Canva Tutorial for New Printable Sellers

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hey everyone it is Cody here from Gold City ventures and in this video I'm gonna be walking you through canva through the lens of a new printable seller so let's get started so let's go down this left-hand navigation menu here just so I can show you what canva offers on this home page so we have created design that's where you'll be spending most your time and I'm gonna quickly dive into that after I go through the rest of this menu all your designs this will bring you to all the designs you've previously made and you can go and you can duplicate you can move to a folder download get a shareable link all this stuff you can delete them as well templates now as I'm not going to go into templates because we do not recommend that as a new printable seller that you use any type of templates canvas legal rules and terms and conditions are a little bit difficult to understand if you're not a lawyer so the last thing you want to do is get shut down because you're using some illegal elements or things that you're not supposed to replicate so templates I'll just show you quickly they have templates for Facebook posts they have templates for Instagram posts they have templates for enmity invitations for thank-you cards they have templates for pretty much anything you could possibly imagine but as someone who might be selling these designs in the future the last thing you want to do is steal a template tweak it a little bit and then maybe you didn't quite understand the legalese and then you get sued or your design gets taken down so we're not going to mess around with templates here photos this is where all of the canvas stock photos are held I think they get most of their photos from pixabay and unsplash these two websites that have these stock photos if you want to look at the licenses for those photos you'll have to go to those websites typically we do not advise putting photos in your camera designs because canva again the legalese is difficult to understand and the last thing you want to do is get shut down apps not going to worry about that brand kit this is kind of cool if you're someone who has multiple brands and you want to save your brand colors you want to save your brand fonts so let's say I'm creating something for a GCV that's gold city ventures it's where we host the ePrint herbals course that we run so I have the brand colors here if I ever want to create a flyer or a logo or anything like that I can go into this brand colors here and they're all for me design school now this is if you want to get really in-depth with canva they have videos on everything to do with canva there's so many different courses that the canva team puts out super highly recommended by us and there's a lot to learn so let's go back here let's go into the create a design before so when you click create a design the first thing is you'll get to choose the size of your design so you can choose custom dimensions invitation poster Instagram post all this stuff for the purposes of this video so let's just click on custom dimensions I'm going to be creating a thank-you card so right now you can see we have width we have height and this px means pixels I can also change this to inches to millimeters to centimeters I'm going to create a 5 by 7 thank you card and so 5 by 7 5 inches by 7 inches I can click create design and then we will be indie canva design area awesome alright so we're in the canva design area again this is the templates section again we have another left-hand menu we have the main menu on that front page now in the design area we have another left-hand menu I would stay away from templates you don't want to for example click this multiplication under-the-sea change it a little bit make it your own and then try to sell it that is a huge no-no and you definitely want to refer to canvas handbook and refer to their legal terms and services so let's go back this is photos again I would stray away from this if you're making anything that you're going to sell with canva but like I said I'm not a lawyer go check it out if you want to see the licensing for a specific image elements we will be in here and it's a little bit nuanced so I'll dive into that in a second we have text so this is where you can add all of your different texts and all your different fonts again fonts you have to be careful with you have to make sure if you're selling these designs that they're OK for a commercial licensing music and videos not going to mess with that now backgrounds these again typically it depends if there's a free background sometimes it's ok if you follow along with the rules and guidelines that we recommend not using these stock photos but you can use some patterns and gradients and things like that in your designs we'll get into that in a second once I started designing then we have uploads so this is any pictures that you specifically upload now these are completely ok if you take a picture on your iPhone or on your camera and you upload them and you want to use them in a design completely fine that is your piece of art that is your picture that you can use in any design you want it is completely okay for commercial use and there's folders here I'm not going to really talk about folders but you can kind of segment out your designs say you have multiple brands and you want to put them in separate folders get into the design element aspect okay so we have a five by seven invitation here something I like to do with my invitations so I'm going to add a little frame to it to make it look a little more official so I'm typing in frame I'm in the element section here and as you can see I have canva Pro so you can see all these Pro features with the crown I'm going to be focusing on free elements here because I know a lot of you watching this video do not have canva Pro so I'm going to click on this free frame I found so this is a free frame I'm going to kind of line it up with the outside edge if you want to move an element so basically to get this on the artboard I just clicked it literally all I do is click it you can also drag it if you want and then once you get it on here you can resize it so I can move this up and down I could drag out the corner make the whole thing bigger I can make it smaller a lot of optionality