How to make THE BEST EASY Fall off the bone oven Baked BBQ Ribs (BBQ Rib Paste) STEP BY STEP

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hello and welcome to the views kitchen on today's recipe i'll be showing you how to make barbecue ribs just like i showed you on our youtube story time you all said steph how do you make those delicious ribs well today i'm going to show you i'm going to break it down step by step like i usually do make sure that you look in the description box area look at the title click that arrow and it's going to expand that description area for you with the ingredient details along with some tips and you know anything extra i think will be beneficial when you guys are making the recipe now that we've done that let's take a look at our ribs oh yeah take your ribs and pat them dry i like choosing baby back ribs because i can fit two at a time in the oven believe me i've tried to overdo it and it doesn't work and if you're with me let me know in the comments we're gonna dry it as much as we can okay take out all that moisture [Music] what we want to do is we want to remove that membrane and i find that it's easier if you use a paper towel see just picks it right up you guys see that yes okay so you want to pull and not all of them are as easy to pull off so you're gonna you're gonna have to do a little bit of work okay [Music] so i'm just going to continue to remove the membrane for our other rib our other baby back and then that's pretty much it okay and just like that we remove the membrane okay and you might struggle a little bit some of them aren't as easy to pull like the ones i just showed you so don't get upset okay just take a deep breath and then just continue where it peels off but if you're lucky it's just gonna go like like a waxing strip like you know if you're lucky those are the ones that we want so just make sure that everything is nice and dry let's move this to the side so that we can get started on our seasoning apple cider vinegar apple juice soy sauce liquid smoke oil garlic powder onion powder and i'm gonna mix as i go just so that everything uh is nice and smooth and we don't get any clumps okay ginger powder [Music] ground cumin this paste is looking like a nice little mask it smells divine in here it smells so so good black pepper i feel like i'm shouting out bingo numbers here sugogi dashida this is a korean beef bouillon but if you have a chicken bouillon i'll leave the recommendation it works well i just like the flavor that this one gives in particular time time won't give me time finish it in the comments you guys knew i was going to do that guajillo chili powder paprika brown sugar i think using brown sugar is like the huge difference in here and a little bit of salt bingo yay bingo mix it mix it and mix it good and you just want to make a nice paste just like this taste that paste it's divine you're gonna love it once you have your paste nice and just you know thick like that now it's time to season our rack of ribs massage that that paste in there nicely that look beautiful it really does and they taste amazing yes they are very tasty and i know because i'm here promptly once a week i do my um my nephew absolutely loves ribs and i've managed to make ribs pretty good i would say he will not eat ribs from anywhere else i've tried to convince him i'm like hey let's go here and eat ribs or i'll make you ribs and he's just like nope i know if i call and say hey um i have ribs today i can within minutes i can see him so so this tutorial is more for me guys but we're bringing you along i don't know claude everybody every time i post the ribs you're like how do you make it it's not that i was being stingy with the recipe or my take on it it's just that it has to be just perfect so that when you make it you're not going through the struggles that i have had in the past and believe me after years of working with ribs you'll learn don't ever rush it just have everything ready okay it's kind of like when you're pregnant you can't rush the baby the baby's gonna come when he wants to come even though some of us tried we tried we tried i think we all tried some of you wanted me to give you a recipe now you're on your own on that one you can't rush divine timing you can't somebody's gonna be like i know why you like making ribs because you get to get messy with your hands and you are correct views on the road rib paste coming to a store near you no nobody cheered me on in the comments why all right after you taste it then we'll talk about it friends amounts of pace that i posted in the description area for you those amounts are pretty right on for about four uh to five pounds of your uh baby back ribs okay so you'll be able to coat two baby back ribs with that amount get as much of the paste that you have to stay on your ribs okay i'm gonna rinse my hands real quick and you guys should clean up your hands too okay i don't know if you guys are just sitting there drinking your fresco but i hope you get up and go clean your hands with me [Laughter] once you've seasoned your rack of ribs what you want to do is you want to wrap them up nicely so you can either use your ceram wrap or you can use your foil you want to keep it in your refrigerator for a minimum of eight hours so it can absorb all that seasoning and the flavor i think the longer you leave it there the better so if you were able to do 12 to 24 hours it would be ideal in order for you to get that delicious flavor that you would get from the seasoning to penetrate into your to your ribs so i'll see you guys tomorrow when it's time to place them in the oven okay let's unwrap this little delicious gift that we have here before we place our ribs it smells so delicious we have a beautiful coating of our um our little rib on there not so little it's nice and thick now we're just gonna transfer it over to our baking sheet i line the bottom sheet with foil and then i'm using parchment paper because it tends to stick to the foil and except if you're using the non-stick one but this is the way that i like to do it now before we place our ribs in the oven let me tell you what's gonna happen you're gonna place your