Ocean Resin Tutorial - layering an ocean on a cheese board. Stunning effects and colors!
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Channel: Resin As You Wish
Views: 243,864
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin ocean, resin art, epoxy resin, DIY Resin, Resin DIY, ResinAsYouWish, Ocean Resin, Beach, Waves, resin ocean waves tutorial, making resin waves, resin water waves, how to resin, resin waves, epoxy resin ocean waves, resin ocean art, diy resin crafts, diy resin coasters, ocean resin diorama, resin tutorial coaster, 3d ocean, resin ocean waves, functional art, how to pour epoxy resin, resin on wood, resin wood pour, beach art, resin beach, resin ocean tutorial
Id: YfvAuxWDXxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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