp you know just sitting here chilling you know all right this is all I did so far for the preparation and freeze day you know over here I have my pie crust that I made from scratch earlier some of them are frozen some of them are not some of them have to go in the freezer with all of them actually and here's some of the stuff that we prepared I have the chicken thighs and chicken gizzards and here I have my smoked turkey necks the green beans the uh the shrimp tails and the shrimp heads I froze that and I even uh have my roast and my ground beef now I ain't really prepare this I just put it straight in the freezer I even have my turkey uh Ready to Go Frozen and ready to go as well I want to check out this that little small turkey I'm doing this year for Thanksgiving you know and uh not if this is all Frozen most of the meats and stuff I'm gonna put it in my refrigerator so that way over the next couple of days it'll thaw out slowly so that way they'll be ready to be cooked and that is it look at that look at that spread already it's looking good all right that is it um that's everything literally everything I still have a little bit more things to prepare like the greens and the cornbread I gotta we're going at the rice the elbow macaroni I'm trying to get done this year y'all it's not like I was last year where um I was doing everything on short notice this year I'm I'm already getting things done 12 days or 12 to 14 days before Thanksgiving get here so that everything is ready and prepared and good to go and like I said all this stuff could be done uh weeks in advance even a month in advance you know like shrimp and all that celebrate when it comes time you just take it out and cook it simple you know yeah they have a new process going on I think I already froze a lot of everything I already froze everything that I prepared so that way put it in the refrigerator let it throw out and that's it you know yeah so looking forward to this year um this is possibly going to be my biggest Thanksgiving today that's going to surpass the 2015 Thanksgiving I think 2015 I prepared 25 items I think this year I'm on track to about 26 items I'm gonna see we don't see when the video ends it's gonna be tough I said y'all well I'll see y'all tomorrow um got a couple things I'm gonna be doing so see you then peace good morning everybody and today is November 17 2021. it's a couple of days to Thanksgiving Let's Get Closer um so much for sleep last night um this morning I'm getting started with the sweet potatoes I also have to prepare uh the greens I gotta prepare more stones and I'm also going to be making some butter pecan ice cream you know yeah normally have ice cream on Thanksgiving well it's been a minute so this year I'm kind of making my return so to speak you know yeah um that's just about it I think that's oh yeah I gotta bake the cornbread too so let's get started with that all right getting started with my sweet potatoes this morning I'm boiling these sweet potatoes I'm actually boiling uh 19 this year last year I bought 15 this year I'm boiling 19 of them foreign 's done and out the way all right it's been about one hour and 30 minutes now let's go ahead and check on the sweet potatoes oh yeah that's done oh yeah that looks good oh yeah perfect we are done all right now I bring the water out of both parts here and I'm gonna just let these uh cool off until they're ready to be peeled all right let's get started with the cornbread so I got a lot to make I got about like five batches I have to make so I'm gonna just make a small batch and just go from there all right so in this bowl I have I added one and one fourth cups of yellow cornmeal into that I'm gonna add one and one fourth cups of the all-purpose flour one teaspoon of bacon powder one teaspoon of baking soda one and one half teaspoons of salt sugar so I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir now next up I'm gonna add the buttermilk that's about one and one half cups two large eggs at one temperature and one stick of melted salted butter let me just take my whisk and carefully stir this all right that's ready now here's the other two that I made at the Double recipe quite a big batch pour my cornbread batter into my big pan ripped this around chick now let's go ahead and bake these foreign s on the bottom rack and I'm gonna place my cast iron skillet on the top right now and I'm gonna just monitor it and make it and tell us that I don't really have no baking time enough like that so I just use my judgment skills to determine when it's done all right the cornbread is done now let's go ahead and remove this out of the oven right here is our first pan of cornbread our second one and this is my cornbread over here I'm gonna let this cool off and I'm gonna crumble this at a later time all right now I'm going ahead and uh peeling these sweet potatoes should be fairly easy to peel okay here I am mixing these sweet potatoes with a hand mixer and what I'm doing here is I'm removing the strings from the sweet potatoes so once I remove the mixer I'm going to rest the blades off that's where the strings of the sweet potato is going to be and then once I do that I'll mix it again and I'll repeat this step for about five to six times or until the strings have been completely removed off these sweet potatoes all right now that I'm finished with that I've taken the sweet potato puree and I placed them into these uh separate containers each container is uh for each sweet potato pie except for this one this one along with this one it's gonna make the sweet potato pie squares and yep that's the cornbread in the backpack there yep so into the refrigerator it goes good morning everybody today is November 18 2021 it's getting closer anyways um yesterday I did not get a chance to do the butter pecan ice cream in papetta Collard Greens so today I'm going to do that um and then I have a couple more things I got to do I gotta start baking today I have to bake um a lemon pound cake a pecan pie and a sweet potato pie now this is gonna be uh for the 20th so I have to have that prepared because this is not going to be a part of the final presentation but this is just to be a little something extra that I've included in this video um but also while I'm at it I think today I'm gonna go ahead and chop up all my seasonings and stuff as well and hurry up and get that out the way because I already have my Seafood and Meat all ready to go and my stuff is still been pretty really thawing out so um that's what I'm gonna do today I just gotta get these cakes and these pies out the way and I'm gonna start on that or whatever I got my dish water and everything ready so that way I could wash as I go and go from there so foreign all right now let's get started with the lemon pound cake this is all my ingredients here now you want to make sure that you have all your ingredients prepared measured and at room temperature all right now over here I have three cups of cake flour two teaspoons of baking powder one tablespoon of the lemon instant pudding and uh 1 4 teaspoon of salt and for the wet ingredients I have one and one fourth cups of heavy cream about 1 4 cup of lemon juice one teaspoon of vanilla three teaspoons of lemon extract and one teaspoon of butter extract and I also swirled about 1 4 of a teaspoon of the lemon yellow gel paste food coloring in there as well oh and I forgot to mention I also added about 1 4 cup of lemon zest from the lemon all right now my three sticks of unsalted butter at room temperature three cups of sugar and my five large eggs now these eggs over here for our pies so we're not worried about that right now I'm gonna go ahead and sift all these ingredients into this medium sized Bowl well give this a quick stir take my whisk and mix this together it should turn into a nice thick paste like consistency exactly what I'm looking for looks good I'm going to add my three sticks of unsalted butter at room temperature three cups of sugar about two teaspoons of oil that was canola oil I use let me mix this on high speed for six minutes all right that's all done now scrape down the sides of my bowl now I'm adding these five large eggs in one at a time scrape down the sides of my bowl mixture and want some of the lemon cream mixture and now I'm gonna just go ahead and mix that all together [Music] foreign batter into the baking pan all right now I'm gonna go ahead and place this into my preheated 325 degree oven on the bottom rack and I'm gonna just bake this until it's done it normally takes about an hour and 10 minutes foreign get started with making my sweet potato and pecan pie so I'm gonna add my two large eggs at room temperature and sweet potato pie and three large eggs at the temperature pecan pie I'm just taking my whisk