How to Make Smoked Snack Sticks at Home

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shop and Brew you know it's time for a brew shop and Brew Shop and Brew Shop and Brew you know it's time for a what's going on everybody it's Chip Walton I'm here with Paul Fowler sh and Brew home brew club member and winner metal winner Paul Fowler thank you we're here with Charlie P we're doing something fun today we're making meat sticks snack sticks what do you call them Chipotle sticks Chipotle sticks um but yeah cheers again the beer I'm drinking his home brew he's drinking my home brew we're having a really good time hanging out and uh like I said he's want some medals and he I met him first time ever in Don O's backyard and he brought some of these snack sticks with them these Chipotle sticks and I was mind blown so it's taken a while to finally get here but he invited us over to see how he makes these sticks so tell me about the sticks why do you make them first and foremost well I really like them um they're they're they got a little bit of spice to them um it's a nice Beef Pork mixture I think everybody can appreciate uh I do sell some of them but I don't do it for the money I do it more for the uh the reactions I get from people like chip had him he ate one he's like yeah that's pretty good and then it's more beer and and another one oh we got to do an episode that's what that's what I'm shooting for that's how most episodes come to be too it's like me being like we got [Music] that um so it's sharing factor and the dialing in of a process yep yep sounds familiar yep like Brewing uh running around with him in his house today we realize there's a lot of things about making something like this that's like Brewing but first and foremost what's the process what's the what have we seen today on this video well you'll see uh the grinding portion of it go to the mixing portion where you're putting spices and water and cure in there um and then you'll put in a stuffer and stuff it and then we'll measure them out and get them ready for the smoker we'll put them in the smoker and then the various temp steps uh through that process to get them to the Finish point and then eventually out of the smoker into a water bath and up to hang and uh cure and then packaging so you'll see the whole 9 yards well in the beginning I like I like to make them with uh you can pretty much make them with anything you want um you just got to have some fat in there so I like to use a pork shoulder which they call Boston butt so you just buy that take the bowl out chunk it up in cubes grindable cubes and you can use whatever meat you want you could use beef you could use Wild game um I've done it with duck I've done it with elk I've done it with deer these are made out of beef um so I do a 7030 mix um so you grind those up and then um you're going to add your seasonings cure and enough water to make it easy to stuff them usually think I want to say like an ounce per pound usually I put in about 25 o of water for a 10 lb batch and that's more ins sufficient so the water I didn't think about it that was a lot of water and at first I was like why is he putting that in you're saying that actually makes the meat pliable yeah enough to be stuffed into the casing if not would it just it gets gummy okay and you got to really use a lot of force to get it out of the stuffer into the casing okay so the more water you got the more fluid it is yeah it came out super quick once started stuffing them I was like w that was plenty of water today uh I did some the other day and it it wasn't quite enough so I was struggling a little bit I get it done either way what about um that spice blend is it super ninja secret stuff well in the spirit of a home R and sharing of things I I will share it with everybody um it's on the Bradley Smoker Forum it's on the Internet it's on the internet um we'll uh put a link to it yeah we'll put a link to it you were inspired by somebody on this forum right there's like Brewing forums I mean they're great source to go to for Learning and if it wasn't for that smoker form I would be nowhere near where I am today so I have to give credit to what credit is due and uh it's not my recipe I just put it together to a guy named Greg yeah Greg spicy beef sticks y so it's it's uh Cayenne it's he uses a Vol pepper yeah and then which is a small calipo and then there's Cayenne in there there's garlic salt there's black pepper Frank's Red Hot a ton of salt some sugar the instacure is Mega important right the pink stuff that we're seeing sodium nitrate or nitrate or um but it's key to fighting off possible yeah funky spoilage right yeah NY Critter so you're putting that thing in a warm oygen voided environment or things like that can bloom so you wouldn't want to take some uncured sausage say Johnsonville for example and put it in a smoker at the lower atts as you could possibly be exposing yourself to botulism or some other nasty things um you can do that but you got to make sure you're in a high enough range you know over 200 would be good um but we're not near those temps we're doing a 130 temp step a 160 temp and a 17 3 to [Music] after you get them stuffed you just you get them ready for the smoker and you put them in a smoker you want to start out with no smoke just a low attempt to dry the casings off cuz you don't want them all wet before you apply the smoke um once you've achieved that then you can bump up the temp Temp and uh start your smoke so your smok's rolling for however long you want I usually do 2 hours of a hickory the the Hickory in in question is CPS not bricks not chunks not chips right yep well it depends on your smoker I mean I have a Bradley which takes yeah pucks so each one of these is 20 minutes so you can you can mix a match you could do whatever you like it just depends on your system you got to know your system just like buring I mean your Kettle is different and your proc your evaporation R you got to know your system so you use whatever you use once that step is done I will bump it up again to about 170 172 and it'll sit there for the remainder of the time that it takes to get it to a finished internal T they say 152 is uh fully cooked I always used to take them to uh 154 just to be safe take them all of there put them in a water bath just to stop the cooking process and then wipe them off and hang them up the dry and that's what we were talking one of many ways that that's like Brewing that's like different temperature steps for a different totally different result or a different effect on the result right yeah one of them's for drying one of them's kind of for flying small the other one is the Finish yeah you want