here if you want to just drag it though you can just click in the middle typically if you aren't able to grab it right off the bat you can click off of the artboard click back and then you can see that this is selected because it's outlined in blue so I'm just going to bring this up I'm gonna try to make it as even as I can and around the whole frame okay perfect now one thing I can do canva gives you these nice lines to basically align things vertically and horizontally so I'm gonna grab this and as you can see if I move left so this is horizontally aligned sorry this is vertically aligned I want it to be horizontally aligned when those two crosshairs meet that means that this is dead center now what I'm going to do I'm just gonna change the color of the frame I'm gonna do like a light black so I have this light black here that I use for one of my brands the hex code for all of you who know hex codes are is 2d 2d 2d so basically what a hex code is a six digit combination and you can you can designate and find colors using those six digit combinations cool okay so what I'm gonna do here so I'm gonna add a little background so here's a cool trick so let's go to backgrounds and let's go to patterns and again I'm picking just a plain pattern I like to kind of veer away from stock images because the licensing is funky sometimes so I'm gonna click on this and I'll just going to show you guys what happens so click on this now this whole back area like everything has this background pattern if I were to make a thank you card in here would be really difficult to read so something that I like to do is so let's keep this pattern here now I'm kind of got a I'm gonna make a new artboard within this background because I'm creating an invitation this is gonna be the outside edge you'll see what I mean in a second it will look really cool we're gonna go to elements now so I just did patterns basically all I had to click on patterns and it will populate the new pattern I'm gonna go to elements here and now I'm gonna go to shapes shapes is awesome because you can kind of mix match and alter and make them your own that is one big thing that canva likes you have to alter all of their elements you can't just for example if I want to go and just use this sticker or use if I want to type in you know leprechaun and just use this leprechaun I couldn't just put the leprechaun on a white background and then export it and use that in some type of image I have to alter their image in some way shape or form so let's go back to shapes I'll just give you an example of what you can and cannot do with canva because it does get a bit convoluted and I'm basically gonna line this up with this artboard frame so what I'm doing here I'm dragging and again if you are unsure if you have this selected if you click on it and it's outlined in blue you have it once you align it with something else on the artboard as you can see it's like almost sticking to this frame and you can see there's a purple or pink line dotted line up and down I'm also I'm gonna drag this up till I get that same line going horizontally perfect that we just lined up now I'm gonna drag this down and I'm gonna wait until it hits and it kind of locks into that frame again perfect you can see that line down the right-hand side of this shape I'm gonna grab the bottom here and I'm going to drag it down until I get that lock again perfect this is exactly this is perfectly encapsulating that frame now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make this white and so I'll just show you a hex code again you can click new color if you want and you could just like drag it to the top left corner but the hex code for white is ffffff now you can see the frame has disappeared that is because there is position positions on the artboard so if I want this now to be behind that frame I can click on this and now you can see I have this position option that is illuminated so I have to be clicked on this and now I can change the position so position I move this back words now you can see the frame is in front and now we have this nice looking invitation where we have the frame in front of this white I don't looks like this is hanging over just a little bit so I'm gonna move it over can you see that I'm gonna zoom in and you can see the white is a little bit longer than this design here so I'm just gonna make sure it's lined up mm-hmm let me move this backward again again it's a lot of just plugging and playing and figuring out so let's move this a little bit left perfect position backwards again huh okay let's move my frame and let me just alter this a bit okay perfect that looks nice and lined up awesome so now we have this design here so now let's start designing our invitation and again the reason why I can you know use this frame I can't just use this frame if was by itself in a white background I'm creating I'm adding I'm altering so let's add some elements here so I'm gonna say thank you for coming this is just a very generic generic thank you card and so I'm gonna say thank you for coming and I don't like this is too bold of a font okay let's talk about fonts for one second I have a completely separate video on this but make sure the font that you're using if you're selling the design is okay for commercial licensing so what that means right now I'm using open sans extra I know that open sans is a font I've researched it before it's a google font and this font has a commercial use license so let's say I want to use this ad a hybrid I would go on to Google I type an ad a hybrid license and if you see that that design has a commercial use license and it's free then you're okay to use that font in canva but canva does have a lot of fonts on here even if it does say free that you have to go and double check on the internet before you go and use it for yourself so I'm gonna use a different version of open sans again I know and if you guys want to use open sans totally fine although it is a generic font that a lot of people use I'm going to use open sans light and I'm gonna make this a little bit smaller again if you wanna make something smaller you can just drag from this outer edge you can also now that I've text selected you can change the the weight or the size of the text here you can also change to call over the text you can make it bold you can make it