and just give that a quick stir foreign about five tablespoons of melted unsalted butter added I added the butter in here already and one half cups of sugar in here and one and one fourth cups of sugar in here mix the little brown sugar in there I'll just give this a quick mix give this a quick stir foreign [Music] cup of that one tablespoon of that iron mixture okay a tablespoon of one and one half teaspoons of cinnamon and one eighth of a teaspoon of nutmeg and allspice get discount that looks good I'm at about two teaspoons of vanilla what and one teaspoon of butter extract I'm gonna add my pecan sauce it's about two cups I'm just fold that in now let me just add my pie batter into my pie pans and Frozen the pie shells to see and I'm gonna add my pecan pie batter right on you foreign into the cake should come out clean go ahead and place these in the preheated 360 degree oven just bake them until they die you have to Interchange and put one on the bottom one on the top let's see it's the half mark okay now I'm gonna get started with chopping up the seasonings so I'm gonna just chop up some yellow onion just take this in this bowl here now here I have some green onion I have a lot of it let me just go ahead and just chop this up foreign [Music] foreign just take this and place this into this medium-sized Bowl here all right now I added my green my red bell peppers into this strainer and I'm rinsing them off with cold water I'm just doing this a little bit at the time now I'm gonna go ahead and chop up done taking place I'll place my chaperone they'll help it into this not my chop up my red bill all right now I'm working on my bell pepper hats for my stuffed bell peppers I'm only doing about 12 this year I'm only doing 12. I'm not doing like 20 something like I did last year all right our pies are looking pretty good here I'll go ahead and remove this out of the oven and I'll sweet potato pie and our pecan pie is done I'm gonna just let these cool completely good morning everybody and uh today is Friday November 19 2021 um what a day it was yesterday um I did the uh sweet potato pie that pecan pie and the lemon pound cake and then between that I have responsibilities and other work that I needed to do so I didn't get a chance to do everything that I needed to do I was able to chop up all the seasonings last night I did the onion the green line the celery the bell pepper even did the bell pepper halves for the stuffed bell Gibson only the 12th this year I think I would do nice chop up the garlic and prepare the collard greens I'm also going to prepare these potatoes for the potato salad and the sweet potatoes I'm going to be making all the stocks I'll be preparing all my stocks and I'm also going to go ahead and get the desserts out the way I think that's it important so I won't be doing all of that at the last minute you know um I think today is going to be my last day doing the preparation because tomorrow I can actually start cooking start cooking the food and stuff I'm not really take my time with that this year and then on top of that you know I'm doing this recording so it is a very long process okay see if I didn't you wasn't recording this if I'll be able to uh get finished a lot faster but because I'm doing this video you know and then on top of that today is the today is Friday so um and working my YouTube work is coinciding with my my videos so it might take even longer uh I'm doing the stuff melatonin dressing I'm releasing that video at uh 1 pm today and on top of that I have another video that I'm gonna be doing that I'm going to be releasing right before Thanksgiving so I have to prepare that as well so it's gonna be a lot of work I hope it's gonna be it's going to be a lot of work I hope I'm going to be able to get finished with everything today it should be pretty easy you know anyways uh everybody's doing well and enjoying the video so far and all right y'all I'm back I'm about to make my um it started making two sweet potato pies so I had my two law jigs at room temperature give this a quick stir foreign [Music] about four tablespoons of that in there so I'm adding salted butter instead of unsalted I'm not going to add any additional soap though foreign next up I'm gonna add my sugar vanilla extract evaporated milk cinnamon half a teaspoon some nutmeg and some allspice and I'll go ahead and just carefully stir this in all right so I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna go ahead and pour my prepared pie batter into my baking pans my frozen pie shells I have to say my oven has to be ready around the same time so I gotta do this as quickly as possible just spread this around now some people ask how do I get my pies in the right portions I measure mine I weigh and measure my ingredients but my sweet potatoes and stuff now place these in a preheated 360 degree oven I'll Place one on the bottom Place one on the upper rack now normally take about an hour an hour and 10 minutes I like to just watch it make sure that everything is good now just make them until you're done yeah that's it all right now here is my other two sweet potato pie batters right here I just made them and this one is for my sweet potato pie squares right here so I'm gonna go eat and put both of these into the bacon pans and then I'm gonna put them in the oven as soon as possible yeah all right Ben so the bacon pans foreign foreign two sweet potato pies are done let me go ahead and remove this out of the oven all right a sweet potato pie squares are going in the pork sweet potato pie is going in and again I'm gonna just bake these until he's done all right now I'm gonna get started with another pecan pie and this is gonna be my sweet potato pie over here so I'm gonna add the eggs in now I'm gonna also add some salted butter now I'm not going to add any additional soap to it I'm gonna add some salted butter and I'm not going to add any more additional salt to it I'm gonna add some sugar I'm gonna add one and one fourth cups of that in here then I had one and one half cups of sugar in yeah and here I'm adding uh sugar and brown sugar mixed together one force of that in here vanilla extract now I'm gonna add some evaporated milk dropping you cinnamon Meg allspice it'll just cook stirred foreign foreign batter into the frozen pie shell foreign all right I'm gonna go ahead and place these into a preheated 360 degree oven replacement pie at the bottom [Music] same rules I'm a bacon until it's done all right now here I'm making a map of pecan pie give this a quick stir [Applause] let's give that a quick string all right so I'm at my pecan pie mixture into my pie pan be careful not to add too much foreign here you go Australia all right now McQueen please dissentee preheated 360 degree oven and again I'm gonna just make it until it's done it takes about an hour an hour and 10 minutes now I'm creaming my um sugar and butter for my butter vanilla almond pound cake now I'm adding my large eggs in one at a time while mixing on a medium speed now I'm alternating the flour mixture with the cream mixture scrape down the sides of my bowl and that's the wrap all done let's add my pound cake batter into my two pan let's bring this around give a quick Shake next to us nice and even all right y'all this is it for the pies it is done it's finished how beautiful she's beautiful she's beautiful places 325 degrees um speak it until it's done all right now let me go ahead and get started with cleaning these collard greens got a nice big bunch of it it's right here saw the stem the leaf off the stem now I'm gonna just go ahead and just something like this [Music] I'm gonna just cut it there we go all right I've added my collard greens into this strainer and I'm gonna see colored brings off with cold water now you want to make sure you rinse this off really good because [Music] all right now let's get started with your chicken and turkey stock so yeah I have two pounds of chicken gizzards about two pounds of chicken thighs and about one pound of turkey wing puffs sprinkle a little salt just a little sprinkle and a little seasoning salt black pepper Tony sash of race Creole seasoning some Chef Paul pudongs portray Magic onion powder and some garlic powder take my hands and Seasonings onto the chicken pieces everywhere foreign [Applause] all right now I added some butter into both of the pans and I'm gonna add my chicken pieces and my turkey pieces into both of these pans here I'm gonna let this saute for a couple of minutes on each side until they're nice golden brown all right I added some water into my slow cooker so I'm just add a little sprinkle just a little tiny bit of these Chef Paul put on support your magic in there until that I'm add a little bit more seasoning let me add some chopped yellow