cuz you want it ideally to be uh 154 when you know 150s so if we kept it at 160 it would take forever in a day to get there so you WI that range between where you want it where you temp is and it gets there quicker but at the same time you don't want to go too hot cuz then you're going to sweat out fat you need that fat in there keep it moist if you don't to have enough fat it's going to get mey and crumbly and it's not going to be very good so how long all hold in the smoker generally for these uh 8 to 10 hours yeah um I usually go about 9 9 and 1 12 I've done it enough now with the sticks where I don't need a temp probe anymore I used to do that but because it's such a thin piece of meat if you don't have the temp probe right in the middle and it's off this way or that way for me my system 10 lb those temps that amount of time perfect as Dawson likes to say your mileage may vary yes ym MV um so we take them in we took them upstairs you hung them oh no you ice bathroom to stop the cooking process right you want just cold water noise okay that's what I meant water bath cold water bath then you hung them on a super sophisticated uh hang stick hanging rod um very DIY and then you cut them [Music] yeah tell us about how you've kind of decided on your packaging over the years we use a food saver bags um yeah why is still sealed oh we can open that yeah what's what's our problem there you go the max that'll fit in there I think is about 6 in maybe maybe a little more but I only have so much height my smoker thank you and uh oh yeah they're only ding what'll fit in there for me is about 13 in long so they only have so much height which winds up I wind up with uh about a 5 and 1 12 inch stick which is fine and then uh my wife had a a key in the the packaging I just threw them all in there one big Clump I said good enough she said no no no you got to make well nice and pretty oh flatten them out yep and uh seal them up I got to give credit where credit is do it it works very well and especially for putting them away in the freezer they put away much better that way so also like Brewing like we said that sharing that kind of moment where you see someone go from like oh you make your own beer oh my God this did you know this is beer like yeah I made it m you give someone this what do you think they're going to get it first like what do you think someone like okay I'll try it usually I I'll bring him out and I just give them to him I don't say anything I've been making them long enough I've noticed that people fall in a couple groups you either get the oh my God these are great or you go you get the y y these are good or you get the guy who doesn't say anything sooner or later that guy who doesn't say anything is going to come around and like oh my God these are great it just takes time but I like to see that um that progression is it's really rewarding they're so good they're way Smoky just spicy enough I personally could take a spicier one but I don't know if it would be any purpose to it these have these have the cheese right these have the little Swiss dices yep so just like Brewing again you can add and remove elements add and remove ingredients yep I don't think Greg's recipe actually calls for cheese yeah in it so I think I put cheese in there one time time cuz I was I made a snack stick different snack stick and happen to be eating some swiss cheese at the same time I'm like wow that's really great let's put those two together and there you go what do you like about it I mean it took you two days to do you know it took both your days off to go through this entire batch it's a lot of commitment but it's got to be fun too right I do I get a lot out of it you know I I enjoy them I mean I use these in the boat most of the time or share them with other people but uh yeah I get a lot of enjoyment on it I don't want to do it every every weekend off all year long or do it as a a living it's just fun to kind of dial in a process and you you know he's got this this meat log or smoking log much like most of us keep a home brewing log and he's changing the poundage changing the hours what was the response what was the reaction so it's you know if you're one of those like incessant nerdy note takers like a lot of us are it's just another thing to try yeah just like we've done the bacon in the episodes before and we hope to do many more dude's an award-winning home Brewer too and he does a all Brew in a bag yep all Brew in a bag awesome he's got two loggers and a lemon blonde on right now so instead of trying to wedge too much into one episode we're just going to come back and back and back till the meat sticks run out then we'll find someone else no um yeah I appreciate you hosting me and P all right it was a great day off it was a great reason to take a day off so we're going to share paul/ Gregs recipe at Cho and recipes which will most likely just take you to a link at the at the Bradley Smoker Forum page all right and there's also a uh a recipe site there's a lot of lot of good a lot of good recipes for all kinds of smoking there and good information for food food safety and such and if you want to support Cho and Brew grab you a nice shirt or a beanie or stickers or pint Koozies or pint sleeves if you don't like the word Koozie uh those are at choing as well we got to give big shout outs to brew your own magazine boo they support us every uh you subscribe through the link on our website to buo half that money comes back to Cho and Brew so we want to thank them we want to thank Denise Fowler for letting us run around her house she wasn't here but that word but it was nice of her to let us uh and I want to thank cie the cat for letting Charlie harass her all day yeah uh until the next time no blood was shed no blood was shed chop for Chop gr for GR oh you're empty dude I know all right all right give me some more have you ever put these in a Bloody Mary guy work does that yeah that's all he does with them yeah he'll buy every every I got he goes I'll take them all I'm like I got to share with other people [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh snap oh snap man oh oh yeah yeah someone's getting diarrhea tonight y'all oh no it's me outside
Channel: ChopAndBrew
Views: 138,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snack sticks, spicy snack sticks, spicy beef sticks, making snack sticks at home, smoking meat sticks, how to make meat sticks at home, Bradley smoker, smoking meat, chop and brew, barbecue, chip walton, brewing tv, brewingtv, Cooking, Food (TV Genre), Meat Chop, Snack, Kitchen, smokehouse
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2015
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