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Egusi soup is one of my favorite Nigerian soups  and today I will be showing you how i made this   beautiful pot of goodness this recipe is all  that and so much more i know i keep saying   this for all of my recipes but this one you  don't want to miss out on at all and before   then please subscribe to my channel please press  that red button down there plix thanks so to begin   we're going to boil some meat and here i've got  some goat meat and beef i've also got some shaki   and ese eran bokoto and that's tripe and cow  foot for those wondering and to season i will   be using some blended onions as well as stock  cubes and salt i won't be using curry or thyme   or any other spices for this and that's because  i will be cooking with the meat broth for most   Nigerian recipes of for most traditional recipes  you really can't use those spices so i'm going to   be skipping those and i will also be using some  scotch bonnet peppers and that's just for heat   so i won't be adding water at this time i'm just  going to cover and simmer for about 20 minutes and   this helps to intensify the flavor of the meat and  after 20 minutes i will check back and as you can   see there is more moisture in the pan than before  and to this i will be adding just enough water to   cook the meats please be careful when you add them  to it when you're adding water so you don't end up   adding too much you need your stock to be very  flavorful and very concentrated and then i will   cover and leave this to cook until the meats  soften since the meats have got um different   textures what i'm going to do is i'm just going  to cook them together and then i will take out   the goat meat and beef when they're soft and then  continue to cook the cow foot and tripe until soft   after boiling the meat you've got three options  you can either use the meats as they are that's   boiled or you can fry and the third alternative  is to grill i will be grilling mine i really don't   like fried meats when it comes to soups because  we will be using quite a lot of oil so i'm just   trying to avoid that anyway and i will be throwing  this in my grill and i will grill for about   20 minutes to about at 160 degrees Celsius that's  because i don't want it too dry i still want it a   bit juicy and after grilling this is what it  looks like as you can see we have lost some   meat along the way i don't know what's happened  to them anyway i'm just going to set this aside so for my Egusi soup i will be using some  smoked fish as well as some locust beans   for the smoked fish i have already cooked  them and i did cook them a while ago but   then i put them back in my freezer so i'm just  going to pour some hot water over it and then   also pour some as well on the locust beans and  soak for just about a minute and then wash off now onto my pepper mix and for this i will be  using some onions scotch bonnet peppers bell   peppers and chili that's the smaller shombo  and also some paprika peppers that's the long   bell peppers so um and there's something that i  learned recently that i thought i'd share with you   if i'm making soups now i prefer to use um  peppers that aren't exactly fresh i don't know   how to really say you know but the ones with like  wrinkles on the side you know sort of dehydrated   they taste so much better for soups because you  know they are more ripe and they don't have as   much water content as the fresh ones so it's  something that i think you should try because   i try the end honestly i haven't looked back  since then so i will be preparing my peppers   now and what i will be doing is to chop them up  and i don't like to use the seeds as well so i   will be taking them out and then throwing them  in my food processor and this will be blended   roughly i know some people like to do a full blend  i really don't like it and that's because i feel   like it makes my soup a bit watery and i'm trying  to avoid that and also it takes a while to fry   so after doing that i'm just going to cover and  then blend and after blending this is the ideal   texture well for me anyway so i'm just going  to set this aside now it's time to prepare my   egusi and i'm just going to throw that in  my blender cover and blend until very fine onto the vegetable leaves you can use  pretty much anything you want you can use bitter leaves pretty much anything spinach as well  but i will be using Ugu and can you believe i got   this about four days ago and it's still fresh well  let me tell you something i learned so i took a   rack and i placed it over a tray and then put  the the leaves on top so every day i would just   sprinkle with water like twice a day and this has  helped it to retain its color and it's still fresh   so it's something that i learned at the market and  i thought that i would share this with you as well   anyway so i will proceed to begin to pluck this i  will just be using the scissors because it's just   much much better that way google can be really  tough and i'm just going to plot this off camera after plucking the leaves i will transfer them  into a bowl and then pour some boiling water over   the leaves and this i won't be blanching because i  know i did that with my efo riro recipe and that's   because i use spinach and spinach is quite watery  so i won't be doing that on this occasion and   i'm just going to wash this as much as i can and  then leave to soak for say just about two minutes   and then i will transfer this into my colander  just to you know to see in this process i will   repeat um once again and that's just so i'm  able to get rid of as much dirt and debris   or germs that's on the leaves and because  honestly if you don't do this you might just   end up with an upset stomach because you never  know what's you know what's on those leaves and   considering how much they have traveled  i really don't trust them at all and after washing thoroughly i will transfer  them onto my chopping board and begin to slice   so usually with with ugu i tend to  use really small pieces but because   this is egusi soup and i don't need too  much vegetables so i'm okay with doing   bigger chunks but please feel free  to do whatever size that you prefer   and afterwards i'm just going to transfer them  into a bowl and then set aside for use later   and now we're back to the egusi i'm just going  to transfer it into