onion just a little bit celery got some celery leaves I'm drawing that too a little bit of green onion a lot of garlic right now some of them didn't look all it powder in there and just give it a quick stir out of all the rest of the season and that's it's going to come from the meat and it's gonna go in there I'm gonna go ahead and add my chicken gizzards foreign my chicken pieces a little flavor right there and my turkey pieces [Music] now I'm gonna cover this let me just let this little cook for about eight hours it's about 10 10 o'clock right now so I'm gonna just let it cook overnight to the next morning all right our vanilla pound cake is done let's go ahead and remove this out of the oven all right now let's go ahead and get started with checking out our turkey and our chicken stock sorry about that and it is done look at that I actually threw in some bay leaves in there as well all right I'm gonna add my chicken stock mixture into this go and there we have it uh chicken stock from scratch and our chicken and uh turkey mixture now I'm gonna use some of those chicken gizzards to add into my stuffing and as well as the dirty rice all right now here I have my water for my shrimp stock starting to come to a simmer and over here I have my smoked turkey necks in this uh pot here that's coming up to a simmer I'm not adding no seasoning or nothing in here because the turkey necks already smoked and that has enough seasoning in it already sprinkle some salt Tony accessories the black pepper and some Chef Paul podones Seafood Magic a little bit of salt to it there we go I'm gonna just give that a quick stir all right now I'm adding my shrimp heads and shells right on in there as you can see it's still a little Frozen but I'd rather for it to be Frozen and unfrozen that is still at a very cold temperature and it keeps the shrimp really fresh so yeah let's give that a quick stir break it up a little bit because the hot water finish throwing out the rest of that shrimp and I'm gonna just let this cook down until it comes a nice um concentrated stock it normally takes about an hour hour and a half you know I just like to eyeball it and the same thing goes for my turkey necks my smoked turkey neck so I'm gonna just cook this down until it's a nice and the turkey neck's got to cook down too so they gotta break up and everything so that's gonna take a good while I might take about one two hours we'll see all right these stock is done I let it cook for about 45 minutes let's let's go all right I'll let this cook down for about two hours and it's done the turkey uh the smoked turkey necks made a nice little broth right here kind of like milk but that looks and the turkey necks are nice and tender nearly falling off the bound when it comes apart already go [Music] and there we have it homemade shrimp stock from scratch not at my [Music] there we go now I'm a smother the collard greens in this liquid right here all right now I'm boiling my bell pepper halves for my stuffed bell peppers I'm only making 12 this year so I'm gonna let this boil for a few minutes all right the bell pepper house are done so let me just remove them place them into this thing in here now I'm peeling the potatoes for the potato salad and I'm gonna just chop this up into medium cubes taking these potato cubes and adding them into this large bowl here and I'm gonna just let them sit for a few minutes and then drain them into a strainer and then um after that I'm gonna cook them all right now here I have my eggs and my potato cubes going I'm about to get that simmering so I can make my potato salad all right up potato salad should be about done it's ready right here oh it's hot now I'm gonna just let this cool off all right now here I'm uh just started on my rice with my dirty rice I'm gonna just pop all this for a few minutes not until it's all the way done I'm gonna just add the rice into the mesh strainer let me just let that cool off in the strainer I'm gonna just peel my sweet potatoes is coming from Miami cut the sweet potato into these medium sized chunks all right now I'm cutting to my cloves of garlic into uh halves just cutting them into look garlic slices because I'm gonna be using this I'm gonna stuff this into my roots yeah my stuff the roast that I have with garlic so I'm cutting them into little slices I love I love garlic now I'm gonna chop the garlic up and tell them it's myths [Music] all right here I have my roast now I'm just stuff my roast with garlic I cut some holes here and a roast I'm just adding the garlic right in there and you got right on it now I love garlic and roast Rose is one of my favorite holiday dishes now I'm gonna slow cook this roast later on tonight so it's gonna be in the slow cooker tonight and then two in the morning all right I'm gonna just add a little olive oil into the palm of my hand it's a little it's a little enough just rub that around the roast foreign Rosemary make sure you do the same thing to the other side as well Mary it's a dry time all right we'll just press the seasonings on now ready for the slow cooker tonight now I'm separating the meat off the bones of the chicken and the turkey this is full of my cornbread dressing and what I'm doing here is I'm just just pressing down on the pieces of meat to make sure there's no bones in it or if not I can take a fork and I could place it on the table and take a fork and go like that and that I help with determining whether or not they have any bones in the most very cautious when I do this because I just I inspected at least about two times to make sure that everything is good now I'm chopping up my gizzards for my corner doing dressing [Music] now I'm about to puree some of the gizzards for the dirty rice the other half is going to go in my dressing the cotton Bridge Restaurant all right y'all this is all what I've done so far now we're gonna get started with the back in the back first all right so here I have uh one of several of the cornbread it's another one right here and here's the pies pecan pie have sweet potato I actually got a several sweet potato pies so my kitchen is so full that I can't show everything all right now let's go with our seasonings we have the chopped yellow onion the celery the bell pepper and the green onion and the garlic as well hiding right there now I found meat I have my smoked neck bones we'll be gonna be cooking the uh the collard greens in this we have our turkey and chicken mixture we have our ground uh rounded chicken liver mixture and that's for the stuffing as well that's the chicken gizzards for the stuffing and for our Seafood I have some shrimp tails I just got finished from peeling this this is the old one right here so I'm gonna use both of them now big blue crab puree right here and for our vegetables I don't even know where to start y'all oh for our meat hold on y'all and I also have my roast right here um I'm gonna cook that later on because I have so much stuff and for the vegetables I have my collard greens wrapped in here so I'm gonna be cooking that in just a second the bell pepper halves and we have the um green beans right here I'm gonna cook those tomorrow to cook those tomorrow that's still thawing out by the way it's very cool and I gotta make my potato salad as soon as possible and over here I have my stocks this is a chicken and shrimp and all that good stuff yeah this is the stock mixture that I got from the neck bones and I'm gonna use that to um to cook the green bean green green beans and in some of the collard greens and of course I have the sweet potatoes right here and have that silk in the water and test ready to be cooked I hope that's everything I don't think so I don't think it's all of it but I did the best I could and there you have it all right here I'm cooking my ground beef for the dirty rice and over here I have the uh chicken livers this is gonna go in the dirty rice as well all right so in this large pot I have some salted butter along with some sharp yellow onion some chopped celery some chopped green and red bell pepper and some chopped garlic give it yeah let me just let this salty for a couple of minutes and let it cook down so I'm gonna take my ground beef and the chicken liver [Music] all right let me add a little bit of seasoning salt black pepper Italians oh don't support your magic onion powder garlic powder and some dried thyme and some rice a little bit at a time needs a little bit more rice Quick Start that looks good Mass chicken stock the better flavor foreign all right now I'm gonna take some cornbread and I'm just going to uh crumble it into this large bowl now I'm gonna just crumble a little bit at a time depending on how much I need and just go from there then I'm gonna crumble too much all right now I'm making my