How to Bake Ribs in the Oven

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what's happening sports fans welcome back to another episode of mom and Papa Joe today on the menu is something totally different several of you have asked me about transferring some of my outdoor recipes some of my pit recipes grill recipes uh to the oven or stove top too easy today we're going to be doing a spare rib in the oven some baked spare ribs and they're going to be banging let's get right into it today we're going to be working with a beautiful rack of uh St Louis Smithfield spare ribs I'm going to take these to the sink get them cleaned up here's this beautiful rack asparagus man nicely Marvel folks if you don't know what to look for when you get to the supermarket or The Butcher Shop man you're looking for uh spare ribs with this fine veins of uh marbling of fat mixed into the pink muscle it's going to make for a juicy juicy uh end product we're going to be working to get out some of this heavy fat that's right here it's not going to render very well a nice sharp knife here we've got this silver skin and some fat we're going to get under that and just work to clean that up we're probably chopping off one bone from this end and one from that end you see we've got some looseness here so here goes that one boom and we're not going to trash this we're going to use this shortly what's left of this skirt so folks this is a already St Louis rack of ribs St Louis means that the back side has been removed so St Louis is a cut it's not a type of rib and you pay extra in the supermarket on a butcher shop to have that butcher just remove this I'm going to take one bone foreign good clean lines so I'm just going to trim this up just a little bit last thing I want to do is remove the membrane there are two membranes on the back of a rack of ribs uh the first one I should say is clearly visible you just want to lift up on an edge create an edge or you could use something blunt to create just a little lip that you can get under but if you're fortunate you can get most of it up in one pull and you don't have to remove this sometimes it doesn't cook out and it can get a little chewy but most often or not you're not going to even recognize that it's there and we are going to get to seasoning So today we're going to be rocking my favorite man uh Uncle Steve spicy R and a little uh cracked black pepper and man I'm going to be I just ran across this from McDonald's this is the uh the honey mustard uh I'm gonna use this with my buying of the day let's see what gives I'm gonna start on the back side we don't need a whole lot then we want a nice even sprinkle of this coarse Cracked Pepper this is 16 mesh this is going to be an awesome recipe for those of you in apartments or those of you that don't have grills those of you who may not have a covered area in your backyard and it's raining on a given weekend the only thing missing from these ribs is going to be smoke but everything else I guarantee you everything else is going to be there flip and we're going to do the same thing on our meat side folks you could use the seasoning of your choice but man the spicy oil really brings a nice color we're gonna let this sit a couple of uh 10 minutes 15 minutes or so to completely sweat in meanwhile our oven is going to be preheated to 275. and one of the things you always have to do once you've got your ribs ready to go into the pit or the oven or whatever the case might be make sure you position it then push both ends together what it does is thickens it thickens and evens up your rack of rib so that you get in an even cook we're going in on one of the middle racks second from the top we're going to be looking at two and a half to three hours uncovered this is the rib Trim in this pot I've got one and a half cups of plain water so in with the little bit of rib trimming from that rack I'm going to make a bit of a stock I've got one whole crushed garlic clove and a little piece of onion a little Uncle Steve and I am going to bring this to a boil on the stove once it reaches the boil I'm turning it down to a simmer and I'm just going to let this cook uncovered for as long as it takes to get down to about a half a cup all right we are right at one hour and 45 minutes right now we've got a little moisture on there man we're gonna hit them with just a little bit of I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and what we're doing right now is just working on our color usually when you see oven ribs people tend to color the sauce but I am looking to get some color on this meat on this rub so we're back in the oven for maybe another uh 15 to 20 minutes I have cooked down this broth slash stock that I made man down to probably less than a half a cup and it is totally delicious now here we are folks I want to soak up some of this oil down with my rack and sum up that stock that we created All In I'm just going to wrap this tightly got a huge tear right here so I got to get a new piece of fork and our steaming liquid and we're going right back into the oven for 45 minutes or so we're 50 minutes wrapped five zero and folks when I push in between the bones and I get the feeling that if I push just a little bit of pressure I can poke through I know I'm good to go first thing I want to do is to see how much liquid I've got left in there all right so what I've got here is a quarter cup of that foil juice uh it was pretty concentrated delicious I added just the hair of water to bring it to a full quarter cup and I'm gonna come in here with some Texas pepper jelly peach peach habanero and I am going to add about three tablespoons and just heat it up that way it flows nicely all right so our glaze is nice and hot we're gonna glaze both sides because we want both sides to taste good oh yes and come back and flip Crank That oven up to 300 and we're just going to set this glaze for about five ten minutes max so 10 minutes set the glaze and then we gave it about five minutes to rest so let's just go in here man and see what we've got uh let's see what kind of bones we're looking at uh-huh foreign [Music] ribs man absolutely beautiful look at that texture I'm not trying to squeeze but that texture just beautiful and this is not falling off the bones that's holding together but I guarantee you it is 10 and I'm just gonna pinch oh yeah just mine oh my goodness that's delicious take a bite of that Mom um wow yeah that's good both by looking at these men you cannot tell uh their oven somebody could easily be full now when you taste them and you miss the smoke uh you'll definitely know that they weren't done on the smoke so there we are folks another simple cook man this time oven ribs all right uh right around three and a half under three and a half hours anybody can do this I want to thank you guys for hanging out with Mom and Papa Joe's as usual man we really appreciate you stopping in I'll be on the lookout for another video coming very soon as well as our Thursday night live streams we'd love to have you there in the meantime mom and I want you guys to take care of yourselves look out for each other and we'll see you when we see you holler foreign
Channel: Mama and Papa Joe
Views: 221,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to oven bake spare ribs dry rub, how to bake pork spare ribs in the oven, oven baked ribs recipe, baked ribs, ribs in the oven, how to cook ribs in the oven, how to cook spare ribs in the oven, pork ribs recipe, baked ribs in the oven, baked ribs in the oven recipe, oven baked ribs, oven ribs, how to cook ribs, ribs recipe, baking ribs, cook ribs in oven, oven baked ribs dry rub, oven baked ribs without bbq sauce, baked spare ribs in oven, how to bake ribs in the oven
Id: GC48-PynWrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 37sec (577 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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