oven at 380 degrees and you're gonna bake them for one hour after that hour we're gonna take them out we're gonna mop them slather and coat them with the delicious barbecue sauce of your choice and we're going to change the temperature to 300 degrees now we're going to keep it at 300 degrees for two hours so that's going to be two coatings that you're going to be doing with your barbecue sauce now if you can't remember that not to worry i'm going to leave all of this in the description area for you okay so now that i've been long-winded and said all of that let's place him in the oven thanks mom after one hour you're going to get the coating to look like this and that's when you want to add and slather your favorite barbecue sauce over it and what i like to do is i like to tap it on just like need it this [Music] [Music] once you've coated your ribs with your favorite barbecue sauce you're going to place it back in the oven at 300 and we're going to continue to cook it for two more hours and that low heat is going to allow all of this to get nice soft and juicy now in one hour you're going to come back and you're going to do the same thing with your barbecue sauce so we can get that nice sticky deliciousness that everybody loves and after three total hours we have our ribs you can see that they've already detached a bit from the bone and you know you're ready once i take them out of the oven i like to add a little bit more of the warm barbecue sauce over the ribs that's how our family likes it but you guys can make it comfortable for your home you love sticky ribs you guys are gonna love these they are super sticky delicious i'm surprised that i haven't picked at the side of one already that usually happens there's usually a corner missing so we need to let them rest for 15 minutes and then we're going to slice right into them that's right did you guys hear what your thea cloud said say it again cloud we're gonna let these ribs rest for 15 minutes and then we're going to cut them up for you yeah ta-da we're ready to slice these ribs and you just want to slice right in between the two bones okay but look at how beautiful that is see i got to show you every single piece i don't want you to be like steph some of them didn't work out no they all work out nice and smooth throughout guys did i get caught in between some meat here huh a bone with what's going on let me help you oh really everybody wants to help raise your hand if you want to help guys if you're not too sure if you like ribs or not um sometimes i think the um spare ribs tend to have a stronger flavor in the baby back or just a smooth enjoyable flavor for everyone because the baby back are light and i think sometimes a spare rib can be a little bit gamey at times look at that beauty you guys ready for a for a nice taste look at that i'm ready it's almost like if i smoked them outside right but you didn't we have that little nice smoke ring we just took our time and made it with love thanks mom you're welcome okay i'm gonna hold it with both hands so that you can all get a big big bite ready as always views club bell notification squad and i see you guys i see you at night craving some food getting those munchies but regardless at what time you watch cloud and i completely adore you and we're super excited for you guys to try this rib recipe and on that one we'll see you guys tomorrow bye edius and let me show you how sticky my fingers are from this mira that sauce get it's a good nice deliciousness before i take a delicious taste test or should i say a sticky taste test i do want to share with you guys some of the things that i like to pair the ribs with we do a lot of the pasta cold pasta salad baked beans we like to eat it with macaroni and cheese or some cornbread you know you can pick your you can pick your sites whatever your family likes when you have barbecue those are the ones that you want to go to i'm going to link them in the description area in case you want to give them a try but friends i will say i don't eat ribs or corn on the cob in public but these ribs are so delicious and tender that i'm just going to slide it right off the bone and don't forget your bread your pickles and your onion oh she came with her bread i have the bread so if you guys want to see me peel this off just like that we're set you're ready to eat that bowl i don't do this in public i i just i just said that clown this isn't in public this is public now you guys the abuse club made me public thank you guys i appreciate it i'm super excited to celebrate with you guys so let's take a big bite it's not my turn it just fall apart exactly how they should be it's just completely fall apart the time frame that i gave you guys just be patient with it it's gonna be worth it i need a piece of bread let's do this i have had ribs in public but it's only when i'm huddled in a safety little crowd with family you guys have to you know stand behind me kind of like block me so that i can get down what kind of traumas are you facing with ribs i'm worried girls because i get really nasty with them so i do i'm just like gnawing on the boat who cares i care what you know i get shy oh wow and then i do start looking my fingers that's what it's meant for maybe maybe you went on a date with someone that traumatized you you weren't allowed to like lick your fingers and be messy i don't want to talk about it oh okay they have those white towelettes at the barbecue i know i'm so grateful for them yes and girl you know what happened to me at salt lake's yeah let's not talk about that yeah we love that place it's so good hello to all of our friends in austin but i'm really excited for you guys to try my take on barbecue i know that there's so many varieties of ways to make it but after a lot of years of practice and hard work i present you a gold mine made inside the comfort of your own home bye guys we love you
Channel: Views on the road
Views: 223,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BBQ RIBS, BBQ, BBQ ribs in the oven, viewsontheroad, recipe website category
Id: iFNhT3K237Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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