uh two pans of seafood cornbread dressing soap and both of these pots I have chopped yellow onion chopped green onion celery green bell pepper red bell pepper and some chopped garlic I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir thank you sauteed for about 10 to 12 minutes stirring occasionally all right now I did turn my fire down a little bit once I finished sauteing my seasonings so I'm gonna go ahead and add my shrimp right now I'm gonna add the crab the whole thing on them now foreign seasonings and just add some salt black pepper only accessories Chef Papa domes Seafood Magic onion powder garlic powder some dried thyme and just a little drop of sage for flavor same with this part I'm gonna just sprinkle some salt black pepper Tony's sasheries Chef Paul put on Seafood Magic onion powder garlic powder it's a dry time so I just turned my eye up just a little bit and I'm gonna just give this a quick stir foreign [Music] tongue accessories black pepper and some shuffledongs seafood Magic same for this pot some salt black pepper Tony sasheries and some sharp polka-done Seafood Magic I'm gonna give this a quick stir now this should be done so I'm gonna turn my fire off now foreign just add some shrimp stock same with this part I'm gonna add some shrimp stuff right on there looks like a big gigantic soupy mess but that cornbread won't soak up all the flavors all the stuff that we added in here I'm gonna add the cornbread another round of cornbread going in there second round for that for that all right so now I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir might need a little bit more calm we're about to find out another round of cornbread that's the third amount it's there looks like we might need a little bit more cornbread oh yeah definitely [Music] I finally give this a stir again see what happens foreign a little bit more shrimp stock in you go ahead and give this a quick stir a little bit more shrimp stock in there all right now I'm gonna go ahead and get this another stir no that's really good there we go one last milestone add a little bit more shrimp stock there we go that's the consistency I'm looking for right there oh yeah two uh four bacon pans I put some butter in there foreign [Music] sprinkle some bread crumbs on top there's a little final garnish now I'm gonna place things into a preheated 450 degree oven they come until they're done taking it only take about an hour foreign something make sure you always stop what you're doing and wash your dishes Okay the reason why I see this is because if you don't wash your dishes and you don't clean as you go you're gonna run into some problems like just like right now I just got money from putting the seafood dressing in the oven so while that's in the oven I'm cleaning it up so now I'm basically preparing for my next season which is the bell peppers and my cornbread restaurant so in order for me to make that I gotta do this always cool as you go you're not gonna be able to do nothing else if you don't go ahead and always tell me as you go makes things a lot easier all kinds all right these Seafood cornbread dressing is done I'll go ahead and remove it out the oven foreign beef going for my stuffed bell peppers and over here I'm melting my butter for my cornbread dressing all right our ground beef is done now as you can see here let's zoom in as you can see down there it has a nice little juice foreign all right now here I have some salted butter and I have some chopped yellow onions some green onions some celery some red and green bell peppers and some chopped garlic and over here again I have some salted butter and I have some chopped yellow onion chopped green onion celery red and green bell peppers and some garlic I'm gonna let this saute for about 10 to 12 minutes stirring occasionally all right now at this time I'm gonna go ahead and add my shrimp this is for my stuffed bell peppers I'm also adding my crab meat in there as well I'm just dump the whole thing in there now I did turn my fire down and in this bottom I add my chicken and turkey mixture it's still kind of Frozen I'll make sure it's that keep it at a good temperature [Music] and my gizzard pieces right on in there I'm gonna go ahead and give this a Quick Serve now I'm gonna turn my fire back up just a little bit all right now I'm gonna go ahead and stir it still have my fire turned down being Seafood now I'm gonna turn my fire back up just a little bit all right seasoning part one you ready so now I'm gonna go ahead and add some salt some black pepper Tony sachary's Creole seasoning Chef Papa Don's Seafood magic onion powder garlic powder and some dry thyme all right here we go for the second pop season in part one I'm gonna add some salt some black pepper a little sprinkle of Tony salaries Creole seasoning a little sprinkles Chef Papa domes portrait onion powder garlic powder some dried thyme and some dried Sage now I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir same thing for this part go ahead and give it a quick stir now turn my fire all the way down y'all cook my Seafood I just want to keep it at a certain temperature now when I went out here and turned my fire back up a little bit I'm gonna go ahead and add my ground beef and my ham seasoning all right this might need a little bit of some more salt just sprinkle a little bit now I'm gonna add some of my chicken stock now look at this y'all now this is a good example of some good chicken stock to see if you shake it and it's jiggly that means you've done it right and I must have done a very good job on it so now I'm gonna go ahead and add some of this chicken stock in here and turn my fire up now I'm gonna go ahead give this a quick stir foreign go ahead and give this a quick stir I pretty much have my fire turned off at this point because everything is cooked so it doesn't make sense still really cooking that I might need it a little bit more seasoning I'm gonna sprinkle just a little tad bit of salt it's a seasoning part too a little bit of Tony's a little black pepper some Chef Paul put on Seafood Magic onion garlic powder a little bit more just a hint of dried thyme now I'm gonna add the shrimp stock in here put that in there give this a quick stir you need a little bit more for good luck give that a quick stir all right now I'm gonna add my ham seasoning and a little bit of the cornbread I'll just do half first let's give this a quick stir to help me determine how much mushroom stock I'm gonna eat I mean not shrimp stock chicken stock foreign go ahead and give that a quick stir looks wonderful just add a little bit more salt some black pepper a little onion powder garlic powder now I did add some dried thyme in there and I'm gonna just sprinkle a little bit just a tiny bit more of sage just a little bit now I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir cornbread dressing is ready all right now we'll be here I'm gonna add some bread crumbs just to guess them out I'll go ahead and give us a quick stir a little bit more just a little bit more bread crumbs another star reflection together pepper dressing is now ready and I'm gonna go ahead and stuff the bell pepper shape it up real nice with the spoon and there you go I'm gonna just place the bell pepper into my baking pan now I already have my um I already have my pan over here buttered and ready to go for my cornbread dressing and I'm gonna just add my cornbread dressing into my baking pan spread that around now is the final garnish I'm gonna sprinkle some bread crumbs on top foreign dressing at the bottom and be stuffed bell peppers at the top and I'm gonna just bake this for about 25 to 30 minutes all right the cornbread dressing and the stuffed bell peppers are done so I'm gonna go ahead and remove them out of the oven and I'm gonna go ahead and get started with searing my rose I'm gonna add my roast in there and I'm gonna let this sear for a few minutes on each side all right the ghost is done look at how beautiful and golden brown that looks um now I added some water in here to deglaze the pan a little bit added about four and a half cups of water about four cups that estimated amount I won't get all those flavors from when we Brown the meat in the saucepan I'm gonna go ahead and add some better than bouillon beef base air dead in now that was about two teaspoons of it might be about three teaspoons I'm gonna take my whisk and just stir it out until the beef base has dissolved into the liquid it's a little bit just add some chopped yellow onion chopped celery important bell pepper chop garlic and elixir it smells wonderful right now I'm gonna add my gravy base mixture right on in there it's okay I have some bay leaves in there we have about two of them oh three that's about 9 30 at night so I'm