How To Make Egusi Soup

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hello everyone this is the like and welcome to my kitchen today I'm going to be showing you how to make a juicy soup since I made my last egg this would be a lot of you have been asking me to make another one and today I'm going to show you another method on how to make a cozy soup so let's get started the first thing I'm going to be doing is to blend together my onions and peppers and today I'm using habanero pepper Fresno pepper and the red bell pepper now I'm going to add some water to this pepper and I'm going to blend it until it becomes very smooth and I'm going to be leaving the list of peppers I used in the description box below however if you don't want to use my own combination of Pepin's feel free to use your own combination it's all well and good so my pepper is well blended and it's very smooth I'll just pour it out of my blender and I'll be setting it aside now to blame the Aqua succeeds I'm going to be adding some onions the Agusan seed itself some crayfish and a little bit of water then I'm going to be blending it together until it becomes a very smooth paste feel free to add more water to the agusi during the blending process if you feel you are overworking your blender however try as much as you can not to add excess water because you don't want the Agusta to become so watery the egusi is now well blended and I'll just be setting it aside as well for the next step I'm going to be preheating a little bit of palm oil in a pan if you've been following my cooking you are going to notice that I really don't like overheating my palm oil once my oil is melted and in little bits hot I'll just add the onions then I'll also be dividing my low cost bin into two and I'll be adding half of it first at this stage and I'm doing this so that the flavor of the low cost pin can be released inside the oil now fry the onions and the low cost Ben for a couple of minutes until the onions become translucent if not time to add the blended peppers so I'll just cover this and I'll leave its to cook and it's very important to check on this too every now and then to steer it and to make sure that it's not burning now this sauce has been cooking for about 15 minutes now it's now time to add some more ingredients to this I'm going to be adding some stock and today I'm using beef stock feel free to use chicken stock or any stock you have at hand I'll also be adding the remaining low cost bean and salt to taste so I'm going to be covering this and I will leave it to cook for about 3 minutes so that all the ingredients I just added will have time to mingle together ok it's now time to add our egusi paste so I'm going to carefully add the egusi inside my sauce and this is because I want the appearance of the Agusta to look really good once it's done if you add your egg we see carelessly inside the sauce you might not like the results in appearance once it's done you can also rinse the blender inside the sauce if you want to I'm not going to be mixing this at this point and I'll leave it to cook for about 10 to 15 minutes after that I'll come back to check on it so the algis has been cooking for 15 minutes on a medium heat and I will check it at this point case is looking so beautiful so I'm going to be mixing it and as I'm mixing it again I'm not going to be mixing it carelessly just for the appearance you know so I'm loving this right now and the next thing I'm going to do is to add my protein and today I'm going to be using some dry fish I'm using a little bits of cow it's a little bits of good meat two bits of beef and a little bits of tripe feel free to use your combination or meats of fish it's all well and good cover this once again and leave it to cook so that all this protein can mingle with the Agassi so this has been cooking for about five minutes and at this point I'm going to be adding the spinach I'm just using the regular spinach today feel free to use any type of vegetables you want like bitter leave what I leave Gugu or you know all those good leaves you can use any one of them so I'm done adding my spinach and as you can see the face of the Agassi is looking really beautiful so I'll just leave these to simmer for about three to five minutes and that is pretty much it this is how I make my delicious and juicy soup as you can see it's really looking good and I tell you it's taste just as good so thank you all for spending your time with me today if you like this recipe don't forget to leave a thumbs up for me if there's any other tips or secrets you've learned over the years on how to make a very good Agassi soup feel free to share with me in the comment section down below I appreciate it so much and if you try this recipe as well I'll be very happy to hear your feedback also next time enjoy
Channel: Chef Lola's Kitchen
Views: 377,024
Rating: 4.8820481 out of 5
Keywords: Egusi soup, Egusi soup recipe, Nigerian egusi soup, How to make egusi soup, igbo egusi soup, Nigerian food recipes, chef lola's kitchen, afropotluck, allnigerian recipes, how to cook egusi soup, how to prepare egusi soup, egusi stew, egusi soup with spinach, egusi soup nigerian
Id: LqGj3_UT9h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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