Salt & Pepper Spare Ribs - Food Wishes

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hello this is chef john from food wishes comm with some pepper spareribs that's right they say whoever makes the most delicious thing using the fewest number of ingredients wins which was the idea that inspired these amazing ribs and i know i'm not completely impartial but i think i might have won as these ribs really were absolutely incredible plus this has to be the easiest method i've ever shared for doing ribs so with that let's go ahead and get started by mixing up our salt and pepper rub which is basically just gonna be salt and pepper although we are gonna use three different kinds of pepper which would be some freshly ground black pepper some freshly ground white pepper which I always thought should be called tan pepper and then of course we're gonna add some cayenne and then last but not least a little touch of garlic powder which is not a salt or pepper but it is really good in a spice rub for ribs and that's it we'll go ahead and give that a quick mix and our salt and pepper rub is done and by the way we call these things rubs but as you'll see they're really actually sprinkles and then once that's set the only other thing we need to do is stir together a little bit of Dijon mustard with a couple tablespoons of white distilled vinegar and what we'll do is brush this over our ribs so that our salt and pepper rub sticks on a little better and also that little touch of acidity will help balance the fattiness of the pork speaking of which let's go ahead and place one big beautiful slab of st. louis-style pork ribs down on a foil lined baking sheet and we'll go ahead and flip that over and start with the underside and some people like to pull off that membrane that covers the ribs but I don't although I do like to make some very shallow slashes wherever it's exposed as well as give it the old poka poka with the tip of the knife which is gonna help all our seasonings penetrate deeper inside and then once that's been properly pierced including under that little meat flap we'll go ahead and paint over our vinegar mustard mixture and then once that's been covered with about half of the mixture we'll go ahead and sprinkle over about 40% of our salt and pepper rub which like I said we really don't rub we always sprinkle since that's gonna give you a much more even coating and yes of course you could do a couple slabs of those smaller baby back ribs instead I mean you guys are after all the LeBron James of your salt and pepper rib games but personally my vote is to use the st. louis-style ribs which i think work really well here and that's it once just about half of that mixtures been applied we'll go ahead and flip this over and repeat that exact same process on this side and the reason I said to only do about 40% of that salt and pepper mixture on the bottom is because I think we want a little more on this side which is the meteor side but we're not gonna quite use all the remaining 60% since I generally like to reserve a teaspoon or two in case we want to do a little bit of seasoning after these are cooked and if we don't end up using it we could just save it to use for our coleslaw and or potato salad but anyway we'll go ahead and paint and salt and pepper this side and then what we should do time permitting is transfer this into the fridge uncovered for about four hours or so or if you want you can even go overnight and that's going to give that salt and pepper enough time to work its way into the meat and you will definitely end up with a juicier more flavorful product but if you have to cook it right away go ahead it will still come out really good and then once we are ready to go we're gonna cook these using the easiest route method ever invented we are simply gonna place these into the center of a 300 degree oven for about three hours or until tender that's it no start high finish low or start low finish high or wrapping and unwrapping and re wrapping we are just going to simply cook these until they're done but one quick thing I do like to do is about half way through pull them out and give them a quick basting with the accumulated juices okay so after about an hour and a half you should have a decent puddle of rendered pork fat which we'll go ahead and brush over the top and don't worry about the other side it's fine and that's it after that brief basting we will pop that back in for another hour and a half or until perfectly tender and hopefully looking a little something like this oh yeah and by the way when I say perfectly tender I do not mean falling off the bone okay how we test these is with the tip of a knife which is slide into that meat with almost no pressure okay we definitely want that meat to come very cleanly off the bone once we bite it but if that meat is falling and collapsing off the bone when we cut it its overcooked and then what we'll do at this point is let it rest for about 50 minutes before we cut them and while they sit we might as well give them one more base with those beautiful accumulated juices and that's it once these have rested we'll go ahead and slice them up and while these are incredibly flavorful on their own I went ahead and paired mine with our famous all-american barbecue sauce which of course we have a video for which you've hopefully already seen and since that sauce is a sweet and tangy Kansas City style it is the perfect complement to these intensely flavored pepper spice ribs so I slathered some on and that my friends despite featuring only a couple ingredients were some of the best ribs I've tasted in a very long time okay this recipe was a great reminder to me of just how delicious pork ribs are when we don't try to do too much to them and I'm as guilty as anyone making these with marinades and rubs that have like 20 ingredients but the fairly minimalist approach here really was an eye opener and taste bud opener oh and not to brag we you can see just how clean that me comes off the bone when you bite that is a perfectly cooked rib and I think as far as service goes just serve them right off the cutting board with your sauce or sauces nearby is perfectly acceptable but as you might know I'm contractually obligated to take some pictures so I went ahead and plated some up and squeezed over some more of our all-american barbecue sauce which is called that because all Americans love it and after taking a few too many pictures I proceeded to enjoy these and I know I already said it a few times but let me say it one more time these really were amazing oh and just because I did mine in a 300-degree oven doesn't mean you can do yours over indirect heat and your cover charcoal or gas grill okay should work out just about the same which reminds me I'm now saying all those overly complicated fussy rib recipes are wrong but what I am saying is lot of that might be unnecessary since all we did here is put these in the oven and other than a quick basting all we did is let these slowly roast until tender and yet they're still very moist and juicy and not dry at all so not only did our simple ingredient list pay off but our very simple cooking method did as well which is why I really do hope you give these a try soon so please follow the links below for the ingredient amongst a principle written recipe a much more info as usual and as always enjoy you
Channel: Food Wishes
Views: 405,905
Rating: 4.931107 out of 5
Keywords: Ribs, spare rib, salt, pepper, recipe, Barbecue, Sauce, bbq, Kansas city, easy, fast, no cook, chef, john, food, wishes, cooking, summer
Id: Pfdyuz30oQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 51sec (411 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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