gonna go ahead and cover this and I'm gonna just let this slow cook overnight until the next morning that's gonna be about 10 to 12 hours so now I'm dropping my eggs in this uh hot water for my stuffed eggs I'm gonna let that simmer for about 15 minutes 12 to 15 minutes just eyeball it now while that's gone I'm gonna go ahead and finish up my potato salad right quick so here I am separating the egg whites from the egg yolks this up with a spoon all right I have my egg yolk mixed I add a little bit of a mayonnaise and I'm gonna just add some mustard and I'm gonna just sprinkle just a little tiny bit of seasoning you don't want to add too much just a little sprinkles drop black pepper there we go some Tony says just a little drop you can easily over season this that's why I'm putting a little drop just add a little onion powder add a little bit more that the power does because these are not all not necessarily salty I mean look garlic powder I just give that a quick stir now take the egg whites and I chop them I just add that on in there now we're gonna add a little bit of seasoning let's add a little bit and just add some chopped yellow onion some chopped celery chopped Greens on relish give that a quick stir I'm gonna add the mayonnaise and mustard mixture the seasoned mayonnaise and mustard mixture let's give it a quick stir foreign paprika it's a little drop not too much and your potato salad is done it's ready for the refrigerator now I'm gonna cut my boiled eggs in half I added the egg yolks into this bowl here and I'm gonna just smash those up really good all right now I'm gonna go ahead and add some mayonnaise in here have some mustard a little sprinkle salt a little black pepper tongue accessories [Music] onion powder garlic powder and some relish just give this a quick stir looks good I'm gonna take some of the egg yolk mixture and I'm just gonna add it into this disposable Piping Bag tip cut off of course there we go I'm gonna just feel each egg anything he did I just sprinkle just a little bit of seasoning all attack and that is it all done all right y'all and that's it for the day oh my goodness I've been at this since 10 a.m this morning it is what 11 45 P.M yeah it's been a long day long day well actually been a long couple of days as a matter of fact long I was standing up and uh you know it's not easy you know because when I record once I get finished recording the scene I gotta clean up and prepare for the next scene which that take about 30 minutes and gotta work on the next thing that take about an hour then gotta clean up again for another 30 minutes and then the next scene and then and the process just you know continues you know um yeah it's a very very long process but the good thing is is that I um I finished all of the difficult positions now it's time for the small simple dishes which I'm gonna start working on tomorrow um today we did the uh we did all the dressings and did the potato salad and the stuffed eggs now uh tomorrow I gotta get started on the collard greens the macaroni and cheese the green peas the green beans and uh what else the roast yeah the rose because the roast is in in the in the crock pot right now cooking so let's uh smelling mighty good in here right about that so it's gonna be amazing tomorrow oh my goodness um the turkey I might push that back an extra day I think with my turkey I'ma try something a little different this year because I normally do like the inject the turkey with this butter marinade I got um I'm gonna change that but you know what I also came up with the idea of the vinyl presentation something new this year I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say what it is why why nothing but I do have an idea of what I want to do also to final presentation and you'll have to see at the end of the video I still have a long long wait but anyways y'all let me stop babbling um regress and be back up tomorrow to start on metallic greens and that's it I hope y'all have a great night see you tomorrow good morning everybody today is November 22nd 2021 and here is what I'm cooking up today all right and here's the roast y'all ready look at that y'all look at how beautiful that looks thick knife in circuit oh yeah it is done now I'm gonna go ahead and turn this off as you can see there's some grease build up um in there a little bit what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take that same oil and I'm gonna make a roux with that I'm gonna make a nice flavorful gravy with that all right let's get started with the collard greens all right so I'm gonna start by adding about two tablespoons of butter salted butter and here we have the stock which we've uh Summit the turkey necks in and as you can see it's jiggly that let's lets me know that I've done it right the same thing with the chicken stock and on the top they had some oil it was a little old build up and I took that and I just skimmed that off and I'm gonna just add a little bit of that in here that's gonna give it a nice flavor as well I might take some additional dirty rice I'm gonna use this to saute some of the seasonings that we about to add in here now I'm gonna just let that sit in there for about one minute so if it gets nice and hot and the butter melts I'm gonna go ahead and add some chopped yellow onion and some chopped gold [Music] now I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna let this saute for about five to six minutes foreign all right now I'm gonna go ahead and add this turkey sock in here and I flavors from the caramelization of the onions and stuff that's going to combine with that that's gonna do because even more flavor this right here this is all the flavor you're gonna need because this comes from the smoked turkey necks all right so we might not even add any additional seasoning to this as well I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir I'ma just let this come to a similar all right now I'm gonna add the first half of the collard greens in there now I'm gonna go ahead and cover this foreign just let this simmer for a few minutes and let it cook down let the collard greens cook down so all right now over here in this pot all right now I'm gonna go ahead and add some salt in there next I'm gonna add my elbow macaroni I'm gonna just give this a quick stir and I'm gonna just let this simmer for about six to seven minutes I'm gonna pay attention to the texture of the macaroni to make sure it's thoroughly cooked now back over here to our pot with our collard greens and as you can see that's nice and cooked down I'm gonna add some more collard greens in there this is the second half here and I'm gonna cover this and I'm gonna just let this simmer for a couple of minutes until it Cooks down all right now over here for our cheese sauce I got the fire on medium low heat and I added about two cups of heavy cream and some salted butter in there and I'm gonna just let that melt and I'm gonna add my extra sharp cheddar cheese in there now while that's gone got another pot over here I have the green peas getting hot so let's get started with that all right now I'm gonna go ahead and add a small amount of chopped yellow onion I'm gonna add some salted butter and some sugar can go along with that just give that a quick stir make sure that's good all right the elbow macaroni should be about done at this time oh yeah that looks oh yeah it looks good oh yeah about five to six minutes we'll do the trick now I just pour that on in there I'ma just let this cool off in the strainer and go from there all right y'all it's been about five to six minutes for the green tea and they are done and there you go all right the collard greens are coming on pretty nicely as you can see they're cooked down exactly what we're looking for I'm gonna add a little bit more of this turkey stock in there and I'm gonna also add some of the chicken stock I had a little bit of that in there I'm not going to give this a quick stir I'm gonna just add a tad bit of seasoning just a little bit and just sprinkle a little salt some black pepper a little sprinkle of Tony sasharies onion powder garlic powder and some Chef Paul pudong's gust of the magic I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir I'm gonna add my turkey neck pieces turkey necks are already cooked anyways so I'll just try to give this a quick stir just a little hard to start but that's all right oh that's just submerged in that liquid that's all that matters now I'm gonna cover this and I'm gonna just let this cook down just a little bit for a few minutes and then the collard greens are done now I've already begun to add the extra sharp cheddar cheese in there and I'm gonna add some shredded parmesan cheese in there as well I'm doing this just a little bit at a time I'm