italic sleep Azaria I highlight it bold italic you can underline it you can change it to all caps you can change it to just caps in the first letter you can change the spacing of the letters you can change the line height you can open let me undo that let me redo that thank you for coming spacing let's get that get the letter back to normal okay you can change so many things you can click duplicate that will duplicate any thing you have here you can make it transparent you can copy the style there's so many things you can do here okay so let's kind of get back to the design so I have thank you for coming and I'm actually gonna make this one line so let's see if I can make this one line and that seems a little too big maybe they're gonna go down at 22 sure let's go down to 22 and move this down a little bit actually and now I had this idea so I thank you for coming let's pretend they came to my wedding or this is just very generic because I don't want to have to do customization or use names or addresses or anything like that just want to say thank you for coming we had a blast and then it's gonna be a cake with a rocket coming out of it so that's basically the idea I had for this design so I'm going to do this here and I'm gonna type we had a blast we had a blast and I actually want these to be on two separate lines and again I'm using a font I'm gonna make blast capital actually and I'm gonna be using a font I know is okay for commercial use so I already researched it I have another video on this talking about fonts and colors so I'm use playlist script I know this one's okay for commercial use and I'm gonna make this way bigger maybe not that big okay we had a blast and again I got a select off and now I can move it around okay I kind of don't like how far we had and blasts are from each other I like scripted fonts to be a little more squished just personal preference so what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to delete blast and I'm actually gonna use that duplicate function and click duplicate so now I have the exact same size exact same font and I'm gonna type blast in here and now what this allows me to do is allows me to move these independently one another so now I can put blasts over here obviously I'm not going to do that but I can put it wherever I want it's not subject to where this one is hanging out and I'm actually I don't really like using black text I think it's a little too harsh so I'm going to use that to D that darker gray color again so I'm going to change all these to the darker gray and okay we had a blast that's fine maybe I'll have blast a little bit bigger because that's the word I want to you know accentuate perfect we had a blast now if you remember my vision I'm going to add a little cake in with a rocket ship coming out so I'm gonna go over to elements and I'm gonna go to cake and look for a free element perfect here's a free cake and I'm going to drag it out from the corner make it bigger okay so we have we had a blast finish and move this move both of these up a little bit here's a tip so if you want to move all three at once or just say we move two at once if I click this hold shift now I have both them selected now I can move all of them at once another cool tip you can move things with the arrow keys that's what I'm doing right now you don't have to click on it but if it's selected you can move it up and down using your arrow keys so we had a blast we have the cake here I'm just gonna leave the default colors for now and I'm gonna type in rocket and again this is a free image I couldn't just this is a good example probably not a good idea for me to just use this cake right here even though this whole design I have altered and changed canva is it's really hard to understand legal terms I know I said it 10 times but you want to alter this in some way shape or form so you're not just using their clipart so I'm going to put this rocket right on top of this cake kind of coming out of the corner here we had a blast and let's see I could add maybe one more thing to spice this up I'm gonna add maybe some confetti so let's look at confetti and we're almost done here so bear with me and let's see what's one that's not gonna be you know taking up the whole thing let's add this one from the corner and I'm gonna line it up perfectly with the inside of the artboard there and then I'm going to drag it out okay and if you guys remember it's I don't like this in front of the rocket in front of the cake my personal preference but I'm going to go position backwards position backwards and now the cake and the rocket are in front of it if you just saw that happen and I'm actually going to so now a cool thing is what click on this so you can see these colors here what canva does it actually compiles the colors that you're using in your design so now I already have all the colors from the rocket I have all the colors from the cake so if you want to make it somatic and you want all the colors to be kind of uniform now I can go and change this so I have this background thing selected right now so say I want to change this to this color on the cake it looks like it's probably this color right here I'll keep white that's fine if I want to change this pink to the pink on the cake it's gonna be this pink if I want to change this last little dot to the color purple on the cake I can do that and now you can see all of these match up and they're all driving together so this was a super simple tutorial of how to use canva again always double check licenses make sure that you can use things if you're selling a design using this design I could go as long as I double check to make sure all the I's are dotted and the T's are crossed I could go and sell this on Etsy on Shopify or wherever so hopefully this was a helpful video for all you new printable sellers canva is an awesome free tool as long as you know how to use it you know how to use all the licenses and make sure that you're abiding by the rules so I will catch you guys in the next video
Channel: Gold City Ventures
Views: 13,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva, Canva Tutorial, Printables, How to use canva, how to make printables on canva, how to design printables, Canva for printables
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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