a bowl and add some crayfish   powder i'm also going to add just a little bit of  warm water and then mix until i get a very thick   paste now you can also add some blended onions as  well because this makes it more flavorful but i   just don't feel like on this on this occasion  i know some people also add eggs or something   because it's supposed to make it lumpy i've  never tried that before because i've been asked   about it a couple of times i don't use eggs at  all and i'm not making lumpy accuracy anyway so   i'm just going to set this aside for years later  but this is just me just showing you just how   thick the consistency is and after doing that i'm  just going to place a pan on medium heat and when   it heats up i will be adding some palm oil i know  some people are thinking ah all this oil let god   be judge please anyway and now i'm going to add  some chopped onions and this i'm going to fry for   about two minutes please don't fry for too long  otherwise your soup is going to end up too sweet   remember that egusi is sweet on its own already  and then after that i will be adding some locos   beans and i will fry this again for just about  two minutes as well just to release the fragrance   you also release the aroma of the locust beans  i'm not going to record this part at all just   manage it and then i will go in with some crayfish  powder please do not fry your crayfish for more   than 30 seconds otherwise it's going to taste  better and it will ruin the taste of your soup   i know i sound like a broken record now  because i keep saying this in all of my   soup videos and that's because they all have the  same base in the same prep anyway i'm going to   add my pepper mix now and also add some stock  cubes and salt and this i will mix thoroughly oh i almost forgot um i will be adding my  stock fish at this time and that's because   it's pre-cooked but it's not as soft as i  want it to be so i'm just going to add it   um quite early and then just mix thoroughly  cover and leave to fry for about 25 to   30 minutes but please check on it  every now and then so it does not burn and after 30 minutes this is what my stew looks  like as you can see the oil has settled onto the   top and that's to let you know that it is quite  dry at the moment and then i'm just going to stare   and that's just to raise up whatever burns  made but i don't think mine has burnt at all   and to this i will be adding my meat  i will also be adding some for more i   forgot to mention earlier that i had some in my  freezer so i'm just going to add that to it and   mix thoroughly and this i will leave  to fry for about five to ten minutes and after about six to seven minutes  i will begin to add my smoked fish   and this i will mix thoroughly  and then leave to simmer for   say about two to three minutes or just until  the smoked fish absorbs the flavor of the stew   and at this time i'm going to begin to add my  meat broth the amount you add is going to depend   on whether you like your stew fluid or you like it  thick i prefer mine thick so i'm just going to add   just a little bit and you can also use water but  bear in mind that if you add water at this time   you're going to dilute the flavors that you have  built up along the way so you're going to need to   re-season and i'm just going to mix thoroughly and  then cover and leave to cook for about two minutes and after two minutes just see how gorgeous this  two looks it already looks like proper fried stew   i mean at this point i just wanted to just boil  rice and just eat with it there is nothing as   beautiful as just patiently frying these two  for a four-year-old or a goosey soup honestly   the reward that comes out of out of that patience  it can't be matched with anything at all anyways   i'm going to start adding my usables i know i  did say that i'm not making lumpy egg whiskey   but this is the way to retain you know that  beautiful egusi texture even without the lumps   because if it's too fluid you know it would  you wouldn't like i i don't know it just it   just looks a bit a bit off if it hasn't got  the texture to it so this i'm just going to   cover and then i will leave this to cook for  about 10 to 15 minutes on low to medium heat   and you really want to make sure that your  egressing is well cooked otherwise you might   end up with an upset stomach it does take a while  for a greasy to fully cook so be wary of that   now after about 15 minutes i will check back on  the stew and then i will begin to break the egusi   bones now it's up to you if you want your egusi  lumpy what you can do is you can sort of break   into half so one half is fully mixed and the  other half is left lumpy but i don't want mine   on pure tone i just want that texture to it so  at this point i will begin to add my ogre leaves now if you're going to be using some bitter leaves  or uzizah now is the time to add that as well i'm   only using ogu and that's fine with me and i will  add it gradually as well so i don't end up with   too much leaves in it and now i will add a bit of  meat stock as well if you if you haven't got that   you can use water and that's just to make it a  bit more fluid and then go in with some crayfish   now the reason for adding crayfish at the end is  just so i don't end up using too many you know   too much salt or seasoning cubes crayfish works so  beautifully well for soups and then i will leave   to sema for two minutes and this is what it looks  like absolutely beautiful this is my ideal legume   that's because i can use it for rice i can use it  for swallow whatever it just goes beautifully well   so if you've enjoyed this recipe please  give me a thumbs up subscribe to my channel   share like comment and if you do replicate  this recipe please let me know how you get   on i love to read from you and i hope to  see you in my next video until then bye
Channel: Sisi Jemimah's Recipes
Views: 532,027
Rating: 4.8908219 out of 5
Keywords: egusi soup, nigerian egusi soup, egusi soup recipe, nigerian egusi soup recipe, how to make egusi soup, how to cook egusi soup, nigerian food, nigerian food channel, sisi jemimah, sisi jemimah recipes, lumpy egusi, nigerian soup, nigerian egusi recipe, egusi recipe, Yoruba egusi soup, yoruba soup, yoruba stewa, nigerian food blogger
Id: XeZJlxAsP18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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