gonna just stir this until that cheese has melted into the cream mixture all right and as you can see our cheese has melted into the cream mixture exactly what we're looking for and we're just going to add a little bit of seasoning I'm gonna just lightly sprinkle some salt just a little bit black pepper a little bit of the Tony sacharies Creole seasoning onion powder and some garlic powder I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir ring with my left hand y'all trying to get the hang of this foreign sauce is ready all right now let's check on our collard greens turkey necks falling off the bone oh yeah that looks good oh yeah collard greens smothered in Turkey so yay all done all right now I have my usual aluminum pan lined with butter I'm just gonna add the collard greens right on it now all right just spread this around all done all right now I added the double macaroni into this large pot and I'm about for that cheese sauce right on top or the cheese sauce right on top right on top and I'm gonna just go ahead and give that a quick stir now I have my little 13 by nine inch baking pan bought it and ready to go just add the macaroni mixture right on then yeah get it in yeah I'm gonna only add half of it in them I'm just spread it around and just add some shredded Parmesan cheese and the extra sharp cheddar cheese followed by the second amount of the macaroni mixture I'm gonna just spread this around foreign cheese on top the extra shot cheddar cheese all right now I'm going to place the macaroni and cheese into a preheated 425 degree oven I'm gonna just place it on the upper rack so then we can get nice golden brown at the top and I'm gonna just bake it for about 30 minutes all right here I have my rose sitting here chilling in this aluminum foil pan I'm gonna wrap that up in just a second and here I have my fat separator I just pour the liquid into the fat separately and this right here I could just go like this I'm gonna get rid of this because I don't want all this in my grave I just want a regular gravy I extracted all the flavors from it anyways so good number just pour this into a separate measuring cup you have the gravy with no fat you see you know I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take this I'm gonna place this in the freezer so that way I could um it could get solid all right the macaroni and cheese is done I'm gonna go ahead and remove it out the oven now and it's all done all right now let's get started with these jams so in this large pot I add about four cups of water until I'm gonna add five tablespoons of unsalted butter and just drop that in there I'm gonna let that melt all right next up I'm gonna add a half a cup of corn syrup see I'm sitting up here doing this like I'm doing a recipe and I'm gonna add some sugar and some Brown Sugar by one cup each one tablespoon of vanilla extract two teaspoons of cinnamon of a teaspoon of nutmeg and 1 4 teaspoon of spice I just take my whisk and just give this a quick stove a quick story I'm gonna just bring this back up to a similar oh wait wait hold up made a little sprinkle of salt now I'm gonna take my whisk in to give this a quick stir so don't always forget about something now I'm gonna bring it back up to us and I'm at my sweet potato cubes I'm gonna go ahead and give this a quick stir now here's the easy part I don't think you gotta do is cover it and just let it cook for about 45 minutes to an hour you ain't gotta stir it or nothing just let it cook that's all now while that's cooking I'm gonna go ahead and get started with my green beans I already added some salted butter in here about two tablespoons of that in there all right remember those pan juices from the turkey necks just a little bit of that we're just gonna add that in there for flavor when that smells wonderful all right now I'm gonna add some chopped yellow onion and some chocolate milk and I'll just go ahead and give this a quick stir foreign for a few minutes now remember I will smoked turkey stock right here [Music] I'm gonna add some chicken stock as well let me just give this a quick stir bring that back up to simmer I'm gonna just add a little bit of seasoning I'm going to sprinkle a little bit of salt black pepper and some Chef Paul podones vegetable Magic okay [Music] now I'm gonna add some turkey neck pieces that I had left over from when I put the collard greens I'm gonna just add all that in there and just give this a Quick Serve I'ma just let this simmer for a couple of minutes now I'm gonna add the green beans it's still a little Frozen but I'm gonna just give this a quick stir I'm gonna just let this simmer for a couple of minutes once that's done the green beans are finished all right I'm sorry about that y'all and our green beans are done I let them cook down for a couple of minutes oh yeah that smells wonderful oh yes and they are done all right let's go ahead and check on the yams should be done oh look at how beautiful that looks yo look at how beautiful that looks um I'm gonna zoom in so y'all could see oh my goodness yes yes yes yes yes it's finished yay all right let's get started with our gravy for our beef roast so in this uh large saucepan I'm adding two tablespoons of the meat ribbon to just add that in there just spread that around and to that I'm gonna add two tablespoons of flour it we'll just throw this continuously until it reaches around color which shouldn't take long enough highest now I'm gonna add my beef stock in here that's the magic of cooking look at all that wonderful flavor yes so let's look and I'm gonna give this a quick stir so this is gonna make a wonderful delicious gravy foreign just a little bit I'm gonna just sprinkle some salt some black pepper onion powder just a little garlic powder just a little bit also add a little bit of Rosemary just a little pinch of it and a little pinch of thyme dried times a little bit I'll just give this a quick syrup I just slide baste it a little bit I'm gonna just cover this and I'm gonna just let this cook until the gravy thickens all right the roast should be done let me go ahead and check it out see what's happening oh look at that oh look at how wonderful that gravy looks look at that um [Music] gravy looks nice and thick now this is done oh otherwise it smells wonderful oh oh yeah nothing like gross stuff with garlic with brown gravy oh yeah look at that oh now I separated three eggs I placed my egg whites in this bowl with my egg yolks in this bowl so I'm gonna set the egg whites on the side and use that for something else I need to use egg yolks for this all right so I'm gonna add some sugar about a half a cup of that about 1 4 cup of brown sugar I'm gonna just take this whisk and just stir this so this is nice and creamy [Music] all right that looks good took a little while to get it to get it to this consistency you got to keep stirring it gotta Stir It really good all right I got about I got some budding about uh four tablespoons of it let me just add a teaspoon of salt and one and one half cups let's give this a quick stir stir this until the pecans are nice and toasty if I tell the difference I just go ahead and put it pecans in this mesh strainer with a pan underneath it there we go let that sit in there for a little while all right now I'm letting my milk and my cream mixture get hot it's about two cups of heavy whipping cream and one cup of whole milk just letting this get hot for a second all right now I'm gonna add the hot milk and cream mixture into this egg yolk mixture and basically tempering the eggs that weird it won't have any scrambled eggs so gotta make sure everything is good you know foreign [Music] looks good too I'm gonna add this mixture back into my pot let's stir this continuously until this thickens and my ice mixture right on me so that I may add one tablespoon of vanilla extract and two teaspoons of butter extract and just add a little drop of this butter mixture let's add a little drop give that a quick stir that's gonna give it a little bit more clear huh a little bit more butter flavor smells wonderful add this plastic wrap on top I placed it in a smaller Bowl so there we 've been foam at the top number just cover this and I'm gonna place this in my refrigerator and I'm gonna make the ice cream tomorrow what is this in my refrigerator as well let's cut this all right so if I want turkey marinade I took some of the turkey stock the rest of it that I had and I took some of the chicken stock as well and I just added it in this pot right here I'm just waiting for that to throw out next time I add some uh ski seasoning you could also use telling me factories as well if you want to I want a different flavor turkey this year so let me add a little bit of the Mesquite seed I'll just give that a quick stir this is gonna pretty much be our marinade right here a little bit more I'm gonna also add a little sprinkle of salt to it foreign all right y'all and here is the turkey now this is a 12 pound turkey by Butterball of course and this is it just want to give y'all a little quick preview and here is the marinade and the flavor injector right here that I'm gonna be using to inject this turkey a highly seasoned stock into this turkey let's inject that all those juices are gonna go right in there right now it's time to have some surgery here goes nothing yeah now it's time to go on this side and inject some into the it's gonna make the turkey nice and juicy there you go I'm playing around with y'all just having a little fun you gotta have fun sometimes with what you do at least you don't have to worry about the turkey brine out that's for sure all right I just got through injecting the turkey with the marinade I literally used all of it I have a little bit left now what's going to happen is that the turkey this turkey is still cold and remember when we when the stocks are cold it turns into a gelatin right so when we injected the turkey with that stock the cold turkey turns that stock into gelatin so the stock will not spill out of the turkey this the stock will stay inside the turkey and that way it'll keep the turkey moist even during baking so the stock is not going to go anywhere until the turkey starts baking all right but for the most part I don't think it's going to go anywhere now right here I'm gonna show you this I hear this I'm gonna take my hand and put my hand underneath here because I want to get underneath here underneath the skin right here you have to do this very gently it can't be too rough with it see I could feel the the uh the stock has turned into a gelatin now you could take and add any kind of seasonings in here or anything just took some of this Mesquite uh seasoning and I'm gonna just rub that in the inside just a little bit I want a Mesquite turkey this year for some reason so here I am I try to see if I can take this little liquid here and inject it right back into the turkey all right that looks good number take the turkey and I'm gonna just add it into this pot here there we go just take these juices and just dump that into the turkey cabin I'll just take the rest of this and I'm gonna add this into the turkey cavity to dump and just pour it on top I'ma just cover this and I'm gonna just let this marinate in my refrigerator for 24 hours yes all right y'all that is it for today guess what got some good news I'm finished for the day I literally I finished early it's about almost 8 30 at this point and I actually was finished before then probably like seven something you know I think we'll take care of responsibilities and whatever but anyways um I'm very grateful and thankful after working so hard over the past couple of days that I am done I mean I'm not done quite yet I still have to um I have my turkey in my refrigerator that's marinating and I also have to do the butter pecan ice cream and the dinner bowls I make my favorite dinner um yeah I'm very grateful that tonight I could actually rest y'all just on the way yes I mean it's it was very difficult you know um thank goodness I have everything cleaned up and everything so I don't know we're about nothing else um but yeah I don't want to do anything else out after tomorrow I don't want to do I don't want I don't want no cooking no baking all I want is peace Peace Quiet and good food writing from me that's it that's all I ask for but anyways um let me stop talking about to go ahead and catch up on some sleep because I know I love the public time right now but then I'm looking forward to tomorrow not being on my feet all day for 12 to 15 hours but anyways um see y'all tomorrow good morning everybody um today is November 23rd 2021. um this is going to be the last day in terms of the cooking and stuff like that I'm very very excited about today really um I'm gonna get started with the ice cream the butter pecan ice cream and stuff with the easiest dish first then I'm gonna do the dinner rolls and I'm Gonna Save the turkey for last Save The Best For Last huh but anyways let me stop babbling so let's get started all right now I'm gonna go ahead and make the ice cream now before I make my ice cream I made sure that I froze my ice cream maker base for about 24 to 48 hours before I make my ice cream actually I can just keep this in my freezer and I just pull it out whenever I won't make Iceland makes it convenient for me you know turn this on so it's gonna get noisy bring your mixture right here the cream mixture you know one thing I'm gonna do now is just put it into the ice cream maker base I hope y'all can hear me foreign [Music] all right ice cream is done well I gotta sneak a piece y'all oh my goodness look at that mmm um this is so good I'm gonna just get this ice cream on out of here it's more like soft serve for now but the freezer do the rest of it just put it in this airtight container over here we go so y'all can see let me just cover this and put this in the freezer and you'll be ready to be served the next day all right let's get started with these honey wheat dinner rolls I'm really excited about this today so in this large uh Bowl I'm gonna add one and three fourth cups of whole wheat flour and of course this is what I use right here I'm also add two teaspoons of instant yeast the rapid rise instant yeast and 1 4 teaspoon of salt and to be on the safe side I'm gonna add two tablespoons of sugar let's give this a quick stir and I see I'm sitting up here doing YouTube video it's not giving me step-by-step instructions but anyways so in this uh small pot I have one cup of whole milk and to that I'm gonna add one stick of salted butter melted then make sure that your ingredients are as long of a temperature of 120 degrees Fahrenheit all right and to that I'm gonna add 1 4 cup of Honey now this is going to be in place of the sugar let me just give this a quick stir like that I'll make sure to make sure that this is not too hot now if it's too hot you're gonna kill a yeast about 120 degrees Fahrenheit make sure you measure it and all that other good stuff I'ma just pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and I have my dough hook attachment fitted on my just mix this on a medium low speed for a few minutes okay this is what the issue is all right so I'm adding some more uh milk so I'm adding uh an additional one cup of whole milk in here yeah I forgot when it come to wheat flour you have to have ADD enough liquid in there so that'll be two cups of whole milk all together instead of one cup like I said earlier all right let me turn this back on [Music] all right that looks good oh that ain't come out of there but as you can see it doesn't stick to my hands but I just want to let y'all know that um when I mix the liquid in I have to add more flour so I had to add an additional about an additional half a cup of flour in there of the bread flower of course and this is hot and I mixed it and this is how it came out at first if I thought it was you know at first I thought it was ruined and then I said well we I could fix that so uh you got to be patient when it comes to baking and stuff hope nobody don't follow this recipe but I did the best I could so we'll see how this is gonna come out I'ma let my dough rest for a couple of minutes slightly flowers surface of my tape I'm not going to add too much flour because it is soft it's a beautiful dough it turned out wonderfully right there to make sure it don't stick to the bottom number just let this rest for about 15 to 20 minutes that rolls up pretty nicely so press this down so y'all came together falling this into another Bowl let me just take a knife and cut this in a serrated knife and I'm gonna cut this in half Let's Fall In this into a bowl now for each ball of dough you're gonna cut this into eight pieces so we're gonna cut this one into eight pieces and cut this one into eight pieces cut it again yeah now I gotta find these into a ball again all right let's got four pieces so now just take those pieces and cut those in half and there is one two three four five six seven eight there's your eight pieces of dough and you're gonna do the same thing for this one eight pieces all right now I took the dough each piece and just added it into this bacon pan it's a 9x13 inch baking pan of course now I'm gonna just cover this with a towel and I'm gonna just let this sit in the warm spot of course in my kitchen because as well and I'm gonna let this sit in here for about 45 minutes and this is how they look [Music] I'm gonna go ahead and put these in the oven all right now I'm gonna place these into a preheated 375 degree oven I placed some a rack above the bottom rack so that we could round on the top I'm Gonna Bake them for about 20 to 25 minutes all right the rolls are done let's go ahead and take them out the oven oh yes it looks beautiful yes well they look lovely lovely and bake them for about 25 minutes see if you tap them on the top any hard as a brick and they sound hollow that's that's a good sign now don't worry about if they're hot if they're um if they're a little firm they'll uh yes they're cool they'll soften and there you go now I melted about three tablespoons of salted butter in this skillet into that I'm gonna add some honey I'm gonna add about two teaspoons of honey in there just give that a quick stir good good there we go all right here I have my honey butter milk mixture with a pastry brush that's what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna just take that and I'm just going to brush that on top of the grooves as you can see that getting soft as you can see though it was hard as a brick ass purpose not in nice and soft not a best time to serve these is as soon as they're out the oven you have them glazed and ready to go wait about at least I would say about 20 to 30 minutes before serving and there y'all have it homemade honey wheat dinner rolls my favorite I want to share this with y'all as well now I have my flavor injector you could take some of the honey butter mixture and add it into the flavor injector and you can also take it and inject it into each room before you serve it to your guests like that but you might need to make a little bit more than this all right I'll try to double it and just go from there all right let my turkey marinate that's how it looks there that right there so I have some quick news about the zip ties um the store I'll try to go to the store and look for some zip ties they don't have none so I gotta work with what I have now on this pot here we have some liquid right here I'm gonna just pour that in there foreign stock mixed with the juices from the turkey and as far as from a seasoning standpoint I'ma just add some Mesquite seasoning this is a messy turkey by the way I just want a little sprinkle not too much now I'm gonna just put it on my hand and just Pat it on there that's much better than what I'm doing here I'm gonna try to put these wings underneath the rest let me see if that'll work okay I got a new I got a different idea look I tucked the wings under the breast under the chicken breast Hey look I'm gonna just take it and just go like it there we go so much for trying to go get those zip ties hopefully it'll cook properly hopefully we'll see let me just flip it over on the back side I forgot about this side I totally forgot about this side y'all all right okay to prevent it from over Browning you know I attached it to the rack instead of the bacon and uh just a little bits on the top to help the steam Escape all right now I'ma go ahead and place this into a preheated 325 degree oven I don't know how I'm gonna let the aluminum foil sit on let me just let it sit on there for a little while and I'm gonna let y'all know the bacon time and when I what time I remove them I'm gonna fall off and off yeah when it's um whenever I'm ready I'ma just monitor it and go for them all right to make the icing for like a cake I have uh one and one half cups of confectioners sugar and two that I'm gonna add uh four tablespoons of salted butter and I also have three tablespoons of whole milk melted all that and got that nice and warmed up next up I'm add a half a teaspoon of vanilla 1 4 teaspoon of butter extract and 1 8 of a teaspoon of almond mixture just give this a quick whisk until combined I'm gonna just pour the icing on top of the cake to use the spatula as a guideline direct the ice in the way it needs to go and that is it all done I'm not just poured the icing on top of the cake and there you go all right it's been about an hour and a half let's go ahead and check on the turkey now all right now I'm gonna just pour some water in the pan [Music] and now I'm gonna baste the turkey with some uh butter foreign all right let's go ahead and check on the turkey move it out the oven this time then again I'm gonna baste it with some more butter might add some more water of course all right into the oven it goes [Music] now I'm cutting the sweet potato pie squares and that's it all done all right let's check on the turkey [Music] all right now I'm gonna go ahead and baste the turkey a quiet day yet so I'm gonna go ahead and put it back in the oven but before I do that [Music] foreign because I don't want it I put an aluminum foil on it so that way it won't over Brown because I still got to cook it a little bit longer so into the oven it goes all right turkey should be done so we're gonna go ahead and move it out the oven finally after four hours here is the turkey here I'm gonna give y'all a quick view of it now we're not here until the temperature of the turkey 165 is done and with the cut in this see how it looks on the inside all right y'all that is it I am done I'm finished I'm finished cooking this what six it was almost 6 30. Tuesday so uh actually finished two days before Thanksgiving and guess what I'm broke my Thanksgiving record because in 2015 I cooked 25 I made 25 items this year on May 20th six items including with the butter pecan ice cream so that's 26 items all together I cannot believe I broke my brick videos but yeah but it was it was it was really hard especially because I was recording everything and I did the best I could and I'm just glad I'm just glad that I'm finished the only thing I want is peace and quiet right now yeah so now on to the final presentation I'm gonna show y'all that in just a second um turkey is done I can just relax now I don't have to when I get up tomorrow I don't have to worry about getting up and cooking anything I mean oh it's a wonderful feeling I'm great I'm great Foods you know yeah yeah so uh Yeah I broke my thing this is my biggest Thanksgiving to date something I gotta do is do the little setup and I'm gonna show y'all the final presentation of all the items I cooked all the items I made let me show y'all the final presentation that but that is it y'all that is it that's a wrap Thanksgiving went to 21. another video goes back in title 2022 now people always ask me but I clean my oven with so water and a stainless steel scrub s foreign thank you foreign presentation this is the Savory food table right here and here is the desserts table and there you have it ladies and gentlemen Thanksgiving 2021 made by New Orleans native now let's get started we're right here here we have the cornbread dressing this is my cornbread dressing right here and this is the seafood cornbread dressing right here the beef roast stuffed with garlic the stuffed bell peppers with ham ground beef and shrimp and crab meat as well here we have the stuffed eggs the deviled eggs the macaroni and cheese the green beans with the turkey necks of course this is cold so that's why it looks like that here is the green peas the collard greens with smoked turkey necks here we have another pan of the seafood cornbread dressing and over here we have the candid yams the dirty rice the potato salad and the Mesquite turkey look at how beautiful that looks now on to the desserts table here we have the sweet potato pie squares here is the pecan pie and this is the second pecan pie right here here we have another sweet potato pie followed by another sweet potato pie another sweet potato pie there's another sweet potato pie and here is the vanilla almond pound cake uh the lemon one I had the uh somebody had to come pick that up so and here is the butter pecan ice cream Sydney Melton and lastly here is the honey wheat dinner rolls look at how beautiful that looks yummy and this is it y'all Thanksgiving 2021 yes yes yes and there you have it hey y'all I hope you enjoyed the video if you like my channel hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell button if you want to be notified of my videos I have an official website for all of my recipes including most that you see in this video you can go to I'm also on Facebook Instagram and on Twitter under name Kelly Cook Andrews so until next time take care and I hope you all have a great day peace
Channel: Charlie Andrews
Views: 908,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Charlie's Thanksgiving 2022 Preparation video, Charlie Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Preparation step by step, How to prepare and cook and entire Thanksgiving dinner step by step, Thanksgiving 2022
Id: cdUTs1j9eco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 29sec (9089 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 07 2022
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